Frankfinn grooming ppt 2017 2018

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Transcript of Frankfinn grooming ppt 2017 2018

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Name : Mr. Rahul Dhokane

Batch : A1 (HTCS)

Center : Nagpur

Assessor Name : Mrs. Shurtika Lokhande Dhawle

Year : 2017 – 2018

Session : Grooming

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

I am very grateful for the strong support

and guidance provided to me by my grooming

teacher Mrs. Shurtika Lokhande Dhawle, Who

helped me to be well groomed and also helped

me in preparing this project.

I am very thankful to her for the same.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

1. Important of Grooming

2. Skin Care

3. Hair Care

4. Do’s And Don’t

5. Social Graces

6. Bibliography

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

It is the process of making yourself look

neat and attractive.

The things which you do to make yourself

and your apperancetidly and pleasant.

What is Grooming

Types of Grooming



Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Grooming is important because it makes a

person feel good about oneself, he or she

feels confident as a result perform better

and deliver the best.

It is also known that a well groomed

person is always remembered even after

meeting him or her only once.

Always look good you will feel good.

Importance Of Grooming

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Skin Care

Skin Consists of Three Layers

Epidermis :- The outer layer having no blood

vessels and never endings.

Dermis :- The layer below Epidermis with

elastic fiber.

Hypodermis :- The layer below the dermis

with fatty connective tissue,

with high H2O content.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Types of Skin

There Are 4 Different Types Of Skin :-

Normal skin

Dry skin

Oily skin

Combination skin

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Normal skin

Normal skin has an a even tone, soft,

a smooth texture, non- visible pores

or blemishes.

This type of skin has a clear, fine

texture, supple and smooth surface

which is neither greasy one dry.

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Dry Skin

Dry skin has a low – level of sebum and

can be prone to sensitivity.

It usually feel “Tight” and uncomfortable

after washing unless some types of

moisturizer is applied to it.

Chopping and cracking are sign of

extremely dry dehydrated skin.

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Oily Skin

Oily skin is shiny, thick and

dull coloerd.

It is prove to blackheads.

In this type of skin the oil

producing glands are over

active and produces more oil

then is needed.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

.Combination Skin

A Combination skin is a thin nor fine

– texture skin.

It reacts quickly to both heat and


It is commonly dry, delicate and

prone to allergic reaction.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

My Skin Type

I Have Oily Skin Oily skin use hot water for face wash

because it dissolves skin oil better than

Luke warm water .

Use non alcohol based astringent.

Use oil based products as then dissolve

sebum effectively.

Avoid eating fatty foods.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Hair Care

1. Hair is a filamentous biomaterial, that grows

form follicles found in the dermis.

2. Most common interest in hair is focused on

hair growth, hair types and hair care.

Types of Hair

1. Dry hair

2. Oily hair

3. Combination hair

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Dry Hair

Dry hair don’t have enough

moisture and oil maintain its

normal texture.

Dry hair are basically very rough


Very difficult to comb.

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Oily Hair

Oily hair are very greasy which

accumulate oil on your hair and scalp.

Oily hair basically looks very sticky.

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Combination Hair

a. Combination hair are neither

greasy nor dry.

b. It looks like a normal hair

overly porous.

c. Difficult to comb in wet hair

and dry hair.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

My Hair Type

1. I have a Combination hair.

2. Combination is normal and dry hair.

3. A good hair cut is very important to

control combination hair.

4. I don’t use comb is wet hair.

5. I use shampoo alternative day.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

1. Always punctual, always arrives at venue before time.

Don’t be late

2. Wear formals, with comfortable feting, don’t go for

fancy or eye irritating cloths.

3. Don’t expect others to fill you in during or after the


4. Come prepare With stationary, Don’t ask it for


5. Silence our electronics E.g. :- Cell phone, Pager etc.

6. Maintain personal hygiene like trimmed nails, hair etc.

7. Smell good, apologize for mistakes, Don’t argue.

8. Don’t show your nervousness, always keep smile.

9. Always say thank you before leaving.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Tranining

Social Graces

Popularly known as etiquette and good

manners, should be part of your personality.

Social graces include our practices in our

daily life.

Types Of Social Graces

1. Effective Introductions

2. Meaningful Conversations

3. Table Manners

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training


Etiquette is a code of

behavior that delineates

expectations for social

behavior according to

contemporary conventional

norms within a society,

social class, or group.


In sociology, manners are the unenforced

standards of conduct which demonstrate that a

person is proper, polite, and refined. They are

a kind of norm. A lady is a term frequently

used for a woman who follows proper

manners; the term gentleman is used as a male

counter part; though these terms are also often

used for members of a particular social class.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

Etiquette And Manners

Some Points Of Etiquette And Manners

Always greet others according to the time.

Give first preference to ladies.

Always behave mature with every one.

Be Punctual.

Be helpful and friendly.

Be patient and good listener.

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

Height And Weight

My Height :- 158cms

My Weight :- 50 kgs

My BMI :- 20. 03

I AM Normal in Weight

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training

1. Frankfinn Magazines

2. News Paper

3. Internet

4. Friends Advices

Frankfinn Institute Of Air Hostess Training