Genre photo shoot

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Genre photo shoot

Genre photo shoot

In our photo shoot, I think it went relatively well as considering we didn’t have much time to plan and prepare what we were doing, we managed to take some good photos. However, it shows in some more photos than others that we didn’t prepare fully what we were going to do. For example, in my pop genre shoot, I wasn’t expecting to be wearing a tutu, I was supposed to be wearing my own top, so it doesn’t look as good as something we would have prepared. If I were to change anything, I would probably change my genre for one, as I don’t think I really looked all that ‘pop’. I would also change the costume and the pose I was doing as I feel I look a bit clueless and as if I’m not sure what I’m doing. I would also make sure we had a lot more planning and making sure we knew what we were doing.Although I don’t think our photo shoot went all that well, It has helped me to prepare for our real photo shoot. It has given me a reason to consider what I’m doing and to make sure I am prepared with what it is I have to do.