Getting Started with Web VR

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Getting Started with Web VR

Web VRSaurabh Badhwar

mozilla Mozpacers

What is VR?

Visual Immersion + Input Immersion

Visual Immersion


Input Immersion

So what is Web VR?

Render Web Content in VR

Access to Devices Being Used for VR

Device-agnostic VR in Web Browser

Focus on Head Mounted DisplaysAnd Sensor Devices

Web Content in VR

Focus on Visual Immersion

Support both Web GL and HTML/CSS Content

And the goals…

Allow High End Experience with VR in the Browser- Asm.js

- Emscripten- Game Engines

Allow Web Experience with VR- CSS 3D

- Responsive Sites- VR Browsing

Who supports Web VR


Basic Interface

Call getVRDevices() which returns a promise…


The vrDeviceCallback() receives the list of all available VR Devices

function vrDeviceCallback(vrDevices) {//Some stuff here


VR Devices

For every VR Device

hardwareUnitIdUnique identifier per Hardware Device

deviceIdUnique ID for specific sensor/device on hardware

deviceNameUser-readable name identifying the sensor

Setting FOV

Configure the FOV that rendering device will use

setFieldOfView(left, right, znear, zfar)

Get the recommended and maximum FOV the device can render


Too much work to do?

Introducing A-Frame

What is A-Frame?

A web framework for building VR Experiences

And It works on…

Let’s get started with A-Frame

Include the latest build in your Web Page

<script src=""></script>

Setting up the Scene

<a-scene> </a-scene>

Creating a Box

<a-box color=“617354” height=“10” width=“4” depth=“2” position=“-10 2 -5” rotation=“0 0 45” scale=“2 0.5 3”> </a-box>

Giving Box a Texture

<a-box color=“617354” height=“10” width=“4” depth=“2” position=“-10 2 -5” rotation=“0 0 45” scale=“2 0.5 3” src=“texture.png”> </a-box>

Leveraging Asset Management

<a-assets> </a-assets>

Adding Image Assets

<a-assets><img id=“img1” src=“logo.png”>


Using Assets

<a-box color=“617354” height=“10” width=“4” depth=“2” position=“-10 2 -5” rotation=“0 0 45” scale=“2 0.5 3” src=“#img1”> </a-box>

Adding Animations

<a-animation attribute="rotation" repeat="indefinite" to="0 360 0">


Adding Background

<a-sky color=“#73f7dd”></a-sky>

Adding Background Image

<a-sky src=“room.jpg”></a-sky>

Let’s add some music

<a-entity sound=“src: #bg-music; autoplay: true; volume: 10; loop: true”></a-entity>

Where to head next

A-Frame Website:


Web VR Slack channel:

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