FireNET Plus Install Manual V1 05-Español 02

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Transcript of FireNET Plus Install Manual V1 05-Español 02

FireNET PlusAnalog Addressable Fire Alarm SystemManual de instalacion y operacion

FireNET Plus I & O Manual10v1.05

Hochiki America Corporation 7051 Village Drive, Suite 100 Buena Park, CA 90621-2268714.522.2246 Corporate Headquarters800.845.6692 Technical Support

Version 1.05 Created: 12/23/08 Version: 11/7/13

PN# 1700-10840

Table of Contents

Tabla de contenidos2Prefix Programming Compliance with UL864 9th Edition6Seccin 1 Introduccin.........................................................................................................................................................71.1 Caractersticas bsicas 7 1.2 Dispositivos de sistema y equipo 8 1.2.1 Piezas de reemplazo de sistema 9 1.3 Limitaciones de los Sistemas de Deteccin de Incendios 11 1.4 Agencia Listados, aprobaciones, Requisitos 14 1.4.1 Comisin Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) 14 1.4.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 14 1.4.3 Asociacin Nacional de Proteccin contra Incendios (NFPA) 14Seccin 2 Instalacin de panel de control

2.1 Qu hay en la caja? 15 2.2 Especificaciones ambientales 15 2.3 Disposicin de Panel de control 16 2.4 Controles del Panel Frontal y Pantalla 16 2.5 Caja y Diseo del panel 17 2.6 Montaje del panel de control 18 2.7 Especificaciones de cableado 18 2.8 Ruta sugerida de alimentacin de CA 19 2.9 Clculos de la batera 20 2.10 Clasificaciones elctricas 23 2.11 Especificaciones 25

Seccin 3 - Suministro y Control Principal Conexiones Unidad

3.1 Conexin de alimentacin de CA 26 3.2 Conexin de la batera 26 3.3 Conexin Potencia Auxiliar 28 3.4 Notificacin de conexin Appliance Circuit 29 3.5 Conexin de salida de rel 30 3.6 Lnea Conexiones telefnicas (FNP-1127D y slo FNP-1127DE) 31 3.7 Utilizacin de una impresora 32

Seccin 4 - Instalacin de la tarjeta de expansin

4.1 Compatible cartas de expansin 33 4.2 Instalacin General de dispositivos RS-485 Bus 34 4.2.1 Distancia de cableado y las ubicaciones de montaje 34 4.2.2 Direccionamiento 35 4.2.3 Terminacin de 35

Conexiones de alimentacin 36 COMUNICACIONES conexin 36 FN-4127-IO - Entrada / Salida Junta 37 Configuracin de entradas 37 Salidas Configuracin 38 Indicadores LED 39 4.5 Reservado para uso futuro 40 4.6.FNP-1127-SLC - SLC Loop Expander 41 4.6.1 Instalacion de la FNP-1127-SLC 41 4.7 FN-LCD-S de serie de cristal lquido Anunciador Display 42 4.7.1 Instalacin del FN-LCD-S 42

Section 5 Instalacin de un dispositivo SLC.......................................................................................................................................................455.1 Dispositivos compatibles SLC 45 5.2 Nmero de dispositivos 46 5.3 SLC Cableado del circuito 46 5.3.1 Clase B SLC Loop Distancia de cableado 48 5.3.2 Clase A SLC Loop Distancia de cableado 49 5.4 Los dispositivos de direccionamiento 50 5.4.1 Detector Abordar 52 5.4.2 4 "Mdulo y AMS Abordar 52 5.4.3 Mini Direccionamiento del mdulo 53 5.5 El humo y detector de calor de cableado 54 5.6 Detector Analgico para Ductos de cableado 55 5.6.1 DH98-A Analog conducto 56 Detector 5.6.2 DH98-AR Detector Analgico para Ductos con rel 57 5.7 Modulo FRCME-4 de cableado de entrada 58 5.8 FRCME-M Mini Mdulo de entrada (w / Bloques de terminales) 59 5.9 Mdulo de entrada FRCMA / FRCMA-I 60NOTE: For Sections 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9 comun para todos lod dispositivos l FRCM 612M Mdulo de rel de doble cableado 62 OM Mdulo de salida supervisada 63 OM-A / SOM-AI Clase Supervisado Un mdulo de salida 64 5.13 SOM-R Mdulo de Salida Supervisado (preaccin sistemas de rociadores) 66 5.14 CZM Zona Convencional 70 5.15 DIMM _ de entrada de monitor dual 71 5.16 SCI Aislador de Cortocircuito 72 5.16.1 Clase A Funcionamiento 73 5.16.2 Operacin Clase B 5.17 ASB Base Analgica con Sirena 75 5.18 AMS Direccionable Manual Pull-Estacin 76

Seccin 6 - Conexiones de red .......................................................................................................................................................776.1 Dispositivos de red compatibles 77 6.1.1 Interfaz de red FN-4127-NIC Card 78

( Nivel 1, 2 Acceso y Funcionamiento en tiempo real)

7.1 Modos de funcionamiento 83 7.1.1 Nivel de Acceso 1 83 7.1.2 Nivel de Acceso 2 83 7.1.3 Nivel de Acceso 3 83 Nivel 7.2 Acceso 1 Operaciones 84 7.2.1 Realizacin de una prueba de la lmpara 84 7.2.2 Ms Eventos Fuego 84 7.2.3 Ms Eventos 84 7.2.4 Men de navegacin (Arriba, Abajo, Izquierda, Derecha flechas, entrar / salir de Botones) 84 7.2.5 Ayuda (?) 84 Nivel 7.3 Acceso 2 Operaciones 85 7.3.1 Introduccin de Nivel de Acceso 2 85 7.3.2 Silenciar una Alarma 85 7.3.3 Rotundo una Alarma 85 7.3.4 Restablecer una alarma 86 7.3.5 Inicio de un simulacro de incendio 86 7.3.6 Silenciar el Sounder 86 Panel 7.4 Acceso Avanzado Nivel 2 Operaciones 87 7.4.1 Nivel de Acceso 2 Men Principal 87 7.4.2 incapacidades 87 7.4.3 Ver dispositivos 89 7.4.4 Zonas de prueba 89 7.4.5 Sistema Establecer hora 89 7.5 Panel de Operaciones 91 7.5.1 Fuego Condicin 91 7.5.2 Problema Condicin 92 7.5.3 Condicin de Supervisin 92 7.6 Cdigos DACT operacin y registro de eventos (slo FNP-1127D) 95 7.1 Receptores Compatibles (DACRs) 95 7.2 Telfono de lnea y nmero de telfono de seleccin 95 7.3 Telfono de supervisin de lnea 96 7.4 Grupos de informes 97 7.5 Fallo de Comunicacin 98 7.6 Fallo de Red de Referencia 98 7.7 Cdigos de Reporte de Evento 98

Section 8 - Panel de Operaciones y Programacin Frente Avanzada (Nivel de Acceso 3)8.1 Nivel de Acceso general 101 8.1.1 Introduccin de Nivel de Acceso 3 101 8.2 Nivel Acceso 3 Men 102 8.2.1 Editar configuracin 102 8.2.4 Impresin de configuracin 112 8.2.6 Datos del Loop de prueba 113Section 9 - Pruebas y solucin de problemas.....................................................................................................................................................1149.1 Un solo hombre de Prueba de Paso - ZONAS DE PRUEBA 114 9.2 Ver / Imprimir Registro de eventos 115 9.2.1 Ver registro de eventos 115 9.2.2 registro de impresin 116 Evento 9.2.3 Borrar registro de eventos 117 9.3 Datos del Loop de prueba 118 9.4 Solucin de problemas 120 9.5 Condiciones de problemas 121

Section 10 - Registros de Instalacin.....................................................................................................................................................12310.1 SLC registro de puntos de lazo 123 10.2 RS485 dispositivo de registro 123 10.3 Network Node Record Dispositivo 123Anexo A - Dispositivos compatibles.....................................................................................................................................................136A.1 de dos hilos Detectores de Humo 136 A.2 Reservado para uso futuro 136 A.3 Aparatos de Notificacin compatibles 137 A.3.1 Gentex compatibles Dispositivos NAC 138 A.3.2 Amseco compatibles Dispositivos NAC 138 A.3.3 Wheelock compatibles Dispositivos NAC 139 A.3.4 System Sensor compatibles Dispositivos NAC 141 A.4 Compatible 24VDC Dispositivos 143 A.5 Cambio de la fuente de alimentacin a la operacin 240 VCA 144Anexo B Panel de la puerta etiqueta Dibujo145Anexo C - Garantia146

Prefix Programming Compliance with UL864 9th Edition

Aviso a los usuarios, instaladores, las autoridades con jurisdiccin, y otras partes interesadas

Este producto incorpora software programable en campo. Para que el producto cumpla con los requisitos de la Norma para las Unidades de Control y Accesorios para Sistemas de Deteccin de Incendios, UL 864 9th , ciertas caractersticas de programacin u opciones debe limitarse a valores especficos o no utilizar en absoluto como se indica a continuacin.

Program Feature or OptionPermitted in UL 864? (Y/N)Possible settingsSettings permitted in UL864

AC Fail DelayYes0 180 minutes60 180 minutes

Alarm VerificationYes5 60 seconds60 second setting

Disable BuzzerYesEnable/DisableEnable

Disable Ground TroubleYesEnable/DisableEnable

Set Buzzer Silence Access LevelYes1 or 22

Waterflow Alarm and General Purpose Device Type


0 120 seconds

0 seconds

Disable SOM-RNoEnable/DisableNone

Sensors Set to SupervisoryNoFire / SupervisoryFire

Seccion 1 Introduccion

El FireNET Plus es un sistema de alarma de incendio direccionable analgico que cumpla con los requisitos de UL 864 9th Edition.

