Fr. Bob Remark, Pastor

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Transcript of Fr. Bob Remark, Pastor

Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m.,

Sunday 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Weekday Eucharist: Tues. at 6:30 p.m.; Wed., Thurs., & Fri., at 10a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every Saturday, 11a.m. - 12 p.m.

Anointing of the Sick: First Tuesday or Wednesday of each month at weekday Mass or by appointment

Eucharistic Exposition & Benediction : First Wednesday of the month.

Baptism: Please contact the office in advance for a preparation program.

Pastor: Fr. Bob Remark

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Seejo John

Permanent Deacons: Deacon John Vallely, Deacon George Sebok,

Deacon Henry Kling

Pastoral Minister: Heather Cushing ext. 260

Youth Ministry : ext. 222

Business Administrator: Tom Boone ext. 224

Secretaries: Kelly Wilson ext. 201, Sheila O’Brien ext. 222

Bookkeeper: Anne Sanderson ext. 229

Building & Property Coordinator: Steve Baldinelli ext. 261

Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ May 21, 2017

Fr. Bob Remark, Pastor

Address: 777 Valetta St. London ON N6H 2Y9

Tel: 519-472-0057 or 519-660-2920 Fax: 519-472-4758

Email: Website:

Parish Facebook Account:

Parish Twitter Account: @hfparishlondon

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Come as you are, and you will be loved.

Responding to the call of Jesus, we will transform the world.

Catholic Women’s League : Mary Van Dyk, President (519) 473-1258 St. Vincent de Paul: Colleen Jones, President (519) 472-0057 X300

Knights of Columbus: Chuck Lutchin - Grand Knight (519) 709-6752

Are You a Disciple of Jesus Christ? With the celebration of the Sixth Sunday of Easter this weekend, the Church takes a sharp turn away from focusing on the risen Lord and rather turning toward the direct preparations for the great Solemnity of

Pentecost. Before sharing with you how we can better prepare for Pentecost, I will share with you some of the hopes that the leadership of our parish has, regarding the spiritual growth of each Holy Family Parish member, namely, that each person will become an Intentional Disciple. Jesus, himself, said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples (Jn.15.8).” We have been throwing around that term for some time now, and perhaps it is a good opportunity to restate what that means. It involves taking a number of growth steps in becoming a mature Christian disciple. Sherry Weddell, in her book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, states it this way:

The Pathway to Intentional Discipleship How does someone become an Intentional disciple?

An individual transitions through three stages to become an Intentional disciple:

1. They hear Jesus’ call to be His Disciple

2. They give their lives entirely over to Jesus,

and they then begin…

3. To share in Jesus’ Redemptive Mission.

To Hear Jesus’ Call to be His Disciple At this stage, three movements occur:

• A person is able to trust or has a positive association with Jesus Christ, the Church, a Christian believer, or something identifiably Christian. This trust is NOT the same as personal faith. This trust does not indicate whether they have ever had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

• A person finds themself intrigued by or desiring to know more about Jesus, His life and His teachings, or some aspect of the Christian faith. This curiosity can range from mere awareness of a new possibility, to something quite intense. In this part of the journey, a person is not open to personal change. This curiosity is often mistaken for serious seeking. Serious seeking is an active step rather than a passive one.

• A person acknowledges to themself and to God that he or she is open to the possibility of a personal and spiritual change. This is not intentional discipleship. Being open does not mean that a person is necessarily ready to change their life.

To Give Our Lives Entirely Over to Jesus At this stage, two movements occur:

• The person moves from being essentially passive to actively seeking to know the God who is calling him or her. It is, if you will, “dating with a purpose”, but not yet marriage. Seekers are asking, “Are you the one to whom I will give myself?” Seekers are seeking Jesus. At this movement, a person begins to explore what it means and what it will cost to follow Jesus. This movement is not yet intentional discipleship.

