Fr. Bob P. Bob · 10/03/2019  · St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA...

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Transcript of Fr. Bob P. Bob · 10/03/2019  · St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA...

St. Joseph Catholic Church 2011 Darling Avenue, Waycross, GA 31501

Fr. Bob Cushing, Pastor: (478) 284-5235 Church Secretary: Barbara Grace Albert (912-286-0491) Music Minister: Timothy Remmel (912-281-9787)

Religious Education Coordinator: Lacey Gruver (912) 282-0493 Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Jason Strickland (912) 387-6781

Youth Ministry Coordinator: Loretta Coar (912) 390-9116 Loaves and Fishes Outreach: (912)283-5221

Office number: (912) 283-7700/Office fax (912) 283-7929 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am—4:30pm

The First Sunday of Lent

March 10, 2019

Dear Parishioners and Friends:

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jor-dan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil ” [Luke 4:1]

Before we follow Jesus into the desert, do you remember where he was coming from? At his baptism he heard the world-transforming Word: “You are my beloved on whom my favor rests.” This revelation of AGAPE love was not meant only for Jesus, but for everyone. His true spiritual identity has not been tried out yet. So the Spirit drove Jesus into the de-sert to test out his body-mind-spirit as a human being. Jesus learned, as we all must, how to remain fixed on his Father’s love when he is tempted by creaturely appetites, by power games to control people, and by pride, to be “someone spe-cial” and spectacular. These classic temptations to pleasure, power and pride are countered by his humble acceptance of human limits (Chastity), by his choice to serve only God (Obedience), and by choosing to serve those in need (Poverty).

As we follow Jesus into the forty days of desert testing, we traditionally use the methods of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiv-ing to free ourselves up for transformation, to become that better version of ourselves that truly is God’s beloved child. We practice “passing-over” our inclinations to human selfish-ness and sin during Lent, so that we might stretch and be-come more able to celebrate and live the Easter Mysteries. I hope and pray that you can get excited about this pilgrimage home to your better self, set free to serve and enjoy our com-munity of faith. In sum, I pray for deeper sense of humility and hospitality so that we can make the world a better place.

Question for the week: What will I do this Lent each day to draw nearer to God?

Word for the week: “the Word of God”: food for our soul, delight for our heart, is Jesus himself, more than the text and context, but the story of Good News calling us to new life.

Your Pastor, Fr. Bob

Primer Domingo de Cuaresma

10 de marzo, 2019

Queridos Feligreses y Amigos:

Lleno del Espíritu Santo, Jesús regreso del Jordán y fue llevado por el Espíritu al desierto por cuarenta días, para ser tentado por el demonio.” [Lucas 4:1]

Antes de seguir a Jesús al desierto, ¿te acuerdas de dónde venia? En el Bautismo el oye las palabras transformadoras del mundo: “Tu eres mi hijo amado en quien pongo mis complacencias.” Esta revelación de amor AGAPE no fue solo para Jesús, más bien para todos. Su verdadera identi-dad espiritual no ha sido probada todavía. Así que el Espí-ritu lleva a Jesús al desierto para probar su cuerpo-mente -espíritu como un ser humano. Jesús aprendió, como todos debemos, como mantenernos fijos en el amor del Padre cuando él es tentado por apetitos, por juegos de poder para controlar a la gente y por el orgullo, a ser “alguien especial” y espectacular. Estas tentaciones clásicas al placer, poder y orgullo son opuestas por su humilde aceptación de los limites humanos (Castidad) por su escogencia de servir solo a Dios (Obediencia) y por escoger el servir a los nece-sitados (Pobreza).

Al seguir a Jesús en los cuarenta días de tentación en el desierto, tradicionalmente usamos el método de Oración, Ayuno y Limosna para liberarnos por la transformación, para ser esa mejor versión de nosotros mismos que real-mente es el hijo amado de Dios. Practicamos “el pasar” nuestras inclinaciones humanas de egoísmo y pecado du-rante Cuaresma., para que podamos alargarnos y tener más posibilidad de celebrar y vivir los Misterios de la Pas-cua de resurrección. Yo espero y oro pata que ustedes puedan emocionarse acerca de este peregrinaje a la casa para volverse mejor, hacerse libre para server y disfrutar nuestra comunidad de fe. En suma, pido por un profundo sentido de humildad y hospitalidad para que podamos ha-cer del mundo un lugar mejor.

