GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 3.21 GLAST Large Area...

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GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 3.23 Relation between FSW and ISOC Through FSQ –Coding the software that will operate the LAT –Testing the software –Configuration management –Development of Test Bed Beyond FSQ –Continue code/test/CM cycle as part of the ISOC operations –Maintenance of Test Bed –Review commanding, HK, and performance on a frequent and regular basis

Transcript of GLAST LAT ProjectISOC CDR, 4 August 2004 Document: LAT-PR-04500Section 3.21 GLAST Large Area...

GLAST LAT Project ISOC CDR, 4 August 2004

Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 1

GLAST Large Area Telescope:GLAST Large Area Telescope:

Instrument Science Operations CenterInstrument Science Operations CenterCDRCDR

Section 3.2Instrument Flight Software

Jeff FisherFSW Manager

Gamma-ray Large Gamma-ray Large Area Space Area Space TelescopeTelescope

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 2

FSW Team MissionFSW Team Mission

FSW team is responsible for

• Design and delivery of FSW (pre-delivery)

• Processing Software Change Requests (SCRs) (postdelivery)– Providing software updates– Validation and Verification (V&V) of all software changes by ISOC

Test Team

• Maintenance of the Instrument Test Bed– V&V of SCRs– V&V of command sequences– Investigatation of anomalies

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 3

Relation between FSW and ISOCRelation between FSW and ISOC• Through FSQ

– Coding the software that will operate the LAT– Testing the software– Configuration management– Development of Test Bed

• Beyond FSQ– Continue code/test/CM cycle as part of the ISOC operations– Maintenance of Test Bed– Review commanding, HK, and performance on a frequent

and regular basis

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 4

FSW Testbed Block DiagramFSW Testbed Block Diagram

1553 Rx service

Spacecraft Interface Unit











1553 Tx service LCB Tx service

SC Att./Time




Instr. Phys.

LCB Rx service


Other Tasks





SC Att./Time



1 PPSInterrupt

GBM Interrupt

Event Processing Unit(s)

QLCB Tx service



Other Tasks





SC Att./Time




Q Instr. Phys.Q

Event Builder (EB) output side. The EB is an element of the GASU.To EPU(s)To SSR

Event Builder (EB) input side. The EB is an element of the GASU.Command/Response Unit (CRU). The CRU is an element of the GASU.

From SIU From EPU(s) Event Assembly





LAT Instrument


Telecommand (SC to LAT)

Telemetry (LAT to SC)

Master to slave

Slave to master

Physics data from LAT

Data to SSR


Discretes(to SIU PIDs)



Q WatchdogQ Watchdog


1 PPSInterrupt

Sensorsreplaced with

Front EndSimulators


GLAST LAT Project ISOC CDR, 4 August 2004

Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 5

Technical ApproachTechnical Approach• FSW is LAT controller

– Philosophy is to do what must be done in real time onboard but defer more complicated decisions to ISOC on ground

– Provides a high level interface to control LAT

• FSW development is following an iterative model– Functionality is developed and tested against available HW– Errors are corrected– Additional functionality is developed and validated against

newer hardware

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 6

FSW Update ProcessFSW Update Process

• 1) Software Change Request Issued• 2) Investigate SCR

– a) Action required?• If NO, close SCR with explanation

• 3) Design FSW Revision/Update• 4) Review the Design of FSW Revision/Update

– a) Design acceptable?• If NO, return to Step 3

• 5) Produce Revised Code• 6) Review Revised Code

– a) Code acceptable?• If NO, return to Step 3 or Step 5

• 7) Test Revised Code against Testbed– a) Test passed?

• If NO, return to Step 3 or Step 5• 8) Deliver Update• 9) Close SCR

GLAST LAT Project ISOC CDR, 4 August 2004

Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 7

FSW StatusFSW Status

• Team is in place

• Flight Unit level coding is underway

• SW Integration phase is Q4– Builds produced as needed to support I&T

• SW Test Scripts underway, completion in Q4

• FSW Qualification Testing begins January 2005

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 8

FSW TeamFSW Team

• JJ Russell – architect, event SW designer

• Tony Waite – technical lead, ITC designer

• Sergio Maldado – Housekeeping, Cmd Telemetry

• James Swain – LATC, DAQ, LEM

• Steve Mazzoni – Watchdog, Thermal Control, ISIS

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 9

FSW Team (cont’d)FSW Team (cont’d)

• Ed Costello – Charge Injection Calibration

• Ed Bacho – LCB driver, ISIS

• Owen Saxton – FES Simulation

• Kim Lo- CM/builds

• Mark Arndt – Documentation

• Rich Morin – Web Pages/Doc

• NRL – Boot, File System, Attitude Processing

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 10

FSW Test ProcessFSW Test Process

• Allocate mission requirements to FSW– 198 Requirements have been identified

• Develop FSW Test Plan – All requirements are mapped to test procedures– The set of procedures contains scripts that demonstrate the


GLAST LAT Project ISOC CDR, 4 August 2004

Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 11

FSW Test StatusFSW Test Status

• Draft of LAT SW Test Plan created– All mission requirements applicable to FSW have been

allocated– Requirements have been allocated to test procedures– HW requirements for the test procedures have been

identified– Test development schedule is in place

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Document: LAT-PR-04500 Section 3.2 12

FSW Test Team - Current FocusFSW Test Team - Current Focus

• Eric Hansen (Lead, ISIS, modes, diagnostics)

• Igor Kouzenko ( TKR, CAL,ACD)

• Tbh1 (commands, telemetry, initialization)

• Tbh2 (physics)