1.1 Caracteristicas basicas

El panel de control bsico FireNET Plus incluye un SLC (Circuito de Lnea de Sealizacin) bucle. El bucle es capaz de soportar 127 puntos direccionables analgicos que pueden ser cualquier combinacin de sensores y mdulos. Un bucle SLC adicional puede ser aadido al panel de aumentar la capacidad de punto direccionable analgico a 254. Cuando se usan bases ms slidas analgicas, las direcciones superiores 128 a 254 se asignan a aumentar la capacidad de bucle para 254 puntos direccionables analgicos. Esto duplica la capacidad de punto direccionable analgico del panel. La combinacin de puntos direccionables analgicos derivado de sensores, mdulos y bases ms slidas no puede exceder de 800 direcciones y subdirecciones mximo.

Hasta 4.0 amperios de potencia est disponible para conducir el sistema, lazos SLC, los aparatos de notificacin, y equipos auxiliares.

Dos circuitos de aparatos de aviso de Clase B valorados en 3,2 amperios cada uno (ver seccin 2.7 y 2.8 para los detalles adicionales con respecto a NAC clasificaciones de circuito).

Tres rels Forma C programables estn incorporados al panel de control.500 zonas de toda la red para el dispositivo y agrupacin de circuitos.

Analog Caractersticas del Detector de Humo:

Drift Compensacin Automtica Alerta de Mantenimiento Da ajustable / Noche Sensibilidad Comprobacin de calibracin cumple con los requisitos de las pruebas de sensibilidad de la norma NFPA 72.

Auto-Learn utilidad identifica los dispositivos del sistema, lo que hace ms fcil sistema inicial de puesta en marcha.

Y 8 lneas con 40 caracteres LCD grfico proporciona una interfaz de operador flexible e intuitiva (320 caracteres en total).

Las pantallas de ayuda estn disponibles en la interfaz de usuario del panel y el anunciador delante para ayudar en la programacin y operacin.

512 puntos adicionales se pueden agregar al sistema mediante las juntas 16 de entrada del canal / salida FN4127-IO. Cada uno de estos puntos se puede programar individualmente para ser una entrada o salida de corriente baja. Estos puntos son slo para uso secundario.

Los dispositivos y equipos del sistema

Las siguientes tablas, expansores y dispositivos estn disponibles en Hochiki America Corp. para ser utilizado con el sistema de alarma de incendio direccionable analgico FireNET Plus. Para obtener una descripcin y de instalacin completas de cada producto, por favor consulte la seccin correspondiente de este manual y la literatura proporcionada con el dispositivo en s.


Control Panels

FNP-1127Analog/Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (1 SLC Loop, not expandable)

FNP-1127DAnalog/Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel with Integrated DACT (1 SLC Loop, not expandable)

FNP-1127EAnalog/Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (1 SLC Loop, expandable to 2 SLC Loops)

FNP-1127DEAnalog/Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel with IntegratedDACT (1 SLC Loop, expandable to 2 SLC Loops)

NOTE: There are several ordering models (I.e. 120/240VAC, colors, etc.) Hochiki Americasordering department will establish exact model and configuration at time of order. Different ordering models are also reflected on the FireNET Plus product datasheets.

Control Panel Expanders

FN-4127-NICNetwork Interface Card

FNP-1127-SLCSLC Loop Expander Card

FN-4127-IO16 Channel Input Output Board


FN-LCD-SSerial LCD Annunciator

FNP-LEDGraphix LED Annunciator

SLC Loop Devices

ALK-VAnalog Photoelectric Smoke Sensor

ALK-V2Analog Photoelectric Smoke Sensor

ALG-VAnalog Photoelectric Smoke Sensor

ALN-VAnalog Photoelectric Smoke Sensor

AIE-EAAnalog Ionization Smoke Sensor

ATG-EAAnalog Heat Sensor

ATJ-EAAnalog Fixed Temp / Rate of Rise Heat Sensor

ACA-VAnalog Photoelectric and Heat Multi Sensor

ACC-VAnalog Multi-Criteria Sensor

ACB-EA, ACB-EAWAnalog Fixed and Rate of Rise Heat Multi Sensor (ACB-EAWWeather Proof)

YBN-NSA-44 Base for Analog Sensors

HSB-NSA-66 Base for Analog Sensors

DH98-AAnalog Duct Smoke Detector

DH98-ARAnalog Duct Smoke Detector w/Relay

MS-RA, MS-RA/R, MS-KA/RRemote Test Station for DH98A & DH98AR

FRCME-4Input Module 4 Box Mount

FRCME-MMini Input Module w Terminal Block

FRCMA, FRCMA-IClass A Input Module 4 Box Mount (FRCMA-I has built-in SCI)

SOMSupervised Output Module

SOM-A, SOM-AIClass A Supervised Output Module (SOM-AI has built-in SCI)

SOM-RSupervised Output Module (Preaction Sprinkler Systems)

R2MDual Relay Module, 1 amp @ 30VDC

R2ML, R2ML-IDual Relay Module, 2 amp @ 30VDC (R2ML-I has built-in SCI)

R2MH, R2MH-IDual Relay Module, 8 amp @ 30VDC (R2MH-I has built-in SCI)

SCIShort Circuit Isolator Module

DIMMDual Input Monitor Module

CZMConventional Zone Module

ASBAnalog Sounder Base

AMS/KL/LPAddressable Manual Pull-Station


TCH-B100-NSHand-held Programmer

FN-ACCBattery/Accessory Enclosure (houses up to 33AH size batteries)

FNP-ETREnclosure Trim Ring for Panel Flush Mount

1.2.1 Sistema de partes de repuesto

Control Panel Repair / Replacement Parts

FNP-1127-BOFireNET 1127 Control Unit Board Only

FNP-1127D-BOFireNET 1127 Control Unit Board Only, with integrated DACT

FNP-1127E-BOFireNET 1127 Control Unit Board Only, expandable

FNP-1127DE-BOFireNET 1127 Control Unit Board Only, expandable with

integrated DACT

FNP-1127-ENCFireNET 1127 Enclosure Complete

FNP-1127-ENC-DOFireNET 1127 Enclosure Door Only

FNP-1127-ENC-BCFireNET 1127 Enclosure Back-Can Only

FNP-1127-MPFireNET 1127 Panel Mounting Plate

FN-KEYFireNET Enclosure Key Lock

FN-PBSFireNET Panel Bonding Strap

FN-PGBFireNET Panel Grounding Block

FN-EOLFireNET Panel EOLR (package)

FN-STOFireNET Panel Standoffs (for panel covers)

FN-FUSFireNET Main AC Input Fuse

FN-FUS-BATTFireNET Battery Input Fuse

FN-BLJFireNET Battery Leads & Jumper

FNP-1127-MANFireNET Installation Manual

FNP-1127-PDLFireNET Panel Door Label

FN-LSWLoop Explorer Software CD

FN-X187Programming Cable (Standard)

FN-S187Programming Cable (Jacketed)

FN-SKDKSpare Keys for Door Keyswitch

FN-SKCKSpare Keys for Controls Keyswitch

FN-ECKEnable Controls Keyswitch

FN-BLEBattery Leads for Accessory Enclosure (extended length 3.28ft)

FN-LCD-S-BOSerial Annunciator Control Unit Board Only (K6017)

FN-LCD-S-BBSerial Annunciator Back-box

FN-EBSExpansion Boards Standoffs (SLC board & I/O board stacking)

*NOTE: 240VAC option available

FireNET Plus I & O Manual18v1.05

1.2 Limitaciones de los Sistemas de Deteccin de Incendios

Siga las normas de instalacin recomendada: Para lograr la deteccin precoz de incendios, sensores de deteccin de incendios se deben instalar en todas las habitaciones y reas de una casa, apartamento o edificio de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de la Asociacin Nacional de Proteccin Contra Incendios Norma 72 (NFPA 72), las recomendaciones del fabricante , los cdigos estatales y locales, y las recomendaciones contenidas en la Gua para el uso adecuado de los sistemas detectores de humo, que se pone a disposicin sin costo alguno para todos los concesionarios de la instalacin. En general, las normas y recomendaciones son las siguientes (pero los instaladores deben consultar las directrices especficas anterior antes de instalar): Habitaciones para dormir: detectores de humo deben instalarse en cada dormitorio. Pasillos: Ms de un detector de humo debe ser instalado en un pasillo si es ms de 30 pies de largo.

Al menos dos detectores de humo: Nunca debe haber menos de dos humo detectores por apartamento o residencia.

Detectores de humo en la alarma, elctrica, o por ubicacin Telfono: Detectores de humo debe estar ubicado en cualquier sitio donde se encuentra un control de alarma o una alarma de control se conecta a una fuente elctrica o lnea de telfono. Si los detectores no estn situados de un incendio dentro de la habitacin podra evitar que el control de la alarma de reportar un incendio.Notification Systems:

Todos los sistemas de alarma contra incendios requieren dispositivos de notificacin, incluyendo sirenas, campanas, bocina, y / o luces estroboscpicas. En aplicaciones residenciales, cada automtica alarma de dispositivo iniciador cuando se activa debera hacer que el funcionamiento de dispositivo de notificacin de alarma que debe ser claramente audible en todos los dormitorios ms los niveles de ruido ambiental o de fondo (por lo menos 15 dB por encima del ruido) con todas las puertas cerradas que intervienen. Alarma en cada dormitorio y Nivel de residencia: Un detector de humo con un timbre incorporado (detector de humo) debe estar ubicado en cada habitacin y un dispositivo de notificacin adicional debe estar ubicado en cada piso de una residencia.

Mantenimiento: Un contrato de mantenimiento debe realizarse a travs de lo local representante y un mantenimiento del fabricante se deben realizar anualmente por personal autorizado. Para mantener un sistema de alarma contra incendios en excelentes condiciones de funcionamiento, se requiere un mantenimiento continuo segn las recomendaciones del fabricante y las normas UL y NFPA. Como mnimo se deben seguir los requisitos del captulo 7 de la NFPA 72 (1999).

Prueba semanal: El sistema de alarma debera ser probado semanalmente para asegurarse de que todos los sensores y transmisores funcionan correctamente. La causa ms comn de que un sistema de alarma no funcione cuando se produce un incendio es el mantenimiento inadecuado.