Preguntas de la semana: ¿Que voy a hacer esta Cuares-ma cada día para acercarme a Dios?

Palabra de la semana: La palabra de Dios”; comida para nuestra alma, Delicia para nuestro Corazón es Jesús el mismo, más que el texto y el contexto, pero la historia de las Buenas Nuevas llamándonos a una nueva vida.

Su Pastor, P. Bob

St. Joseph Offertory March 3, 2019 Offertory $5,669.00 Children’s Circle $39.00 Total $5,780.00 Southern Cross $171.00





































Second Collection today is the “Better Steward-ship” Collection to continue to heal the budget shortfall.

Segunda Colecta de hoy es para Una Mejor Co-rresponsabilidad” Colecta que va a continuar sanando el déficit presupuestario.

Loaves and Fishes Report February, 2019

“God can only do for you what he can do through you.” Eric Butterworth 39 families were helped, some in many ways 31 families were given food 27 individuals were given clothing 3 families were helped with rent 8 families were helped with utilities 1 person was helped with a gas card 1 person was helped with car insurance 3 people were helped with medical needs 1 family was helped with a motel room for three nights 1 family was helped with a car battery 1 family, who has not had hot water for a year, was helped with a partial payment on a new water heater Individual parishioners contributed $1,625. We also received $500 from the O’Neil fund and $500 from Operation Rice Bowl through the Diocese of Savannah. Thank you St. Joseph parishioners.

“Spring forward!” Remember, Saturday night (March 9) your clock “sprung forward” one hour!

"Primavera hacia adelante!" Recuerde, el sábado

por la noche (9 de marzo) su reloj "surgido hacia

adelante" una hora!

You’re invited to pray the Rosary in English next week at Debbie Cahill’s home. Please join us in prayer on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 10:00 am. Her home is located at 433 Loblolly Lane in Waycross. Please contact Ann Johnson with your prayer intentions at 912-614-3988.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE ILL, ESPECIALLY PARISHIONERS: Joyce Bachofner, Arcelia Saucedo, Elizabeth Smith, Peggy Thomas, Carlene Murray, Rose Mary Fulford, Dorothy Gaskill, Bob & Kathy Odam, Colleen Matich, Debbie Cahill, Leslie Bennett, Abraham Gomez, Tom DiBiase, Glenn & Shelly Chase, Clinton Vaughn, Mor-gan Hess & Ann Marie Hess, Genevieve Martin, Keith Fullenkamp, Bill & Glenda Brewington, Adrienne But-ler, and Phyllis Buck, Lucy Todd, Carol McCloskey, Nathan Brooks, Waveleen Wehling, and Cathy Long.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY: LT. Tim Boyce, U.S. Navy, Rann Howell, Colonel Mark B. Parker, and Ethan Stanley.

PLEASE PRAY FOR FAMILY & FRIENDS OF OURS: Robert Cushing Jr., Pat Marsh, Hannah Phillips & Family, Lindsay Joyce, Patricia Carter, Connie McAl-pin, Roger Gaskill, Michael McAlpin, Jason McCul-lum, Paul Tang, Michael Driggers, Maurice Hannah, Earl Black, Tom Grizzaffe, James Kenneth Cox Jr., Lonny Joseph Waring Jr., Merinda Mixon, Annie Burns, Toby Foster, Bill Caballero, Harris Lott, Flor-ence Struempler, Francis Ann Cook, James Stokes, Cindy Taylor, Kris Kruse, April Snider, Robin John-son, Thomas Williams, Angel Sinai Gomez, Kim Mes-senger, William Willis, Sandy Wright, Ashley Hoff-man, Sue Rossi, Brittany Alderman, Betty Denyko, Sr. Chris Cullen, MFIC, David Greg Russell, Chloe Robin-son, William Martin IV, Michelle Rio, Bobby Ziolkow-ski, Stan Stipe, Joseph McHendry, Dr. Richard Lynch, Rose Parisee, Adrian Arnold, Erin Crosby, Rosa Maria Santos, Mervyn Humphreys, Ida Cook, Becky Griffin, Claudia Taylor, Megan Schultz, Dora Bullard, Millie Bailey, Edmay Tardif, Ken Jorishie, Kevin Wehling, Gara Baker, Jane Foreman, Wanda Waring, John Ste-phens, Craig Carter, Dallin Thorton, Elizabeth Pea-cock, Don & Marilyn Sanderson, Bill Byrd & Family, Ghioto Family, Chris Garafola, Marlene Brooker, Wesley Sowell, Jennifer Raulerson, Sidney Bennett, Marilyn Waters, Anna Namanok, Carol McNeary, and Delia Fonzeca.

