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four pillars

Transcript of four_pillars_of_destiny-2013-1-11_11-2-37

  • FourPillarsofDestinyforKate Report created by Bill Hajdu



    Your Four Pillars of Destiny reading draws upon a rich tradition and is based on your Year, Month, Day and Time (Chinese hour) of birth. From ancient times, the Chinese have believed that certain parameters of your personality and fate are set at your moment of birth. They are, however, not strict determinists but, rather, believe people can use the information in their charts to improve their lives. Think about how athletic coaches train their teams to exploit their strengths and to find ways to compensate for their weaknesses. That is an example of how you can use the information contained in this report. The following narrative is divided into three sections. Each contributes valuable information to help you put together the pieces of the puzzle that make up this marvelous individual known as your self. The first looks at your four, Chinese animal signs, the second the elements in your chart, and the third your life cycle. There are indeed a number of factors that make up your chart. Only by considering them all and forming an overall picture is it possible to accurately understand the complexity of your personality and fate. As you read the following narratives, you will find some of the information is complementary and even contradictory. This helps explain why you act or think differently at various times. Human beings are indeed complicated. To best understand what you are about to read, look for recurring themes and consider the overall matrix being presented rather than focusing on any one comment.

    Section 1 is an analysis of your Zodiac Signs.


    The analysis begins with a look at your year sign, which is the primary sign in Chinese astrology. This sign forms the basis of your personality. It is one of 12 animal signs used in Four Pillars, to include Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. In all you have four signs, the other three representing your month, day and hour of birth. The characteristics of these will modify many of the original observations. And, if two of your secondary signs are the same, the sign that appears twice could actually dominate your personality. By the way, the month section includes the impact of your Western sign, as it is month-based. Since the Chinese believe the constellation that rules your day of birth contributes to your personality, it is thus included in the day section. An important fact to note is that the Chinese astrological cycle is 60 years long, thus yielding that number of signs overall. Each actually consists of two Chinese characters, one for one of the 12 animals and another for each of five elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, yielding a total of 60 (twelve times five) signs. These are termed combined signs in this report. This large number of combinations make it possible to learn a great many things about you and your life. Please keep in mind, however, this idea: your chart can only tell you about a particular strength, weakness or potentiality. It is up to you to take advantage of the information, to wisely use your strengths and compensate for weaknesses. Yes, Chinese astrology does outline the parameters of your life, but it is ultimately you who determines your fortune and destiny. And, you can do that better if you are conscious of the roots of your behavior. Now begin a unique journey into yourself.

    Primary (Year) Sign Description

    This section has three parts. The first notes some facts about your sign. The second describes your personality, first by stating your salient characteristics, then your preferred means for making decisions, then positive and negative personality traits, and finally the qualities you admire and those you dislike. The third identifies how the element ruling your year of birth modifies the basic personality of your year sign. The Rabbit

    Basic facts about your year sign

    Chinese name for your sign: TU Ranking order in the Chinese zodiac: Fourth Lunar years of the Rabbit:

    NOTES: l Chinese astrology hoursare two hours long, and the new day begins at Western time 11pm. l Your fixed element is common to all people of your sign, regardless of the element that rules your year

    of birth. Its characteristics are incorporated into the description of your year sign.

    The Rabbit Personality

    Defining characteristics: Of all the signs, the Rabbit symbolizes peace and genteelness. Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Rabbit operates, it is important to know Rabbit is a Yin and a heart sign.Being a Yin sign person, you are best served by using an indirect or non-aggressive approach to life. You tend to be reactive rather than proactive.

    As a heart sign person, you are most comfortable following your heart rather than basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    Artistic, calm, diplomatic, gentle, kind, modest, peaceful, placid, refined, sensitive, suave and thoughtful.

    Above all else the Rabbit is a peacemaker. You no doubt have excellent diplomatic skills and, while you do not like conflict, you are the first person your friends turn to when it is necessary to make peace among them. Your sense of calm and your modest, unassuming presence is just what is needed to smooth all those ruffled feathers.

    You are also valued for your kindness. You are sensitive to the needs of people around you and thoughtfully do little things to make them happy. Your kindness extends to animals, and it is especially there where we see your gentle heart. You are a soft touch for almost every litter critter.

    You likely have exquisite taste in both dress and the arts. Suave and style conscious you want to wear the latest fashions and are always appropriately dressed for the occasion. If you are not an artist yourself, you have an excellent appreciation of the arts and can be a good critic.

    Negative Traits:

    Conceited, detached, gossipy, manipulative, detached, gossipy, manipulative, melancholic, moody, opportunistic, snobbish, superficial, sybaritic and timid.

    The Rabbit's love of peace manifests itself in a somewhat negative way as a love of comfort. You generally avoid any kind of argument perhaps as much because it would disturb your peace of mind as because you are basically a timid soul and wither under criticism. You do, however, aggressively pursue your creature comforts and have a definite sybaritic streak. In other words, you like the comfort luxuries bring and find yourself right at home in the mall.

    Perhaps it is a defense mechanism to protect your gentle heart, but for whatever reason, you are usually somewhat detached. At times the world can be too harsh and intimidating for a person as gentle as you. You can be moody, which might help explain your tendency to become melancholic. It is hard to know your motivation for these as you can be very secret about your personal life. That does not, however, stop you from talking about ours.

    In spite of your occasional physical and emotional withdrawal from the world, you actually crave the company of people and are quite adept at social relations being the diplomat you are. Unfortunately for the rest of us, you can be manipulative, and you are good at it. Your motives however are not evil. Usually you are just trying to get us to do something you find too unpleasant to handle yourself or to simply buy something for you, preferably clothes or dinner at an elegant restaurant. You are ever the opportunist.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Genteelness, calmness of soul.

    Pet peeves: Argumentativeness and anything else that disturbs their peace.

    Combined (year) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Wood Rabbit Gentle Wood combines with the genteel Rabbit to create a person who loves peace, perhaps even to a fault. Not wanting to cause trouble, you are often seen as being unable to make a decision or state a firm position. And, you sometimes let your emotions get the best of you. You are a kind and giving person. If there ever was anyone with a soft spot in their heart for animals and little children it would probably be you.

    Secondary (Month, Day and Hour) Sign Descriptions

    These signs will not dominate your personality unless you have two or even three of the same kind. Although they are secondary, they are part of what goes into your overall personality and need to be considered. Their effects include magnifying or decreasing the quality of a particular trait and adding one not included in your year sign. The impact of your Western sign is included with the month sign and the constellation that rules your day of birth with your day sign.

    The Month Sign The Dog

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dog symbolizes honor and justice.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dog operates, it is important to know Dog is a Yang and a head sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive. As a head sign person, you are most comfortable basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    The honorable Dog is the sign most likely to speak out about wrongs in the world and to call for justice. You have a strong sense of fair play and are usually forthright and outspoken. This makes you the perfect spokesperson for those who cannot or would not speak up for themselves.

    You are most likely a valued member of your family as well as your community. You tend to be very protective of family members and are likely to enjoy celebrating your country's independence day with your family. Loyalty and patriotism are near and dear to your heart. You respect the flag and are moved in your heart when the national anthem is played at a sporting event. Although you are outspoken, you are not one to rail against your country, and you are discreet and can be trusted to hold what we tell you in confidence.

    This, plus your sincerity and kindness makes you a most desirable friend. In fact you are almost as concerned and protective of your friends as you are of your family. You are not a materialist but rather one who derives the most pleasure from love and family. Your concern extends to all humanity, and you are altruistic by nature. You prefer to use your material gains to help others.

    Your other gentler qualities include the fact that you most often are slow to anger yet quick to recover. You are not one to nag and nitpick.

    Rather, you tend to be in control of your emotions. You also have excellent powers of discernment. In other words, you choose your battles carefully. This makes you easy to get along with on a day to day basis and a valued team member at work.

    Negative Traits:

    The Dog is perhaps the most pessimistic sign in the Chinese zodiac. You have a tendency to look at what is wrong with things or at what you might be lacking. This causes you anxiety and makes you fret excessively, especially during those times when you do not think you are good enough for whatever. When you fail to solve the problems of the world you might become bitter and cynical. When it comes to individual people, you are usually slow to form judgments; however, there often is a narrow mindedness to your way of thinking. You tend to see things in black and white. And, when you make a judgment, you tenaciously cling to your ideas and rarely change your mind.