Las alarmas no puede garantizar la proteccin: sistema de alarma contra incendios no puede garantizar la proteccin y alarmar contra incendios en todas las situaciones posibles. Un estudio realizado por la Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias (una agencia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos) indica que los detectores de humo no se fuera o dar la alerta temprana en hasta el 35% de todos los incendios.

Limitacin sobre la Eficacia de la alarma de incendio: Un sistema de alarma contra incendios puede no proporcionar una advertencia oportuna o adecuada, o simplemente no puede funcionar, por una variedad de razones. Por ejemplo:No detectado: Las partculas de combustin o humo de un incendio en desarrollo pueden no llegar a la cmara de deteccin de los detectores de humo debido a que:1. Barreras (tales como puertas cerradas o parcialmente cerradas, paredes o chimeneas) pueden inhibir el flujo de partculas o humo.2. Las partculas de humo pueden llegar a ser fra, estratificar, o no alcanzar el techo o las paredes superiores donde se encuentran los detectores.3. partculas de humo pueden ser soplados lejos de detectores por salidas de aire.4. Las partculas de humo se pueden extraer en retornos de aire antes de llegar al detector.

No Deteccin en Multi-Superficie: En general, los detectores de humo de una sola planta de una estructura no se puede esperar para detectar incendios en desarrollo en otro nivel.

Insuficiente humo: La cantidad de humo presente puede ser insuficiente para la alarma

detectores de humo. Los detectores de humo estn diseadas para la alarma, en los distintos niveles de

la densidad del humo. Si estos niveles de densidad no son creados por un incendio que se propaga en la ubicacin del detector, el detector no entra en alarma.

Smoldering vs. Fuegos llameantes: Detectores de humo, incluso cuando se trabaja adecuadamente, tienen limitaciones de deteccin. Los detectores que tienen cmaras de sensores fotoelctricos tienden a detectar incendios latentes mejor que los fuegos llameantes, que tienen poco de humo visible. Los detectores que tienen de tipo ionizante cmaras sensoras tienden a detectar rpidamente los fuegos llameantes mejor que los fuegos humeantes. Dado que los incendios se desarrollan de diferentes maneras y son a menudo imprevisibles en su crecimiento, ningn tipo de detector es necesariamente mejor y un determinado tipo de detector no puede proporcionar una advertencia adecuada de un incendio.

Falsas alarmas y Pre-Fuego Desconexin: Detectores de humo estn sujetos a falsas alarmas y alarmas molestas y pueden haber sido desconectadas por los usuarios. para ejemplo, un detector de humo se encuentra en o cerca de una cocina puede entrar en alarmas molestas durante el funcionamiento normal de los aparatos de cocina. Adems, ambientes polvorientos o con mucho vapor pueden causar un detector de humo para alarmar falsamente. Si la ubicacin de un detector de humo causa una gran cantidad de falsas alarmas o alarmas molestas, no desconecte el detector de humo, llame a un profesional para analizar la situacin y recomendar una solucin.

Los incendios rpidos y explosiones: Los detectores de humo no se puede esperar para proporcionar advertencia adecuada de los incendios causados por el incendio provocado y los nios que juegan con fsforos (sobre todo dentro de dormitorios), fumar en la cama, explosiones violentas (causadas por fugas de gas, el incorrecto almacenamiento de materiales inflamables, etc).

Detectores de calor: Detectores de humo detectan las partculas de combustin y son diseado para alarma slo cuando el calor en sus sensores aumenta a una predeterminada tasa o alcanza un nivel predeterminado. Los detectores de calor estn diseados para proteger la propiedad, no la vida.

Desatender Advertencias: dispositivos de advertencia (incluyendo bocinas, sirenas y campanas) no puede alertar a las personas o desertar durmientes que se encuentran en el otro lado de puertas cerradas o puertas parcialmente abiertas. Un dispositivo de alarma que se activa en un piso o nivel diferente de una vivienda o estructura es menos probable que despierte alertar a las personas. Incluso las personas que son conscientes pueden no notar la advertencia si la alarma es amortiguado por el ruido de un equipo de msica, radio, aire acondicionado u otro aparato, o por el trfico. Los dispositivos de advertencia audible pueden no alertar a los problemas de audicin (luces estroboscpicas u otros dispositivos deben estar destinado a advertir a estas personas). Cualquier dispositivo de alarma podr dejar de alertar a las personas con discapacidad, personas con sueo profundo, las personas que han usado recientemente alcohol o drogas, o las personas que toman medicamentos o pastillas para dormir.

Luces estroboscpicas: luces estroboscpicas pueden bajo ciertas circunstancias, causar convulsiones en personas con condiciones como la epilepsia. Ejercicios: Los estudios han demostrado que ciertas personas, incluso cuando escuchar una seal de alarma de incendio, no responden o comprenden el significado de la seal. Es la responsabilidad del dueo de la propiedad para llevar a cabo simulacros de incendio y otros ejercicios de entrenamiento para que la gente tome conciencia de las seales de alarma de incendios e instruir sobre la reaccin adecuada a las seales de alarma. Prdida de la audicin: En raras ocasiones, el sonido de un dispositivo de advertencia puede causar prdida de audicin temporal o permanente.TTelfono Transmisiones con problemas: Las lneas telefnicas necesarias para transmitir seales de alarma desde las oficinas a una estacin central puede estar fuera de servicio o fuera de servicio temporalmente. Para una mayor proteccin contra el fallo de la lnea telefnica, se recomiendan los sistemas de transmisin de radio con copia de seguridad. El fracaso del sistema con la edad o la falta de mantenimiento: Los componentes del sistema, aunque estn diseados para durar muchos aos, puede fallar en cualquier momento. Como medida de precaucin, Se recomienda que los detectores de humo se comprueben y sean , mantenidos y reemplazarse segn las recomendaciones del fabricante.

Problemas con la alimentacin elctrica: Los componentes del sistema no funciona sin electricidad . Si las bateras del sistema no se limpian o reemplazan regularmente, puede que no proporcionar respaldo de batera en caso de fallo de alimentacin de CA.

Velocidad del aire o de polvo o suciedad del entorno alta: Ambientes con aire de alta velocidad con polvo o suciedad requieren un mantenimiento ms frecuente.

Importancia del Mantenimiento: En general, los sistemas de alarma de incendios y dispositivos no funcionarn sin energa y no funcionar a menos que la propiedad se mantenga y se pruebe regularmente.

Alarma no es un sustituto del seguro: Durante la instalacin de un sistema de alarma de incendio puede hacer que el propietario elegible para una prima de riesgo inferior, un sistema de alarma no es un sustituto de un seguro. Los propietarios deben seguir actuando con prudencia en la proteccin de los locales y la gente en sus locales y deben asegurar adecuadamente la vida y la propiedad y comprar cantidades suficientes de seguro de responsabilidad civil para cubrir sus necesidades.

1.2 Agencia Listados, aprobaciones, Requisitos1.4.1 Comisin Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC)

El FireNET Plus se ha verificado que cumple con las reglas de la FCC Parte 15, Clase A Su funcionamiento est sujeto a las siguientes condiciones:

1. Este dispositivo no puede causar interferencias de radio. 2. Este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia recibida, incluidas las que puedan provocar un funcionamiento no deseado.

1.4.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

El FireNET Plus es UL864 novena edicin recogida y es adecuado para su uso como un local protegido unidad de control comercial como sigue:

- Unidad de sealizacin local

- Tipos de servicios de sealizacin son, manual, flujo de agua, y de supervisin de rociadores automticos.

- Estilo 4, 6, o 7 para Circuitos de Lnea de Sealizacin

- Y Estilo para circuitos de aparatos de notificacin

- Sealizacin para no codificado

- La estacin central de servicio - Tipo de DACT (premisa protegido)

- Servicio Estacin Remota - Tipo DACT (premisa protegido)

1.4.3 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Instalar y configurar el sistema FireNET de acuerdo con NFPA 72 y 13.

Todos los cableados deben instalarse de acuerdo con la norma NFPA 70 Cdigo Elctrico Nacional (Artculo 760).

Section 2 Instalacin panel de control

2.1 Qu hay en la caja?

El panel de control FireNET Plus incluye los siguientes componentes y hardware:

Control de gabinete de la central con la puerta con bisagras. Anunciador de Panel de control, fuente de alimentacin, lazo SLC y electrnica asociada estn contenidos en una placa de circuito que est pre-montado en el gabinete.

Integrado en la interfaz RS232

Dos claves para la cerradura del gabinete y dos teclas para los controles Permitir interruptor de llave.

(2) Zero ohm puentes PN # S2026, y (2) dispositivos EOLD PN # S2030. Puente de la batera para la conexin en serie de dos bateras de 12 voltios. Manual de instalacin (PN # 1700-10840)

2.2 Especificaciones ambientales

El panel de control FireNET Plus se debe instalar en lugares donde no est expuesta a temperaturas fuera del rango de 32 F - 120 F o humedad fuera del rango de 10% - 85% sin condensacin.

El panel de control FireNET Plus se debe instalar de manera que no estn sujetos a daos por agua y la condensacin. Evite el montaje en el gabinete del panel de control directamente sobre muros de mampostera exteriores, en reas sujetas a fugas en las tuberas, en zonas sometidas a salpicaduras de vlvulas de prueba de rociadores, o en reas de alta humedad.

El panel de control FireNET Plus est diseado para ser instalado en ambientes de interior en un lugar seco.

2.3 Panel de control Layout

2.3.1 Frente de panel de control and Display

Front Panel Indicators

8-Line x 40 character LCD

Front Panel Controls

Enable Controls Key-switch (Access Level 2)

Figure 2.3.1 Controls and Display

2.3.2 Disposicion de panel de control

FireAC Power On Pre-AlarmOn Test

Panel Sounder Silenced

Delay Active

More Events General Disablement General TroublePower Trouble Supervisory NAC Trouble

Main Control UnitSLC Loop Programmable Relays Notification Appliance CircuitsExpansion Board ConnectionsNetwork Connections Aux Power Output PC ConnectionFront Panel Controls

Battery Connection

AC Power Connection

Figure 2.3.1 Enclosure and Panel Layout

2.4 Montaje del panel de controlConsulte las especificaciones ambientales que figuran en la seccin 2.2 para determinar una ubicacin adecuada para montar el panel de control principal FireNET Plus.

