From the Ashes of the Mongols The Rise of the Ottomans.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of From the Ashes of the Mongols The Rise of the Ottomans.

From the Ashes From the Ashes of the Mongolsof the Mongols

The Rise of the OttomansThe Rise of the Ottomans

Osman Bey Osman Bey (1258-1326)(1258-1326)• Leader of nomadic

horse soldiers • Employed by

Seljuks to help fight the Mongols

• Took over weak Seljuk world in wake of the Mongols invasion

A Rival in the Path of OsmanA Rival in the Path of Osman• Forbidden to

make war on Muslims, the only choice was to go toward Byzantium…

• Ottoman (Osman) Empire founded

Black Sea

Med Sea

The Encircling of Constantinople The Encircling of Constantinople • Janissaries –

Muslims had tribal loyalties, not Christian slaves

• Taking the Balkans: - (1389) Battle of Kosovo beat Serbia - (1400) beat Bulgars

• Moving toward Bosporus and Dardanelles…

Mehmet II Finishes the JobMehmet II Finishes the Job • 80,000 Janissaries

lay siege to 7,000 defenders at Constantinople–26’ Ottoman

cannons launched 1,200 lbs. balls

• Built Topkapi Palace from which to rule in Constantinople


Completion of the Ottoman MapCompletion of the Ottoman Map• Sultan Selim I –

campaign from 1514-1517 takes Egypt, Arabia, Mesopotamia and pushes to Gibralter

–Takes title of Caliph as well1465-1520

The Ottoman World StallsThe Ottoman World Stalls

• 1520, Sultan Suleyman wants Europe…

• Defeated Hungary, (who controlled exit from the Balkans) at the battle of Mohacs,1526

• At Vienna – stopped by Pole, Jan Sobieski, 1529


The Ottoman EmpireThe Ottoman Empire

Politics of the EmpirePolitics of the Empire• Huge empire

too hard to control from Istanbul, local Pashas helped the Sultan

The world of the SultanThe world of the Sultan• Sultanate hereditary,

though not primogeniture

–Successions violent, losers killed

• Insulated at Topkapi, the Harem and Queen mother have strong influence

Religion in the EmpireReligion in the Empire• Ottomans are Sunni

& Sultan is the Caliph (theocracy)

• The Ulema – Muslim clerics who advised the Sultan.

–Set education laws

• Christians paid tax

Ottoman SocietyOttoman Society• 1. The Ruling Class

• 2. Merchants- no taxes or regulations

• 3. Artisans – had guilds for quality

• 4. Peasants – Sultan gave out land

• 5. Pastoral People

Women in SocietyWomen in Society• More Free than

other world societies–Could inherit &

own property. Could divorce.

Ottoman ArtOttoman Art• From Mehmet on,

known for silks, pottery, rugs, jewelry and armor.

• New mosques based on Byzantine Church of Hagia Sofia. Sinan most famous architect.

Problems in the EmpireProblems in the Empire• From the time of

Suleyman, who executed 2 most able sons, weakest then ruled –Selim II–Court members

became more powerful. Corruption grows…

The Ottomans slip in PowerThe Ottomans slip in Power• Battle of Lepanto –

1571, Ottoman fleet sunk by Spain–Beginning of

transfer of power to Atlantic Europe

• 1683- failed effort to take Vienna again–Beginning of

leaving Europe

The FinaleThe Finale• Broken up after World War I into

many Euro-controlled statesPurple – UK

Orange- FR

Pink – IT

Blue – SP

Tan -free

Losing their Ottoman-nessLosing their Ottoman-ness• As Europe grows in

power, Ottomans try to act European…

• Sultan clamped down on Euro-pretenders to strengthen rule

–Beginning of

Cultural Imperial Anger by Muslims