From Pastor Dan’s Desk€¦ · Pray for our friends and family of Alpine: Kim Braun, Jerome Gill,...

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Transcript of From Pastor Dan’s Desk€¦ · Pray for our friends and family of Alpine: Kim Braun, Jerome Gill,...

Youth Mission Trip 2016 Lame Deer, Montana

For the past 10 days I had the privilege of joining 12 youth and adults on our 2016 summer mission trip to Lame Deer Montana. We spent the time on a reservation for the Norther Cheyenne Native American People. This is slightly different than our usual work camps as we were serving a Native America tribe that was both incredibly proud of its heritage and yet also struggle with deep social and economic problems. The level of poverty as evident in the condition of both the local school we stayed in as well as the homes we were attempting to repair was greater than most of our students had encountered in the past. The reality of the lives many of these Native Americans lived as well as the challenges and obstacles that they faced in just surviving each and every day was startling and helped all of us to realize how privileged we are to be able to live in the environment we do and attend the relatively well funded schools that are available to us. Seeing and experiencing this helped us to appreciate more the things we take for granted everyday (like clean drinking water). Most of the biggest highlights of these trips revolve around experiencing God as we serve others. These come in the form of God sightings (each youth is encouraged to report each day how they have seen God at work in

their lives) Great worship services each and every evening Bonding and fellowship time with new and old friends as we travel and work together Powerful lessons centered around a special Biblical Truth each and every day. Often these lessons

involve a physical object or lesson that helps us to remember and apply these truths to our lives. The theme of this past week was Extraordinary. We examined how God takes ordinary things (our lives, our talents, our relationships) and makes them Extraordinary. Many of these lessons came from Acts 4

“The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

It was this story - of how God had taken two ordinary men (Peter and John) and done something miraculous with their simply words and actions - that moved us to have the faith that God could do the same with our ordinary skills of painting, woodworking, dry walling, and cleaning as well as with our ordinary words of encouragement and hope to bring something extraordinary into the lives of the people we served. It is a lesson that we all have brought home with us and can’t wait to implement in our everyday lives back in Rockford. Come join us on Sunday August 14th as the work-campers will be sharing (in both services) what they saw and learned through this trip.

Volume 43, Issue 16 Monday, August 8, 2016

Special points of interest:

Saturday Evening

Connect 5:30 PM

Every Saturday

In this issue:

Work Camp Sunday,

August 14th


Rockford Lutheran

CORE Dedication





Kids Around the

World and RALM



From Pastor Dan’s Desk:

Pray for Alpine members: Rick Bried, Jeanne Carter, Mark Cooley, Amanda Dabson, Renee Evans, Rich-ard & Nancy Ewert, Doris Fransen, Marybeth Gillette, Orv & Pr. Linda Kersten, Peggy Lillegaard, Norma Lucas, Barb Nelson, Gerry Perala, Betty Peterson, Bob (Sue) Peterson, Haylei Rice, Tom Rogers, Donna Steele, and Jim Stropes. Pray for our friends and family of Alpine: Kim Braun, Jerome Gill, Daniel Hendrickson, Pr. Woody & Diane Knutson, Danny & Mary Ann Moorhouse, Aileen Petersen, Jerry Schippers, Bob Schultt, Cody Ste-vens and Kim Turner.

Worship Schedule : Our Sunday worship service times are 8 & 10:00 AM. Children’s Church will continue to meet during the 10:00 AM worship service. Our new Saturday evening worship called Saturday Evening Connect is at 5:30 PM. Bible Studies : Tuesday Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at 6:45 am at Sunrise Restaurant Wednesday Morning Bible Study at 10 am, Confer-

ence Room will resume August 17th. Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 7 PM in either the

Conference Room or Fellowship Hall will resume in the fall.

Adult Forums: Until further notice, there will not be an Adult Forum on Sunday mornings. Contact information for Pastor Dan for after hour pastoral needs is 815-399-5487. Please leave a message with your contact information and the reason you are calling. Pastor Dan will then receive a notification and re-turn your call as soon as he is able.