El panel debe montarse de modo que sea accesible para el personal de servicio y ubicado en una zona segura.

No monte directamente a un muro de hormign. Utilice un material separador adecuado, tal como madera contrachapada para mantener la condensacin fuera del panel de control.

2.5 Especificaciones de cableado

Se debe tener cuidado al realizar el cableado del sistema para evitar situaciones que pudieran contribuir a la induccin de ruido elctrico de un cable a otro. Inducida por ruido puede interferir con las comunicaciones telefnicas o provocar un funcionamiento errtico del sistema. Siga estas pautas para planificar su cableado del sistema antes de la instalacin. Ruta de cableado de alta y baja tensin por separado. Mantenga un mnimo "de separacin de 2 entre el cableado de alta y baja tensin en todo el edificio. Cableado del panel de control de ruta en todo el permetro del recinto. Se requiere un mnimo de "separacin entre 0,25 cableado de alta y baja tensin. Identificar qu grupo cada alambre o cable est asociado con la lista de abajo. Aislar cada grupos de cableado tanto como sea posible. Evitar la ejecucin de un nico cable multi-conductor para mltiples grupos de conductores. AC Power - Fuente de Alimentacin Principal Aparatos de Notificacin Circuitos SLC salidas de rel salidas de tensin Control remoto y entradas auxiliares Cableado de red (cable blindado requiere) RS485 Bus Cableado (requiere cable blindado) Mantenga el cableado de diferentes grupos separados tanto como sea posible. Si tiene que compartir el mismo conducto con los diferentes grupos de conductores considerar el uso de cable blindado. Si se utiliza cable blindado rescindir el escudo para el bloque de terminales de conexin a tierra en el panel de control principal y dejar abierto al lado del campo de cable. No conecte a tierra en ambos extremos of cable. Todos los terminales del mando FireNET pueden aceptar calibres de alambre de 22 AWG y 12 AWG.2.5.1 Ruta de cables sugerida de alimentacin de CAPase el cableado de alimentacin de entrada de CA como se indica a continuacin. Siga las recomendaciones sealadas en el apartado 2.5 en relacin con la separacin de cableado de alta y baja tensin.

FireAC Power On Pre-AlarmOn Test

Panel Sounder Silenced

Delay Active

More Events General Disablement General TroublePower Trouble Supervisory NAC Trouble

Right-side knockout location

Lower right-side knockout location

Figure 2.5.1 Suggested Routing of AC Power

La ubicacin de la entrada preferida para la alimentacin de entrada de CA es a travs de la parte derecha (ver figura anterior). No pase la alimentacin de entrada de CA a travs del tablero de control principal o directamente a travs o al lado de las conexiones de baja tensin realizadas en la regleta de terminales superior!2.6 Battery Calculations

FireNET Plus I & O Manual20v1.05

2.7 Electrical Ratings

Terminal LabelDescription


EGroundGround Connection0VDC-EGroundGround Connection0VDC-

L1T L1R P1T P1R L2T L2R P2T P2R + 24V

Phone Line 1

Phone Line 2

Incoming phone line connection from telephone company (FNP-1127D/DE only)Outgoing phone line connection to telephone sets (FNP-1127D/DE only)Incoming phone line connection from telephone company (FNP-1127D/DE only)Outgoing phone line connection to telephone sets (FNP-1127D/DE only)


24V OutAuxiliary 24V Power- 24V24VDC360mA

+ 24V

Aux 24VAuxiliary 24V Power


- 24V24VDC360mA

+-+-+ IN- IN




Notification Appliance Circuit #1. EOLD Required.Note: 24VDC Regulated @ 1.6A Continuous 24VDC Regulated @ 900mA Pulsing 24VDC @ 2.3A Special ApplicationNotification Appliance Circuit #2. EOLD Required.Note: 24VDC Regulated @ 1.6A Continuous 24VDC Regulated @ 900mA Pulsing 24VDC @ 2.3A Special ApplicationSignaling Line Circuit. OUT terminals used for Class B or A wiring.

24VDC2.3 A

24VDC2.3 A24VDC2.3 A

24VDC2.3 A32VDC250mA32VDC250mA

+ OUTSignaling Line Circuit. IN terminals used for return



loop for Class A wiring.

TroubleTrouble relay

32VDC250mA30VDC1 A30VDC1 A


NCCFireFire Alarm relay

30VDC1 A30VDC1 A



SupervisorySupervisory relay

30VDC1 A30VDC1 A


+NET OutRS485 Network OUT to other panels



+NET InRS485 Network IN from other panels





- + OUT - OUT

BusRS485 to I/O boards and serial annunciatorsSignaling Line Circuit. OUT terminals used for Class B or A wiring.SLC 2


+ INSignaling Line Circuit. IN terminals used for return


- IN

loop for Class A wiring.


Table 2.7.1 Terminal Strip Electrical Ratings

Table 2.7.3 Conexiones de la fuente de alimentacin

Los conectores de CA y la batera se encuentran en la parte inferior de la placa de control principal. Estos conectores se pueden eliminar (desenchufar) para facilitar la instalacin.

ConnectorTerminalDescription Rating


TB6GEarth GroundN/AN/A

NAC Neutral120 VAC, 50/60Hz2.1A

240 VAC, 50/60Hz1.1A

LAC Line120 VAC, 50/60Hz2.1A

240 VAC, 50/60Hz1.1A

TB3+ Battery+24 VDC5A

- BatteryDC Common5A

Table 2.7.2 Power Supply Terminal Strip Electrical Ratings

NOTE: NOTA: Tierra impedancia de deteccin de falla a tierra es de aproximadamente 100K ohmios entre la tierra suelo y la FireNET Plus de alimentacin de CC flotante interno.

2.8 Specifications

Primary AC:120VAC @ 2.1 amps 50/60hz (or) 240VAC @ 1.1 amp50/60hzOutput DC:24VDC @ 4 ampsPower Supply:5.25 amp integrated Max Charger Current:1.25 amps Dimensions:14.5W x 19 H x 3.5DWeight:20 lbs (without batteries)Color:Red (optional charcoal)Material:ABS/steel enclosureDisplay:8 line x 40 character LCD (320 characters total)Network:Dual RS485 ports (64 panels max.)Zones:500 network wide software zones per system (Output zones allocated to zones 1 to 253 only for SOM 2.0 and earlier)SLC loops:1 or 2 (class A or B)Devices per Loop:127 sensors & modules, plus 127 analog sounder bases,254 totalAddresses per Panel(800 addresses + sub-addresses max per panel) NAC Outputs**:(2) 2.3 A @ 24VDC Special Application1.6 A @ 24VDC (Continuous) Regulated900mA @ 24VDC (Pulsing) Regulated Relay Outputs:(3) Form C contact 1amp@30VDCAux. Power:360mA@24VDCPC Port:RS232Printer Port:RS232 DACT Formats(FNP-1127D / DE only)Contact ID and SIAFirmware Revision07.xxxx

**Note: Combined maximum for both NAC outputs must not exceed 3.1A under Special Application.Combined maximum for both NAC outputs must not exceed 3.2A under (Continuous) Regulated. Combined maximum for both NAC outputs must not exceed 1.8A under (Pulsing) Regulated.

Section 3 - Suministro y Control Principal de Conexiones

3.1 AC Power Connection

El bloque de terminales de conexin de alimentacin de CA se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha de la placa de control (cuando se ve desde el frente, ver Figura 3.1). Observe la polaridad del cableado y conecte como se muestra. Los cdigos elctricos locales pueden requerir que un electricista autorizado a hacer estas conexiones.

NFPA 72 requiere que la conexin de CA puede hacer de un circuito de derivacin dedicado que est protegido mecnicamente. El circuito debe estar marcado en rojo y se identific como un "ALARMA DE INCENDIO DE CIRCUITO". La ubicacin del circuito y sus medios de desconexin se har constar de forma permanente en el panel de control de alarma de incendio. El interruptor debe estar clasificado a 20 amperes mximo.

Reemplazo del fusible: Para reemplazar la fuente de alimentacin fusible F7, apague el sistema contra incendios mediante la eliminacin de la alimentacin de CA en primer lugar, a continuacin, desconecte las bateras de emergencia a la central de incendios. Extraiga el fusible fundido y reemplazar con una 250VAC 3A, de accin retardada, fusibles de 5x20 mm. Cuando se haya completado la sustitucin de fusibles, restaurar la energa de CA al panel de control y conecte las bateras de emergencia en cuenta la polaridad de las conexiones.

3.2 Conexion baterias

El panel de control de alarma de incendio FireNET Plus puede cargar hasta 60AH bateras mxima. Utilice el sorteo y batera actual clculo hoja de clculo en la seccin 2.6 para determinar el tamao correcto de la batera para su uso.

Los cables de la batera se conectan al bloque de terminales de la batera situado en la esquina inferior izquierda de la placa de control (visto de frente). Conecte dos bateras de 12 voltios en serie con los cables de la batera, como se muestra en la Figura 3.1. Ambas bateras deben ser de la misma calificacin de AH. No trate de varias bateras en paralelo entre s para obtener una calificacin ms alta AH. Utilice slo Reconocimiento UL Bateras de plomo selladas.

Reemplazo del fusible: Para reemplazar el fusible de la batera en lnea, quite el cable de la batera (NEGRO) desde el terminal negativo de la batera y gire el soporte de fusibles de bayoneta para abrir. Quite el fusible quemado y sustituirlo por un "Bussman AGC-10" (10A) Tipo de fusible o equivalente. Volver a montar el soporte de fusibles de bayoneta y una el cable de la batera al terminal negativo de la batera.

NOTA: Las bateras de reserva no pueden alimentar el sistema hasta que la alimentacin principal 120VAC tiene NOTA: Las bateras de reserva no pueden alimentar el sistema hasta que la alimentacin principal 120VAC se ha establecido. Una vez que el sistema se ha encendido inicialmente, con la fuente las 120 VCA

bateras pueden operar el sistema en caso de fallo de corriente.