(cont’d inside)

Readings for May 28, 2017 The Ascension of the Lord First Reading: Acts 1.1-11

Psalm: Psalm 47.1-2, 5-6, 7-8 (R. 5a) Second Reading: Ephesians 1.17-23

Gospel: Matthew 28.16-20

Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ May 21, 2017

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Today, you will find enclosed in our parish bulletin, an information brochure outlining the purpose and details of the “Rekindling the Gift” campaign, along with messages from

Bishop Fabbro and Fr. Steve Wlusek, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary, enclosed with a postage paid envelope. Part of the comprehensive plan is to completely renovate the building and to reconfigure the property that has been St. Peter’s Seminary for over a century. This is a major project for Bishop Fabbro, the Seminary and for all of the faithful of the Diocese of London. It invites our serious consideration, and perhaps even your generous contribution. At the very least, it deserves and needs our fervent prayerful support. Every person is free to give to this collection as best suits their situation. With the wisdom of Tom Boone, our Business Administrator, we have taken a decision to collect all monies for the project, count it ourselves, submit a tax receipt to donors from the parish, and then submit the lump sum to the Seminary. In this way, we are offering some shelter to parishioners who may not want to be placed on the ongoing Seminary list of contributors. To do this, please return the appeal envelope via the Sunday collection, making your cheque out to ‘Holy Family Parish’. You may decide that you want to deal directly with the Seminary by mailing it to them in the envelope provided and thereby be an ongoing supporter of the Seminary. The choice is yours! Thank you, in advance, for your generous support of St. Peter’s Seminary. I have already made my contribution to the campaign this year.

Devotedly yours in the Lord, Fr. Bob

Novena to the Holy Spirit

May 26th - June 3rd

Vigil of Welcome to

the Holy Spirit

Saturday, June 3rd

7:00 p.m.

~ Adoration ~

~ Praise and Worship ~

~ Scriptures ~

~ Prayer Ministry ~

Pentecost Sunday Weekend Masses

Saturday 5:00 p.m.;

Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Fr. Bob’s Message cont’d...

• A person makes a decision to entrust their entire life to Jesus. A person makes a conscious and deliberate decision to follow Jesus in the midst of His Church as an obedient disciple, and reorders one’s life accordingly. This entrustment is not the end of the spiritual journey - it is the beginning of a long and fruitful journey toward heaven.

To Share in Jesus’ Redemptive Mission At this stage, three movements occur:

• A person begins to share with others who Jesus is and the difference He can make in their life. • A person begins to help make intentional disciples. They begin to take Jesus out into the secular world and share God’s sacrificial love with those who are far from God. • A person actively begins to discern their personal call from Jesus (vocation) and their spiritual gifts (charisms).

May I invite you to pray and ponder the difference between a “Good” person and an “Intentional Disciple.” What does Jesus ask of you? As a bit of an aside, Sherry Weddell has been invited to be the main presenter at the Clergy Study Days this coming October. Most priests don’t understand what it is to be an intentional disciple, so helping them to understand and to become themselves, intentional disciples, is a great start! You have heard the expression, “You can’t give what you don’t have.” That is true for all of us, as priests, as parents, as educators! How to prepare for the Third Greatest Solemnity in the Church Year: PENTECOST:

1. By praying the Novena (Nine Days of Prayer) to the Holy Spirit, beginning Friday, May 26th. Hard copies are available; see also our parish website:

2. By praying using the Scripture Readings for daily mass, and the Rosary, praying the Glorious Mysteries, going to Confession.

3. By participating in the Pentecost Vigil Service on Saturday, June 3rd, beginning at 7:00 p.m. 4. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to become an

Intentional Disciple, and asking the Holy Spirit to raise up parish leaders to lead the way.

Focolare Monthly Meeting ( will be on June 3rd. It will be our final meeting of the year, with our summer Mariapolis on July 1st to 3rd at Brescia College. For more information call John Wells at (519) 472-0769.