    You are also rather thick skinned; however, you can be extremely suspicious or defensive when a family member or friend is potentially threatened or actually attacked either verbally or physically. Sometimes your anger flares up almost instantaneously and violently as your protective urge moves you to action. On the other hand, your reserved nature can actually be a negative in family matters. You tend to be subdued, not one given to continuous displays of affection. There may however be times when family members require more warmth than you provide.

    There is one other way you can inadvertently hurt the people around you. Your sense of justice often causes you to make judgments about others and to criticize their actions or motivations. Furthermore, you sometimes rashly categorize people and put them into little boxes. Having done that, you are not beyond giving severe tongue lashings to those that fall in the wrong box or those in the right box when they step out of line by your reckoning. By nature you are not exactly a diplomatic critic---even when dealing with the ones you most love.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Loyalty, devotion to family.

    Pet peeves: Injustice, nosiness.

    Combined (month) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Fire Dog Fire and Dog combine to make an irresistible combination. Most likely you are particularly attractive to the opposite sex. You probably also have excellent leadership abilities and, unlike most Dogs, are not afraid to speak out, especially when your sense of justice has been aroused. Unlike most Dogs who prefer home life, you could be a seeker of adventure. And, you're usually good at getting the rest of us to join in.

    Your Western sign is Libra. That makes you a Libra Rabbit.

    You're even more diplomatic than other Rabbits thanks to Libra's classic trait of weighing all sides of an argument. In fact it enhances your interpersonal relationship skills in general and tact in particular, as well as your charm. A downside to this is it makes you even more indecisive than others of your sign. Libra enhances other Rabbit traits such as a desire to be in a group, good taste, a tendency to be a free spender, and emotional sensitivity. You also may get down on yourself when you have problems and have a difficulty time getting up.

    The Day Sign The Dog

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dog symbolizes honor and justice.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dog operates, it is important to know Dog is a Yang and a head sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive. As a head sign person, you are most comfortable basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    The honorable Dog is the sign most likely to speak out about wrongs in the world and to call for justice. You have a strong sense of fair play and are usually forthright and outspoken. This makes you the perfect spokesperson for those who cannot or would not speak up for themselves.

    You are most likely a valued member of your family as well as your community. You tend to be very protective of family members and are likely to enjoy celebrating your country's independence day with your family. Loyalty and patriotism are near and dear to your heart. You respect the flag and are moved in your heart when the national anthem is played at a sporting event. Although you are outspoken, you are not one to rail against your country, and you are discreet and can be trusted to hold what we tell you in confidence.

    This, plus your sincerity and kindness makes you a most desirable friend. In fact you are almost as concerned and protective of your friends as you are of your family. You are not a materialist but rather one who derives the most pleasure from love and family. Your concern extends to all humanity, and you are altruistic by nature. You prefer to use your material gains to help others.

    Your other gentler qualities include the fact that you most often are slow to anger yet quick to recover. You are not one to nag and nitpick.

    Rather, you tend to be in control of your emotions. You also have excellent powers of discernment. In other words, you choose your battles carefully. This makes you easy to get along with on a day to day basis and a valued team member at work.

    Negative Traits:

    The Dog is perhaps the most pessimistic sign in the Chinese zodiac. You have a tendency to look at what is wrong with things or at what you might be lacking. This causes you anxiety and makes you fret excessively, especially during those times when you do not think you are good enough for whatever. When you fail to solve the problems of the world you might become bitter and cynical. When it comes to individual people, you are usually slow to form judgments; however, there often is a narrow mindedness to your way of thinking. You tend to see things in black and white. And, when you make a judgment, you tenaciously cling to your ideas and rarely change your mind.

    You are also rather thick skinned; however, you can be extremely suspicious or defensive when a family member or friend is potentially threatened or actually attacked either verbally or physically. Sometimes your anger flares up almost instantaneously and violently as your protective urge moves you to action. On the other hand, your reserved nature can actually be a negative in family matters. You tend to be subdued, not one given to continuous displays of affection. There may however be times when family members require more warmth than you provide.

    There is one other way you can inadvertently hurt the people around you. Your sense of justice often causes you to make judgments about others and to criticize their actions or motivations. Furthermore, you sometimes rashly categorize people and put them into little boxes. Having done that, you are not beyond giving severe tongue lashings to those that fall in the wrong box or those in the right box when they step out of line by your reckoning. By nature you are not exactly a diplomatic critic---even when dealing with the ones you most love.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Loyalty, devotion to family.

    Pet peeves: Injustice, nosiness.

    Combined (day) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Fire Dog Fire and Dog combine to make an irresistible combination. Most likely you are particularly attractive to the opposite sex. You probably also have excellent leadership abilities and, unlike most Dogs, are not afraid to speak out, especially when your sense of justice has been aroused. Unlike most Dogs who prefer home life, you could be a seeker of adventure. And, you're usually good at getting the rest of us to join in.



    Under the influence of the Rat you could be deceptively cunning. Also, you are not likely to take personal affronts lightly.

    The Hour Sign The Dragon

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dragon symbolizes the flamboyant dreamer.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dragon operates, it is important to know Dragon is a Yang and a heart sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive.

    As a heart sign person, you are most comfortable following your heart rather than basing decisions on logic

    Positive Traits:

    Brave, decisive, dynamic, enchanting, exotic, fashionable, flamboyant, idealistic, imaginative, proud, self confident and tenacious.

    The flamboyant Dragon is an integral part of every Chinese New Year celebration, and why not! You often come across as strikingly or mysteriously different or unusual. Maybe it is your fashionable dress or your high energy.

    It is no wonder you have a lot of pride and self confidence. You generally command respect wherever you are. And, you are always on the go.

    You boldly confront the mightiest obstacles and accept challenges that seem beyond the reach of others. You are not only decisive but, having made a decision, tenaciously hold onto the idea, moving heaven and earth if necessary, to fulfill your dreams.

    And, with your limitless imagination, what dreams you have! As often as not they are very idealistic and geared toward the betterment of mankind.

    Negative Traits:

    Aggressive, authoritarian, conceited, dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, eccentric, impractical, overzealous, superficial, tactless and unpredictable. Unfortunately, there are times the Dragon never gets beyond being a dreamer. Perhaps your big dreams are too impractical and you are just being fanciful. At times you might appear to people as a strange eccentric or just someone who is all talk and no action. All we can say for sure is you are unpredictable, and we can never know whether yours is the next great idea or just some crackpot scheme.

    What we can say is that it is not unusual for you to have an excessively high opinion of yourself. Call it vanity if you will. It does grate on the rest of us in those moments when it is obvious to us you are superficial and your behavior tactless. Although you rarely intend any malice (it is not really in you) your speech and mannerisms are occasionally insensitive and offensive.This is most apparent when you exercise leadership. You are often a born leader; yet, on occasion you resort to a dictatorial style. You can be oppressive or arrogantly overbearing towards others. You sometimes play the authoritarian and require blind obedience from your subordinates. Perhaps it is your overzealous enthusiasm for otherwise noble ends that causes you to slip into these behaviors.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Perfection, grandiosity.

    Pet peeves: Pessimism, being caused to lose face.

    Combined (hour) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Water Dragon Water won't put out the Dragon's fire, but this is definitely a more tolerant, more easy going Dragon. You may, however, be less likely to complete all those big projects you start. For a Dragon you are introspective and thoughtful and can excel at the arts, writing and, or, philosophy.

    Section 2 is an analysis of the elements in your chart.