Praying weekly for Alpine's membership has had a very positive effect on our church! We have had many positive and thankful responses from those we have been praying for. The benefits are so great that we have decid-ed to make this an ongoing part of Alpine's church life. Some comments we've received are "power of prayer - it works!", "just what we needed", and loads of thanks! Even though we are praying for a few families each week, please call Pastor Dan whenever the need arises for extra pray-ers you may have. Together we worship, together we pray, together

we love. Here are the people we are praying for during the next two weeks: Aug 14th —Larry & Joni Graham; Gerald & Mari Hanson; Eric & Carina Hanson; Louise Hemenway; Pat Anderson; and Bryce & Cindy Bulthaus. Aug 21st —Elliot, Rebecca, Charlotte & Elizabeth Kall-strom; Debbie & Ryan Matthews; Kent & Barb Milton; Erica Milton; Charlie & Gail Davidson; Bill & Pam Frey; and Greg & Barb Lee.


Attendance 7/23/16 11 Attendance 7/30/16 7 Attendance 7/24/16 65 + 50 115 Attendance 7/31/16 71 + 58 129

Required total receipts weekly……...$8,277.42

Gen Fund 7/10/16 $3,900.30 Gen Fund 7/17/16 $5,904.77 Forward in Faith $1,312.00 Forward in Faith $2,122.00 Surplus/Deficit -$3,498.92 Surplus/Deficit - $250.65

Unexpected Blessings……..$237.00 53/54 Week……..……….$485.00

Surplus/Deficit YTD……… -$18,409.32 (6/30/16)

All In the Family

Birthday thanks came in from Deb Okeson. DiAnne Beynon thanks every one for the many birthday cards and flowers she received for her 70th birthday. Our love and sympathy goes out Rolly Greenland and his family after the death of Barb.

Work Camp Sunday will be Sunday, August 14th. We will be leading both of our worship services. We will need everyone’s participation. Work Camper: Also, Don’t forget that we need your reflections emailed to Lynn in the church office by Wednesday, August 10th. Thank you

Saturday, Aug. 13th—Rockford Christian Unity All Church Picnic, Camp Winnebago, 2-6 PM Sunday, Aug. 14th—Work Camp Sunday Thursday, Aug. 18th—Church Council picnic, the Shel-ton’s home

We still have many open time to sign-up for photos for our new directory. We will not be having sign-ups between services for a couple Sundays. You may sign-up, however, online by going to Alpine’s website at and clicking on the Lifetouch photo button. We ask that everyone participates in the photos so Alpine may have an accurate direc-tory. (Barb Shelton, Deb Okeson) In anticipation of the new directory, we would like to make sure all of our current addresses, emails, and phone num-bers are correct. If you have had any changes to any of the listed, or would like any information omitted from the directo-ry, please contact the church office. (Lynn Valentine)

From the SCRIP Desk: School will be starting this month and many children and teach-ers are in need of supplies. Why not pick up some extra sup-

plies or donate a gift card to a teacher to help them supply their room? SCRIP carries many back-to-school cards from Target, Best Buy, Office Max, Kmart and Walmart. Why not help your local school or teacher to ensure every student has a chance to


Thrivent Financial members: Have you called the church office to put yourself on our list of Thrivent members? Alpine may be able to benefit from the giving opportunities that Thrivent has to offer its members. Please be aware that your Thrivent Choice Dollars need to be directed to Alpine or the Academy every year. Look for an upcoming notice from Thrivent regarding this. Through the Action Teams, every Thrivent member is able to receive $250 towards an event twice a year. This amount can really add up and take some stress off our budget. Any questions regarding Thrivent’s chari-table programs please contact Brian Wynn, 815-970-3680 or Chris Plummer, 815-761-6488. Alpine Endowment Fund - give a gift and “leave a legacy”. Brochures are available on the table in the coatroom or in the brochure holders on the walls in the narthex. Donations are always accepted.

