Fuori Expo 2015 Milano: on the road powered by digital

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Presentazione con video, in occasione di Fuori Expo Milano. Contiene - in un mix di case histories dal mondo e presentazioni di startup innovative - spunti e idee per una comunicazione di brand che sfrutti le potenzialità del digitale e della tecnologia per agire al meglio sul territorio, durante eventi di richiamo che attirano molte persone in una determinata location; proprio come Expo 2015.

Transcript of Fuori Expo 2015 Milano: on the road powered by digital

Digital experience per Expo

Milano, 19 giugno 2014. Pietro Sansone. pietro.sansone@livextension.com

Campagne integrate basate su storytelling


Campagne multi-media (blog, sito web, web film, spot, serie tv, musica, eventi, ecc.)

Digital “external”


Sito web o web blog ad hoc per raccontare l’evento dal proprio punto di vista

Digital “internal”



Mobile app

Location based services


Contenuti speciali, iniziative promozionali, specials, concorsi da creare in collaborazione su LBS quali Foursquare, Facebook Places, Scvngr

Foursquare Ads


SCVNGR challenges







Una Mini Countryman è parcheggiata in discesa e attaccata a una corda, nel parcheggio del Motorshow di Bruxelles. Chi diventa fan di Mini su Facebook ha una possibilità di indirizzare (per davvero) una fiamma sulla corda. Chi riesce a bruciare la corda, si porta a casa la Mini. Un bel modo di guadagnare fan su Facebook e di far parlare di sé.



Treasure hunt in mobile app


Treasure hunt in Google Maps


Anche Fiat, nel 2006!


3d digital projection


Projection + gaming

In true Eristoff spirit Design is Dead delivered the animation for an amazing interactive game for young nightwolves. With a strong emphasis on visual performance, the game (created by Famous and their partners) was based on interactive architecture mapping. In short: Design is Dead created stunning 3D graphics and animation that maintained the client's visual identity within this game of light and sound. It turned out to be not just attractive and very cool, but also incredibly fun to play - even on a busy and halflit town square! http://vimeo.com/53003284


Mobile app / collection & augmented reality


Augmented reality + gesture recognition


Instagram contests

©LX 26

Instagram co-creation

Twitter + locationLa sfida Promuovere il nuovo telefono LG Optimus L

Series nel Regno Unito con un'esperienza coinvolgente e divertente

Lancio della caccia al tesoro via Twitter @LGTicketHunter per vincere biglietti esclusivi per i concerti di Watch the Throne e One Direction


Lancio del Promoted Trend #LGTicketHunter.

Generazione di traffico su un minisito con una mappa della Gran Bretagna. Ogni tweet “migliorava” lo zoom sulla mappa, fino a rivelare il luogo segreto dello street team @ LGTicketHunter

La prima persona in grado di raggiungere il team si aggiudicava i biglietti

In 5 giorni #LGTicketHunter ha generato 50,773 tweet e oltre 20 milioni di impression

Pinterest game


Pinterest + cause related mktg

Pinterest board: Olympic projects

Board Pinterest dedicata a progetti di giochi e attività per bambini a tema “olimpico”


Facial recognition





Coca-Cola: Make It Possible

Digital – CocaColaZero.com/MissionIn an effort to provide consumers with a dynamic pre-release experience of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, the Coke Zero team collaborated with the studio and filmmakers to create www.CokeZero.com/Mission. Visitors to the site will join the IMF (Impossible Mission Force) and complete an escalating series of missions in order to attain agent-level access to special content and exclusive film assets. Visitors to CokeZero.com/Mission will be able to access exclusive Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol imagery, scenes, wallpapers, behind-the-scenes footage and interviews.

SCVNGR Mobile ApplicationCoke Zero is teaming up with SCVNGR, a social gaming platform for mobile phones, to promote the partnership. Players can download SCVNGR for iPhone1, iPod Touch2 or Android3 and start playing the location-based game at select movie theaters and convenience stores across the United States. Akin to the desktop game-play offered at CokeZero.com/Mission, SCVNGR players will be secret agents in a real-life game, participating in spy-themed missions. The stakes are high for fans as they complete fun challenges, earn points and unlock chances to win rewards like exclusive film collateral, passes to pre-screenings, premiere tickets, and Coke Zero products.

“As we get closer to the movie release we will be rolling out additional elements of the program to further excite fans of the franchise and fans of the brand,” York commented.


Pietro SansoneLiveXtensionpietro.sansone@livextension.com

Via Quaranta 40, 20141 MilanoTel. +39 02 52.505.1Fax +39 02 36598402