    The comments in this section have their basis in Five Element Theory, one of the oldest ideas used in Chinese astrology and a key component as well of Chinese philosophy and medicine. The five elements are associated with the five directions (North, South, East, West and Center) and as such have a 4,000 year history in Chinese thought. In contrast animals have been used as convenient short hand for designating years but not as integral components of horoscopes until very modern times. Even today many traditional astrologers do not even mention animals in their readings! Simply put the theory states that the energy of the universe manifests itself through five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Ideally there is a roughly equal number of each element in a chart, thus signifying balance and harmony. A balanced chart indicates strength. An unbalanced one reveals unusual capability in one or two areas which may or may not be diminished by significant weakness due a lack of one or more elements. The balance of the elements and their positioning in a Chinese chart thus enable the astrologer to tell many things about your personality and life. The five elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, are always presented in that order. This is said to be a productive or constructive cycle, that is Wood nourishes Fire; Fire nourishes Earth; Earth nourishes Metal, Metal nourishes Water, and Water nourishes Wood, thus continuing the cycle. The following narrative explains how the elements in your chart reflect your personality and your fate. There are three primary considerations: the number of times each element appears in the chart, their overall balance, and how the natural cycle of the elements corresponds with yours. Understanding Your Reading This section consists of two parts. The first gives general information revealing aspects of your personality based on your year sign elements. The second is a detailed analysis of your particular combination of elements. There are two elements associated with your year sign. This is because each animal sign is known by its own, fixed element as well as the element of its year. Earth, for example, is the year element of 2008. That is a Rat year, and Water is that animal's fixed element. Thus Earth and Water are important elements for someone born in 2008. Consideration of the mix of elements in your chart best illustrates the importance of looking at the interplay of many factors in drawing conclusions from the data. It is especially significant when there is an abundance or shortage of one or more elements, as this is a primary way of identifying strengths and weaknesses. Each part of this reading contributes valuable information to help you understand yourself and your fate, but your most revealing insights are likely to come from your identification of recurring themes. An element-focused analysis provides a unique perspective that cannot be obtained by considering only animal signs. Perhaps the most important lesson you can learn from this section is that understanding the elements in your chart is as important as knowing about your animal signs and complements and completes that knowledge.

    Part 1

    Cooperativeness is one of the primary qualities associated with Wood. As the various parts of a tree work in harmony for the good of the whole, you are likely to feel comfortable working within a group for the common good. With your sense of teamwork you can be a popular and respected member. You're also probably the first one to offer a compromise when a situation warrants it. In fact the desire to be a peacemaker is a primary, Rabbit trait. Furthermore, you don't need to affect this behavior; it's probably a part of your generally sociable nature. Although the Wood-sign person is likely to be extroverted, that is more a superficiality with you. As a Rabbit you are probably sensitive, relatively easily hurt, and slow to recover. This tends to make you hold back and not expose yourself. In general, you strongly want to belong and be accepted, but you don't crave spotlight. Although the Rabbit can be self centered, you probably have a significant humanitarian side thanks to Wood. You are thus likely, more than most people, to care about fellow human beings and all life in general and to display kindness and compassion. Also, you're probably more generous with your time and possessions. Ethical behavior is another characteristic of the Wood-sign person. In you this could be a part of your humanitarianism, but it also may involve a genuine concern for values and doing the right thing in your daily life. It sounds contradictory, but Wood is related to both stability and flexibility. If the Wood in your chart is at a moderate level, you are likely to be a solid person with resilience. Solidity refers to inner strength and stability, and resilience to flexibility. If you lack Wood overall, you could be too conservative and have trouble dealing with change. If you have an excess, you could be so flexible as to have trouble making decisions or staying with commitments. Unlike the Water -sign person who deals with change in the manner of a chameleon, you more probably draw on your creativity. In fact envisioning and creating art and the future are Wood behaviors. In the extreme you could even be avant-garde in your work and, or, personal life. As a Rabbit you will most likely gravitate to painting or design work if art is one of your loves. Some of the negative traits you might have acquired from Wood include a short attention span, flightiness, and frivolousness. These are generally the traits of those artists who are so immersed in their work they lose touch with reality. Although you not likely to exhibit any of these in the extreme, you may have a tendency to display some or all of them occasionally. Year element Your year element is negative Wood. You are likely to be a more flexible, empathic and romantic representative of this element. Primary (year) Element Description Productive cycle: Water>Wood>Fire>Earth>Metal>Water Water enhances Wood, and Wood enhances Fire Destructive cycle: Metal>Wood>Earth>Water>Fire>Metal>Wood Metal weakens Wood, and Wood weakens Earth


    Approach: Wood is associated with the interconnectedness of living things as is illustrated by the roots, trunk, branches and leaves of a tree working in harmony for the well being of the whole. You prefer the indirect approach and seek consensus before going forward with anything that involves other people. Positive Traits: Agreeable, caring, co-operative, creative, empathetic, fair-minded, generous, imaginative, inventive, kind, mellow, sensitive, and tolerant The Wood element person is the easiest of all to like, which is not hard to understand given their kind, generous and caring nature. You are kind to people and animals, and there are times when it seems your generosity has no bounds. Moreover, you mean it; you really do care for others. You are sensitive to the needs of others, and have plenty of empathy to help you learn just what those are. Because of your mellow, live and let live nature, you contribute to peace of mind rather than aggravating sensitivities. You thrive in a group environment where your agreeable presence adds to group harmony. For the most part you are open-minded and tolerant. It is not difficult for you to cooperate with others, even those who do not share your opinions. You may not be opinionated, but you do have lots of ideas. Your creative imagination gives you the ability to solve problems, perhaps with clever inventions and, or, talent in the arts. Negative Traits: Empathetic to a fault, insecure, naive, overly sensitive, self -doubting, unrealistic, and undependable. Wood's strengths turn into weaknesses in excess. It's possible to take advantage of you because of your caring nature. It can be said that you're naive sometimes, a soft touch who falls for any sob story, even those that may not be true. With your good heart you can be empathetic to a fault and have trouble letting go of other people's problems once you learn of them. You're also not beyond letting your own problems affect you. Because of your sensitive nature, you occasionally settle into a mood where you dwell on negative feelings and emotions. These can include feelings of insecurity and self doubt. Sometimes you yourself add fuel to this fire. You want to help others so badly you sometimes promise more than you can deliver, thus letting down both yourself and others. If you're not careful, you can develop a reputation for being undependable. As it is, your creativity, when carried to an extreme, can add unrealistic quality to your thinking.

    Part 2

    Your element mix is 53320, unbalanced. This mix means you have one great strength, possibly to excess, but are completely lacking one element. Since the strength rating of elements affects your chi (energy/life force) in the various stages of your life, you will have one very strong, two high and one low average, and one weak period in your life. Ratings

    Concluding Remarks People are complex, so it is not surprising that many factors go into making up your chart. You may even have read some comments that appear to be contradictory. You are likely to display some behaviors that are consistent and others that will vary depending on the situation, your mood, or some other factor. This reading focused on your elements, an area that is often overlooked or given less attention than is needed for an accurate picture. Although it is not nor tries to be comprehensive, it provides valuable information you are not likely to get from other readings. Now it's up to you to take this information and use it to help you make the most of your life given the parameters that have been established for you.

    Section 3 details your Life Cycle


    Your Life Cycle Reading provides an overview of your whole life from a Chinese astrology perspective. Your reading consists of two parts. The first contains general information to include background, comments about your reading and an overview of your sign. The second is a look at your life based on your chi (energy) level and the ruling influence at each of the five stages of your life. The stages are Birth, Youth, Maturation, Adulthood and Retirement. The influences are Happiness, Wealth, Opportunity, Recognition and Fate.