Parish Mission Prayer

Father of Mercy, your Holy Spirit has called us from many lands and cultures to become the faith community of St. Joseph Parish. You gather us to proclaim your Word of Mercy for all through prayer, sacrament, and service. O Holy one show us how to nourish this commitment through faith formation, hospitality, and stewardship, so that through us your compassion may embrace the cross of all the needy, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Oracion de la Misión Parroquial Padre de Misericordia, tu Santo Espíritu nos ha lla-mado de muchas tierras y culturas para formar la comunidad de fe de la Parroquia de San Jose. Nos uniste para proclamar tu palabra de misericordia para todos a través de la oración, sacramentos y servicio, O Santísimo, muéstranos como alimentar este compromiso a través de la form ación de fe, hospitalidad y corresponsabilidad, para que a través de nosotros tu compasión ellos abracen la cruz de todos los necesitados, por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen

Word from Pope Francis

Palabras del Papa Francisco

“ Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security and, as a consequence, benefits some else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan, who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him.”

“El ayuno hace sentido si de verdad quita de nuestra seguridad y , como consecuen-cia, nos beneficiamos algo de eso, Si te sir-ve un estilista del estilo del Buen Samari-tano, que se agacho por su hermano en ne-cesidad y lo cuido.”

Youth Fundraiser

This weekend, March 9th and 10th, our Youth Group will hold a fundraiser after all the Masses.

They will sell very nice pens with a stylus at the end.

The pens come in light blue or dark green.

They are personalized with our church name and address.

The price is $4.00 per pen. Just use cash or check to make your contribution. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph Catholic Church and write Youth Group on memo line.

Please help our Youth Group with this fundraiser!

Thank You!

BUDGET SHORTFALL: Several couples have re-sponded by sending in a sizeable sacrifice to help heal the parish budget deficit. We thank them for their thoughtful and prayerful sacrifice. Several others re-marked that they were gone so much that they didn’t know this was happening. As we all work more to-gether, more consistently faithful to sharing our hum-ble tithes, our parish can recover, but only when each of us cares and shares consistently from the heart.

To Clarify: There has been some confusion about the “RAINY DAY FUND.” It is stable at more than $76,000, but we have stopped taking up this collec-tion for it on the second weekend of the month until we have addressed the Budget Deficit which is slowly improving because of your better stewardship. This fund is dedicated to be used only for Capital Expendi-tures, not for paying the monthly bills. For clarity, the PFC decided to change the name to CAPITAL EX-PENDITURE FUND. So note that the second collec-tion to be taken up this weekend will be for the “Better Stewardship Fund,” to continue to heal the budget shortfall.

DEFICIT PRESUPUESTARIO: Varias parejas han respondido mandando un sacrificio de gran tamaño para ayudar a sanar el déficit del presupuesto de la parroquia. Les damos las gracias a ellos por su sacri-ficio reflexivo y orante. Varios dijeron que se habían ido tanto tiempo que no sabían que esto estaba su-cediendo. Al trabajar todos juntos, más consistente-mente fieles para compartir nuestros humildes diez-mos, nuestra parroquia se puede reponer, pero solo cuando cada uno se preocupa y comparte desde el corazón.