Sunday, August 14th will be Work Camp Sunday. Our Work Campers have returned from camp and they are prepar-ing and leading our worship services. Come and hear the trans-formation stories from our youth. Alpine is very proud of all they do! Please join Rockford Lutheran Schools on Wednesday, August 10th at noon for the dedication of the Puri Family C.O.R.E. addition, 3411 N Alpine. The Center of Research and Engagement will be honored with a ribbon cutting, press conference, and dedication ceremony. A light lunch will be served. Save the Date: The annual RALM Trivia Night is scheduled for Friday November 4th. Cost is $15 per person. Thrivent Financial for Lutheran will be holding a workshop on Wednesday, September 28th at 7 PM. More details coming. The August issue of “Living Lutheran” has arrived and is on the Care & Concern counter in the narthex. This issue’s lead article highlights the section ”I’m a Lutheran”. Meet Joshua Je-rome, from Grand Forks, N. D. He is Special Olympics National and World Games gold and bronze medalist. Stop and pick up a copy while supplies last. Thought for the Week: The best way to have the last word is to apologize. 2016 CROP Hunger Walk Is October 16: Hundreds will join together in fighting hunger around the world and in our city through the Rockford Pantry Coalition. Your congregation or school is asked to recruit Walkers for the 2016 Rockford CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 16th. You may actually walk or be a spirit walker – one who raises money without walking the route. Church World Service (CWS) is offering new incentives to WOW walkers, those who raise money by Walking On the Web. As you reach higher amounts of dona-tions you are awarded CWS apparel or accessories. The River-front Museum Park, 711 N. Main, is the 1 PM registration site. The walk steps off at 2 PM. Thanks for helping feed the hungry – both in Rockford and throughout the world.

Alpine Academy Update Our Alpine Academy Summer Break is coming to a close. Teachers have been in working on preparing classrooms, lesson plans, reviewing materials, and catching up after their summer break. This upcoming Wednesday, August 10th, will be back to school night. On that night we wel-come our students and their families back to school. We also welcome several new families that will be joining ours here at Alpine. It certainly has been an exciting summer at the Academy. We had our Summer Camp throughout the summer and enjoyed having those students here at the school. We’ve met many new families and had the opportunity to share Alpine Academy with them and in most cases have them join our family here at Alpine. Our Pre School classes have grown this summer and we look forward to our next few open houses and that enrollment continuing to grow along with us. Summer has brought new friends to us and we are on toward preparing for a great new school year. Looking ahead our first day of school will be Wednesday, August 17th. This will be a half day and our first full day will be Thursday, August 18th. As we begin the school year we prepare for not only the education that we are able to provide to the students but also the opportunity to share the many things Alpine has to offer. One of those opportunities will take place early on in our school year. Each year Alpine Academy participates in the Labor Day Parade. We invite you to join us in the Parade that day or to come on down and cheer us on as we repre-sent the Alpine Family. We will be again looking for a trailer to carry our float display this year. If anyone might be able to help us with that please let myself of Mr. McVinnie know or just call the school office. As we move into this new school year we’d most certain-ly like to thank the Alpine Lutheran Congregation for it’s ongoing support of our school. All the areas that Alpine Lutheran assists in the Academy are greatly appreciated by the staff, students and families at the Academy. We are always looking for volunteers at the Academy throughout the school year. Scott Dabson Outreach Director Alpine Academy

Men’s Breakfast will be Saturday, August 13th at 9:00 AM. Pastor Dan will be sharing a recap of the Work Camp trip to Lame Deer, Montana. Congratulations to this year’s scholarship recipients. They are as follows: Sri Chockalingam, Chandler Chockalin-gam, Rebecca Geeser, Brianna Geeser, and Jennifer Sproule. We wish them well in their studies. Church Council members: Our August meeting on Thursday, August 18th, will be a picnic at the Shelton’s home. Meat and beverage will be provided. An email will go out with what everyone should bring. Is your Family Wall story and photo up to date? Many visitors to Alpine like to stop and read about the families that are currently members of Alpine. Is your family repre-sented? Please submit a family photo (our directory photos are a great opportunity for a current photo) and a short “bio”. There are forms available in the pocket on the wall. If you would like to update your photo or information, we would love to do that as well. Just resubmit your info and we will update it. (Dave DeNale) Spread the Word! Every Thursday throughout the sum-mer, Alpine Academy will be holding an open house, 9 AM—5 PM, for anyone interested in giving their child a Christian education in small classroom settings. Share this info with your friends and neighbors. Let’s build our school and share Christ with God’s children.