    Part 1 --- General Information

    The Chinese, during a history that spans about 5,000 years, have displayed a fondness for dividing things into five parts. Notable examples include the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and the cardinal points or directions (East, South, Center, West and North). It is not surprising, then, that they have also divided a person's life into five stages: birth, youth, maturation, adulthood, and retirement. These stages are defined in terms of their association with education and employment. Birth is the time from conception up to the time an individual begins formal education. Youth coincides with the years of formal education and varies widely among cultures as well as individuals. Maturation begins upon completion of school and lasts until an individual has become fully adapted to the demands of career and, perhaps, raising a family. Adulthood can be said to begin when a person is well on the way to making a career. It is the time of peak earnings capacity. As with Youth there are wide variances in history and among individuals and cultures as to when this stage begins. Retirement, the final stage, begins when career is no longer an important factor in a person's life. This would, then, include a time of part-time employment, for example, consulting, as well as full retirement. It does not, however, include time spent in pursuit of a second career. The five stages are correlated with the five elements This notion goes back over 2,000 years and is detailed in The Book of the Prince of Huai. Both Chinese astronomy and astrology are intimately connected with farming and the land, as life and the economy of ancient China were based on agriculture. The assignment of the five elements to the seasons can be understood from the perspective of a farmer. Wood is associated with Spring, Fire with Summer, Earth the Middle Season, Metal with Autumn, and Water with Winter. Spring is the time of new growth, hence Wood is natural to the time of Birth. The heat of summer suggests Fire and the dynamism of Youth. An extra season, the middle season, was created to establish a grouping of five. Earth relates to the season crops have grown to maturity and thus the time of Maturation. Implements used to bring in the fall harvest are made of Metal, hence that element. Metal is the time to reap the rewards of education and goes with Adulthood, the time of high earnings potential. Finally, the rainy season occurs in Winter, thus the association with Water. Finally, Water is associated with Retirement and Winter, a time of rest, when fields lie fallow, and the hard work is finished.

    This reading contributes valuable information to help you understand and thereby take advantage of what's going on in each of the five stages of your life. It is presented in chronological order, beginning with Birth and ending with Retirement. Many factors go into your chart. And, indeed, there is a lot more to Chinese astrology than simply determining a person is a Dragon or a Horse, reading a few lines, and thinking you ve learned all there is to know. Even this reading contains only a portion of what Chinese astrology can reveal. Please keep in mind your chart can only tell you about a particular opportunity or difficulty. It is up to you to take advantage of the insight you gain. You will have to wisely use your strengths and compensate for weaknesses. Likewise, you must make an effort to capitalize on opportune times and to prepare for tough ones. Now step back and look at your life from a new perspective. Although the year sign is not heavily used in predicting your life cycles, it is worth examining how your sign relates from a general perspective to each of the five stages of life.

    Part 2 --- The Five Stages of Life

    This is a low normal chi period for you. It may not be easy, but given at least a minimally satisfactory home environment, you can begin to successfully adapt to life's challenges. Fire rules this stage, which is also under the influence of Happiness. For you it is a modest indicator of satisfaction. This could be something that either affects one of your parents or is a portent of a development that occurs in your future. Your ruling element, Fire, is thus in harmony with Birth s natural element Wood. This relationship actually continues through the five stages of life for you. This is favorable, therefore enhancing the likelihood the force operating at each stage exerts a positive influence on your life. It can also compensate in part for a low, element rating.

    This is a very strong chi period for you. You have a great chance of being successful in your studies and at enjoying your childhood given at least a minimally supportive environment. There will be a very noticeable increase in chi from that of your previous stage in life. Dealing with life's challenges will be a lot easier. This is the ideal time to make bold moves and to put forth your best effort to improve yourself. This is likely going to be your strongest time, so take full advantage of it. Earth rules this stage, which is also under the influence of Recognition. This suggests attaining a high position. Here it could also mean one of your parents has done it. This is a strong indicator for you and should be favorable. You are on the way to developing positive self esteem, which helps bring you success in school.

    This is an extremely low chi period for you. You will find it difficult to take advantage of opportunities and to deal with problems. This is unfortunate at the critical time you cross the bridge from youth to adulthood. It could significantly delay your development and when you experience success. You will experience a very large decrease in chi from that of your previous stage in life. Your current rating is extremely low. It will feel like life is getting more difficult , and you will, indeed, have to work much harder to achieve the same level of success. It is extremely important not to overextend yourself at this time. Focus on what is important and how to compensate for your weakness. Metal rules this stage, which is also under the influence of Wealth. The best ways for you to make money are the buying and selling of goods and, or, services. This is a very weak indicator for you and probably denotes difficulty with finances after you leave school.

    This is a high normal chi period for you. You are likely to have the energy you need to pursue your career effectively and also tend to family matters. This can be a rewarding time for you if you apply yourself. There will be a large increase in chi from that of your previous stage in life. Assuming you weren't significantly hurt in that very weak period, dealing with life's challenges will be much easier. It could be a little while before you fully recover, as your chi is now just average, albeit high average. Water rules this stage, which is also under the influence of Opportunity This is a moderately strong indicator for you, so you could enhance your success with job related travel or going back to school for an advanced degree or specialized training, especially if you are planning on making a career change.

    This is a low normal chi period for you. You may not find it easy to take advantage of opportunities and to deal with problems, but with some effort your later years can be satisfying and rewarding. Your chi level will slightly decrease from that of the previous stage. You may not even notice the change. Going from high to low average should not significantly reduce your ability to make progress towards achieving your goals. Do, however, be prepared to work hard to achieve the most important ones. Wood rules this stage, which is also under the influence of Fate. This is an important time, as Fate indicates a major turning point in which the direction of your life is set for a long time. This makes for an exciting time in Retirement. In your earlier years, however, you may experience a lot of frustration thinking there is more to your life but not knowing what it is. For you Fate involves creative activity, which contributes to your happiness. Given the relatively small amount of Wood in your chart, this development may or may not be favorable.

    Your elements are slightly unbalanced. As you have read above, you are therefore likely to have one strong , two average, and two, weak chi stages in your life. This matrix reflects a relatively balanced mix of elements. If your hour sign contains the two, weak elements, your chart is very strong and suggests excellent potential for achieving your goals. Regardless, this a favorable balance. Your chi level throughout the five stages should be sufficient to allow you to go as far in life as your attitude and hard work will take you. Note: Since your time of birth is unknown, it is possible one, or even both of the stages designated weak are actually average, as the lacking elements may appear in your hour sign.

    Appendix: Chinese Astrology -- An Overview

    Chinese astrology is an ancient tradition dating back thousands of years. It predates the Western zodiac and is still consulted by millions of people worldwide on a daily basis.

    Twelve signs and five elements make up the Chinese zodiac. As legend has it, on the day Buddha decided to create the signs, he called for race of 12 animals. The first animal to finish would be considered the first sign of the zodiac, and so on. The Rat, knowing he could not win on his own (as the race covered both land and water), jumped onto the back of the Ox; at the last minute, he jumped off and became the first of the 12 signs. It's of no surprise that the hedonistic Pig came in


    Chinese astrology has 12 primary signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. There are variations in the names. Some, for example, use Buffalo for Ox or Boar for Pig. Each animal has a year named after it and the astrological cycle of the Orient takes 12 years to complete.

    The five elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water -- always being listed in that order. It is said to be a productive cycle, that is Wood produces Fire, Fire produces Earth, Earth produces Metal, Metal produces Water, and Water produces Wood, thus continuing the cycle. The balance of these elements and their positioning in a Chinese chart enable the astrologer to tell many things about a person's personality and life.

    Chinese astrologers base their calculations on the Moon and its cycles, that is, on the lunar year. Western astrologers base their readings on the solar year. Thus, Western signs are called Sun signs. In Western astrology the month sign (for example, Leo) is the primary influence, while in Chinese astrology it is the year sign that holds the most influence. But Chinese astrology too has month signs. Chinese months are not named (just numbered) and use the same names as year signs. So, it can be a Wood Sheep year and a Wood Sheep month at the same time.

    Western signs are usually designated by one name (for example, Aquarius) and change from month to month. Chinese signs are designated by two Chinese characters, and they change from year to year. The first character designates the year's element and the second, its animal sign (for example, Earth Tiger).

    The Chinese have used decimal -based calendars as well as the 12-year based calendar. Chinese astrologers use both of these calendars simultaneously, thus resulting in the compound signs.

    Chinese astrology has four signs: one each for the year, the month, the day and the hour of birth. In texts, these are often referred to as the four pillars. This may sound different to Western minds, but even here there is a similarity with Western astrology. That system, for example, uses hour signs as well, calling them ascendants, or rising signs.

    Chinese astrology is complicated. The 12 animal signs combined with the five elements total 60 signs, and each person has four of these. Each of us truly is an individual, as no two people on the planet born in the same year have the same Chinese star chart.

