From the President’s Desk€¦ · JK Rowling, who became a billionaire after brushing off...

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Transcript of From the President’s Desk€¦ · JK Rowling, who became a billionaire after brushing off...

The Calgary Branch Newsletter Volume: 04; Issue: 01; April 2018

From the President’s Desk

While meeting with our Executive Board in Canmore, Alberta in September 2017, we had a moment of inspiration, and began to try and articulate what exactly we could do as a Branch to truly leave our members wowed! As I gazed out the large awning window onto the Three Sisters Mountain range, a fresh light layer of autumn snow had fallen, it reminded me that we were truly embarking on a new season. Our goal was to dedicate the next six months to advancing our Branch into a new level of professionalism, elevate our level of speakers and content, utilize our Board members true skillsets and leave our members empowered. With fresh inspiration, just like the change in seasons, we decided on the theme; “Dedicated to Your Success”. We, as your Executive Board, are exactly that. With our Professional Development Workshop behind us, after many months of planning we can all agree - what a great “Success”. If you ever have the desire to volunteer with our Executive Board, please let us know as we always have exciting new endeavors taking place. In fact, we have just started a new initiative within our Board and that is to create a short-term volunteer position entitled “Ambassador”. We envision the Ambassador to be someone who would commit to working with the Board during peak events to assist with bringing awareness and marketing for our Branch on a local and national level. Volunteering can push you out of your comfort zone and challenge you, enlighten your life with new friendships, goals and talents. Volunteering is also a fantastic way to expand and utilize your existing skillsets, so if ever you feel like you have something to contribute to our team, we invite you to let us know. With spring in the air and the National Conference in Kelowna right around the corner, we want to encourage you to attend all the exciting events we have planned for you. Thank you for taking the time to read our Branch newsletter. We hope to leave you inspired, educated and connected. Christa Hiebert President, AAP Calgary Branch

In this Issue

• Letter from the Editor

• Calendar of Events

• National Conference

• Announcements

• First Quarter Events

• Wanted

• Member in Focus

• Vanessa’s Corner

• From the Social Media Duo

• Advertisements

• Our Sponsors

• Fashion Corner

• Recipe Corner

• Branch Information

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Letter from the Editor

The past quarter journey of 2018 has been an amazing one for our Branch. We fulfilled many of our goals from the September 2017 Executive Board planning meeting to bring you an elevated member experience. You will see from our First Quarter event pages that it has been a time of fun and inspiration.

With warmer weather ahead, I always think of travel. Exploring new places and talking to people along the way has always changed me for the better. People are our best teachers. We are each other’s teacher. As I started thinking of travel and the administrative assistant, I thought it would be fitting to dedicate this issue of Above and Beyond to travel. Whether that be packing your bags for a business trip, packing your bagged lunch, or just reassessing the extra baggage of life, I hope these articles speak to you. On behalf of my fellow Board members, we hope to see you at the AAP National Conference being held in beautiful Kelowna, BC, May 30 – June 2. We have an amazing conference planned for you! See you there and safe travels! I look forward to your feedback. If you have any suggestions for future newsletters, please email me at To all Members and Readers, enjoy! Kind Regards, Noella Wanotch Newsletter Editor & Yearbook Coordinator

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Calendar of Events

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The Association of Administrative Professionals cordially invites you to join us for our 2018 National Administrative Professional Conference in beautiful Kelowna, BC from May 30 - June 2, 2018.

Please join us for an action-packed event in the heart of the Okanagan as we learn about three key

topics "Innovate, Integrate & Motivate" that will forever evolve you as an administrative professional. You will leave this event feeling powerful, strong and confident which will benefit you both personally and

professionally. You will add value to your boss and your corporation in ways that you never thought possible.

Be prepared to learn, network and experience things that will forever change you as a professional. We very much look forward to welcoming you!

Please note that there is a special room rate set up at The Prestige Beach House for $159/night. Please call

250-860-7900 and reference "NAPC" to secure your room. They will be booked on a first order basis so don't wait!

Additionally, we have been extended an excellent rate on flights through our partner Elite Travel, these

prices can't be beat. Guaranteed. Please contact Morgan Windle at 587-319-5943 or to discuss details. Don't miss out on this great savings!

See the full conference agenda HERE

Refunds up to 30 days before event

Purchase your ticket here!

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10 Things You Need to Give Up if You Want to be Exceptionally Successful

In order to take flight and become successful, you need to carefully assess your extra baggage.

by Elle Kaplan, CEO and Founder, LexION Capital, CIO and Founder, LexION Alpha

To read full article:

When it comes to our wealth and success, we tend to fixate on the things we need to acquire in the future to make those visions come alive. However, there are also certain ingrained habits that might be dragging you down right now.

