Getting the most out of PPC in 2015

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Transcript of Getting the most out of PPC in 2015

Top tips to get the best from your PPC in 2015

Matthew Read, PPC Director, Jellyfish Publishing

28th April 2015

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Matthew ReadPPC Director, Jellyfish Publishing

Jellyfish are a full service digital marketing agency renowned for their expertise in PPC, but we also offer SEO, Social, Display, Analytics, Optimisation, Creative, Video and Development services. Jellyfish Publishing is a standalone business division within the Jellyfish Group, dedicated to serving its numerous publishing clients.

A core service we offer is risk-free digital marketing to generate new leads, event attendees, paid subscribers etc. We use all appropriate digital marketing channels (PPC, remarketing, email, social etc) to direct qualified traffic to dedicated microsites, and we charge on a Cost per Acquisition basis.

I have been with Jellyfish Publishing for 3 years specialising in PPC and leading our paid search strategy for publishers. Prior to Jellyfish I have worked for other digital marketing agencies and client side managing a variety of PPC accounts.


What I’m covering today...

1. Measuring the success of a campaign

2. Getting the most out of your main keywords

3. Maximising data collection with remarketing and RLSA

4. Exploring the Google Display Network (GDN)

5. Key PPC housekeeping rules

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Matthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing4

1. Measuring Success


1. Measuring successBefore launching any PPC campaign the first thing that should be decided is “what will success look like?”

These are the key things to identify:

1. What are you tying to get from the campaign? – subscriptions, leads, traffic, social shares etc.

2. How are you going to measure this? – conversion tracking in AdWords, Google Analytics goals, fulfilment codes etc.

3. What is the target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) for the campaign?

4. What will success look like? – hitting a certain CPA, achieving a target volume of sales, more brand awareness etc.

By having clear account goals your can easily judge the performance of not just the campaign as a whole but individual ads, keywords and demographics etc.

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Measuring Success

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By having all this in mind it will make it possible to manage your AdWords activity effectively.

With conversion tracking, a target CPA and clear goals you can look at your keyword portfolio and quickly identify the following:

• Keywords not generating any sales

• Keywords converting above CPA target

• High and low conversion rates

• High and low conversion volumes

• Areas you can increase or decrease spend

Matthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing7

2. Getting the most out of your main keywords


2. Managing your main keywords

No matter what the size of your account there will always be a relatively small portion of keywords that generate the majority of your traffic and conversion volumes.

To make sure your time is spent most effectively you should work to the 80/20 rule, putting the majority of your efforts into the small area that generates the majority of sales.

A 5% increase on a keyword that generates 1,000 sales a month is as good as a 50% increase on a keyword that generates 100.

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2. Managing your main keywordsOnce you have identified the keywords that generate the majority of your conversions you to focus your efforts on the tasks that will increase their performance.

To increase a keyword’s performance it does not just come down to bidding more on it. You should be focusing on the following:

• Ad Copy – Can you make the ad more relevant to the keyword? Can you make your add more clickable? Are you running any Ad Copy tests?

• Landing Page – Is the user landing in the most appropriate place? Does the landing page feature the search term of the user? Does the landing page feature the promotions, offers and products etc. from the Ad Copy?

• Keyword Relevancy – If you are using Broad or Phrase match keywords, are you looking at what you are actually appearing for? Could you add negative keywords? Could you move strong performing search terms onto Exact match?

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2. Managing your main keywords

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Click Through

Rate, <60%

Relevancy Factors,


Landing Page

Quality, >15%

All this will help achieve a higher quality score, more clicks, lower CPC’s and a better conversion rate - meaning more sales for a lower cost per sale.

Matthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing11

3. Maximising data collection


3. Maximising data collectionUsing the Google remarketing code you can collect lists of users within AdWords and then segment them by the different pages they have visited.

You can also set different date parameters for the lists and in this way create lists of really hot leads.

e.g. for subscriptions, some standard lists to create are:

• All visits to funnel minus subscribers• Each step of the payment process• All gift page visitors• All visits from the last 3 days• All subscribers

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3. Maximising data collection

This data can be applied in targeting people through both Remarketing on other websites and also using RLSA (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads).

As you have information about these users, you can adjust bids, ads and landing pages to suit them. Why not try the following:

• Sending users straight to the payment funnel• Sending to other content• Using a different offer in the ad• Adding a sense of urgency• Bidding more for competitor terms• Targeting subscribers with other offers• Keeping the lists for renewals

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Matthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing14

4. Exploring the GDN


4. Exploring the GDNWhen advertising on the GDN you can use both text and image ads alongside website content.

Although this is part of the Google AdWords advertising solution it should be seen as a completely separate beast to Google search.

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4. Exploring the GDN

GDN targeting can be as broadly or narrowly targeted as you like. There are multiple ways of targeting users:

Keywords – Matching to websites based on the actual site copy

Topics – Matching to sites all fitting a shared theme

Affinity Categories – Targeting groups of users all interested in the same thing

In-Buyer Markets - Targeting users who are clearly in a buying cycle

Placements – Handpicking individual websites to show your ads on

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Affinity Categories

In-Buyer Markets


Matthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing17

5. Key housekeeping rules


Key housekeeping rules

• Goals, Goals, Goals – Make sure you have key goals, targets and objectives before starting any campaign.

• Track everything – It is impossible to measure success without tracking activity.

• 80/20 rule – Put the majority of your efforts into the area of highest volume.

• Is it relevant? – Go through the journey yourself from keyword to ad to landing page to sale. Does it all make sense?

• Collect data – Why spend money on finding new leads when you can remarket to already warm leads?

• Run tests – No account, ad or landing page is perfect, there are always tests to be run. A good conversion rate is better than the one you have now.

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Any Questions?

Thank youMatthew Read, Jellyfish Publishing


Jellyfish Publishing