Figure 3.1 Power Supply Connection Detail

3.3 Auxiliary Power Connection

24 VDC auxiliary powers are available on the main control board for powering remote annunciators, I/O modules and other low-current powered devices.

The total output from each Auxiliary Power output must not exceed .360 amps.

All devices powered from the auxiliary power terminals should be entered into Table 2.6 and taken into consideration for standby battery size.

Figure 3.2 Auxiliary Power Connection Detail

3.4 Notification Appliance Circuit Connection

NAC outputs rated @ 2.3 amps each (Special Application)( EOL P/N: S2030 or P/N: S2028 can be used) NAC outputs rated @ 1.6 amps each (Continous) Regulated.(Hochiki America EOL P/N: P/N: S2030 or P/N: S2028 can be used) NAC outputs rated @ 0.9 amps (Pulsing or Gentex) Regulated.( EOL P/N: S2030 or P/N: S2028 can be used) See Appendix A.3 for compatible NAC Devices. See Section 8 of this manual for programming.

Figure 3.3 Notification Appliance Circuit Connection Detail

3.5 Relay Output Connection

Relays are dry Form C contacts and are fully programmable. See section 8 of this manual for programming.

Figure 3.4 Relay Outputs Detail

FireNET Plus I & O Manual39v1.05

3.6 Phone Line Connections (FNP-1127D and FNP-1127DE only)

The FireNET Plus contains an integrated DACT (Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter) with connections for two telephone lines. Phone line connections are supervised. To comply with NFPA standards, Ground Start telephone lines must not be used. See Section 7.6 for DACT operation and event reporting codes.

Figure 3.5 Telephone Line Connections to the FireNET Plus

The DACT must be connected upstream of any private telephone systems at the protected premise. See figure 3.5 above.

NOTE: To ensure proper connection to the public switched telephone network, UL Listed RJ31X jacks and cords must be installed.

NOTE: Two separate telephone lines are required. Do not connect both telephone interfaces on the FireNET Plus to the same telephone line.

NOTE: The maximum distance between the FireNET Plus and the RJ31X jacks must not exceed 6 feet. Do not use a phone cord that is longer than 6 feet in length.

3.7 Using a Printer

The FireNET Plus panel will support a local serial printer. The printer connects to the X11 RS-232 port on the back of the control board (X11 is on the bottom right-hand corner when looking at the back of the control board). The printer cable must be no longer than 20 feet in length. The printer can be used for real-time logging of events. It can also be used to print the panels configuration (see section 8.2.4) or to print the panels history log (see section 9.2.2).

Serial Printer Properties: 19.2K Baud 8 Bits No Parity 1-Stop Bit

Note that a printer may not be used if the FireNET Plus integrated DACT is used!

Section 4 Expander Board Installation

4.1 Compatible Expander Boards

The following Hochiki America Corp. expander boards are listed as compatible with the FireNET Plus analog addressable fire alarm system.

Expanders FNP-1127-SLC - SLC Loop Expander (Local FACP Expander) FN-4127-IO 16 Channel Input/Output Board (RS-485 Bus Device) FN-LCD-S Serial LCD Annunciator (RS-485 Bus Device)

This section covers the installation of the devices listed above. For proper operation each of these devices must be programmed. Please refer to Section 8 of this manual for more information on programming the functionality of expander boards.

4.2 General Installation of RS-485 Bus Devices

4.2.1 Wiring Distance and Mounting Locations

RS485 bus devices can be mounted either in the main control panel enclosure or in an accessory cabinet (FN-ACC). When mounting remotely in an accessory cabinet the distance from the panel to the RS485 bus device must not exceed 4000 feet. A suitable communications cable for RS485 applications must be used for the RS485 bus devices.

Specific wiring connections for each device are included later in this section. For specific wiring distance, connections, and mounting of the FN-LCD-S serial LCD Annunciator, see Section 4.7.

4.2.2 Addressing

Up to 32 RS485 bus devices can be added to the system. Each RS485 bus device must be set to a unique address 1-32.

The address for each RS485 bus device is set using a position DIP-switch in binary fashion. Switches 1-5 represent the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 respectively. To set the address, move only the switches whose values when added equal the address value you wish to set to the ON position. For example, moving switches 1 and 3 (whose values are 1 and 4 respectively) to the ON position sets the address of 5 into the RS485 bus device. See the other examples below:

6ADDRESS 1 65544332211

ADDRESS 5654321


Shows switch actuator in the ON position.

Addresses must be set with no power applied to the system.

4.2.3 Terminating

The last board connected to the RS485 bus must have a terminating jumper installed at position J3 as shown in figure

Even if only 1 RS485 bus device is connected to the panel this jumper must be installed.


LED1R24 R25 R26



S1TR1X TR19R54

-X R

U7SD1+V 0R22R23 R20R36


C9R21 R30 R37R32R28R38C6


Jumper J3


+U6X R

X2R27 R29 R34R31R33R35

+C8 C2D1R1F1


U5C1L1D17 +


4.2.4 Power Connections

All RS485 bus devices require 24 VDC to operate. The AUX 24V terminals of the FireNET plus may supply this voltage (360 milliamps maximum), or you may use an external power supply that provides 24 VDC output.

Connections are provided on each RS485 bus device for both incoming and outgoing power.

4.2.5 COMMS Connection

In addition to power, each RS485 bus device requires a pair of conductors for data communication. This wiring is connected to the COMMS + and - terminals on the FireNET Plus control panel. If more than one RS485 device is being used, it may be connected to the COMMS OUT + and - terminals of the previous RS485 bus device.







4.3 FN-4127-IO - Input / Output Board

In addition to the basic 254 points that the FireNET Plus can accommodate on the SLC loops, additional input and output points can be added by using FN-4127-IO Input/Output boards on the RS485 bus.

The FN-4127-IO has 16 channels. Each channel can be individually configured as either an input or an output. Up to 32 FN-4127-IO boards can be connected to the system via the RS485 bus giving the system an additional 512 inputs/outputs.

4.3.1 Configuring Inputs

Inputs to the FN-4127-IO are optically isolated and connected to the board by installing a normally open contact with a resistance no greater than 500 ohms to any input and a terminal marked 0V. The current switched by the contact will be a maximum of 3 milliamps.

NOTE:Inputs on the I/O board are not supervised. These inputs are not for primary initiating or detection of fire or life safety conditions. These inputs are programmable for secondary use only, and not used for signaling Fire, Supervisory, or Trouble conditions. All primary initiating or detection inputs must be connected to applicable SLC devices listed for fire. See Section 5 of this manual for SLC devices.

4.3.2 Configuring Outputs

When configured as outputs, the I/O board channels supply a negative voltage (with respect to the I/O board 24V power supply) via a transistor.

Because transistor elements can be damaged by excessive current drain, great care should be taken when connecting to outputs. Particular care should be taken to ensure that suppression diodes on relay coils are correctly polarized. Wrongly connected diodes will damage the outputs. Diodesshould be connected with the band to the positive 24V.

Individual channels can supply current up to 100 milliamps but this must be limited to 500 milliamps for each bank of eight (500 milliamps for 1-8 and 500 milliamps for 9-16). The power supply to the I/O board should also be considered to ensure that its rating is not exceeded if multiple channels are switched on. Overall current draw for the I/O board is 1010mA max.


NOTE:Outputs on the I/O board are not supervised. These outputs are not for primary notification of fire conditions (i.e. not for use as NAC circuits). These outputs are for secondary use only. All primary notification output devices must be connected to applicable NAC circuits on the FireNET panel. See Section 3.4, Appendix A, and B for details on NAC circuits and compatible NAC devices.

When powering the I/O board from the FireNET Plus auxiliary 24VDC power (limited to 360ma), the following maximum wiring distances apply at the gauges noted:


When powering the I/O board from a separate Aux 24VDC UL Fire listed supply the maximum voltage drop cannot exceed 4VDC.

4.3.3 LED Indicators

LED indicators on the I/O board give some simple diagnostic information and show that the boards are communicating with the

R44 R42 R40 R18C4


R45 R43 R41 R39


control panel. The red LED (LED1) is on during receipt of a message

D116 5 4 3 2 1




from the control panel.

R52 R50 R48 R46 D13



If the LED is flickering more or less continuously - the

R53 R51 R49 R47R8 R6 R4 R2

D15 D160V 16 15 14 13 12 191 810 7I/OCHANNEL



board is operating normally. If this LED is not lit - the board is not receiving data from thecontrol panel and the comms connection should be checked. If this LED is permanently lit - then it is likely that data isbeing received but that it is being corrupted. In this case thequality of the comms connection should be checked for



R9 R7 R5 R3C5


R16 R14 R12 R10K6006ISSUE01


R17 R15 R13 R11


D2 D3 D4 D5

D6 D7 D8D9C11 C100VI/O

interference from mains or other noise generating sources.

LED1R24R25 R26


U7SD1R21 R22 R23R20R360V RX

The yellow LED (LED2) will flicker briefly every few seconds when the I/O board responds to the main panel. If this LED does not flicker then it is not responding to the control panel and the comms connection should be checked.


J4 R30

R37 R32R28R38

LED3C9+0V 24V 0V RX TXC6

U6R27 R29R34R31R33R35





++U5C1L1D17 +C7

4.5 Reserved for Future Use

FireNET Plus I & O Manual51v1.05

4.6 FNP-1127-SLC SLC Loop Expander

The FireNET Plus control panel is provided with one SLC Loop; however an additional SLC Loop may be added at the factory or a later date if required through the use of a FNP-1127- SLC expander board.

The main control unit has terminations for connecting the first SLC loop. The connections for the second loop are located on the FNP-1127-SLC expander board.

4.6.1 Installation of the FNP-1127-SLC1. To install the additional SLC Loop, the control panel must have its AC and battery power removed. Do not attempt to install the SLC expander board while the FireNET Plus panel is powered!2. Remove the screw on the front display panel and open the panel to the left, exposing the back of the circuit board.3. The circuit board containing the additional loop circuit is supplied in a static dissipative bag and should remain in this bag until it is to be installed.