75th Anniversary Alpine Lutheran Church

We are still looking for volunteers to help with our 75th Anniversary Celebration planning. Please call Deb Okeson, 874-7503, or Barb Shelton, 378-5070.

To the congregation:

VBS “Super Heroes of the Old Testament” was small but mighty. Thank you, heroes, for your time talent and treasures. We could not have done it without you!

Diana Sundeen

Carpenter's Place invites you to


Friday - September 9, 2016

Swanhills Golf Course 2600 Gustafson Road

Belvidere, IL (shotgun start - 1pm)

We are honored to announce that this year Carpenter's Place has been chosen as the sole beneficiary of the money raised at Meg's Daily Grind

14th Annual Golf Play Day!

Tickets are $75 per golfer. Registration begins at 12:00 pm.

Dinner will be immediately following with music and entertainment by Mark Reed & Waddy.

Sign-up Deadline is August 30th.

Limit 144 golfers. Any questions or to register, please call Meg at 978-1373



SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2016 2-6 PM


MISSION Promote relationships among

people from all ethnic backgrounds in the Christian

Community within the Rockford region.

* * * * * Archery

Bingo/Card games (Adult) Bean Bags

Food Mobile computer lab

Wall climbing

Come promote UNITY

Rock House Kids is happy to announce that a wonderful playground area has been installed on the south side of the building with direction/guidance from the great people at Kids Around the World and with the help of Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries. The joy and excitement from the kids shows how much a playground area is needed in this part of Rockford. When concrete and blight are all the kids know, this is a big attraction. Rock House Kids is happy to share this safe space with children in this area. Each week, we invite the children into our programs, serve a hot meal, provide instructional time with caring adults and offer seasonal giveaways along with a kid friendly food bags to take home. We are grateful for Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries help we received on this project and we look forward to helping more children in the future. Katie's Cup has immediate openings for part-time baristas. We're looking for people-friendly, energetic workers who would enjoy being part of the warm, friendly and mission-focused environment of Katie's Cup. No previous barista skills necessary. Previous employment in the service industry helpful. Interested folks can inquire at or in person at the coffee bar.

Sun., August 21, 2016

Ushers: (8:00) Jim Anderson, Bob Fanello, Bryan Garrett, Kathy Mund (10:00) Russ Hornbeck, Dick Nelson, Mike Schultz, Brandon Williams Ambass.: (8:00) Pat Anderson, Carole Rogers (10:00) DiAnne Beynon, Louise Dorris Elements: (8:00) Gene & Donna Seefeldt (10:00) Pam Hodges, Kyle Davison Lector: (8:00) Donna Seefeldt (10:00) Becky Toro Lay Assist: (8:00) Pam Lojewski, Glen McDonald (10:00) Karen Conti, Madeline Zuzevich Altar Guild: Laurel McVinnie, Cary Ralston Praise Singers: Ted Croisant, Bob McVinnie

Sun., August 14, 2016

Ushers: (8:00) Chuck Gentry, Irv Johnson, Dale Olson, Volunteer (10:00) Joe Barron, Jim Burnett, Jack Lucas, Marge Rakoczy Ambass.: (8:00) Kathy & Eugene Mund (10:00) Mike & Marlene Bukowski Elements: (8:00) Don & Judy Gugliemetti (10:00) Craig & Barb Shelton Lector: (8:00) Terry Hodges (10:00) Jari Sproule Lay Assist: (8:00) Terry Hodges, Pam Lojewski (10:00) Maddie Merwin, Elizabeth Ulrich Altar Guild: Kathy Mund, Sarah Neumann Praise Singers: Chuck & Lynn Valentine


Worship Times – Sat. 5:30 PM

Sun. 8:00 & 10:30 AM

See what Alpine has to offer you on the Web!

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