    Chinese astrologers do not believe a person's fate is sealed in stone at the moment of birth. What they do believe is that a person's time and place of birth set parameters, boundaries. What happens within these boundaries is influenced not only by free will, but also by external factors such as financial status of the family, the culture and the local economy.

    There is, of course, a whole body of Chinese philosophy and culture underlying the precepts and findings of Chinese astrology. The subject of Chinese studies, as fascinating as it is, goes well beyond the scope of this basic introduction.

    One point worth mentioning, though, is that balance plays a central role in Chinese thought. True strength comes from balance. A strong chart will be balanced in terms of both signs and elements. Ideally, a person will have an equal mix of strong and gentle signs, as well as of elements. And, if a person has a variety of signs in their chart (as opposed to, say, two Monkey signs and two Pig signs), so much the better. That means the person has a wider range of capabilities.

    Much of the above discussion has been about personality and abilities. Originally, however, the primary purpose of Chinese astrology was fortune telling. The focus of Chinese astrology is usually on what will happen to people in various stages of their lives (or within a specific duration of time) or on what people should do on a particular day or in a certain month or year.

    Appendix: The Chinese Calendar

    The Chinese calendar differs significantly from the Western calendar.

    The primary difference is that the months of the Chinese calendar are directly tied to the phases of the moon. These phases, however, do not fit in with the length of the year as measured by the Earth's revolution around the sun.

    The Western calendar is fixed in the sense that each New Year begins on solar/Western calendar date January first. Because the Chinese New Year must correlate with a moon phase, it falls as early as January 22nd and as late as February 19th on the Western calendar.

    This has significant implications for Chinese Astrology. First, however, it's important to understand the primary difference between Chinese and Western astrology. Chinese astrology focuses on the year sign, and Western astrology focuses on the month sign (Aquarius, Pisces, etc.).

    Chinese astrology does, however, have month signs. This can be confusing because the month signs have the same name as the year signs. Furthermore, when we say a Chinese sign corresponds to a Western sign, e.g., Ox to Capricorn, we do not mean the person was born in a Capricorn month. Rather, we mean the person's Chinese year-sign traits roughly correspond to the traits of that Western sign.

    Adding to the confusion is the fact we can't know a person's Western sign simply by knowing the person's Chinese month sign. For example, a person born on the first day of the seventh month (July 1 in Western terminology) of the Chinese calendar year 1979 was actually born on August 23rd of the Western calendar. Since July 1st is Cancer and August 23 is Leo, it's easy to see the confusion.

    As with the months, neither do Chinese and Western years match exactly. Thus, even though we might know a person's Chinese sign, we still cannot be sure of their year of birth. Conversely, if we know a person's year of birth, we cannot be sure of their Chinese sign.

    Let's say someone was born in 1978 (Chinese year of the Horse) on the Western calendar. They would only be the Horse sign if born after February 6th; since, Chinese New Year was February 7th by the Western calendar. The Chinese Horse year 1978 actually has the Western calendar dates included in the period February 7, 1978 through January 27, 1979.

    This is especially important when evaluating compatibility. Signs most compatible with the Horse (Tiger and Dog) are not nearly so compatible with the Snake, which is the sign of people born in 1978 but earlier than February 7th on the Western calendar.

    Download as PDF

    Year Wood Rabbit

    Month Fire Dog

    Day Fire Dog

    Hour Water Dragon

    Begin Date End Date Element

    1/29/1903 2/15/1904 Water

    2/14/1915 2/02/1916 Wood

    2/02/1927 1/22/1928 Fire

    2/19/1939 2/07/1940 Earth

    2/06/1951 1/26/1952 Metal

    1/25/1963 2/12/1964 Water

    2/11/1975 1/30/1976 Wood

    1/29/1987 2/16/1988 Fire

    2/16/1999 2/04/2000 Earth

    Direction: East Season: Spring Hour ruled by the Rabbit: 5am - 7amFixed element: wood Ruling planet: Neptune Environment: East Color(s): White Western Sign that corresponds to your Rabbit year sign:


    Year Element: Wood Year Element Polarity: Yin Fixed Element of Year Sign: wood Your year sign is: Wood RabbitYour fixed element is: Wood

    Characteristics:Harmonious and creative

    BodyOrgans: Liver (primary),Gall bladder (secondary)Sensory Organ: EyesColor GreenDirection: EastFlavor: AcidEmotions: Kindness, angerPersonality: Cooperative and expansiveSeason: SpringVocations: Education and medicine

    Wood You have a high average amount of Wood in your chart. You tend to be good-hearted and creative.Also, you can usually adapt well to change.

    Fire You have a low average amount of Fire in your chart. You may have some charisma and tend to bean active person who is not afraid to act quickly when you see something you want.

    Earth You have a lot of Earth in your chart, possibly to excess. You are exceptionally determined and notafraid to strike out in new directions to improve your situation. Given the amount of Earth in yourchart you need to guard against being stubborn to the point of obstinacy and thus lose theexceptional practicality that comes with strong Earth.

    Metal You have no Metal in your chart. You're not a fighter, and thus don't stick up for yourself when youshould, nor do you confront obstacles with confidence. . You are indecisive about starting thingsand don't have the determination to finish many of the things you do start

    Water You have a high average amount of Water in your chart. You tend to have good communicationsskills, either spoken and, or, written and to be generally comfortable with travel.

    Wood Fire Earth Metal Water

    3 2 5 0 3

    1) General information

    a. Background

    b. About your reading

    c. Your Sign Overview

    2) Your Life

    Detailed analysis of your life base on your chi (energy) level and the ruling influence at each of the fivestages of your life:

    a. Birth

    b. Youth

    c. Maturation

    d. Adulthood

    e. Retirement

    f. Concluding remarks


    Your Reading

    Early Years: The Rabbit seeks peace above all else, so your early years shouldbe peaceful. This depends, of course, on the quality of your family life. If there is alot of turmoil, you could be off to a rough start. One thing is certain, you won't bethe cause of it. Middle Years: More than your peers you are likely to try to fit in, be it in theclassroom or the office. As with your youth, you will experience a lot of peace, bydesign. As you grow older you will become more adept at avoiding unpleasantly.Life will be as smooth as your efforts at this are effective. Late Years: Your later years have the potential to be the most calm, as you nolonger have to face the stresses associated with striving for success in school andcareer. If you are fortunate enough to avoid health issues, this will be a peacefuland, probably, satisfying time.






    Concluding Remarks

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  • FourPillarsofDestinyforKate Report created by Bill Hajdu



    Your Four Pillars of Destiny reading draws upon a rich tradition and is based on your Year, Month, Day and Time (Chinese hour) of birth. From ancient times, the Chinese have believed that certain parameters of your personality and fate are set at your moment of birth. They are, however, not strict determinists but, rather, believe people can use the information in their charts to improve their lives. Think about how athletic coaches train their teams to exploit their strengths and to find ways to compensate for their weaknesses. That is an example of how you can use the information contained in this report. The following narrative is divided into three sections. Each contributes valuable information to help you put together the pieces of the puzzle that make up this marvelous individual known as your self. The first looks at your four, Chinese animal signs, the second the elements in your chart, and the third your life cycle. There are indeed a number of factors that make up your chart. Only by considering them all and forming an overall picture is it possible to accurately understand the complexity of your personality and fate. As you read the following narratives, you will find some of the information is complementary and even contradictory. This helps explain why you act or think differently at various times. Human beings are indeed complicated. To best understand what you are about to read, look for recurring themes and consider the overall matrix being presented rather than focusing on any one comment.

    Section 1 is an analysis of your Zodiac Signs.


