Gender Issues in the Practice of Psychology

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Gender Issues in the Practice of Psychology. By: Hannah Harris and Sarah Shadi. Key Terms. Sex “either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions” ( Gender - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Gender Issues in the Practice of Psychology

Gender Issues in the Practice of PsychologyBy: Hannah Harris and Sarah Shadi

Key Terms• Sex• “either the male or female division of a species, especially

as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions” (

• Gender• The concept of maleness or femaleness that is basic to all

social interactions. Includes: • Physical characteristics• Social behaviors• Characteristic self-image• Psychological tendencies• Behavioral tendencies• Abilities that allow us to differentiate between men and


More Key Terms• Gender Roles• The behaviors of an individual based on their part as a

social actor• Includes patterns of behavior approved by society based

on an individual’s sex

“While sex is ascribed at birth, gender is achieved and accepted through successful accomplishment of developmental tasks.” (

Harvard Sailing Team•

• Why is this so funny?• What does it say about stereotypes and gender


How do you react to these statements?• Most truckers are male and most nurses are female• We refer to women as cooks and men as chefs• The primary caregiving usually falls to women• Men make more money than women for the same

work• Men are prone to aggressive, assertive,

inexpressive actions while women are prone to passive, expressive ones

Can you name some other common stereotypes?Think Disney Movies…

Positive Advertising for Women- VIDEO•


Do you see a problem here?

Why do stereotypes persist?• History• Throughout history there have been times when women

were said to be better than men. At other times men were said to be better than women. Both are wrong.

• Research’s Emphasis on Difference• The idea that because we are not looking for similarities,

we will not find similarities.

• The Allure of Oversimplification• Complexity is hard while simplicity is easy. So, we

categorize and make judgments based on that categorization.

Biology vs. Culture

Biology Argument• We are predetermined to

behave in appropriate fashion. • Relies on the following

concepts: • Musculature: women are

physically weaker than men• Brain function: women are more

verbal whereas men are more oriented to actions

• Style: women are more diplomatic while men are more direct

• Affection: women are more nurturing while men are more instrumental/task oriented

Culture Argument• We learn gender appropriate

behaviors from those around us.

• Conventional wisdoms: • Women are weak because they

consistently did not perform tasks as physically demanding as men

• Women are verbal and scheming because men have afforded themselves the social, political and economic resources

• Women have to align themselves with a powerful man to achieve

• Women are nurturing because they have been delegated nurturing responsibilities.

Differences in Working with Men and Women in American Culture

• Typical Stressors on Men and Women• Typical Coping Strategies• Typical Patterns of Psychopathology


Typical Stressors • Not meeting the expectations for superior physical

strength, intellect, or sexual performance


Typical Coping Strategies• Putting on the “tough guy” image• Keeping their feelings inside• Releasing stress through activities • Ex: Sports

• Actively attempting to solve the problem• Denial• Abusing drugs or alcohol or any other form of

attempting to control the problem


Typical Patterns of Psychopathology• Externalizing Disorders: Negative outward

behavior as opposed to internal negative emotions• Substance Abuse• Hallucinations, blackouts, physical dependency, job

loss, divorce, arrests, organ and brain damage, financial debt

• Antisocial Behavior• Impaired interpersonal relationships

Male Gender Under Construction- VIDEO•

Do you agree or disagree?

Think back to last week’s articles…

WOMEN!!!Typical Stressors

• Being expected to meet the demands of a number of roles at the same time leads to stressful prioritizing.• These roles include: wife, mother, homemaker, employee

and/or caregiver for elderly parents

• Women are frequently given jobs with less autonomy and/or creativity which leads to decreased job satisfaction.

• Caring for others and forming meaningful relationships becomes stressful when that person is not doing well physically and/or emotionally.

• Victimization, Assertiveness and Physical unattractiveness


Typical Coping Strategies• Seeking social support• Expressing feelings• Finding distractions

Examples: praying, worrying, venting, getting advice, doing things not related to the problem

WOMEN!!!Typical Patterns of Psychopathology

• Internalizing disorders: negative inner emotions as opposed to outward negative behavior• Depression• Anxiety

• Symptoms seen may include: • Sadness• Sense of loss, helplessness, hopelessness• Doubt about one’s ability to handle problems, high levels of

worry or nervousness • Poor self-esteem• Guilt, self-reproach and self-blame• Decreased energy, motivation, interest in life or concentration • Problems with sleep or appetite

Gender Roles Interviews with Kids- VIDEO•

Does it bother you that this is how children view gender roles?Think about our previous discussion about Disney movies…

Gender Issues Across The Globe“Traditional male and female behavior in American culture is not traditional in other cultures, showing us that “feminine” and “masculine” behaviors are culturally affected”(

Gender Issues Across the Globe• Europe -

• Middle East • Africa –• Asia -

What do you know about gender roles across different cultures?What do you still have to learn?