Friday 17th September 2021 44 -

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Transcript of Friday 17th September 2021 44 -

Positive Change Puts Students First-

Dear Parents/Carers,

At Hinckley Academy we ensure that STEM subjects have a prominent place within our curriculum and work to provide additional opportunities to build knowledge outside of the classroom, enabling students to aspire to achieve their dreams within these fields. It has been wonderful to see students across all year groups so engaged in STEM lessons recently and to witness their joy of learning through hands on activities. In this edition I am delighted to share an insight into two of the high quality lessons which have taken place in our Science department recently.

This week we continued our conversations about the 2010 Equality Act and the Protected Characteristics in our PSHE lessons, helping to nurture a welcoming, understanding and accepting school community. I visited numerous PSHE lessons across all year groups and it was fantastic to see students engaged in passionate and thoughtful discussions with staff and their peers while they shared their views and experiences.

As a school it is important that we continue to find new ways to strengthen the link between school and home and to support the relationship with our parents/carers. This is why I am currently in the process of planning a series of Parent Forums over the next few weeks which will enable us to bring our community into our school. I look forward to sharing more details soon.

Finally, I would like to wish Year 11 and Year 13 students the best of luck with their mock exams over the next two weeks, we are all so very proud of their hard work.

Ms Hickman, Head of School


Friday 17th September 2021

Inspiring Future Scientists

Year 7 Students in 7BSc2 were introduced to what it means to think and work like a scientist last Friday. Students built on their understanding of particle theory to predict how the temperature of a liquid affects how easily it flows. They were then able to test out their ideas and collect data to see if their predictions were correct.

Dr Smith, Head of Science said, “We were very impressed with the quality of the students’ lab work – clearly lots of future scientists in the making!” Well done Year 7!

A Level Chemistry Meanwhile, A Level Chemistry students have been required to think in three dimensions when investigating what makes a molecule chiral. A chiral molecule is one with a non-superimposable mirror image. The property of chirality has significance for a wide range of Chemistry and Biochemistry that

students will go on to study. Dr Smith, Head of Science shared how proud she was of the

sixth form students hard work.

SAVE THE DATE - Year 7 Showcase

On Wednesday 6th October, Year 7 students and their families are invited to a Year 7 Showcase at The Bridge. As well as allowing our Year 7 community to come together for the first time to celebrate the fantastic work and achievements of our students, visitors will also get to meet form tutors and have their first tour of The Bridge!

Times and additional information will be communicated shortly—Save the Date! We look forward to welcoming you all to The Bridge!

Please note that Open Evening is predominantly aimed at students in Year 5/6 and their families, while our Year 7 Showcase Evening will

allow parents/carers of our Year 7 students to have a dedicated evening to tour The Bridge area.




PSHE Celebrates Diversity and Acceptance

On Wednesday 15th September students in all year groups took part in a PSHE session centred on the 2010 Equality Act and the Protected Characteristics. Within this PSHE session students discussed peer on peer verbal abuse and staff showed how they would tackle any unacceptable incidents inside or outside of the classroom.

The session allowed a forum for groups to discuss the importance of acceptance and to celebrate diversity across the school, something which continues to be a key focus for us.

Students took part in in-depth discussions in their groups and shared diverse views both thoughtfully and passionately. The sessions gave students a voice, with staff allowing students to develop their understanding and giving them the opportunity to evaluate how they speak to each other.

Students showed great ability to reflect on their own and other’s opinions and demonstrated great respect for diversity across the school.

During the session students were also encouraged to join the Hinckley Academy Student Equality Advisory Board, which helps to ensure an inclusive school community.

Students said how much they valued the sessions, how they felt it had made an impact and that they had enjoyed discussing talking points that made them think.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We are immensely proud of the sense of duty our students show and the charitable, considerate behaviour they demonstrate through regular charity events. We are now delighted to announce that our next charity event will be —Macmillan’s Biggest Coffee Morning!

• Students in Y9-11 will be supporting Macmillan’s Biggest Coffee Morning by holding a Bake Sale next Friday (24th September). Staff and students will be able to purchase a sweet treat from the stall in the main hall at breaktime (cash only). If any student would like to contribute by baking a cake or biscuit, it would be gratefully received. Baked goods can be dropped off at the Y10 or 11 Office on the Friday morning.

• Year 7 - To raise money for Macmillan students in The Bridge will be selling still drinks and sweet treats to their year group and others. Students are being asked, if they would like, to donate something from the list below to sell at the bake sale. Donations need to be taken to their tutor groups on Wednesday 22nd September. (Suggested donations: individual still or carton drinks, packaged cakes, packaged biscuits)

Accommodating Mock Exams Please note that to accommodate Year 11 and Year 13 mock exams w/b 20th and 27th September, the times of the school day will change for two weeks. We will have P1, P2, break, P3 LUNCH, P4 and P5. The bells will be changed accordingly for the two weeks.

Led by Mr Boast, KS5 Director for Learning, the Student Equality

Advisory Board helped to train staff ahead of this week’s

PSHE session.