    The analysis begins with a look at your year sign, which is the primary sign in Chinese astrology. This sign forms the basis of your personality. It is one of 12 animal signs used in Four Pillars, to include Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. In all you have four signs, the other three representing your month, day and hour of birth. The characteristics of these will modify many of the original observations. And, if two of your secondary signs are the same, the sign that appears twice could actually dominate your personality. By the way, the month section includes the impact of your Western sign, as it is month-based. Since the Chinese believe the constellation that rules your day of birth contributes to your personality, it is thus included in the day section. An important fact to note is that the Chinese astrological cycle is 60 years long, thus yielding that number of signs overall. Each actually consists of two Chinese characters, one for one of the 12 animals and another for each of five elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, yielding a total of 60 (twelve times five) signs. These are termed combined signs in this report. This large number of combinations make it possible to learn a great many things about you and your life. Please keep in mind, however, this idea: your chart can only tell you about a particular strength, weakness or potentiality. It is up to you to take advantage of the information, to wisely use your strengths and compensate for weaknesses. Yes, Chinese astrology does outline the parameters of your life, but it is ultimately you who determines your fortune and destiny. And, you can do that better if you are conscious of the roots of your behavior. Now begin a unique journey into yourself.

    Primary (Year) Sign Description

    This section has three parts. The first notes some facts about your sign. The second describes your personality, first by stating your salient characteristics, then your preferred means for making decisions, then positive and negative personality traits, and finally the qualities you admire and those you dislike. The third identifies how the element ruling your year of birth modifies the basic personality of your year sign. The Rabbit

    Basic facts about your year sign

    Chinese name for your sign: TU Ranking order in the Chinese zodiac: Fourth Lunar years of the Rabbit:

    NOTES: l Chinese astrology hoursare two hours long, and the new day begins at Western time 11pm. l Your fixed element is common to all people of your sign, regardless of the element that rules your year

    of birth. Its characteristics are incorporated into the description of your year sign.

    The Rabbit Personality

    Defining characteristics: Of all the signs, the Rabbit symbolizes peace and genteelness. Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Rabbit operates, it is important to know Rabbit is a Yin and a heart sign.Being a Yin sign person, you are best served by using an indirect or non-aggressive approach to life. You tend to be reactive rather than proactive.

    As a heart sign person, you are most comfortable following your heart rather than basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    Artistic, calm, diplomatic, gentle, kind, modest, peaceful, placid, refined, sensitive, suave and thoughtful.

    Above all else the Rabbit is a peacemaker. You no doubt have excellent diplomatic skills and, while you do not like conflict, you are the first person your friends turn to when it is necessary to make peace among them. Your sense of calm and your modest, unassuming presence is just what is needed to smooth all those ruffled feathers.

    You are also valued for your kindness. You are sensitive to the needs of people around you and thoughtfully do little things to make them happy. Your kindness extends to animals, and it is especially there where we see your gentle heart. You are a soft touch for almost every litter critter.

    You likely have exquisite taste in both dress and the arts. Suave and style conscious you want to wear the latest fashions and are always appropriately dressed for the occasion. If you are not an artist yourself, you have an excellent appreciation of the arts and can be a good critic.

    Negative Traits:

    Conceited, detached, gossipy, manipulative, detached, gossipy, manipulative, melancholic, moody, opportunistic, snobbish, superficial, sybaritic and timid.

    The Rabbit's love of peace manifests itself in a somewhat negative way as a love of comfort. You generally avoid any kind of argument perhaps as much because it would disturb your peace of mind as because you are basically a timid soul and wither under criticism. You do, however, aggressively pursue your creature comforts and have a definite sybaritic streak. In other words, you like the comfort luxuries bring and find yourself right at home in the mall.

    Perhaps it is a defense mechanism to protect your gentle heart, but for whatever reason, you are usually somewhat detached. At times the world can be too harsh and intimidating for a person as gentle as you. You can be moody, which might help explain your tendency to become melancholic. It is hard to know your motivation for these as you can be very secret about your personal life. That does not, however, stop you from talking about ours.

    In spite of your occasional physical and emotional withdrawal from the world, you actually crave the company of people and are quite adept at social relations being the diplomat you are. Unfortunately for the rest of us, you can be manipulative, and you are good at it. Your motives however are not evil. Usually you are just trying to get us to do something you find too unpleasant to handle yourself or to simply buy something for you, preferably clothes or dinner at an elegant restaurant. You are ever the opportunist.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Genteelness, calmness of soul.

    Pet peeves: Argumentativeness and anything else that disturbs their peace.

    Combined (year) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Wood Rabbit Gentle Wood combines with the genteel Rabbit to create a person who loves peace, perhaps even to a fault. Not wanting to cause trouble, you are often seen as being unable to make a decision or state a firm position. And, you sometimes let your emotions get the best of you. You are a kind and giving person. If there ever was anyone with a soft spot in their heart for animals and little children it would probably be you.

    Secondary (Month, Day and Hour) Sign Descriptions

    These signs will not dominate your personality unless you have two or even three of the same kind. Although they are secondary, they are part of what goes into your overall personality and need to be considered. Their effects include magnifying or decreasing the quality of a particular trait and adding one not included in your year sign. The impact of your Western sign is included with the month sign and the constellation that rules your day of birth with your day sign.

    The Month Sign The Dog

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dog symbolizes honor and justice.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dog operates, it is important to know Dog is a Yang and a head sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive. As a head sign person, you are most comfortable basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    The honorable Dog is the sign most likely to speak out about wrongs in the world and to call for justice. You have a strong sense of fair play and are usually forthright and outspoken. This makes you the perfect spokesperson for those who cannot or would not speak up for themselves.

    You are most likely a valued member of your family as well as your community. You tend to be very protective of family members and are likely to enjoy celebrating your country's independence day with your family. Loyalty and patriotism are near and dear to your heart. You respect the flag and are moved in your heart when the national anthem is played at a sporting event. Although you are outspoken, you are not one to rail against your country, and you are discreet and can be trusted to hold what we tell you in confidence.

    This, plus your sincerity and kindness makes you a most desirable friend. In fact you are almost as concerned and protective of your friends as you are of your family. You are not a materialist but rather one who derives the most pleasure from love and family. Your concern extends to all humanity, and you are altruistic by nature. You prefer to use your material gains to help others.

    Your other gentler qualities include the fact that you most often are slow to anger yet quick to recover. You are not one to nag and nitpick.

    Rather, you tend to be in control of your emotions. You also have excellent powers of discernment. In other words, you choose your battles carefully. This makes you easy to get along with on a day to day basis and a valued team member at work.

    Negative Traits:

    The Dog is perhaps the most pessimistic sign in the Chinese zodiac. You have a tendency to look at what is wrong with things or at what you might be lacking. This causes you anxiety and makes you fret excessively, especially during those times when you do not think you are good enough for whatever. When you fail to solve the problems of the world you might become bitter and cynical. When it comes to individual people, you are usually slow to form judgments; however, there often is a narrow mindedness to your way of thinking. You tend to see things in black and white. And, when you make a judgment, you tenaciously cling to your ideas and rarely change your mind.

    You are also rather thick skinned; however, you can be extremely suspicious or defensive when a family member or friend is potentially threatened or actually attacked either verbally or physically. Sometimes your anger flares up almost instantaneously and violently as your protective urge moves you to action. On the other hand, your reserved nature can actually be a negative in family matters. You tend to be subdued, not one given to continuous displays of affection. There may however be times when family members require more warmth than you provide.

    There is one other way you can inadvertently hurt the people around you. Your sense of justice often causes you to make judgments about others and to criticize their actions or motivations. Furthermore, you sometimes rashly categorize people and put them into little boxes. Having done that, you are not beyond giving severe tongue lashings to those that fall in the wrong box or those in the right box when they step out of line by your reckoning. By nature you are not exactly a diplomatic critic---even when dealing with the ones you most love.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Loyalty, devotion to family.

    Pet peeves: Injustice, nosiness.

    Combined (month) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Fire Dog Fire and Dog combine to make an irresistible combination. Most likely you are particularly attractive to the opposite sex. You probably also have excellent leadership abilities and, unlike most Dogs, are not afraid to speak out, especially when your sense of justice has been aroused. Unlike most Dogs who prefer home life, you could be a seeker of adventure. And, you're usually good at getting the rest of us to join in.

    Your Western sign is Libra. That makes you a Libra Rabbit.