Para Clarificar: Ha habido un poco de confusión acerca del “FONDO PARA UN DIA LLUVIOSO.” Esta estable a más de $76,000, pero hemos dejado de tomar esta colecta el Segundo fin de semana de ca-da mes hasta que hallamos arreglado el Déficit Pre-supuestario que esta lentamente mejorando gracias a que están siendo mejores corresponsables. Este fondo está dedicado a ser usado solo en Gastos Ca-pitales, no para pagar las cuentas del mes. Para cla-ridad, el PFC decidió cambiar el nombre de FONDO DE GASTOS CAPITALES. Así que noten que la se-gunda colecta a ser recogida la próxima semana se-rá para el “Fondo de Mejor Corresponsabilidad.” Para continuar sanando el déficit presupuestario.

Financial Stewardship: In an effort to awaken our congregation

to more generous fiscal responsibility, these stark figures are

shared to be accountable and transparent. They reveal how far

behind we are in covering our operational costs year-to-date.

These numbers do not show other designated offerings like gifts

to Loaves and Fishes or the Rainy Day Fund. Please, help us out

of our deficit by your faithful tithes.

Offertory through 03/06/2019: $147,875

Parish Operating Expenses- $165,144

through 02/18/2019

Budget Shortfall- - $17,269

Corresponsabilidad Financiera: en un esfuerzo por despertar a

nuestra congregación a una responsabilidad financiera más genero-

sos, estos números duros son compartidos para ser transparentes y

responsables. Ellos claramente revelan cuán lejos estamos de cu-

brir nuestro costo operacional hasta este momento en el año. Estos

números no muestran otras ofrendas designadas como regalos a

Panes y Peces o al Fondo del Dia Lluvioso. Estos números alar-

mantes son compartidos con ustedes para que ustedes respondan

generosamente a ayudar con el déficit.

Ofertorio hasta el 03/06/2019: $147,875

Gastos de Operación de la Parroquia: -$165,144

Hasta el 03/06/2019

Déficit presupuestario: - $17,269

PRE Sunday Morning Breakfast

03-10-2019 Maribel Linares and Evelin Arroyo

03-17-2019 Martin Mote and Marisol Hernandez

03-24-2019 Noelia Soto and Rocio Ceron

03-31-2019 NO PRE

1 gallon of 2% milk, 1 gallon of orange juice, and 10 bananas

ON PILGRIMAGE: WALKING WITH THE SAINTS AND MYSTICS – from Avila (Spain) to Lourdes, France, to Chartres Cathedral via Paris, and on to Lisieux and more of Paris, this pilgrimage is an immersion in the spirituality of the mystics and a walk through the development of centuries of spiritual consciousness in Spain and France. This Pilgrim-age is more like a retreat, NOT a tour, but a way of traveling faith that is a journey of a lifetime. We depart from Jackson-ville on October 15, 2019, return on Oct 25.Cost: $4,590 for twin accommodation. See the bulletin board for details. I am extending this invitation to parishioners first for three weeks before opening it up to the diocese. I am taking only 23 peo-ple. I have been waiting 30 years to do this pilgrimage! Let

me know if you can come with us. Fr. Bob Cushing

EN PEREGRINACION: CAMINANDO CON LOS SANTOS Y MISTICOS- desde Ávila (España) a Lourdes, Francia, hasta la Catedral de Chartes vía Paris, y luego a Lisieux y más de Paris, este peregrinaje es una inmersión en la es-piritualidad de los místicos y un caminar a través del Desa-rrollo de siglos de conciencia espiritual en España y Francia. Este peregrinaje es más como un retiro. NO una excursión, pero una manera de viaje de fe que es un viaje de toda la vida. Partiremos de Jacksonville el 15 de octubre, 2019, retornando el 25 de octubre. El costo es de $4,590 para acomodo doble. Vea el tablero de noticias para detalles. Estoy extendiendo esta invitación a los feligreses primero por tres semanas antes de abrirlo a la diócesis. Estoy lle-vando 23 personas. ¡He esperado 30 años para hacer esta peregrinación! Déjeme saber si puede venir con nosotros. P. Bob Cushing

The full RCIA Class will meet Tuesday night, March 12, at 7:15 PM in the Parish Hall to reflect on Lent and the meaning of Reconciliation/Confession. We will meet two weeks after that on March 26 to reflect on the Paschal Mystery, the heart of Holy Week. Contact Fran McElroy ( or 267-496-1965) or Fr. Bob [ & 478-284-5235] or the church office (283-7700) for more info.

