General information about company Patte… · Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of...

Post on 19-Oct-2020

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Transcript of General information about company Patte… · Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of...

  • General information about company

    Scrip code 522275

    NSE Symbol GET&D


    ISIN INE200A01026

    Name of the company GE T&D India Limited

    Whether company is SME No

    Class of Security Equity Shares

    Type of report Quarterly

    Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment) 31-03-2020

    Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date

    Shareholding pattern filed under Regulation 31 (1) (b)

  • Declaration


    Particular Yes/NoPromoter and

    Promoter GroupPublic

    shareholderNon Promoter-

    Non Public

    1 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No No No No

    2 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ? No No No No

    3 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ? No No No No

    4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against whichdepository receipts are issued?

    No No No No

    5 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? No No No No

    6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwiseencumbered?

    No No

    7Whether company has equity shares with differential votingrights?

    No No No No

    8 Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner? No

  • Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities



    Nos. Ofshareholders(III)

    No. offully paidup equityshares held(IV)

    No. OfPartlypaid-upequitysharesheld(V)

    No. OfsharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts(VI)

    Total nos.shares held(VII) =(IV)+(V)+(VI)

    Shareholding asa % of total no.of shares(calculated asper SCRR,1957) (VIII)As a % of(A+B+C2)

    Number of Voting Rights held in eachclass of securities (IX)

    No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal asa % of(A+B+C)

    Class eg:X





    2 192034901 192034901 75 192034901 192034901 80.37

    (B) Public 36619 64011634 64011634 25 46909180 46909180 19.63

    (C)NonPromoter-Non Public



    Shares heldbyEmployeeTrusts

    Total 36621 256046535 256046535 100 238944081 238944081 100

  • Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities



    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities(X)

    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants(Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities andNo. OfWarrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a %assuming full conversionof convertible securities (as a percentage of dilutedshare capital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a % of(A+B+C2)

    Number ofLocked inshares (XII)

    Number ofSharespledged orotherwiseencumbered(XIII)

    Number ofequity sharesheld indematerializedform (XIV)


    As a% oftotalSharesheld(b)


    As a% oftotalSharesheld(b)



    75 192034901

    (B) Public 25 61941523

    (C)NonPromoter-Non Public



    Shares heldbyEmployeeTrusts

    Total 100 253976424

  • Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group


    Category &Name of theShareholders(I)

    Nos. Ofshareholders(III)

    No. offully paidup equityshares held(IV)


    No. OfsharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts(VI)

    Total nos.shares held(VII) =(IV)+(V)+(VI)

    Shareholdingas a % oftotal no. ofshares(calculatedas perSCRR,1957) (VIII)As a % of(A+B+C2)

    Number of Voting Rights held in eachclass of securities (IX)

    No of Voting (XIV) Rights Totalas a% ofTotalVotingrights

    Class eg:X



    A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

    (1) Indian

    (d)Any Other(specify)

    1 175492524 175492524 68.54 175492524 175492524 73.45


    1 175492524 175492524 68.54 175492524 175492524 73.45

    (2) Foreign

    (e)Any Other(specify)

    1 16542377 16542377 6.46 16542377 16542377 6.92


    1 16542377 16542377 6.46 16542377 16542377 6.92

    TotalShareholdingof PromoterandPromoterGroup (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2)

    2 192034901 192034901 75 192034901 192034901 80.37

    B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder

    (1) Institutions

    (a) Mutual Funds 16 31974532 31974532 12.49 31974532 31974532 13.38


    53 6385094 6385094 2.49 6385094 6385094 2.67


    9 35276 35276 0.01 35276 35276 0.01


    6 5541567 5541567 2.16 5541567 5541567 2.32


    84 43936469 43936469 17.16 43936469 43936469 18.39

    ( 2 )

    CentralGovernment/StateGovernment(s)/President ofIndia

    1 605 605 0 605 605 0


    1 605 605 0 605 605 0

    ( 3 ) Non-institutions


    Individuals -i.Individualshareholdersholding nominalshare capital upto Rs. 2 lakhs.

    34874 14640762 14640762 5.72 0 0 0

    Individuals - ii.Individual

  • (a(ii))shareholdersholding nominalshare capital inexcess of Rs. 2lakhs.

    1 2461692 2461692 0.96 0 0 0

    (e)Any Other(specify)

    1659 2972106 2972106 1.16 2972106 2972106 1.24


    36534 20074560 20074560 7.84 2972106 2972106 1.24

    Total PublicShareholding(B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)

    36619 64011634 64011634 25 46909180 46909180 19.63

    C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder

    Total (A+B+C2 )

    36621 256046535 256046535 100 238944081 238944081 100

    Total(A+B+C )

    36621 256046535 256046535 100 238944081 238944081 100

  • Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group


    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities(X)

    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants(Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities andNo. OfWarrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a %assuming full conversionof convertible securities (as a percentage of dilutedshare capital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a % of(A+B+C2)

    Number ofLocked inshares (XII)

    Number of Sharespledged orotherwiseencumbered (XIII) Number of

    equity sharesheld indematerializedform (XIV)No.


