Friends of CDA - Booster Club Meeting Minutes …...Community Fund Performance Review – (Lance)...

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Transcript of Friends of CDA - Booster Club Meeting Minutes …...Community Fund Performance Review – (Lance)...


Friends of Booster club Meeting Minutes June 6, 2018

Call to Order 6:22 pm Attendance Present Tania Campos-Co-President Lance McDonald-Co-President Lisa Farr Johnson -Co-VP Sally Segura -Co-Treasurer Ruthie Seroussi -Co-Secretary Absent Michelle Rozell -Co-Treasurer Haleh Keypour – Co-Secretary Rita Satuloff -Co-VP Andrew Jenkins – Principal David Rothschild - Teacher End of Year Review - (Lance) 6:25pm We out performed last year in most respects Lots of growth in virtually all areas Record-breaking fundraising for Community Fund, Partner Banners, Holiday Bazaar, Let's Lunch, Jogathon, Holiday Gift Baskets, Year Book and more. Thanks to all those involved. See Power Point (PP) slides CDA Calendar of Events for 2018-2019 – (Tania) 6:30pm Goal next year to streamline events Give people a break in between communications See PP slides Community Fund Performance Review – (Lance) 6:35pm Thank you Lisa Farr Johnson, Fiona Chilcott, Cara Mckinley, Danielle Dunlop and team for an excellent job well done! Next year, aim to come out of gate strong so not as much emphasis on Hearts Campaign Analysis of numbers Thank you to Danielle Dunlop for working hard to narrow the gap this past year between what folks pledged and what we collected; made a big difference; and more thanks to her for agreeing to do it next year Employee Matching Funds up from last year also -goal to expand this next year Financial Report – (Lance) 6:40pm Brought in over $440,000 this year Final fundraising figure stands at $440, 573 with checks still coming in Big miss this year was the auctioning of the VIP parking spots -left money on the table


To be addressed with new online auction option and widget to facilitate this. Looking into automating VIP Parking spots by next year

Box tops and Amazon also felt to have greater potential. Committee formed for the former; Team to activate around Back to School night to register people for Amazon/Ralphs etc

After school programs Question raised regarding pricing of certain programs, and why they should be profit-

making. Booster was advised that a committee had been set up to review after-school programs There were likely to be some changes; some after-school programs may not take place next year due to LAUSD regulations

Spooky Saturday Final sum for funds raised lower than previous In part due to increased transparency of actual cost of putting on events Generous organizers in past years have often swallowed costs themselves, but this was felt to be unsustainable going forward. Determine which vendors, inflatables etc are profitable Full review of events this past year will facilitate more streamlined and profitable events in 2019/20 to maximize fundraising and community building opportunities.

See PP Slides for More Details Surplus Reserve Funds – (Lance) 6:50pm Healthy non-profit organizations have a surplus reserve of 10% to 20% Do not have final numbers, but believe Friends of CDA has $182,000 approximately in reserves – maybe more, may be less, which it has accumulated over the years As 20% of $440,000 budget is $88,000, and 25% is $110,000, we appear to have surplus reserves Questions as to whether we invest this money, spend some of it on important School Improvement Projects, etc. Meeting called for Board and interested parties to further discuss optimum plan for protecting against future fundraising shortfalls, retaining adequate liquid sum, exploring investment opportunities and possible funding of school improvement projects with any overage/surplus. Meeting set for June 11, 2018 at 6pm Operating Budget 2018/2019 –(Lance) 7:15 pm Discussion around fundamental costs to Booster (TAs, copiers, PE etc).

Increases in costs in budget made to reflect actual costs of events and items Increase in PE because the program has to qualify as an LAUSD vendor Increase in hospitality is to reflect a more realistic capture of numbers and allows hospitality to do more

CF Team further developing communication materials to ensure the whole community is fully aware of how much money we need to raise and where the money is spent. Further investigation required by team to ensure right channels of communication are being exploited. (Email v fliers v posters v website etc) Booster needs to approve 2018/2019 Operating Budget


