Global Careers - Accounting & China

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Global Careers - Accounting & China


• What financial goals do you need to reach before you can attain your personal or professional goals?

Follow the Heart –My Accounting Road

from China to New York

Xiaochen (Lily) Li

CUNY-Baruch College

Global Careers

What continent is my country on?

Spring Festival

Spring Festival

Life at Home

Travelling with my family

My School Experience

How is going to high school in China different from the US?

Sun Yat-sen University


How did I decide what to do next?

My Career Path, so far…Studied in Paris for a semester, and took a course in Negotiation –I discovered I was really good at it!

Passed a really big test!

Got a good internship.

Came to the US to go to graduate school .

What is Accounting? Why is it important?

• At work: calculate and keep track of a company’s income and expenses

• In your personal life:calculate and keep track of your income and expenses

• Good for: planning big purchases, setting goals, getting financial independence from your parents

Activity: Accounting for Your Life

• You are going to create a personal budget (either for your current situation or for next year in college).

• What to consider:– Costs of living (what you need to survive)

– School costs (books, materials, etc.)

– Additional expenses? Income?

– Personal goals (big purchase, financial independence, student loans, etc.)