Post on 24-Apr-2022

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Infuse into Beverages: Add delicious honey flower elixirs into a community water dispenser or

begin your class or practice with a tea ceremony and infuse the teapot.

Spritz the Space: Mist yourself, your students, their mats + the space with flower infused aura

mists. You can even use the mists to disinfect mats ~ essential oils are natural antibacterial +

antimicrobal agents.

Self Massage: Massage neck, shoulders, hands + feet with flower elixir + essential oil infused

body serums before sinking into restful poses.

Anoint the Body: Apply precious botanical oils and elixirs of flowers + gems to the acupuncture

meridians of the body.

Chocolate Meditation: Begin or finish your mindfulness practice with decadent flower-infused

organic chocolate by our sister company, Wei of Chocolate.

Themed Classes + Poses: Create unique experiences based around the qualities of each flower or

blend you are working with.

Flowers + yoga.

Using flower elixirs for yoga or meditation helps us slow down and be more open to receiving the insights + lessons

that arise when our mind is quiet + mindfully aware. Teachers can use flower elixirs, mists + oils during their classes

to induce self-love, joy, and meditative states for a truly unique experience. With our full line of lifestyle products,

there are many ways to incorporate the magic of flowers into your practice:

BRING JOY TO THE MAT.Joy Juice is what I look to when I am feeling the heaviness of the world and the weight of responsibilities. When I am looking to lighten my mood or a situation, Joy Juice offers the solution. Sometimes I come to my practice with a desire to be more joyful, perhaps even more playful. I choose Joy Juice to shift my energy in that direction. It brings a sense of levity to my mat and I feel lighter.

I carry this essence with me as an offering to those who need to call in more happiness and laughter. Isn’t this something we could all use? This essence brings lightness into my body on a cellular level. In the yoga practice, this lightness is felt through your ability to move with more grace and agility. It encourages you to move through any weight or heaviness that your body is holding onto physically. This subtle shift brings more enjoyment to your life both on and off the mat.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

Poses with Joy JuiceStanding Forward Slip (left)

Supta Baddha KonasaHappy Baby Pose

GRATITUDE + BLISS.At the end of my radicalrest: yoga nidra class, I use the Joy Juice Aura Mist to help ground my students back into the room. The studio fills with gratitude and blissful groans as the yogis inhale the magical aroma. It leaves them all with a bounce in their steps as they leave for home.

Richard Lister, Yoga Teacher

FINDING THE JOY IN EVERYDAY.When I arrive at the studio, I spray Joy Juice Mist all around the space. It’s a ritual that connects me to the joy in my work as a yoga teacher, and it prepares the space for class. Upon arriving, students step into the room and I often hear them say ‘Oh, it smells so good in here.”

More than the sensory experience - I think Joy Juice smells like cotton candy heaven - Joy Juice helps people transition from the outer world they’ve been interacting with to the inner world we explore during yoga practice. Instead of looking for something bigger outside of ourselves to bring us joy, Joy Juice helps me and my students connect with the joy found in the little everyday experiences we have.

Emilie Amstutz, Yoga Teacher at Borealis Yoga

FEEL THE LOVE AMPLIFY.Imagine the possibilities if each of us were to possess infinite love for each other and ourselves. We are vastly more pow-erful when we choose love as our guide. I turn to Infinite Love almost daily. I carry it with me wherever I go as a reminder with each application that love is always the answer. When I intake or wear this essence, I feel as if love emanates from the core of my being.

I bring it to the mat and share it with others as a reminder to be loving and compassion to ourselves and others. The shift that this blend offers is full-hearted; a heaping scoop of tenderness and love. When I wear it I notice that people are at-tracted to my loving energy and I feel that love amplify around me in infinite ways.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

Poses with Infinite LoveParivrtta Surya Yantrasana, (above)Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana (right)Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose)

A MOMENT OF CONNECTION.For years I’ve used Infinite Love both in my home and with my students. Whenever there is a need for a deeper connection to self, or more inner recognition, Infinite Love is my first choice. Inner Peace is also a favourite in my home, particularly at bedtime - and for my desk, Wild Abundance misted on my face always shifts my doubt into fullness and readiness.

My current favourite pose is Pascimottanasana - contemplative, dynamic, it recalibrates my attitude and brings me home.

Elena Brower, Yoga Teacher, Author + Mama

RADIATE A HEALTHY GLOW. LIVE BRIGHTER.If I am ever feeling drained by the demands of daily living, I turn to Radiant Energy and strongly recommend it to oth-ers. It has a way of putting me back on track and resetting my energetic trajectory. Whether I am stepping on my mat or into my day I apply this generously to envelop myself in protection and strength. It is the perfect reminder to radi-ate and live brighter.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

Poses with Radiant EnergyVasisthasana with Leg Extension (bottom)Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)Ustrasana (Camel Pose)Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

FOCUS & ADD CREATIVITY.As a student of yoga, I work to settle my distracted thoughts and mind with breath, asana and meditation - Inspired Action com-pliments these practices and helps me focus my attention. I offer Inspired Action to practitioners who are feeling stuck and need to develop more motivation and drive. It is the perfect compliment to a seated practice that helps to reel in busy thoughts. I also love using it when I need to step away from a project and move my body through an asana practice or step outside for a breath of fresh air. There is a shift that take places mentally and emotionally that will bring about more innovative thought and creativity.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

Poses with Inspired ActionHanumanasana (right)Standing one-legged Pigeon (above)Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

START THINGS UP!In my Saturday morning classes, I spray Inspired Action to get things rolling for a fun + festive day!

