Fundamentals of landing pages

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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A look at how you can make your landing pages better.

Transcript of Fundamentals of landing pages

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AgendaWhat is Landing PageLanding page is usually linked to:Types Of Landing Page4 Steps of Making an Effective LP


Pooja Shanbhag

A web page a customer arrives at after clicking on one of several forms of advertising

A piece of extended information of the ad clicked by the visitors

Display directed sales copy that is extension of the advertisement, search result or link

Landing page is also known as “lead capture page”

What is Landing Page

Ad campaigns


Coming soon page

Landing page is usually linked to:

• Reference Landing page• Transactional Landing


Landing Page

• MicrositeMicrosite

• Product details Page• Homepage as a Landing


Internal Website

Landing Page

Types Of Landing Page

4 steps for making an effective LP

Right FoundationBuilding Page Level StrategyTesting the LPOptimization

Right Foundation

Not part of your website Have a clear goal and strategy Integrated Various LPs should be designed during the campaign Make your page visible on all devices Various Landing Pages to be designed Think experience

Right Foundation

Not part of your website

Pages that are part of website are typically meant for browsing & discovery while those that are outside of website are topic-focused, and designed for conversion

Visitors are specifically interested in product or service

Dedicated Landing page can be specific to the traffic source a visitors arrive from and can result in higher conversions

Have a clear goal and strategy

What is the main purpose of landing pages? Is it to get more leads or sales?

That goal is what drives strategy and landing page design

It will be hard to know where to go next if the strategy is never clearly defined from the start

So knowing what a Landing page should accomplish before ever start on it


Once landing page has captured a lead or sale, the experience shouldn’t just end

Landing pages should be fully integrated into a larger cohesive post-click program

The entire conversion experience for your visitors from pre-click (what they clicked on), to post-click (the pages they land on) through post-conversion (what happens to them after they convert) should be mapped

Various LPs should be designed during the campaign

Various different LPs targeting different audience should be designed

This can help to promote the product in various ways targeting different segment

But will your fancy design work on all devices?


Make your page visible on all devices

Think experience

The moment of click-through — is the typical first impression in modern marketing

But too often that impression is….




What do we want our prospects to feel at this crucial moment of truth?


But How?

4 steps for making an effective LP

Right FoundationBuilding Page Level StrategyTesting the Landing PageOptimization




3 Key Elements of Landing Page

Just By building page level strategy


Keep it Clean Choose Your Images Carefully Show Rather Than Tell Use What's Familiar to Your Audience The Call to Action Add Directional Cues Put the most important content above the fold

Fundamentals of Design

Keep it Clean

A minimalist approach to design helps to focus on the message

There should be nothing on the page to distract from your core message

Only include links if they're absolutely necessary, such as the Buy button, or for an in-depth tutorial of your product

There should only be three routes out: finding more about the product, buying the product, or the web browser back button

Choose Your Images Carefully

Images can be the best way of showing off your product

Images are eye-candy, but when it comes to a landing page, images are mostly clutter. Images distract the reader from your main point, and increase the load time of your page

Research by the Aberdeen Group found that a one second delay in page load times meant 11% fewer page views and 7% fewer conversions

Show Rather Than Tell

When it comes to sales, the more you can show what your product does for customers, the stronger your sales message

For example, if you're selling a web app you could offer a guided tour of product features or if you are offering an e-book or e-course, you can provide a sneak peek inside

Use What's Familiar to Your Audience

Using what's familiar to your audience helps establish trust and boosts conversions

Landing page design should be such that it matches with the colors and fonts of the website

If readers are clicking from website, then the transition from main site to the landing page should appear seamless

The Call to Action

Call to action tab should be prominent and big in size so that it is easily noticeable

The call to action tab should be with rounded corners in shape

Color should contrast from the rest of the site so it sticks out

While deciding the color of call to action tab color wheel should be taken in consideration

Add Directional Cues

Put the most important content above the fold

Most people view just above the fold, be aware of that


The Headline needs to make a keyword connection Focus on one thing Showcase the value Use a second person narrative Use bullets Text on button

Fundamentals of Content

The Headline needs to make a keyword connection

Connect the visitor’s expectation to the first line they read on landing page

The prospect just clicked was about something specific, so the headline should deliberately reiterate those words

Assure the visitor he landed on the page he needs

Product Keyword

Brand Keyword

Need Keyword

Keyword-targeted experiences

Focus on one thing

An effective landing page must be singularly focused on one subject

Deliver information on point with exactly what your visitor came for

Showcase the value

Highlight the value of your offer multiple times on your landing page

Use subheads and captions to state the value of your offer in a variety of places on the page so they can’t be missed

Use a second person narrative

Simply stated, use the word “you.” Don’t refer to your visitor as a job title or generic seeker of a resolution to a problem. Don’t refer to your company by its name if you can help it. Write “our.”

Use bullets

Bulleted lists work great on landing pages

Its easy to preview the contents in short and sweet passages

Use icons or small images to steer the eye to the main points

Text on button

The question on the user’s mind is what do I get and how?

Its better to use verbs. Include phrases such as “Learn how to…” “Get insights…” “Save time…” “Download the…” “Know more”

Remember to say thank you

A must-do best practice simply because it is polite

They are a way for you to thank visitors for their time and interest and to confirm that they did indeed complete a purchase or that the whitepaper is being sent to their email

They are a great chance to upsell your visitors and to continue their experience with your brand

Don’t Keep Lead Capture Form plain

Form Placement

Ask for Less information

Fundamentals of Forms

Don’t Keep Lead Capture Form plain

Before After


Form Placement

Always place your form above the fold

A study done by Neilson Group a few years ago with 232 participants reading thousands of websites show that the dominant reading pattern is in the shape of an F

Typically, a reader starts at the upper left hand corner of the page and their eyes will horizontally scan the entire width of the text

Ask for Less information

Ask only for the information which is needed to move the transaction forward

Dan Zarrella at Hubspot researched 40,000 web forms from their customers and discovered that the conversion rate increased by 50% simply by reducing the number of form field from four to three

4 steps for making an effective LP

Right FoundationBuilding Page Level StrategyTesting the Landing PageOptimization

Testing the LP

A/B Testing

Multivariate Testing

Innovate varied alternatives

Make sure the page loads fast

Use Heat Maps

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a good method for innovation test cycles where you are testing two or three wildly different landing pages


Multivariate Testing

Multivariate testing is perfect for iteration cycles where you are to refine a landing page by testing variations of page


Innovate varied alternatives

Innovation testing cycles should test pages that are very different from one another – significantly different

Make sure the page loads fast

People don’t like to wait, attention spans are short

Keep your landing page simple

Don’t use many images or videos which will cause delay in loading

Google Developers can help to know how fast our page gets loaded

Use heat maps 

Use heat maps to see where people are clicking the most

This will also help to notice sections where people tend to click, but which aren’t clickable  -

4 steps for making an effective LP

Right FoundationBuilding Page Level StrategyTesting the Landing PageOptimization

When LP Should be Optimize?

Low Conversion Rate

High bounce rate

Low time spent

4 easy steps to optimize your Landing Page

Tweak Your Page

Monitor Stats

Tweak Your Page

Remove everything that's not relevant to your landing page goal

Make it simple Tweak the copy Tweak the design Make your forms simple and compelling Play around with buttons Insert directional cues Tweak your offer


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