Sixth Sunday of Easter ~ May 21, 2017

The Week of May 22nd - 28th

Tuesday, May 23 10:00 a.m.: Hope Comforters - St. Mary Magdalene Room 7:15 p.m.: Praise & Worship Band - Church

Wednesday, May 24 1:00 p.m.: Cards - Mother of Peace Room 7:00 p.m.: Family Mass Singers - Church

Thursday, May 25 7:00 p.m.: LinC - All Saints Hall 7:00 p.m.: Symbolon - Mother of Peace Room 7:00 p.m.: Traditional Choir - Church

Friday, May 26 3:00 p.m.: Divine Mercy Devotion - Church 7:00 p.m.: SSVP Sleepout for Poverty - Church Grounds

Saturday, May 27 9:30 a.m.: Children’s Choir Practice - Church

Sunday, May 28 Children’s Church - All Saints Hall during the Sunday Masses


Mass Intentions for May 23rd - 26th

Tues., May 23 &

Wed., May 24

NO MASSES due to Pastoral Planning Days.

Please keep our leadership team in your prayers

Thurs., May 25 10:00 a.m.

Catharina Gysbers requested by the Gysbers Family

Donald Moore requested by Gerard & Diane Terpstra

Fri., May 26 10:00 a.m.

St. Philip Neri, Priest

Frank Cauchi requested by Suzanne Cole

David Lederman requested by the Knights of Columbus

ALPHA is a basic introduction to and

encounter with the person of Jesus Christ.

It is an ideal first step for anyone seeking

community, fun and answers to questions

about faith. This Alpha experience has

radically changed people’s faith and lives – for the

better!! They have woken up to a new spiritual reality!

How about you? Alpha takes place over several weeks

and our next sessions start Wednesday, September 20th, one at 11:00am; the other at 6:00pm.

Are you ready for the faith experience of a lifetime?

A Liturgical Decorator Is Needed to plan, order, set-up and maintain the liturgical season flowers for the sanctuary at Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving, & Christmas. As well this person or groups of people would

help maintain the arrangements or planters that so often decorate our church during these seasonal times or even following a Funeral mass in the church. If you have a gift of creativity, flower arranging skills or even just a green thumb for indoor plants, and maybe even have floral contacts we can reach out to, we would love to hear from you. It would only take a few hours a month to lend a hand. Kindly call Kelly at the parish office at ext’n # 201.

God’s Gardeners Help Needed! - As our gardening season begins to blossom, we are looking for extra help to keep our gardens attractive. We currently only have a few parishioners

helping, but could use lots more help. If you have a green thumb and a few hours a week to help, please feel free to join our team by calling Tom & Monica Bevil at (519) 472-0689.

Hope Comforters, Prayer Shawl & Quilters Year - End Potluck - All members of these groups are reminded to join us on Tuesday, June 6th at 5:00 p.m. in the All Saints Hall. Bring your favourite dish.

Catholic Women’s League

Year End Luncheon

When: June 11, 2017 Where: All Saints Hall Time: 12 Noon (following 10:30am Mass) Cost: $ 10.00 per person Menu: Chicken Parmesan, noodles with garlic/oil or plain, caesar salad, rolls and homemade pies

Guest Speakers: The students we sponsored to attend the March for Life in Ottawa.

Reserve your spot by June 4th by calling Mary Van Dyk, 519-473-1258 or email Note: Arrangements will be made for rides home for anyone who depends on the senior’s bus.

C.W.L. Apple Pies for Sale - Are you craving a homemade apple pie? Then have we got a treat for you! The C.W.L. still have plenty of 9” frozen apple pies available for

sale for $10.00 each. Please call Lou Quirk at (519) 432-4266.

Ordination to the Transitional Deacon A transitional deacon is a seminarian in the last year of preparation for ordination to the priesthood. Mr. Paul Kim is well known here as

a seminarian at Holy Family Parish. He will be ordained to the transitional diaconate by His Excellency Joseph Dabrowski, Auxiliary Bishop of London, on Monday, June 12th at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Angels Parish, St. Thomas. All are welcome to attend. We assure Paul of our support, and prayers, as he prepares for ordination.


SAVE THE DATE: Friday, September 1st, 2017