Jaine, Owner + Instructor at Aerial Moon Yoga Studio

SLOW DOWN &FEEL CONNECTED.I use Quiet Mind before sleep or meditation. This sweet essence helps me to appreciate the tenderness of my breath and thoughts and dissolves physical tension in my body. Instead of missing the simplicity and beauty of everyday moments, it inspires us to slow down any mental chatter and move into a more relaxed state of being. Quietude is available to us in every moment and this peaceful blend guides us right to the source.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

Poses with Quiet MindSukhasana (Easy Pose)

Salamba Sirsasana (Headstand)Pigeon Pose

QUIET CONTENT + JOY.In my radialrest: yoga nidra class, I pass around the Quiet Mind Body Oil during the self marma mukkabhyanga massage portion of the practice for everyone to rub on their hands and faces. The noises of quiet content and joy that spreads around the studio as they rub the amazing flower essence infused oil onto themselves is awesome to behold.

Richard Lister, Yoga Teacher

THE GIFT OF DEEP REST.I teach insomnia workshops with Quiet Mind - which are always full to capacity and very successful. I mist the room before the event and do savasana massages with the balancing serum. I hear lots of snoring in the room by the end. I also give each participant a full size Quiet Mind elixir to take home with them at the end, which helps them continue to dissolve the effects of mental chatter, physical tension and restless sleep.

Yumee Chung, Yoga Instructor

QUIETING OF THE MIND.As a firm believer in the healing power of plants, these elixirs are fantastic. I use the Quiet Mind Anointing Oil on my wrists or temples before meditation to help calm and still my mind. The combi-nation of essential oils and flower elixirs offers instant quieting of my otherwise very busy mind. It is literally like taking a deep calm inhale and a long complete exhale when you use it - excellent for a Vata mind. I absolutely love it and I keep it in my bag for anytime I feel anxious, stressed or aware that I need to get grounded. Also perfect when I adjust my yoga students in shavasana. They too love the aroma and effect of the quiet mind as part of the yoga session.

Anja Brierley Lange, Yoga Teacher + Ayurvedic Practicioner

GROUNDBODY & MIND.I use Inner Peace when I need to invoke a sense of a calm and inner-knowing. It helps me to trust the teacher within. With the application of the essence, there is almost an instantaneous shift that is felt. I feel as if a cool wave of breath washes over me and any nervousness dissolves. This essence is an assurance of the deep peace that is always available. It brings forth a relaxed confidence that I so often need. This is why I regularly offer this essence to my yoga students and the reason I think bringing this essence into your asana and meditation practice has great benefits.

Have you ever walked into a practice feeling worried or stressed? Inner Peace is the answer to counteract those feeling of overwhelm. It grounds the body and mind and provides of warm blanket of comfort and support. Before you sit or practice, apply this essence to enter into any space or practice with a fresh perspective. It amplifies our abilities to enter the world and our days with more confidence and self-assurance.

Ashley Lorenzo, Yoga Teacher + Artist

INVITE PEACE + CALM IN.Inner Peace is perfect for Shavasanna. As the students relax back into their aerial hammocks after a healthy fitness and stretch class, I wander through the studio spray-ing their hammocks and around the studio to bring a sense of peace and calmness to their hearts before they move back into the world. Such a healing breath.

Jaine, Owner + Instructor at Aerial Moon Yoga Studio

Poses with Inner PeacePadmasana (Lotus Pose)

Virasana (Hero’s Pose)Shavasanna

JOY JUICE enhances joy, simplicity, happiness + fun. It stimulates laughter + lightheartedness, and enourages our inner child to come out and play!

Aroma: {Sweet Citrus Fruit} Jasmine, Sweet Orange, Davana (Strawberry-like) + Rosewood

INFINITE LOVE is the love potion. It makes you feel beautiful + love yourself without needing anything from the outside. It makes you more magnetic, attractive & charismatic. Feel the love!

Aroma: {Honey Citrus Floral} Rose, Red Mandarin + Honey

RADIANT ENERGY recharges our chi + enhances our unique presence. It offers a gentle cleansing of the body, ridding our system of toxins, irritants + energies that are not our own.

Aroma: {Spicy Citrus} Neroli, Pinon, Sandalwood + Clary Sage

INSPIRED ACTION sparks fearless creativity + unwavering determination and fills us with passion + drive to get things done. It heightens our awareness + enhances our intuitive abilities.

Aroma: {Exotic Citrus Spice} Pink Pepper, Jamaican Bay + Citrus

QUIET MIND helps us have a more meditative state of mind + feel more connected to every-thing around us. It dissolves tension, inspires a deep experience of calm + encourages deep rest.

Aroma: {Green Spice} Geranium, Lemon + Coriander

INNER PEACE enhances an experience of deep peace and gives us a sense of support, comfort + protection. It helps us embrace our uniqueness, fully accept ourselves + shine bright!

Aroma: {Herbal Spice} Lavender, Cedar, Vetiver + Geranium

Experience the magic for yourself ~ click the flower you’re most drawn to to explore the collection!

Special thanks.

Infinite gratitude to our #weicoolpartners for sharing how they incorporate flower elixirs into their one-of-a-kind

practice. This juicy document would not have been possible without them!

Ashley Lorenzo


Elena Brower


Emily Amstutz


Anja Brierley Lange




Richard Lister


YuMee Chung
