Get started 1 Landscape PLACES · Vocabulary: Landscape 2 9 01 Listen and repeat. Then find the...

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Transcript of Get started 1 Landscape PLACES · Vocabulary: Landscape 2 9 01 Listen and repeat. Then find the...

9 G





S9a I went to Canada two years ago.

Get started

1 What’s your favourite place for a holiday?

Vocabulary: Landscape

2 901 Listen and repeat. Then

find the words for the pictures (A–E). Which words are not in the pictures?


3 902 Listen and read. Find the phrases in

the dialogue. Check what they mean.

Comprehension4 Answer the questions.

1 Where did Daniel take the photos? 2 How many places did Daniel go to

on holiday?3 How long was Daniel's holiday? 4 How high are the Rocky Mountains? 5 Where did Emma climb three mountains?

• coast • forest • island • lake • mountain • ocean • river • sea • tree

Joanna kerr / PearsonJonathan Barnard9B.1a-e

9B.1a-e -Small aw lettered A-E. forest, island, lake, river, rugged coastline not abeach


Joanna kerr / PearsonJonathan Barnard9B.1a-e

9B.1a-e -Small aw lettered A-E. forest, island, lake, river, rugged coastline not abeach


Joanna kerr / PearsonJonathan Barnard9B.1a-e

9B.1a-e -Small aw lettered A-E. forest, island, lake, river, rugged coastline not abeach


Joanna kerr / PearsonJonathan Barnard9B.1a-e

9B.1a-e -Small aw lettered A-E. forest, island, lake, river, rugged coastline not abeach


Joanna kerr / PearsonJonathan Barnard9B.1a-e

9B.1a-e -Small aw lettered A-E. forest, island, lake, river, rugged coastline not abeach


A – forest

Grammar Past simple of irregular verbs Past simple with agoVocabulary Landscape Holiday activities (Phrases with go)Listen An interview with a travellerSpeak Talk about your last holiday

Tom: Where did you take these photos? They’re fantastic.

Daniel: In Canada. I went there two years ago.Emma: Did you have a good time?Daniel: Yes, it was great fun.Tom: What did you do?Daniel: We flew to Vancouver Island and stayed

there for a week. We saw whales and went swimming with them. They were so awesome!

Katy: Is there a beach on Vancouver Island? Tom: Of course there is. It’s an island. It’s in

the sea. Daniel: Actually, it’s not the sea, it’s the ocean.

The Pacific Ocean. Then we went to the Rocky Mountains for a week.

Tom: Did you climb them?Daniel: No, I didn’t. Look, they’re about 4,000

metres high. But I went mountain biking.Emma: I like mountain climbing. Six months ago I

did the Three Peaks Challenge.Tom: What’s that?Emma: I climbed three mountains in Scotland,

England and Wales. I did it in twenty-four hours.

Daniel: That's incredible!Katy: I can climb, too.Tom: You? Katy: Yes, I climbed the stairs five minutes ago!

Phrases• That’s incredible! • awesome! • great fun. • Actually,


I went to Canada two years ago. Vocabulary: Holiday activities

5 903 Listen and repeat. Then write the

activities in the three groups in your notebook.


7 Copy and complete the sentences using the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

1 I 1didn’t have (not have) a bad holiday. I 2had (have) a great holiday.

2 I (3) (not go) to Spain. I (4) (go) to Switzerland.3 I (5) (not go) alone. My sister (6) (come) with me.4 We (7) (not fly). We (8) (drive).5 We (9) (not sleep) outside. We (10) (sleep) in

a hotel.6 I (11) (not buy) clothes. I (12) (buy) a watch.7 We (13) (not see) Everest. We (14) (see) Mont Blanc.8 We (15) (not get) home last week. We (16) (get)

home yesterday.

Phrases with go• go climbing • go mountain biking • go shopping • go sightseeing • go skiing • go sunbathing • go swimming • go to a museum • go to the beach • go windsurfing

In a town In the mountains By the sea

go sightseeing



9 904 Listen to Martin and answer the


1 When did Martin first go to Indonesia?2 How did he get to Jakarta?3 How many islands did he visit?4 What food did he eat?5 What did he see in Kenya?


10 Talk about your last holiday. Ask and answer. Invent answers if you like.

1 How was your holiday?2 Where/When did you go?3 Where did you stay?4 Who did you go with?5 What did you do?6 What was the food like?

Extra practice For more practice, go to page 131.

Past simple with agoWhen did you go to Canada?I went to Canada two years ago.Six months ago I climbed three mountains.

Past simple of irregular verbsAffirmative Negative

We flew to Canada.We had a good time.

We didn't fly to America.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Did you have a good time?

Yes, we did./No, we didn't.

Wh- questions Аnswers

Where did you take these photos?

We took them in Canada.

Now make sentences with I, he, she and they.

Irregular verbshave – had do – did go – went take – took see – saw

8 Ask and answer about Sam and Jim’s trip using the past simple and ago.

Sam and Jim are travelling around America. Today is Thursday 12th June. It is 3 p.m.

A: When did Sam and Jim buy plane tickets to America?

B: They bought the tickets four months ago.

Go to page 144 for a list of past simple irregular verbs.

6 Read the dialogue again. Notice the words in red.