Last Weekend was Loaves and Fishes Weekend; Thank

you for bringing non-perishable food items to the church for

the presentation of the gifts at each Mass.

El fin de semana pasado fue Loaves y peces fin de semana;

gracias por traer comidas que no se dañan a la iglesia para la

presentación de los regalos en cada Misa.

Parish Spring Clean Day - Saturday March 23, 2019 8:30AM until we are done. Can YOU Help? Confirmation students with their sponsors get double credit for service hours!

Dia de Limpieza de Primavera de la Parroquia – Sábado, marzo 23, 2019 a las 8:30AM hasta que terminemos. ¿PUEDES Ayudar? ¿Los estudiantes de Confirmación con sus padrinos consiguen doble crédito por estas ho-ras de servicio!

This Week at St. Joe’s

03/11/2019 Monday 9:00 am Mass; 6:30 pm Stewardship Meeting 03/12/2019 Tuesday 12:10 pm Mass; 7:15 pm RCIA Team Meeting 03/13/2019 Wednesday 1:00 pm Living the Eucharist with Leader Frank Hoffman in Conference room; 4-6:00 pm; Adoration; 6:00 pm Mass with Anointing of the Sick; 7:15 pm Living the Eucharist Meeting 03/14/2019 Thursday 9:00 am Mass; 6:00 pm Choir Practice 03/15/2019 Friday No Mass; 6:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed with a Simple Supper sponsored by the Youth Group; Office Closed 03/16/2019 Saturday 4:00 pm– 4:45 pm Confession; 5:00 pm English Mass; 2nd Sunday in Lent 03/17/2019 Sunday 9:00 am Mass English: 10:30 am PRE; 10:30 am Vivir la Eucaristia; Noon Spanish Mass; 2nd Sunday of Lent; Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Bulletin Deadline: All announcements and news items for the next Sunday's bulletin need to be given to our parish secretary (Barbara).[] by Monday morning.

March 9, 2019 5:00 pm Mass-English Saturday Lector: Wanda Petersen EM: Marian Williams and Lucy Todd Server: Lee Tipps and Zach Chase, Usher: Mike Frawley and Joe Robison Intention: CCW Intentions March10, 2019 9:00 am Mass-English Sunday Lector: Frank Hoffman EM: Eloise Purdom, Socorro Martinez, Connie Barefield, and John Chancey Server: Lauren Hackett and Emma Hackett Usher: John David Johnson and Joseph Johnson Intention: Pro Populo March 10, 2019 Noon Mass-Spanish Sunday Lector: Maribel Rios EM: Vicente Rodas, Magdalena Santana, y Francisco Velez Server: Brayan Rios y Stephanie Rios Usher: Vicente Rodas y Abel Rodigues Intention: None March 16, 2019 5:00 pm Mass-English Saturday Lector: Lucy Todd EM: Maria Contreras and Louise Walker Server: Fran McElroy Usher: Dave Cahill and Al Santos Intention: Sr. Anne Frawley(RIP) March 17, 2019 9:00 am Mass-English Sunday Lector: Barbara Miller EM: John Chancey, Anna Saucedo, Loretta Coar, Frank Hoffman, and Rose Lopez Server: Seth Cheshire and Natalie Romero Usher: John David Johnson and Roney Petersen Intention: Pro Populo March 17, Noon Mass-Spanish Sunday Lector: Mariel Rios EM: Magdalena Santana, Juanita Sosa, y Vicente Rodas Server: Brayan Rios y Stephanie Rios Usher: Francisco Velez y Abel Rodigues Intention: None

2019-Simple Supper Providers

March 6, 2019 Ash Wednesday-K of C

March 8, 2019-Parish Council

March 15, 2019-Youth Group

March 22, 2019-CCW

March 29, 2019-Catechists

April 5, 2019-Filipino Ministry

April 12, 2019-Hipanic Ministry

Thank You!

You are invited to walk the Way of the Cross on the Fridays

nights of Lent at 6 pm and to enjoy a simple supper fellow-

ship afterwards in the parish hall. The Youth Group will

provide the Simple Supper on Friday, March 15, 2019.