MOTION - Motion to approve budget for 2018-2019 of $442,861 with caveat that $15,000 for school improvements and $10,000 for technology improvements are stretch goals. Made by Tania. Seconded by Sally Segura. Discussion. AMENDMENT TO MOTION PROPOSED - motion to amend language of motion on table: move to approve budget of $417,861 for 2018/2019 with fundraising goals of $25,000. Lance McDonald made. Lisa Farr Johnson seconded. Further discussion. AMENDMENT TO MOTION WITHDRAWN -Lance McDonalds withdraws amendment prior to vote on proposed amendment. Further discussion around original motion. MOTION back on the table to approve budget for 2018-2019 in the amount of $442,861 with caveat that $15,000 for school improvements and $10,000 for technology improvements are stretch goals. Again, made by Tania Campos and seconded by Sally Segura. All in favor -ayes. No nays. No abstentions. Motion carries. 2018/2019 Operating budget approved as stated. Board Memberships –(Lance) 7:48 pm Booster nominated and voted in new board members for 2018-2019 school year Need Two New Co-Presidents Need Five New Vice Presidents VP of Communications MOTION - Tania Campos made a motion to nominate Leah Masterston; Lisa Farr seconds. All in favor. No nays. Motion carries. VP of Hospitality MOTION –Motion to nominate and approve Sarah Bommarito by Lisa Farr Johnson. Kristy Martin seconded. All in favor. No Nays. Motion carries. VP of Community Fund MOTION - Motion to bring community fund to board and to bring Lisa Farr Johnson on as VP of CF made by Tania Campos. Kristy Martin seconds. All in favor. No nays. Motion carries. VP of Community Partnerships MOTION - Lisa Farr Johnson makes a motion to nominate Tania Campos. Seconded by Quinn. All in favor. No nays. Motion carries. VP of Events. Cecille Sibley a prospect? Need New Co-Treasurers MOTION - Motion to nominate Grace Cohen and Brian Condon as new co-treasurers mad by Lisa Farr Johnson and seconded by Sally Segura. All in favor. No nays. Motion carries.


Confirm Co-Secretaries, Co-Treasurer and Interim President MOTION - Motion to made to confirm Ruthie Seroussi and Haleh Kepour to stay on as co-secretaries, Michelle Rozell to stay on as co-treasurer and Lance McDonald to continue as Interim President. Lisa Farr Johnson made motion. Quinn seconded. All in favor no nays. Motion carries. Next Meeting – (Tania) 8:02 pm End of year School Improvement Project Opportunities Meeting on Monday June 11th at 6pm MOTION to adjourn made by Quinn and seconded by Sally Segura. All in Favor. No Nays. Motion carries. Meeting Adjourned - 8:04 pm

Coeur d’AleneElementary Booster Club Meeting6-6-18

6-7:30 pm


x End of Year Review

x Calendar of Events 2018-19

x Community Fund Recap

x Financials x End of year financial report

x Operating Budget and Year to Date Totals

x Discuss reserves and opportunities

x Updates x 2018-2019 operating budget discussion

x Review

x Discuss

x Approval vote

x Review 2018-19 Board Structurex Review org chart and positions

x Review committee structure

x 2018-19 Board Member Nominations x Review open positions and nominees

x Accept new nominees

x Position Votes

x End of year project opportunitiesx Review current proposals

x Discuss new proposals

x Approval votes

x Booster thank you event


x End of Year Review Record breaking effortsx Community Fund = $272,579

x Matching from Employers= $14,141x Parking Lot Banners = $4,375x Holiday Bazaar = $6,346x Let’s Lunch = $5,753x Jogathon = $52,490x Teacher time auction = $19,687x Yearbook = $11,870



x Community Fund Historical Performance

Agendax Financials Update

x 2017-2018 Operating Budget Review (Lance)x March Financial Report (Michelle)

Financial Report

FRIENDS OF Coeur d'Alene ElementaryFinancial Report as of 6-4-18

Totals Raised by Fundraiser Last Year Year to Date End of Year ProjectionFundraiser 2016-17 2017-2018

Community Fund (Annual Giving Pledges) $ 257,886 $ 272,579 $ 272,579 Community Fund (Collected) $ 232,319 $ 261,634 $ 261,634

Matching donation from Employers $ 13,495 $ 14,141 $ 14,141 Total in community Fund $ 245,815 $ 275,775 $ 275,775

VIP Parking Spots $ 3,194 $ 550 $ 550 Parking lot Banners $ 2,335 $ 4,375 $ 4,375

Restaurant Fundraiser $ 1,839 $ 2,096 $ 2,096 Amazon $ 692 $ 827 $ 827 Box Tops $ - $ 2 $ 2

Ralphs/ Vons/ Escrip $ 896 $ 1,959 $ 1,959 Snacks sales $ 58 $ -

After School PE Program $ 5,975 $ 5,004 $ 5,004 After School Theatre Program $ 1,616 $ 1,309 $ 1,309

After School Japanese Cultural Class $ 675 $ 1,303 $ 1,303 Back to School Night N/A $ 721 $ 721

