Geekend 2011 - Latest Trends in Application Development using the foursquare API

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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Presentation at the 2011 Geekend in Savannah, GA. Contains an introduction to the foursquare API and various types of applications that are leveraging the platform. Presented by Chad Elkins @ratpack and Adam Steinberg @Adams472.

Transcript of Geekend 2011 - Latest Trends in Application Development using the foursquare API

Latest Trends in Application Development with the foursquare API

Adam Steinberg - @Adams472 Chad Elkins - @ratpack

Geek-End 2011

foursquare API Introduction and Overview

Check-in and share where you are.

Leave tips at venues.

Created lists of places.

Get personalized recommendations.

Build location-aware applications and products with the Foursquare API.

Get started at

Foursquare check-in data available via API.

Check-In Response Data.

Incorporate location-specific recommendations and content.

Explore API Response

Tips API Response

Building a database of places?Don’t.

Search for Coffee Venues.

Foursquare pushes check-in data in real-time.

Examples of the foursquare API in use today

images sources: untappd, iphone headlines, beer street journal

images sources: foursquare, tasti d lite, inventorspot

images sources: brandtalk, morpheus media, brand flakes for breakfast

images sources:tformers, aboutfoursquare

images sources:eater, gizmodo, pc authority, mashable, online dating post

Hypothetical Use Case of Multiple Ways to Interact With the API

images sources:talentplus, 123rf, Laure Bielecki, hotel designs, ballpark tours, vicioysabores, uconnwelcome,torontette, about,


Adam Steinberg - @Adams472 Chad Elkins - @ratpack

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