    You're even more diplomatic than other Rabbits thanks to Libra's classic trait of weighing all sides of an argument. In fact it enhances your interpersonal relationship skills in general and tact in particular, as well as your charm. A downside to this is it makes you even more indecisive than others of your sign. Libra enhances other Rabbit traits such as a desire to be in a group, good taste, a tendency to be a free spender, and emotional sensitivity. You also may get down on yourself when you have problems and have a difficulty time getting up.

    The Day Sign The Dog

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dog symbolizes honor and justice.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dog operates, it is important to know Dog is a Yang and a head sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive. As a head sign person, you are most comfortable basing decisions on logic.

    Positive Traits:

    The honorable Dog is the sign most likely to speak out about wrongs in the world and to call for justice. You have a strong sense of fair play and are usually forthright and outspoken. This makes you the perfect spokesperson for those who cannot or would not speak up for themselves.

    You are most likely a valued member of your family as well as your community. You tend to be very protective of family members and are likely to enjoy celebrating your country's independence day with your family. Loyalty and patriotism are near and dear to your heart. You respect the flag and are moved in your heart when the national anthem is played at a sporting event. Although you are outspoken, you are not one to rail against your country, and you are discreet and can be trusted to hold what we tell you in confidence.

    This, plus your sincerity and kindness makes you a most desirable friend. In fact you are almost as concerned and protective of your friends as you are of your family. You are not a materialist but rather one who derives the most pleasure from love and family. Your concern extends to all humanity, and you are altruistic by nature. You prefer to use your material gains to help others.

    Your other gentler qualities include the fact that you most often are slow to anger yet quick to recover. You are not one to nag and nitpick.

    Rather, you tend to be in control of your emotions. You also have excellent powers of discernment. In other words, you choose your battles carefully. This makes you easy to get along with on a day to day basis and a valued team member at work.

    Negative Traits:

    The Dog is perhaps the most pessimistic sign in the Chinese zodiac. You have a tendency to look at what is wrong with things or at what you might be lacking. This causes you anxiety and makes you fret excessively, especially during those times when you do not think you are good enough for whatever. When you fail to solve the problems of the world you might become bitter and cynical. When it comes to individual people, you are usually slow to form judgments; however, there often is a narrow mindedness to your way of thinking. You tend to see things in black and white. And, when you make a judgment, you tenaciously cling to your ideas and rarely change your mind.

    You are also rather thick skinned; however, you can be extremely suspicious or defensive when a family member or friend is potentially threatened or actually attacked either verbally or physically. Sometimes your anger flares up almost instantaneously and violently as your protective urge moves you to action. On the other hand, your reserved nature can actually be a negative in family matters. You tend to be subdued, not one given to continuous displays of affection. There may however be times when family members require more warmth than you provide.

    There is one other way you can inadvertently hurt the people around you. Your sense of justice often causes you to make judgments about others and to criticize their actions or motivations. Furthermore, you sometimes rashly categorize people and put them into little boxes. Having done that, you are not beyond giving severe tongue lashings to those that fall in the wrong box or those in the right box when they step out of line by your reckoning. By nature you are not exactly a diplomatic critic---even when dealing with the ones you most love.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Loyalty, devotion to family.

    Pet peeves: Injustice, nosiness.

    Combined (day) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Fire Dog Fire and Dog combine to make an irresistible combination. Most likely you are particularly attractive to the opposite sex. You probably also have excellent leadership abilities and, unlike most Dogs, are not afraid to speak out, especially when your sense of justice has been aroused. Unlike most Dogs who prefer home life, you could be a seeker of adventure. And, you're usually good at getting the rest of us to join in.



    Under the influence of the Rat you could be deceptively cunning. Also, you are not likely to take personal affronts lightly.

    The Hour Sign The Dragon

    Defining characteristics:

    Of all the signs, the Dragon symbolizes the flamboyant dreamer.

    Making Decisions:

    To understand how the Dragon operates, it is important to know Dragon is a Yang and a heart sign.

    Being a Yang sign person, you are most effective using a direct, if not aggressive, approach to life. You tend to be proactive.

    As a heart sign person, you are most comfortable following your heart rather than basing decisions on logic

    Positive Traits:

    Brave, decisive, dynamic, enchanting, exotic, fashionable, flamboyant, idealistic, imaginative, proud, self confident and tenacious.

    The flamboyant Dragon is an integral part of every Chinese New Year celebration, and why not! You often come across as strikingly or mysteriously different or unusual. Maybe it is your fashionable dress or your high energy.

    It is no wonder you have a lot of pride and self confidence. You generally command respect wherever you are. And, you are always on the go.

    You boldly confront the mightiest obstacles and accept challenges that seem beyond the reach of others. You are not only decisive but, having made a decision, tenaciously hold onto the idea, moving heaven and earth if necessary, to fulfill your dreams.

    And, with your limitless imagination, what dreams you have! As often as not they are very idealistic and geared toward the betterment of mankind.

    Negative Traits:

    Aggressive, authoritarian, conceited, dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, eccentric, impractical, overzealous, superficial, tactless and unpredictable. Unfortunately, there are times the Dragon never gets beyond being a dreamer. Perhaps your big dreams are too impractical and you are just being fanciful. At times you might appear to people as a strange eccentric or just someone who is all talk and no action. All we can say for sure is you are unpredictable, and we can never know whether yours is the next great idea or just some crackpot scheme.

    What we can say is that it is not unusual for you to have an excessively high opinion of yourself. Call it vanity if you will. It does grate on the rest of us in those moments when it is obvious to us you are superficial and your behavior tactless. Although you rarely intend any malice (it is not really in you) your speech and mannerisms are occasionally insensitive and offensive.This is most apparent when you exercise leadership. You are often a born leader; yet, on occasion you resort to a dictatorial style. You can be oppressive or arrogantly overbearing towards others. You sometimes play the authoritarian and require blind obedience from your subordinates. Perhaps it is your overzealous enthusiasm for otherwise noble ends that causes you to slip into these behaviors.

    Likes and Dislikes

    Qualities admired: Perfection, grandiosity.

    Pet peeves: Pessimism, being caused to lose face.

    Combined (hour) Sign, i.e., Element + Sign

    Water Dragon Water won't put out the Dragon's fire, but this is definitely a more tolerant, more easy going Dragon. You may, however, be less likely to complete all those big projects you start. For a Dragon you are introspective and thoughtful and can excel at the arts, writing and, or, philosophy.

    Section 2 is an analysis of the elements in your chart.


    The comments in this section have their basis in Five Element Theory, one of the oldest ideas used in Chinese astrology and a key component as well of Chinese philosophy and medicine. The five elements are associated with the five directions (North, South, East, West and Center) and as such have a 4,000 year history in Chinese thought. In contrast animals have been used as convenient short hand for designating years but not as integral components of horoscopes until very modern times. Even today many traditional astrologers do not even mention animals in their readings! Simply put the theory states that the energy of the universe manifests itself through five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Ideally there is a roughly equal number of each element in a chart, thus signifying balance and harmony. A balanced chart indicates strength. An unbalanced one reveals unusual capability in one or two areas which may or may not be diminished by significant weakness due a lack of one or more elements. The balance of the elements and their positioning in a Chinese chart thus enable the astrologer to tell many things about your personality and life. The five elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, are always presented in that order. This is said to be a productive or constructive cycle, that is Wood nourishes Fire; Fire nourishes Earth; Earth nourishes Metal, Metal nourishes Water, and Water nourishes Wood, thus continuing the cycle. The following narrative explains how the elements in your chart reflect your personality and your fate. There are three primary considerations: the number of times each element appears in the chart, their overall balance, and how the natural cycle of the elements corresponds with yours. Understanding Your Reading This section consists of two parts. The first gives general information revealing aspects of your personality based on your year sign elements. The second is a detailed analysis of your particular combination of elements. There are two elements associated with your year sign. This is because each animal sign is known by its own, fixed element as well as the element of its year. Earth, for example, is the year element of 2008. That is a Rat year, and Water is that animal's fixed element. Thus Earth and Water are important elements for someone born in 2008. Consideration of the mix of elements in your chart best illustrates the importance of looking at the interplay of many factors in drawing conclusions from the data. It is especially significant when there is an abundance or shortage of one or more elements, as this is a primary way of identifying strengths and weaknesses. Each part of this reading contributes valuable information to help you understand yourself and your fate, but your most revealing insights are likely to come from your identification of recurring themes. An element-focused analysis provides a unique perspective that cannot be obtained by considering only animal signs. Perhaps the most important lesson you can learn from this section is that understanding the elements in your chart is as important as knowing about your animal signs and complements and completes that knowledge.

