GE0 307 – Climate Change Dr. Garver Geography Dept.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of GE0 307 – Climate Change Dr. Garver Geography Dept.

GE0 307 – Climate Change

Dr. GarverGeography Dept.

GEO 307

• This course looks at the science behind the

forecast of global warming.

• Class List

• Office Hours

• Texts

• Web page


– readings, assignments, powerpoints

• Grading, syllabus

Office Hours:

Tuesdays 12:00 – 12:50

Wednesdays 12:00 – 2:50

Thursdays 12:00 – 12:50


1. Global Warming: Understanding the

Forecast, written by David Archer

2. Field Notes from a Catastrophe,

written by Elizabeth Kolbert

Main text – either edition


Kolbert Stories – Choose one

Class Discussion (Kolbert Readings) (5%)

We will discuss a reading (or two) from Kolbert

each Thursday, everyone needs to have done

the reading and come prepared to discuss.

Each person will be responsible for leading the

discussion for one reading (see sign up sheet).

Weeks 1 – 5

•  The physics of the greenhouse effect

–   Black body radiation & atmospheric models

–   Gases, pressure, and structure of


–   Feedback mechanisms

– How blocking outgoing IR light by gh gases

makes the earth hotter

Weeks 6 - 10

•  Fossil fuel and the carbon cycle

– Energy stored in fossil fuels

• Climate Forecasts

• Predictions and reliability of climate model


• Records of recent and past climates

• Projected impacts of climate change on;

– sea level, rainfall, species diversity, storm severity


Assignments/Quizzes 30%

Midterm 30%

Final 30%

Kolbert Presentations 5%

Class Attendance & Discussion 5%


Assignments/Quizzes (30%)

~ 3 - 4 assignments due every other week.

~2 – 3 quizzes based on Archer readings

and lectures (Tuesdays).


(All lectures, videos, articles, and readings

prior to midterm)

FINAL EXAM (30%) (Comprehensive)