NOTE:As with all electronic components, this circuit board is very sensitive and can be easily damaged by electrostatic discharge.

4. The loop board mounts on the upper left hand side of the rear of the circuit board.Install the mounting standoffs to the main board then attach the expander board using the M3 screws and fiber washers.5. After ensuring that the new circuit board is properly installed and making good contact with its connectors, close the front display panel and secure with the screw.6. Connect the SLC loop wiring and then re-apply power to the control panel.7. Class B SLC circuits require the 0 ohm jumpers to be installed please see Section 5.3.1.

After the new SLC devices have been installed and connected, they may be automatically detected using the auto learn feature from the menu on the control panel (see Section 8 of this manual).

4.7 FN-LCD-S Serial Liquid Crystal Display Annunciator

The FN-LCD-S Serial LCD Annunciator duplicates the indications of the FireNET Plus fire alarm control panel. The FN-LCD-S connects to the control panel via the RS485 serial bus that is designated COMMS on the control board. Up to 15 FN-LCD-S annunciators may be connected via the COMMS bus to a single FireNET Plus control panel.

4.7.1 Installation of the FN-LCD-SRefer to section 2.2 of this manual for environmental installation specifications. The FN- LCD-S should be mounted so that it is accessible to service personnel and located in an area in compliance with local regulations.

The FN-LCD-S may be surface or flush mounted. Do not mount directly to a concrete wall. Use a suitable standoff material such as plywood to keep condensation away from the annunciator.

For operations and programming, refer to Sections 7 and 8 of this manual. The FN-LCD-S operates in the same manner as the main panel operator interface and controls.

Figure 4.7.2 FN-LCD-S Serial LCD Annunciator

When powering the FN-LCD-S from the FireNET Plus auxiliary 24VDC power (limited to 360mA) or an external UL864/1481 Listed AUX 24VDC supply, the following maximum wiring distances apply to the power cables at the gauges noted:

Wire RunWire AWG


1000 ft.69151515

2000 ft.3471215

3000 ft.235813

4000 ft.123610



ON K S 1 2 3 4






Reset Switch

Not Used

Not Used

DIP Switch used to set the FN-LCD-S address between 1 -15

RS485 End-of-line jumper. Put jumper in place when FN-LCD-S is the last device on the RS485 bus I/O Comm.


( + ) ( - )

24 VDC

To next serial FN-LCD-S or other

( + ) RS-485( - )

RS485 Bus Device

FireNET Plus Control Panel(section)To AUX 24VDC of control panel or to UL 864/1481 listed AUX 24VDC Power Supply

Figure 4.7.3 FN-LCD-S Wiring Detail

NOTE:When connecting I/O boards to the FN-LCD-S via the COMMS terminals shown above, the I/O boards must be powered by a UL864/1481 listed local Auxiliary 24VDC power supply, or the Aux 24VDC output of the FN-LCD-S within the limits outlined below.

DO NOT connect the I/O board power input to the Aux 24VDC output terminals of the FN- LCD-S unless the sum current load of the I/O board is within the 500mA max 24VDC output rating of the FN-LCD-S and within the 360mA max 24VDC output rating of the FireNET Plus control panel that provides power to the FN-LCD-S. Failure to make this consideration may result in overloading the FN-LCD-S and/or the control panel Aux 24VDC output.

The current limits during both standby and in alarm shall not exceed the 360mA rating of the FireNET Plus Aux 24VDC output or the 500mA rating of the FN-LCD-S.The FN-LCD-S current draw is rated as follows: Standby: 20mA @ 24VDCAlarm: 110mA @ 24VDC

Available colors are RED and CHARCOAL as identified below: FN-LCD-S-R = REDFN-LCD-S-C = CHARCOAL

Section 5 SLC Device Installation

5.1 Compatible SLC Devices

The following Hochiki America Corp. SLC devices are listed as compatible with the FireNET Plus analog addressable fire alarm system.

Detectors (Sensors) ALK-V / ALK-V2 Analog Photoelectric Smoke Detector ALN-V Analog Photoelectric Smoke Detector ALG-V Analog Photoelectric Smoke Detector AIE-EA Analog Ionization Smoke Detector ATG-EA Analog Heat Detector ATJ-EA Analog Fixed Temp / Rate of Rise Heat Sensor ACA-V Analog Photoelectric and Heat Multi Detector ACC-V Analog Multi Criteria Sensor ACB-EA & ACB-EAW Analog Fixed & Rate of Rise Heat Multi Detector DH98-A Analog Duct Smoke Detector, no Relay DH98-AR Analog Duct Smoke Detector with Relay

Smoke sensors will undergo automatic sensitivity testing and verification every 24 hours.

Modules DCP FRCME-4 / FRCME-M Addressable Input Module DCP FRCMA Class A Addressable Input Module DCP FRCMA-I Class A Addressable Input Module (with SCI) DCP R2M, R2ML, R2MH Addressable Dual Relay Module DCP R2ML-I, R2MH-I Addressable Dual Relay Module (with SCI) DCP SOM Addressable Supervised Output module DCP SOM-A Addressable Class A Supervised Output Module DCP SOM-AI Addressable Class A Supervised Output Module (with SCI)

DCP SCI Short Circuit Isolator DCP DIMM Dual Input Monitor Module CZM Conventional Zone Module ASB Analog Sounder Base DCP AMS Addressable Manual Pull-Station SOM-R Addressable Supervised Output Module (Preaction Sprinkler Systems)

NOTE:The DCP prefix listed above on several devices indicates the devices formal model name as specified by Underwriters Laboratories within each devices individual listing. The DCP prefix will be dropped throughout the body of this manual and the shortened model name will be used. Please take note of this when referencing these devices within this manual.

5.2 Number of Devices

The FireNET Plus comes with 1 SLC loop built-in to the panel. The loop can support up to 127 analog addressable detectors and modules as well as 127 analog sounder bases for a total of 254 possible per loop. By adding the FNP-1127-SLC expander card, 1 additional SLC loop can be added to the panel for a total of 2 loops.

Addresses 1 127 are reserved for any combination of detectors and modules. Addresses 128 254 are reserved for analog sounder bases. Detectors and modules cannot be addressed to the upper address 128 - 254. Each device on the SLC loop must have a unique address. Refer to section 5.4 for instructions on programming the address into each analog addressable device.

5.3 SLC Loop Wiring

The FireNET Plus uses the patented Hochiki DCP Digital Communication Protocol to communicate with each of the analog addressable devices located on the SLC loops. This extremely fast and reliable protocol allows the use of standard non-twisted, non-shielded wiring for the SLC loops.

The SLC loop wiring may be any solid or stranded cabling that meets the requirements for power limited fire protective signaling circuits listed in NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code) Article 760. The wiring resistance on the SLC loop must be less than 50 ohms. Loopcapacitance must be less than 1F. Loop inductance must be less than 1mH.

The terminals for SLC loop 1 are located on the top of the main control board. See Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 SLC Loop Terminals

5.3.1 Class B SLC Loop Wiring Distance

Refer to Figure 5.3.1 to determine the maximum distance an analog addressable detector or module is allowed to be located from the control panel for Class B SLC loops. The total wire length of all branches of the SLC loop must not exceed 5,000 feet (per loop) using #14 AWG. When using a Class B SLC wiring configuration, be sure that the 0 ohm jumpers supplied with the panel are properly installed between OUT to IN and +OUT to +IN (Hochiki part # S2026).

Class B Style 4 SLC Loop

0 Ohm Jumpers (p/n# S2026)

Furthest device must be less than 5,000 feet from the control panel when using #14 AWG


+-+ -











Figure 5.3.1 Maximum Wiring Distance for Class B SLC Circuits

5.3.2 Class A SLC Loop Wiring Distance

Refer to Figure 5.3.2 to determine the maximum distance an analog addressable detector or module is allowed to be located from the control panel for Class A SLC loops.

Class A Style 6 or 7 SLC Loop

NOTE: For Details on Style 7, refer to Section 5.15.1

Calculate total loop length out and back to determine appropriate wire gauge for Class A SLC loops

Wire Guage

Maximum Wire Length From Control Panel Out and Back to Contro l Panel

18 AWG1,950 Feet16 AWG3,100 Feet14 AWG5,000 Feet

+ -

+ -

+ -+ -


+ -+ -

+ -

+ -








Figure 5.3.2 Maximum Wiring Distance for Class A SLC Circuits

Additional Notes Regarding Class A Style 6 and Style 7 SLC loops: No t-taps are allowed on a Class A SLC loop. The return side of the loop must be routed separately from the outgoing loop. The return side may not share the same conduit or cable as the outgoing side of the SLC loop. When using Class A Style 7 wiring, the SCI Short Circuit Isolator must be installed before and after each analog addressable device on the SLC loop. The wiring from the control panel to the first SCI and from the last SCI back to the control panel must be in conduit. Refer to Section 5.15 for more information on installing the SCI module and for installation methods to satisfy Style 7 criteria per NFPA 72. Refer to NFPA 72 for additional requirements of Class A circuits.

5.4 Addressing Devices

Prior to installation, all of the addressable devices installed on the FireNET Plus SLC loop must be programmed with a unique address ranging from 1 to 127. The analog sounder bases will automatically derive their address from the host sensor (detector) attached to them. The ASB address will be the sensor address + 127 (i.e. N + 127). Example: The sensor address is 36. 36 +127 = 163. The ASB will have an address of 163. This address is what the FireNET Plus control panel uses to identify each addressable device and control its functionality. All Hochiki addressable devices come from the factory preset to address127. This preset address can be reprogrammed using the Hochiki TCH-B100-NS programmer. Follow these instructions to set/reprogram the address.

1. Identify each analog addressable device that will be installed on the SLC loop and label it with a unique address ranging from 1 to 127.

2. Using the Hochiki TCH-B100-NS programmer as shown in Figure 5.4, program the appropriate address into each analog addressable device.

FireNET Plus I & O Manual59v1.05

Figure 5.4 Hochiki TCH-B100-NS Programmer Connections

1. The ASB automatically derives its address from the host sensor (N + 127).2. Devices must not be powered when using the TCH-B100-NS programmer to set addresses.3. Mini-modules such as the FRCME-S and FRCME-P should not be connected to the SLC loop when using the TCH-B100-NS programmer to set addresses.4. When programming the AMS, use the same method as the 4-S type addressable modules.

