Getting Ideas from the Mind’s Eye to Photograph aka…line, shape, and texture shoot.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Getting Ideas from the Mind’s Eye to Photograph aka…line, shape, and texture shoot.

Getting Ideas from the Minds Eye to Photograph akaline, shape, and texture shoot LINE The movement from point A to point B Zig-zag, straight, wavy, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, curved Man made vs. Natural SHAPE Area enclosed by a line GEOMETRIC SHAPE Shapes with Names Circle, Square, Triangle ORGANIC SHAPES Shapes without names, or shapes found in nature FORM 3-D object Occupies space or gives illusion that they do Cylinder, cone, box, and geometric forms (flowers) VALUE Lightness or darkness of a surface White, Light Gray, Gray, Dark Gray, Black SPACE/DEPTH OF FIELD The area in front of and behind a subject Small Depth of Field Large Depth of Field The area surrounding the object Get in close (not a lot of space) TEXTURE ACTUAL vs. IMPLIED Actual feel of something (dog is soft) Simulated (or implied) appearance of texture Photograph of soft dog fur Rough, smooth, soft, etc. PATTERN/REPETITION PATTERN: ABABA Repeating similar things Not quite sure what the next thing is, but you can predict it BALANCE A way to compare the right side to the left side ASYMETRICAL BALANCE Right side does not equal left side RADIAL BALANCE Everything revolves around the center SYMETRICAL BALANCE Right side is equal to the left side Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance Perfect Balance VARIETY When you change something, but keep something the same Example: repeating a similar shape, but changing the size of it MOVEMENT BLURRY 1 sec FROZEN 1/500 PANNING 1/30 Emphasis Dominance vs. subordination Ways to EMPHASIZE something Small Depth of Field Light vs. Dark (Black vs. White Using light (spot lights) Getting in close Proportion The relationship between sizes of objects Small vs. Large STUDENT EXAMPLES RYAN KIEFER National Silver Key Winner Scholastic Gold Key Winner Lisa Show Entry NEMO BUNCHULERTRAT Honorable Mention, Scholastic Award Winner ANGELIKA PRZEWOZNIK Scholastic Award Entry