NECESITAMOS ministros de Eucaristía de la Santa Comunión: La Parroquia desesperadamente necesita nuevos miembros devotos que esta dispuestos a ser llamados a servir como Ministros Extraordi-narios de la Santa Comunión. El P. Bob tendrá una clase en español el jueves en la noche, marzo 14 y 21. Para aquellos que están dis-puestos a tomar el entrenamiento como Ministros Eucarísticos. Por favor contáctelo a él.

PRE-CANA: Un Taller de Preparación Matrimonial será llevado a cabo en la iglesia de la Santa Familia [1100 S Lewis Street, Metter, GA 30439, el sábado 23 de marzo, 2019, desde las 8:30 AM a las 5:00 PM. El costo de $55 por pareja. Para registrarse o para más información, llame a Dora Uscanga al 912-481-5385.

Rules For Fasting during Lent: Remember the universal discipline of the Church for fasting is that we do not eat between meals and that we eat and drink less (all 3 meals not to exceed 2 small meals) and that we abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednes-day and the Fridays of Lent. The rule applies to those who are not ill between the ages of 12 to 59. Remember we are fasting to free ourselves up to serve others! Make it a prayer (otherwise it is just dieting!)

¡Reglas para ayunar durante Cuaresma! Recuerden que la disciplina universal de la Iglesia para ayunar es que no se coma nada entre comidas y que se coma y beba menos (las 3 comi-das no deben exceder dos pequeñas comidas) y que se absten-gan de carne el Miércoles de Cenizas y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. La regla aplica a aquellos que no están enfermos entre las edades de 12 a 59. Recuerden que estamos ayunando para liberarnos para ir otros. Hágalo una oración (de otra ma-nera es solamente una dieta)


Living the Eucharist: You are invited to participate in this faith formation program, Living the Eucharist, during the 6 weeks of Lent. We have begun our weekly sessions, forming small groups and to share the pilgrimage of Lent as a time to deepen our faith, especially with the readings of Lent and the depths of the Holy Eucharist. WHY NOT make this your best LENT ever? Sunday mornings in Spanish at 10:30 AM or Wednesdays in English at 1 PM or 715 PM in the Hall. Come a time that works for you! [Contact people: Jesus Velez and Fr. Bob]

OPERATION RICE BOWL: Our traditional Lenten journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving means that as a community of faith we share these common disciplines as we turn back to God and learn to accompany the poor at home and abroad in the global village. Having the Rice Bowl on our kitchen tables is the Catholic way we in the Unites States accompany the poor as real people whom we assist with our sacrifices of eating more simply during Lent and sharing some of our dinner table money with brothers and sisters in other lands. Each week a different country and new stories to ponder. Take home your family CRS [Catholic Relief Service] RICE BOWL this Sunday to get started! PRE children will receive them as well. We bring them back full on Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday.


Viviendo la Eucaristía: Están invitados a participar en este programa de formación de fe, Viviendo la Eucaristía, durante las seis semanas de Cuaresma. Hemos comenzado nuestras se-siones semanales, formando pequeños grupos y compartiendo el peregrinaje de Cuaresma como tiempo de profundizar nuestra fe, especialmente con las lecturas de Cuaresma y las profundi-dades de la Santa Eucaristía. ¿PORQUE NO hacer de esta la MEJOR CUARESMA de toda la vida? Domingo en la mañana en español, a las 10:30 am o el miércoles en Ingles a la 1 PM en el Salón. ¡Venga a la hora más conveniente para usted! [Gente de contacto: Jesús Vélez y P. Bob]

OPERACION PLATO DE ARROZ: Nuestra tradicional jornada de Cuaresma de oración, ayuno y limosna significa que como comunidad de fe compartimos estas comunes disciplinas vol-teándonos a Dios y aprendiendo a acompañar a los pobres en la casa y afuera en la viña global. Al tener el plato de arroz en nuestra mesa de la cocina es la manera católica en los Estados Unidos de acompañar a los pobres como gente real a los que ayudamos con nuestros sacrificios de comer simplemente du-rante la Cuaresma y compartir algo del dinero para comida con hermanos y hermanas de otras tierras. Cada semana un país diferente y una historia para pensar. Llévese a su casa para la familia UN PLATO DE ARROZ DE CRS [Catholic Relief Servi-ces] ¡este domingo para que comencemos! Los niños de ERP los recibirán también. Los traeremos llenos el Domingo de Pal-mas y el Jueves Santo.