5.4.1 Detector Addressing

This section applies to the following Hochiki analog detectors ALK-V, ALK-V2, ALG-V, AIE-EA, DH-98, ATG-EA, ACA-V, and ACB-EA. Follow these steps to program a new address into any one of these analog detectors. (Refer to Figure 5-4)

1. Twist an analog detector head on to the programmer terminals.

2. Press the left gray button to turn on the programmer and read/display the current address in the detector head. (Factory default is address 127)

3. Using the left gray button you can increase the tens digit one number at a time.Using the right gray button you can increase the ones digit one number at a time. Using these buttons change the displayed address to the appropriate value.

4. Press the red button to store the displayed address into the detector head.

5.4.2 4 Modules and AMS Addressing

This section applies to the following Hochiki addressable modules - FRCME-4, R2M series, DIMM, CZM, SOM series, and AMS. Follow these steps to program a new address into any of these addressable modules. (Refer to Figure 5-4)

1. Using the dual-end programming plug provided with the programmer, plug one end into the jack on the programmer and plug the other end into the programming plug located on the front of the module plate. The plug is non-polarized and can be connected in either orientation.

2. Press the left gray button to turn on the programmer and read/display the current address in the module.

3. Using the left gray button you can increase the displayed address 10 numbers at a time. Using the right gray button you can increase the displayed address one number at a time. Using these buttons change the displayed address to the appropriate value.

4. Press the red button to store the displayed address into the addressable module.

5.4.3 Mini Module Addressing

This section applies to the Hochiki FRCME-S and FRCME-P addressable mini-module. Follow these steps to program a new address into any of these addressable modules. (Refer to Figure 5-4)

1. Using the programming plug with alligator clips, plug the end with the jack on it into the programming jack on the programmer.

2. Connect the Red alligator clip to the wire labeled S (+) on the addressable module.Connect the Black alligator clip to the wire labeled SC (-) on the addressable module.

3. Press the left gray button to turn on the programmer and read/display the current address in the module.

4. Using the left gray button you can increase the displayed address 10 numbers at a time. Using the right gray button you can increase the displayed address one number at a time. Using these buttons change the displayed address to the appropriate value.

5. Press the red button to store the displayed address into the addressable module.

5.5 Smoke and Heat Detector Wiring

This section includes wiring instructions for connecting the following analog detectors to the FireNET Plus fire alarm control panel: ALK-V / ALK-V2 Photoelectric Smoke Detector, ALG- V Photoelectric Smoke Detector, AIE-EA Ionization Smoke Detector, ATG-EA Heat Detector, ACA-V Multi Detector, ACB-EA / EAW Fixed and Rate of Rise Multi Heat Detector. All FireNET analog detectors must be installed using an YBN-NSA-4 four-inch detector base, or a HSB-NSA-6 six-inch detector base.

For detailed instructions on the physical mounting of FireNET analog smoke and heat detectors please refer to the installation instructions that are included with each analog detector.

Prior to installing any analog detector or module you must set its address as described in section 5.4.

Wire the analog smoke and heat detector bases as indicated in Figure 5.5.113434

YBN-NSA-4 Four Inch Detector Base Shown Follow same instructions for HSB-NSA-6 Six Inch Base

-+225 65 6

To next SLC detector or module

-+ -+ -


+ -+ -

+ -

+ -+ -







Figure 5.5 Analog Detector Base Wiring

5.6 Analog Duct Detector Wiring

This section includes wiring instructions for connecting the DH98-A analog duct detector, and the DH98-AR analog duct detector with relay, to the FireNET Plus control panel SLC loop.

For detailed instructions on the physical mounting and wiring of FireNET analog duct detectors please refer to the installation instructions that are included with each device.

Prior to installing any analog detector or module you must set its address as described in section 5.4. You will need to remove the smoke detector head from the base in the duct detector in order to program it.

Duct Detector Model #


Operating Voltage

DCP Powered Loop

Detector Head Model


Detector Head Type

Analog Photoelectric

Sensitivity Test Method

Control Panel

1 2 3 41 2 3 4

From panel or previous SLC device

-+To next SLC device+-

Remote LED 24 VDC @ .008 amps max

Figure 5.6.1 DH98-A Analog Duct Detector

5.6.1 DH98-A Analog Duct Detector

Connect the DH98-A analog duct detector to the FireNET Plus control panel SLC loop as shown in Figure 5.6.1.

Terminals 3 and 4 can be used to power a remote alarm LED. The ratings on these terminals are 24 VDC at .008 amps maximum. Please note the number of alarm LEDs that can be illuminated at one time is limited to 5 addresses per SLC loop by the control panel.

NOTE: The duct sensor LED and remote LED output only activate momentarily when in alarm.

Duct Detector Model #


Operating Voltage

DCP Powered Loop

Detector Head Model


Detector Head Type

Analog Photoelectric

Sensitivity Test Method

Control Panel

To 24VDC auxiliary power 1 234 5 678 910 11 12from control panel or external

L1 L2 +24V 0V +REM LED-NC C NO NC C NOpower supply. 24VDC Power

is not Supervised. An EOL

-Relay must be used at the +end of line. The EOL relay must be monitored for power loss trouble.


From panel or previous SLC device

- To next SLC device

Relays for fan shutdown and auxiliary functions rated at 10.0A @ 250VAC+

Figure 5.6.2 DH98-AR Duct Detector with Relays

5.6.2 DH98-AR Analog Duct Detector with Relay

Connect the DH98-AR analog duct detector with relays, to the FireNET Plus control panel SLC loop as shown in Figure 5.6.2.

In addition to the SLC loop connections, the DH98-AR requires 24-volt reset-able auxiliary power (10mA standby and 55mA alarm) connected to terminals 3+ and 4-. This power may come from the FireNET Plus main control panel auxiliary power (360 mA max.) or from an external power supply.

The DH98-AR analog duct detector contains 2 sets of form C alarm contacts rated at 10.0 amps @ 250 VAC that can be used for fan shutdown and other auxiliary functions.

In addition to the alarm contacts the DH98-AR also has connections for a remote test switch as well as outputs for a remote alarm and remote pilot light LEDs.

NOTE:The test switch only activates output relays; it does not place the detector into alarm.

5.7 FRCME-4 Input Module Wiring

The FRCME-4 input module is used to connect standard normally open dry contact types of fire alarm devices such as pull stations, waterflow, or tamper switches to the FireNET Plus SLC loop. More than one switch can be connected to a FRCME-4 however you must not mix multiple switch types on a single FRCME-4. For example: three waterflow switches connected to a single FRCME-4 is acceptable. However, two waterflow switches and one valve tamper switch connected to a single FRCME-4 is not. NFPA and local codes may also apply.

The FRCME-4 must be programmed with a unique address from 1-127. All of the switches connected to a single FRCME-4 appear at the main control panel as a single address. Please refer to section 5.4 of this manual for instructions on programming an address into the FRCME-4 input module.

Connect the FRCME-4 to the FireNET Plus as shown in figure 5.7.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with the FRCME-4 for more detailed installation and wiring instructions.

UL Listed EOLR (10K OHM)Part # 0400-01046


To next SLC Device-+

IN-A SC -Underwriters Laboratories Inc.FRCME-4

S +

+ - + -

+ - + -


+ - + -

+ -







Figure 5.7.1 FRCME-4 Input Module Wiring Detail

5.8 FRCME-M Mini Input Module (w/ Terminal Blocks)The FRCME-M input module is used to connect standard normally open dry contact types of fire alarm devices such as manual pull stations to the FireNET Plus SLC loop.

The FRCME-M must be programmed with a unique address from 1-127. All of the dry contact type devices connected to a single FRCME-M appear at the main control panel as a single address. Please refer to section 5.4 of this manual for instructions on programming an address into the FRCME-M input module.

Connect the FRCME-M to the FireNET as shown in figure 5.10.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with the FRCME-M for more detailed installation and wiring instructions.

Figure 5.10.1 FRCME-M Mini Input Module (w/ Terminal Blocks) Detail

5.9 FRCMA / FRCMA-I Input Module

The FRCMA / FRCMA-I input module is used to connect standard normally open dry contact types of fire alarm devices such as manual pull stations to the FireNET Plus SLC loop. The FRCMA module provides one class A or one class B input circuit. The FRCMA-I includes built-in short circuit isolation for the SLC loop.

The FRCMA must be programmed with a unique address from 1-127. All of the dry contact type devices connected to a single FRCMA are displayed at the main control panel as a single address. Please refer to section 5.4 of this manual for instructions on programming an address into the FRCMA input module.

Connect the FRCMA to the FireNET Plus as shown in figure 5.8.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with the FRCMA for more detailed installation and wiring instructions.


FireNET Plus I & O Manual69v1.05

To next SLC Device -


IN +

+OUT S +IN -


IN S +


+ - + -

+ - + -


+ - + -

+ -







Figure 5.8.1 FRCMA-I Input Module Class A Detail

NOTE: For Sections 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9 common for all FRCM devices

Reference the input wiring distance limitation table below for all types of FRCM modules:

Maximum Distance BetweenModule and EOL Device

14 AWG1500 Ft.

16 AWG900 Ft.

18 AWG550 Ft.

5.10 R2M Dual Relay Module Wiring

The R2M modules provide two separately programmable relay outputs on the FireNET Plus SLC loop. These outputs may be used for a variety of purposes including door holders, elevator recall, and other fire safety functions.

The programmable relay contacts are rated as follows R2M - 1.0A @ 30VDC or 0.5A @ 125VAC, 0.35 Power Factor (PF) R2ML/R2ML-I 2.0A @ 30VDC, 1PF or 0.5A @ 120VAC, 0.6PF R2MH/R2MH-I 8.0A @ 30VDC or 8.0A at 250VAC Resistive, 1.0PF or 4.8A @250VAC, 0.6PF.

The R2ML-I and R2MH-I modules have built-in Short Circuit Isolation (SCI) for the SLC loop.