Holiday Bazaar $ 6,039 $ 6,346 $ 6,346 Let's Lunch $ 4,493 $ 5,753 $ 5,753

Sooky Saturday $ 22,424 $ 16,645 $ 16,645 Movie Night $ 869 $ 286 $ 286

Bake Sale $ 328 $ -Winter Dance $ 10,672 $ 7,455 $ 7,455

Jogathon $ 33,697 $ 52,490 $ 52,490 Spring Festival $ 17,571 $ 10,618 $ 10,618 Silent Auction $ 9,560 $ 8,544 $ 8,544

Art Fundraiser (Square 1 Art) $ 5,002 $ 4,093 $ 4,093 Yearbook $ 8,999 $ 11,870 $ 11,870

Teacher Time Auction $ 19,619 $ 19,687 $ 19,687 T-Shirt Sales $ 2,338 $ 2,866 $ 2,866

Fundraisers Total $ 404,705 $ 440,573 $ 440,573


x Current in reserves: x $182,312

x Possible plansx Discovery during summer to establish investment

fund of $82,312x Retain $100k in liquid reserves, tagged for Paid

Directly to CDA


x Updates x 2018-2019 operating budget discussion

x Reviewx Discussx Approval vote

x Review 2018-19 Board Structurex Review org chart and positionsx Review committee structure

x 2018-19 Board Member Nominations x Review open positions and nomineesx Accept new nomineesx Position Votes

x End of year project opportunitiesx Review current proposalsx Discuss new proposalsx Approval votes

x Booster thank you event

2018-2019 Operating Budget Draft V2

Friends of CDA Proposed Budget for 2018-2019 School Year V2 6-4-18

Paid through CDA / Staff 2017-18 2018-19 Change since last year

Teachers Aides (6 hours) $ 143,432 $ 133,183 $ (10,249)Instructional Aides (3 hours) $ 52,575 $ 52,555 $ (20)

MIS Tech Assistant (Roy) $ 24,275 $ 32,348 $ 8,073 Librarian Aid $ 13,551 $ 15,000 $ 1,449

Morning PE Stipend $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 TOTAL AMOUNT TO CDA: $ 233,833 $ 234,586 $ 753

Paid Direct / StaffPE $ 35,605 $ 40,605 $ 5,000

Arts program $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ -PS arts (Music Program) $ 57,760 $ 60,000 $ 2,240

Landscaping/Campus Beautification $ 6,000 $ 3,000 $ (3,000)Campus Beautification $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000

Gardening Program $ 6,000 $ 11,000 $ 5,000 Operational Expenses

Accountant & Insurance $ 1,600 $ 2,200 $ 600 Website $ 4,500 $ 5,000 $ 500

Email Management Service $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Copier Lease $ 2,440 $ 2,440 $ -

Copier Maintenance $ 5,120 $ 5,120 $ -Copier Overage $ 300 $ 750 $ 450

Stripe & Square Up Credit card fees $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ -

Hospitality, Gifts & Booster Meetings $ 2,300 $ 7,500 $ 5,200

Supplies & Equipment $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ -5th Grade Culmination $ 1,500 $ 2,160 $ 660

Reserve/ Misc unforseen expenses $ 11,500 $ 11,500 $ -

One-Time ExpensesMIS Summer Work (Staff) $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ -

Totals $ 395,418 $ 417,861 $ 22,443 Stretch Goals

Technology Improvements $ 15,000 School Improvement Project $ 10,000

Stretch Goal Totals $ 395,418 $ 442,861 $ 47,443


x Updates x Review 2018-19 Board Structure

x Review org chart and positionsx Review committee structure

x 2018-19 Board Member Nominations x Review open positions and nomineesx Accept new nomineesx Position Votes

x End of year project opportunitiesx Review current proposalsx Discuss new proposalsx Approval votes

x Booster thank you event

Board Member Nominations

x Available Board Positions:x Presidentx Vice President of Communicationx Vice President of Hospitalityx Vice President of Events

Committee Structure

x Committees:x Communicationsx Hospitalityx Community Partnershipsx Eventsx Jog-a-thonx Silent Auctionx Rafflesx Parking Auctionx Restaurant Fundraisersx Merchandisex Box Topsx Visual Arts Programx Recruitmentx New Family Ambassadorsx After School Programx Beautificationx Handy Crewx Green Teamx Technologyx Websitex Yearbook

End of Year Projects

x End of Year Project Opportunities

x Potential available funding: $40kx SMART Board Refreshes = $10kx Grass Oval Astro Turf = $95kx Auditorium = $2kx Dry scaping front of school = $15kx Paint outdoor surfaces= $3kx Quiet play area furniture = $2kx Auditorium projector tech = $1.5kx Blinds classrooms = $1kx Front office tech = $1kx Storage shed refreshes = $3k

Thank you all for an amazing year!