    As a% oftotalSharesheld(b)


    As a % oftotal Sharesheld (b)

    A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

    (1) Indian

    (d) 68.54 175492524

    Sub-Total (A)(1)

    68.54 175492524

    (2) Foreign

    (e) 6.46 16542377

    Sub-Total (A)(2)

    6.46 16542377

    TotalShareholdingof Promoterand PromoterGroup (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2)

    75 192034901

    B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder

    (1) Institutions

    (a) 12.49 31974532

    (e) 2.49 6385094

    (f) 0.01 32491

    (g) 2.16 5541567

    Sub-Total (B)(1)

    17.16 43933684

    ( 2 ) 0 0

    Sub-Total (B)(2)

    0 0

    ( 3 ) Non-institutions

    (a(i)) 5.72 12656831

    (a(ii)) 0.96 2461692

    (e) 1.16 2889316

    Sub-Total (B)(3)

    7.84 18007839

    Total PublicShareholding(B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)

    25 61941523

    C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder

    Total (A+B+C2 )

    100 253976424

    Total(A+B+C )

    100 253976424

  • Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern TextualInformation(1)

  • Text Block

    Textual Information()

    Company has transferred 1323614 equity shares of Rs. 2/- each i.e. 0.52% of total paid-up equity sharecapital to the IEPF. As per the IEPF Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016(IEPF) as amended, the voting rights on the shares transferred to the Fund shall remain frozen until therightful owner claims the shares. Out of these, 1180 equity shares have been refunded by IEPF Authority torespective shareholder(s). Further, as on March 31, 2020, 1322434 Equity Shares are lying in IEPFAccount.

  • Any Other (specify)

    Searial No. 1

    Category Bodies Corporate Click here to go back

    Name of theShareholders (I)


    No. of theShareholders (I)

    1 1

    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    175492524 175492524

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)

    175492524 175492524

    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

    68.54 68.54

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 175492524 175492524

    Class eg:y

    Total 175492524 175492524

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights

    73.45 73.45

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %of (A+B+C2)

    68.54 68.54

    PAN (II) Total

  • Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    175492524 175492524

    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

    Shareholder type Promoter Group

  • Any Other (specify)

    Searial No. 1

    Category Bodies Corporate

    Name of theShareholders (I)

    No. of theShareholders (I)

    1 1

    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    16542377 16542377

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)

    16542377 16542377

    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

    6.46 6.46

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 16542377 16542377

    Class eg:y

    Total 16542377 16542377

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights

    6.92 6.92

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %of (A+B+C2)

    6.46 6.46

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    PAN (II) Total

    GE GRID ALLIANCE BV Click here to go back

  • No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)


    Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)


    Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    16542377 16542377

    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

    Shareholder type Promoter Group

  • Mutual Funds

    Searial No. 1 2

    Name of theShareholders (I)



    Click here to goback

    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    19920073 11556889 31476962

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)

    19920073 11556889 31476962

    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

    7.78 4.51 12.29

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 19920073 11556889 31476962

    Class eg:y

    Total 19920073 11556889 31476962

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights

    8.34 4.84 13.17

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %of (A+B+C2)

    7.78 4.51 12.29

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    PAN (II) Total

  • Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    19920073 11556889 31476962

    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

  • Insurance Companies

    Searial No. 1

    Name of theShareholders (I)


    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    3809207 3809207

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)

    3809207 3809207

    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

    1.49 1.49

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 3809207 3809207

    Class eg:y

    Total 3809207 3809207

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights

    1.59 1.59

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %of (A+B+C2)

    1.49 1.49

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    PAN (II) Total

  • Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    3809207 3809207

    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

  • Any Other (specify)

    Searial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Category Clearing Members Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Bodies Corporate IEPF LLP HUF Trusts

    Category / Morethan 1 percentage

    Category Category Category Category Category Category Category

    Name of theShareholders (I)

    PAN (II)

    No. of theShareholders (I)

    61 752 335 1 13 494 3

    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    43352 714528 574066 1322434 97069 220585 72

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)

    43352 714528 574066 1322434 97069 220585 72

    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)

    0.02 0.28 0.22 0.52 0.04 0.09 0

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 43352 714528 574066 1322434 97069 220585 72

    Class eg:y

    Total 43352 714528 574066 1322434 97069 220585 72

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights

    0.02 0.3 0.24 0.55 0.04 0.09 0

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %

    0.02 0.28 0.22 0.52 0.04 0.09 0

  • of (A+B+C2)

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    43352 667783 538021 1322434 97069 220585 72

    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

  • Any Other (specify)

    Searial No.


    Category / Morethan 1 percentage

    Name of theShareholders (I)

    Click here to go back

    PAN (II) Total

    No. of theShareholders (I)


    No. of fully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)


    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)


    Shareholding as a% of total no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of (A+B+C2)


    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 2972106

    Class eg:y

    Total 2972106

    Total as a % ofTotal Voting rights


    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XI)=(VII)+(X) As a %


  • of (A+B+C2)

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    As a % of totalShares held (b)

    Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)


    Reason for not providing PAN

    Reason for notproviding PAN

  • Sr. No.Details of the SBODetails of the registered ownerDetails of holding/ exercise of right of the SBO in the reporting company, whether direct or indirect*:Date ofcreation / acquisition of significant beneficial interestNamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNationalityNationality (Applicable in case of Any other is

    selected)NamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNationalityNationality (Applicable in case of Any other is selected)Whether by virtue of:SharesVotingrightsRights on distributable dividend or any other distributionExercise of controlExercise of significant influence