    Part 1

    Cooperativeness is one of the primary qualities associated with Wood. As the various parts of a tree work in harmony for the good of the whole, you are likely to feel comfortable working within a group for the common good. With your sense of teamwork you can be a popular and respected member. You're also probably the first one to offer a compromise when a situation warrants it. In fact the desire to be a peacemaker is a primary, Rabbit trait. Furthermore, you don't need to affect this behavior; it's probably a part of your generally sociable nature. Although the Wood-sign person is likely to be extroverted, that is more a superficiality with you. As a Rabbit you are probably sensitive, relatively easily hurt, and slow to recover. This tends to make you hold back and not expose yourself. In general, you strongly want to belong and be accepted, but you don't crave spotlight. Although the Rabbit can be self centered, you probably have a significant humanitarian side thanks to Wood. You are thus likely, more than most people, to care about fellow human beings and all life in general and to display kindness and compassion. Also, you're probably more generous with your time and possessions. Ethical behavior is another characteristic of the Wood-sign person. In you this could be a part of your humanitarianism, but it also may involve a genuine concern for values and doing the right thing in your daily life. It sounds contradictory, but Wood is related to both stability and flexibility. If the Wood in your chart is at a moderate level, you are likely to be a solid person with resilience. Solidity refers to inner strength and stability, and resilience to flexibility. If you lack Wood overall, you could be too conservative and have trouble dealing with change. If you have an excess, you could be so flexible as to have trouble making decisions or staying with commitments. Unlike the Water -sign person who deals with change in the manner of a chameleon, you more probably draw on your creativity. In fact envisioning and creating art and the future are Wood behaviors. In the extreme you could even be avant-garde in your work and, or, personal life. As a Rabbit you will most likely gravitate to painting or design work if art is one of your loves. Some of the negative traits you might have acquired from Wood include a short attention span, flightiness, and frivolousness. These are generally the traits of those artists who are so immersed in their work they lose touch with reality. Although you not likely to exhibit any of these in the extreme, you may have a tendency to display some or all of them occasionally. Year element Your year element is negative Wood. You are likely to be a more flexible, empathic and romantic representative of this element. Primary (year) Element Description Productive cycle: Water>Wood>Fire>Earth>Metal>Water Water enhances Wood, and Wood enhances Fire Destructive cycle: Metal>Wood>Earth>Water>Fire>Metal>Wood Metal weakens Wood, and Wood weakens Earth


    Approach: Wood is associated with the interconnectedness of living things as is illustrated by the roots, trunk, branches and leaves of a tree working in harmony for the well being of the whole. You prefer the indirect approach and seek consensus before going forward with anything that involves other people. Positive Traits: Agreeable, caring, co-operative, creative, empathetic, fair-minded, generous, imaginative, inventive, kind, mellow, sensitive, and tolerant The Wood element person is the easiest of all to like, which is not hard to understand given their kind, generous and caring nature. You are kind to people and animals, and there are times when it seems your generosity has no bounds. Moreover, you mean it; you really do care for others. You are sensitive to the needs of others, and have plenty of empathy to help you learn just what those are. Because of your mellow, live and let live nature, you contribute to peace of mind rather than aggravating sensitivities. You thrive in a group environment where your agreeable presence adds to group harmony. For the most part you are open-minded and tolerant. It is not difficult for you to cooperate with others, even those who do not share your opinions. You may not be opinionated, but you do have lots of ideas. Your creative imagination gives you the ability to solve problems, perhaps with clever inventions and, or, talent in the arts. Negative Traits: Empathetic to a fault, insecure, naive, overly sensitive, self -doubting, unrealistic, and undependable. Wood's strengths turn into weaknesses in excess. It's possible to take advantage of you because of your caring nature. It can be said that you're naive sometimes, a soft touch who falls for any sob story, even those that may not be true. With your good heart you can be empathetic to a fault and have trouble letting go of other people's problems once you learn of them. You're also not beyond letting your own problems affect you. Because of your sensitive nature, you occasionally settle into a mood where you dwell on negative feelings and emotions. These can include feelings of insecurity and self doubt. Sometimes you yourself add fuel to this fire. You want to help others so badly you sometimes promise more than you can deliver, thus letting down both yourself and others. If you're not careful, you can develop a reputation for being undependable. As it is, your creativity, when carried to an extreme, can add unrealistic quality to your thinking.

    Part 2

    Your element mix is 53320, unbalanced. This mix means you have one great strength, possibly to excess, but are completely lacking one element. Since the strength rating of elements affects your chi (energy/life force) in the various stages of your life, you will have one very strong, two high and one low average, and one weak period in your life. Ratings

    Concluding Remarks People are complex, so it is not surprising that many factors go into making up your chart. You may even have read some comments that appear to be contradictory. You are likely to display some behaviors that are consistent and others that will vary depending on the situation, your mood, or some other factor. This reading focused on your elements, an area that is often overlooked or given less attention than is needed for an accurate picture. Although it is not nor tries to be comprehensive, it provides valuable information you are not likely to get from other readings. Now it's up to you to take this information and use it to help you make the most of your life given the parameters that have been established for you.

    Section 3 details your Life Cycle


    Your Life Cycle Reading provides an overview of your whole life from a Chinese astrology perspective. Your reading consists of two parts. The first contains general information to include background, comments about your reading and an overview of your sign. The second is a look at your life based on your chi (energy) level and the ruling influence at each of the five stages of your life. The stages are Birth, Youth, Maturation, Adulthood and Retirement. The influences are Happiness, Wealth, Opportunity, Recognition and Fate.

    Part 1 --- General Information

    The Chinese, during a history that spans about 5,000 years, have displayed a fondness for dividing things into five parts. Notable examples include the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and the cardinal points or directions (East, South, Center, West and North). It is not surprising, then, that they have also divided a person's life into five stages: birth, youth, maturation, adulthood, and retirement. These stages are defined in terms of their association with education and employment. Birth is the time from conception up to the time an individual begins formal education. Youth coincides with the years of formal education and varies widely among cultures as well as individuals. Maturation begins upon completion of school and lasts until an individual has become fully adapted to the demands of career and, perhaps, raising a family. Adulthood can be said to begin when a person is well on the way to making a career. It is the time of peak earnings capacity. As with Youth there are wide variances in history and among individuals and cultures as to when this stage begins. Retirement, the final stage, begins when career is no longer an important factor in a person's life. This would, then, include a time of part-time employment, for example, consulting, as well as full retirement. It does not, however, include time spent in pursuit of a second career. The five stages are correlated with the five elements This notion goes back over 2,000 years and is detailed in The Book of the Prince of Huai. Both Chinese astronomy and astrology are intimately connected with farming and the land, as life and the economy of ancient China were based on agriculture. The assignment of the five elements to the seasons can be understood from the perspective of a farmer. Wood is associated with Spring, Fire with Summer, Earth the Middle Season, Metal with Autumn, and Water with Winter. Spring is the time of new growth, hence Wood is natural to the time of Birth. The heat of summer suggests Fire and the dynamism of Youth. An extra season, the middle season, was created to establish a grouping of five. Earth relates to the season crops have grown to maturity and thus the time of Maturation. Implements used to bring in the fall harvest are made of Metal, hence that element. Metal is the time to reap the rewards of education and goes with Adulthood, the time of high earnings potential. Finally, the rainy season occurs in Winter, thus the association with Water. Finally, Water is associated with Retirement and Winter, a time of rest, when fields lie fallow, and the hard work is finished.

    This reading contributes valuable information to help you understand and thereby take advantage of what's going on in each of the five stages of your life. It is presented in chronological order, beginning with Birth and ending with Retirement. Many factors go into your chart. And, indeed, there is a lot more to Chinese astrology than simply determining a person is a Dragon or a Horse, readin