In order to take flight and become mega-successful, you need to carefully assess your extra baggage. The good news is that your toxic routines and mindsets can be kicked to the curb, starting today.

So, take a huge leap towards success and wealth by giving up these 10 things:

1. Doubt

“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.” –Warren Buffett

You are unconsciously sabotaging your progress when you indulge in negativity. Your journey to success starts the moment you condition your brain to believe this is where you want to go. If you continue to believe otherwise, then you shouldn’t expect success to follow through.

Rather than being your own worst enemy, get yourself in a good mood through cultivating positive thoughts that will inspire you to continue reaching for your goals.

2. Impulsive emotional decisions

In my many years in finance, I’ve seen people throw decades of financial planning out the window because of their feelings. And it’s easy to do that in a stressful workplace too.

When successful people find themselves in situations where they’re extremely angry, sad or frustrated, they let themselves ride out those emotions without acting on them. The simple act of waiting to make a decision until you’ve returned to a level-headed state can play a

huge role in the success you achieve.

3. Reliance on praise

“Self-confidence must come from within. Outside reinforcement and strokes can help, but you have to build your own confidence.” – Steve Jobs

No one can advocate for you or make it happen like you can. You have to be your own best cheerleader. You must believe in your own success, and this means that, if the right opportunity doesn’t present itself, you should create your own opportunity.

4. Being a control freak

Our attention spans and willpower are finite. So, if you attempt to micromanage every single aspect of your life, which plenty of motivated people do, you’ll end up limiting the attention you can pay to the important stuff.

This isn’t an excuse to do sloppy work, but you must only direct your efforts towards things you can control. For instance, if you’re leaving your comfort zone and learning a new skill, accept that there will be some slip-ups. Being flexible amidst adversities is a virtue you must practice to create difference in your life.

5. People-pleasing

It is a jungle out there. Everyone is clamoring to be noticed, to be ahead, to become game-changers. Hence, people will not baby-talk you all the way. You have to prove yourself through hard work without expecting that everyone will believe in and compliment you.

As Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, once said, “Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.”

Quit doing things for the sake of others’ appreciation — do them because they are needed to fulfill your vision.

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6. The blame game

“If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.” –Bill Gates

If you don’t get it right this time, don’t complain and don’t play the blame game — it will just take your time in exchange for nothing but negativity.

Have the courage to take responsibility for the results of your work and decision. It will teach you humility and give you priceless experiences that you can take with you as you move closer to your goals.

7. Multitasking

A study out of the University of California, Berkeley, found that, on average, office workers go only 11 minutes between interruptions, while it can take up to 25 minutes to get into a state of productivity called flow.

That’s why giving up multitasking, and focusing all your energy on the important things, is vital for wealth creation. Valuing your time by thinking of it as money will motivate you to work diligently for what you are aiming for.

8. Bad company

Oprah Winfrey once said, “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.”

You probably heard this advice when you were a teenager and studies show that your parents were right: The company you keep influences the success you create.

Of course, the challenge is that we cannot always choose the people we interact with daily. But having the ability to recognize Negative Nancies — and to

ignore their bad energy — is instrumental for establishing a positive mindset.

9. Giving up

JK Rowling, who became a billionaire after brushing off hundreds of publisher rejections, once said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.”

Ultra-successful people don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Instead, they find new ways to turn rejections into milestones. Do not be afraid to go for it!

Keep in mind that failure is a breeding ground for success and don’t give up. Be persistent and resilient enough to bounce back and try again. Each time you brush the dirt off your shoulders and try again, you’ll benefit from more experience.

10. Frivolous spending

A study conducted among consumers who make over $100,000 a year reveals that, surprisingly, majority of them do not own luxury cars, and they shop at mainstream stores like Target and Walmart.

The reason being is that they recognize the value that long-term investing can have over frivolous spending. The one thing that virtually every millionaire and billionaire has in common is that they set aside wealth for an investment account.

If you’re struggling to give up overspending, consider the 20–30–50 Plan: spend 20 percent of your paycheck on investing (or paying off debt), 30 percent on fun and the other half on necessities (like rent).

By shedding the dead weight and giving up unnecessary things in your life, you exponentially increase your likelihood of success.

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Welcome! We would like to welcome all new members to the Calgary Branch! Barbara Northcott Janelle Best Kathleen Angel Dare Maurik Amber Cherneski Melanie Little Samantha Braet Valerie Berry

In Need of Catering?

