
Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Flour




Flour-a finely ground meal or powdery product

Flourobtained from milling cereal grains,

Flourroot crops, starchy vegetables and other foodstuffs.

FlourIt serves as the structural framework of baked products.

Composition of a Wheat


Three parts of a wheat


1. Bran

BranThe Bran is the hard outer covering of the kernel

BranIt makes up about 12% of of the kernel.

BranIt is removed when milling white flour but is found in whole wheat flour in the form of tiny brown flakes

BranIt contains cellulose, minerals, ash, vitamins and some proteins.

2. Germ or Embryo

Germ or EmbryoIt grows into a new plant when the kernel sprouts.

Germ or EmbryoIt contains highly concentrated oil, protein, ash and vitamins.

Germ or Embryo

It makes up 3% of the kernel.

3. Endosperm

Endosperm-it makes up 85% of the kernel

Endosperm- It is the starchy part of the kernel that remains when the bran and germ are removed.





Classification of Wheat


1. Whole wheat flour

Whole wheat flour

Also called Graham or entire wheat flour

Whole wheat flourMade by grinding the entire kernel including brand and germ.

Whole wheat flour

Whole wheat flourIs used in making bread because of gluten content

Whole wheat flourIt does not keep as long as white flour

Whole wheat flourIt is more nutritious than white flour

2. Bread Flour

Bread FlourIs milled from hard or soft wheat blend

Bread FlourAlso called strong and hard flour.

Bread FlourIt has on off-white color and has granular texture

Bread Flour

3. All Purpose


All Purpose Flour

All Purpose FlourUsed for almost all cooking purposes.

4. Cake Flour

Cake FlourClassified as soft wheat flour

Cake FlourHighly refined, bleached and finely ground.

Cake FlourSuperior for baking cakes and other special baked goods

5. Pastry Flour

Pastry FlourIt is usually used by bakers in pies, cookies and biscuits.

6. Self -rising Flour

Self-rising flourWhite flour blended with baking powder or baking soda.

7. Enriched Flour

Enriched FlourIs white flour with nutrients added to it

8. High Gluten Flour

High Gluten Flour

Used to bake hard crust breads like pizza crust

9. Bran Flour

Bran FlourConsists of bran flakes added to flour

10. Instant of Quick Mixing


Instant or Quick Mixing Flour

It blends with liquid easily


Uses of Flour

1. It provides bulk and structure to baked products.

2. It contributes color, texture and flavor to baked products.

3. It improves nutritive value of food

4. It is used for various cooking purposes as:

ThickenerBinderFor dredgingStiffening agent


Storage of Flour

Flour is best stored in a tightly closed container

and kept in a cool, dark pantry or shelf to prevent it

from moisture, dirt and insects.