Previews of special coming attractions:

March 11, Monday 6:30, Stewardship Meeting in the con-ference room.

March 12, Tuesday night at 7:15, RCIA Meeting for the whole group

March 15, Stations of the Cross every Friday night at 6 PM followed by a Simple Supper in the Hall.

March 19, Tuesday, 6PM Mass for the Parish Feast Day for St. Joseph spouse of Mary

March 23, Saturday, 8:30 AM Parish Spring Clean

March 24, Oscar Romero Sunday, special Youth Mass at 12 Noon with Romero movie at the Rectory at 5 PM.

March 25, Monday, 6:30 PM, Parish Lenten Confessions with visiting priests

Avance de futuras atracciones:

11 de marzo, lunes a las 6:30 PM reunión de Corres-ponsabilidad en el salón de conferencias

12 de marzo, martes en la noche 7:15 PM reunión de RCIA para todo el grupo

15 de marzo, estaciones de la Cruz cada viernes en la noche a las 6 PM después de una Cena simple en el sa-lón.

19 de marzo, martes, 6 PM Misa para la Fiesta de la Parroquia día de San José esposo de María

23 de marzo, sábado, a las 8:30 AM Dia de Limpieza de la Parroquia

24 de marzo. Domingo de Oscar Romero, Misa Juvenil especial a las 12 del mediodía con cine sobre Romero después de la cena en la Rectoría.

25 de marzo, lunes, 6:30 pm Confesiones de la Parro-quia de Cuaresma con sacerdotes visitantes.

Thank you for all who have pledged and/or contributed

to the 2019 Bishop’s Annual Appeal! No gift is too

small or too large and every gift is important. Thank you

for your generosity. You may mail in your BAA envelope

or drop it in the collection basket. Please make checks

for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal payable to: Diocese of


Our parish goal for 2019 is $22,134. Thank you!

Gracias a todos los que ya han ofrecido o ya han dado su

contribución para la Petición Anual del Obispo 2019!

Ninguna cantidad es muy pequeña o demasiado grande y

cada regalo es importante. Gracias por su generosidad.

Pueden mandar su sobre de la PAO por correo o ponerlo

en la canasta de la colecta. Por favor hagan los cheques

a nombre de : Diocese of Savannah.

La meta de nuestra parroquia en el 2019 es $22,134.


Diocese of Savannah Office of Family Life:


For any person, mother, father, family mem-ber, or friend, who is struggling with the emotional, spiritual and psychological pain after an abortion - this is a special ministry just for you. A Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat offers an opportunity to find healing, hope and forgiveness. Come and experi-ence the mercy and compassion of God through this healing ministry. For additional information contact Stephanie May at 912-306-0406,, or visit the web-site at . All calls and inquiries are strictly confidential. Come and be restored. Our next retreat is near Augusta, Ga

Birthright hotline # 1-800-550-4900

Office for the Protection of Children and Young

People, toll free reporting hotline: (888) 357-5530

Council of Catholic Women St. Joseph Catholic Church Spirituality, Leadership, Service CCW would like to thank Linda Robison for an impressive Demonstration on Basket Weaving and Ann Johnson for planning a delicious breakfast for all members. CCW is doing the Simple Supper in the Parish Hall on Friday March 22, 2019. Please consider attending the Stations of the Cross prior to our Supper. Interested in joining CCW? Come give us a try, we have

Some fun activities planned, and we would love to have You. Please remember to pray for our Spiritual Babies!

Quincinera candidates! Fr. Bob is request-

ing those who are planning a Qunice' between

now and Christmas please plan on attending

this retreat as part of their spiritual preparation

for their Quince. All young women teens are

welcome! 8th-12th grades. It will be at Camp

Grace in Roberta, GA (near Macon) on April

26-27, the weekend after Easter.

Catholic Mass from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah is available every evening at 6 pm via the Satilla Faith and Community TV Channel 15 on Vyve Broadband in Waycross, thanks to Callaway Advertising.