If you are looking for an incredible caterer that offers home-style cooking and not your typical sandwich lunch, you definitely need to try Sandwiches' N More for your next event. To receive 10% off your first order, just mention ‘Association of Administrative Professionals’!

Not able to make it to a Dinner Meeting? Cancellation Policy We understand that sometimes things arise which prohibit you from attending a dinner meeting. If you have secured your seat and sent us your RSVP to attend the dinner meeting but have opted to pay for your ticket at the registration table on the night of the event, there are some important things to remember,

• If you are unable to attend the event, your ticket can be transferred to another guest. Please notify us by sending an email to

• If we do not receive a cancellation email before 12:00 noon on the Monday prior to the event, your confirmed attendance will be invoiced for the full registration amount.

We do our best to accommodate your RSVP by providing ample notice of events and multiple options for payment and cancellation. Please help us by following our cancellation policy. As Administrative Professionals, we all know how important this is and we appreciate your support!

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First Quarter Events

February Volunteer Month Made by Momma

We were humbled and honored to volunteer our time to Made by Momma. Consider making a donation of the 10 Most Needed Items. There are numerous other ways you can make a donation which counts, visit for more information.

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This was a fun, educational, inspiring full-day event which brought Administrative Professionals together to network, learn and discover together. Thank you to our attendees for spending the day with us and thank you to our extraordinary speakers, Sue Styles and Marco LaFrate! The day was filled with special moments, laughter and

connection - we cannot wait to do it all again next year!


Calgary Professional Development Day, Dedicated to Your Success Sue Styles, Maximize Life Marco LaFrate

“Be proud. Know you are the light and

backbone of your organization. Don’t let

anyone make you feel lower because of

your position.”

Evelyn Serbout, Past-President, AAP (on advice to the new generation of Administrative Professionals)

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Thank you to the following Sponsors who helped make the 2018 Calgary Professional Development day a huge success!

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April Dinner Meeting

Franca Gualtieri, Executive Assistant to Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Chief of Staff

The 2018/2019 Calgary Executive Board with Franca Gualtieri.

On April 16, the Calgary Branch hosted Community Involvement Month at The

Hilton Garden Inn with our guest speaker, Franca Gualtieri, Executive

Assistant and Office Manager to Mayor Naheed Nenshi. An inspiring, energetic

and engaging woman, Franca’s message of “Titles don't matter”

resonated with our members. She motivated our group by encouraging us

to “Get out of your comfort zone!”. Thank you to Franca for attending our Dinner Meeting and for everything you

do to keep our Mayor organized and prepared! Thank you to all of the

members and new friends who attended!

“Being a leader means being driven by passion and just

getting the job done.”

“Believe in yourself. We can amount to anything.”

Franca Gualtieri

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Your 2017/18 Executive Board

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Member in Focus

Caroline Sangret, BBA, QAA

Office Manager Terra HD Solutions Inc.

When did you join the Association and how did you find us? I joined the association in 2017 when I met Christa Hiebert, our Branch President through a mutual acquaintance. We quickly bonded over our passion for our careers in business administration in the oil in gas industry, the insanity of our over scheduled lives and the fact we had both recently returned to work from a maternity leave. Christa encouraged me to attend a dinner meeting, which turned into a nomination to represent the Calgary Branch as Secretary. I’ve never looked back! What motivated you to join the Association? I joined the Association because I wanted to surround myself with likeminded women. I work in a predominantly male industry and I wanted to find a community where I could make connections with other administrative professionals that would allow me self-growth. What do you consider the most valuable about the Association? The people. I am constantly inspired by the women of the Association, especially the women on the Calgary Board. The ability of these women to manage their volunteering commitments, their dedication to their careers and their families is truly inspiring. I have also learned so many administrative skills from being involved in the Association, that I would never have had the opportunity to learn at my current job. What is the most important thing you have learned? Remain humble and always strive for something outside of your comfort zone because without pushing yourself out of your limits change will never happen. What advice would you give our members? “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”. Knowledge gives us courage, courage to believe in ourselves. Always believe that you’re capable, because if you don’t believe in yourself, chances are nobody will. When we stop learning, we essentially stop striving for our goals. Fun Facts

Caroline is a native Calgarian. She participated in 10 Canadian National Event Championships, taking home 7 medals. Caroline is fluent in French. She loves sour skittles and coffee, they are pretty much considered their own food group. When Caroline is not at work you can find her on a spin bike or spending time with her 3-year old son.

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Vanessa’s Corner

Poem By Vanessa Rabel

We have some exciting news to report The AAP Conference was a giant success! Lots of attendees, sponsorship and fun So many elements I would like to address March 22 was the day of the conference Held at the Hilton Garden Inn It was a fantastic venue, we had a great day Attending this event was a huge win Our guests gained knowledge and skills To help them in life and their career Most left with many new friends They came alone and did not fear The focus of the conference was “Dedicated to Your Success” So all expected greatness Possibly more, but nothing less Two incredible speakers Marco LaFrate and Sue Styles Shared life lessons and wisdom To help us Admins go the miles We had vendor tables And silent auction items galore Get involved and join us next time To you, we implore! We’re so excited for what is ahead! If you ask us why, we’ll tell There are so many upcoming events All of which, will be just swell During our April Dinner Meeting We are hosting the Mayor’s EA Franca Gualtieri will come speak to us It’s sure to be an unbelievable day We want to hear her stories Trials and tribulations too Her career is sure to help our guests Maybe even inspire a few

Our 2018 National Conference in BC Is our next big event is in May

It’s coming up, right around the corner Soon we’ll all be on our way

Flying as a big group to Kelowna

With Elite Travel Management, of course! If you do not attend this event

You may find yourself filled with remorse

Stay with us at the Prestige Beach House Or even the Royal Anne Hotel

A three-day conference in Kelowna Really is not a tough sell

Three full days of activities

Exciting events and lots of learning Exercise sessions each morning

So lots of calories you’ll be burning

New friends, fun times Great food and good weather

Celebrating as Admin Professionals Learning and growing together

Join us for this event!

Register online – don’t wait! It’s going to be superb

An event that is first-rate!

If you cannot attend these events Keep in touch with us and say hi

We hope to see you another time It is never a goodbye

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From the Social Media Duo

Join in on the conversation! Use the hashtag #YYCAAP and @YYCAAP on social media to actively participate in our online community, make connections and learn about our association. Whether it be sharing your opinion, questions you may have, or stories about your administrative experiences, we welcome your feedback and want to ensure that we foster an environment of open communication. Join the @YYCAAP conversation on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram to upload photos, share articles and participate in discussions about upcoming events. Use the hashtag #AAPNetworking in your posts to spread awareness to others so that we can continue to expand the AAP network and watch the organization grow. Engage other members of the AAP and encourage members of your personal networks to become involved. Email us for more information at

Allison Rooney & Vanessa Rabel Community Engagement Coordinators The Association of Administrative Professionals – Calgary Branch @YYCAAP

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Our Sponsors

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✓ Wear Jeans or another comfortable dress pant, just not sweatpants or skinny jeans ✓ Choose a relaxed top ✓ A blazer or cardigan ✓ Take a scarf – you will be happy you did in case the plane’s tempurature is a bit chilly ✓ Ditch your heels and choose a nice pair of flats or booties instead ✓ Pack a nice carryon – don’t overbuden yourself, pack light and pack the essentials

Images taken from – images may be subject to copyright.

What to Wear on a Plane for a Business Trip

While travelling on any business trip, it is important to dress well to represent the

company you work for. However, it’s also important to feel comfortable and at ease.

Here are some tips to make your next business trip a fashionable and relaxing one.

Remember, make your fashion functionable!

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Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Roasted Harissa Cauliflower Steak

Images taken from – images may be subject to copyright.

Love Your Lunches

If you’ve been thinking about taking your brown bag lunch up a notch, get your

taste buds ready. One of my favorite cookbooks is

Love Your Lunches by Bec Dickinson. Here are a few recipes I have tried and love!

Caramilzed Onion, Mushroom & Goat’s Cheese Frittata

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Calgary Branch Contact Information

Christa Hiebert, President

Krystal Markiewicz, Vice President

Caroline, Sangret, Secretary

Geraldine Tanis, Treasurer

Dixie Dayka, Membership Coordinator

Lindsay Sutcliffe, Program & Special Events Coordinator

Noella Wanotch, Newsletter & Yearbook Coordinator

Allison Rooney & Vanessa Rabel, Community Engagment Coordinators

Victoria Bradley, Ambassador

Association of Administrative Professionals

The Association of Administrative Professionals is a Canadian chartered non-profit professional organization founded in April 1951. The Association is proactive in encouraging its members to further their career opportunities by continuously upgrading their skills and professionalism. Association members are encouraged to obtain the Qualified Administrative Assistant (QAA) designation. The Qualified Administrative Assistant Program consists of three compulsory courses and four elective courses offered at eighteen post-secondary institutions across Canada. The first graduating class was in May 1960. In May 2013, the QAA designation was awarded to our 726th graduate.

Visit us on Social Media, send us an email and check out our website!