Connect the R2M module as shown in Figure 5.10.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with the R2M for more detailed wiring and installation instructions.

To next- SLC Device +

Set 1

Form C Contacts Non-supervised

Set 2

+ - + -

+ - + -


+ - + -

+ -







Figure 5.10.1 R2M Dual Relay Module Wiring Detail

5.11 SOM Supervised Output Module

The SOM provides a supervised 24VDC polarity reversing output on the SLC loop most commonly used for audible and visual signaling appliances or triggering a remote notification appliance circuit power expander.

In addition to the SLC circuit the SOM requires a 24 VDC auxiliary input voltage. This voltage may be obtained from the FireNET Plus control panel auxiliary power (360ma max) or to any other UL listed fire alarm power supply providing 24 VDC.

The supervised voltage output of the SOM is rated at 2.0A maximum.

Connect the SOM to the FireNET Plus control panel as shown in Figure 5.11.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with the SOM for more detailed wiring and installation instructions. Take care to install wiring so that faults on installation conductors do not affect more than one notification zone. The DCP-SOM is suitable for use only with non- synchronized audible devices.


Power supply voltage to next device


To next- SLC Device +

SC -

S +

24+ GND

OUT (+) OUT (-)

24 VDC UL listed, regulated, power limited supply for fire alarm signaling service, or +auxiliary power on the FireNET Plus (360 mA).-

Compatible UL listed signaling device(s)


UL Listed EOLR Part # 0400-0104610K Ohm

+ - + -

+ - + -


+ - + -

+ -







Figure 5.11.1 SOM Supervised Output Module Detail

5.12 SOM-A / SOM-AI Supervised Class A Output Module

The SOM-A / SOM-AI provides a supervised 24VDC polarity reversing Class A output on the SLC loop. This module is most commonly used for audible and visual signaling appliances or for triggering a remote notification appliance circuit power expander. The SOM-AI includes built-in short circuit isolation (SCI).

In addition to the SLC circuit the SOM-A / SOM-AI requires a 24 VDC auxiliary input voltage. This voltage may be obtained from the FireNET Plus control panel auxiliary power (360ma max) or to any other UL listed fire alarm power supply providing 24 VDC. The supervised voltage output of the SOM-A / SOM-AI is rated at 2.0A maximum.

Connect the SOM-AI to the FireNET Plus control panel as shown in Figure 5.12.1. Note that the SLC connections for the SOM-A are like the SOM; there is only one S+ and one SC- terminal. Refer to the installation instructions included with the SOM-A / SOM-AI for more detailed wiring and installation instructions. Take care to install wiring so that faults on installation conductors do not affect more than one notification zone. The SOM-A / SOM-AI is suitable for use only with non-synchronized audible devices.

Figure 5.12.1 SOM-AI Supervised Output Module Detail

Note regarding the use of Sync Modules with the SOM-A and SOM-AI: The DCP-SOM- A and DCP-SOM-AI modules are suitable for use with Amseco/Potter, Wheelock and Gentex notification appliances in both a Class A and Class B configuration with the appropriate manufacturers sync module employed.

The DCP-SOM-A and DCP-SOM-AI modules are suitable for use with System Sensor notification appliances in a Class B configuration with the System Sensor sync module employed.

The DCP-SOM-A and DCP-SOM-AI modules are NOT suitable for use with the System Sensor notification appliances when connected to the System Sensor sync module in a Class A configuration.

5.13 SOM-R Supervised Output Module (Preaction Sprinkler Systems)

The SOM-R provides a supervised 24VDC output on the SLC loop for use with solenoids used in a single interlock, preaction sprinkler system.

The SOM-R consists of an output module, a polarized end-of-line device, and a keyswitch module that is used to disable the output of the SOM-R.

The SOM-R requires connections to the SLC and a 24 VDC auxiliary input voltage. The keyswitch disable module must be connected to the SLC and to the output of the SOM-R module.

The supervised voltage output of the SOM-R is rated at 2.0A maximum.

The alarm time for the SOM-R battery calculation shall be 5 minutes in the active status.

NOTE: These installation instructions must be followed completely in order to comply with agency requirements! Failure to follow these installation instructions may result in improper operation of the SOM-R.

1. Determine the mounting location for the SOM-R, FRCME and SOM-R-DS keyswitch. These should be installed in the same location, or as required by your AHJ.

2. The SOM-R must be addressed using the TCH-B100 programmer. Connect the SOM-R to the FireNET Plus SLC as shown in Figure 5.15.1. Refer to the installation instructions (Part # 1700-11320, Rev. 05/10) included with the SOM-R for additional wiring and installation instructions.

3. Connect 24VDC power to the SOM-R module. This voltage may be provided by; 1) a UL 1481 listed, regulated, power limited supply, 2) a FireNET Plus NAC circuit configured as continuous auxiliary power, or 3) the FireNET Plus aux power

4. The SOM-R-DS keyswitch connected to the FRCME module must be connected to the FireNET SLC. Use the TCH-B100 programmer to assign an address to the module and then connect the SLC circuit to the S+ and SC- terminals on the module.

5. Connect the output of the SOM-R to the input terminals on the SOM-R-DS keyswitch connected to the FRCME module. Ensure correct polarity.+--+

Figure 5.15.1 SOM-R Supervised Output Module Detail

6. Connect the output terminals on the keyswitch disable module to the solenoid. Ensure that the EOLD is properly connected to the circuit as shown in Figure 5.15.1 above.

Operation of the SOM-R

The SOM-R is designed for use with single interlock preaction sprinkler systems. When the FireNET control panel detects a fire alarm condition from a single initiating point, the SOM-R will be activated, allowing water to flow into the sprinkler piping. Water is not discharged from a sprinkler head until increased temperature from the fire activates the sprinkler head.

Output delays are not applied to the activation of the SOM-R. The SOM-R output is activated immediately upon detection of a fire condition by the FireNET control panel.

Important! For proper operation, program the SOM-R Output Attributes as follows: Gen Alarm Mode = YES Silenceable = NO o Emergency = NO o Pre Alarm = NO o Trouble = NO Pattern = CONTINUOUS Edit Location Text = SOMR

Program the FRCME attributes as follows: Set Input Type = GEN PURPOSE N/C EOL Set Input Action = SUPERVISORY Set Input Latch = NO Set Input Delay = 0s Edit Location Text = SOMR IS DISABLED

Other settings may be assigned as needed.

Failure to follow these programming instructions may result in incorrect operation of the SOM-R module!

NOTE: The location text will need to be programmed to state SOMR PREACTION DISCHARGE for all initiating devices, which activates the SOM-R module.

Alarm Verification may not be used with the SOM-R.


To Disable the SOM-R:Move the keyswitch to the SOM-R Disabled position.

To Enable the SOM-R:Return the keyswitch to the SOM-R Enabled position.



Solenoid Compatibility List

ManufacturerModel NumberStandby Current (Amps)Alarm Current



Maintenance: A maintenance agreement should be arranged through the local manufacturers representative and maintenance should be performed annually by authorized personnel only. To keep a preaction system in excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturers recommendations and UL and NFPA standards. At a minimum the requirements of Chapter 13 of NFPA 25 (2010) shall be followed.

Test Weekly: The preaction system should be tested weekly to make sure SOM-R, FRCME and SOM-R-DS (Bypass Keyswitch) are working properly. The most common cause of an alarm system not functioning when a fire occurs is inadequate maintenance.

5.14 CZM Conventional Zone Module

The Conventional Zone Module (CZM) connects to the Signal Line Circuit (SLC). The module allows the analog panel to interface with and monitor conventional devices such as pull stations and two-wire smoke detectors. The CZM is typically used in retrofit situations where pre-existing conventional zones are removed from a conventional system and then connected to the analog panel for discrete monitoring of that zone. All conventional devices connected to a single CZM are reported as a single input. Status conditions are reported as normal, open or alarm. It supervises the external power supply as well as the entire zone of devices. Refer to the installation instructions included with the CZM for more detailed wiring and installation instructions.

Figure 5.13.1 CZM Conventional Zone Module, Style B

Figure 5.13.2 CZM Conventional Zone Module, Style D

FireNET Plus I & O Manual80v1.05

5.15 DIMM Dual Input Monitor Module

The Hochiki DIMM Dual Input Monitor Module is designed to work with pull stations, water flow switches, and other applications requiring the monitoring of dry contact alarm initiating devices. The DIMM can monitor two independent inputs with discrete reporting, yet the module only requires a single address on the SLC Loop. A typical example would be for use with a waterflow and tamper application. One input would be connected to the waterflow switch for a fire alarm condition. The second input would be connected to the tamper switch for a supervisory condition. A single DIMM module would be used instead of two single input modules such as the FRCME. The DIMM inputs operate in a similar fashion to the FRCME input. Refer to the installation instructions included with the DIMM for more detailed wiring and installation instructions.



FireNET PLUSControl Panel

Figure 5.14 DIMM Dual Input Monitor Module Connections

5.16 SCI Short Circuit Isolator Module

The SCI short circuit isolator module is designed to help maintain partial SLC loop operation in the event that the SLC loop becomes shorted, positive to negative. In the event of an SLC loop short circuit the SLC loop is typically inoperative. By installing SCI modules throughout the SLC loop only a portion of the loop will be inoperative in the case of an SLC short circuit. When SCI modules are installed adjacent to every device for true Style 7 (see Section 5.15.1), no devices are lost from a single short on the SLC loop.

Connect the SCI module to the FireNET Plus control panel as shown in Figure 5.15.1. Refer to the installation instructions included with each SCI for more detailed wiring and installation instructions.

To FireNET Plus control panel SLC loop -or- previous SLC loop device+-

(IN) S




-+To next SLC loop device or return back to FireNET Plus control panel

Figure 5.15.1 Short Circuit Isolator Module Connections

5.16.1 Class A Operation

The SCI should be located within 5 feet of the FireNET Plus control panel on both the outgoing and incoming SLC loop legs. In addition an SCI should be located between every SLC loop detector and module as shown in figure 5.15.2 and is required for NFPA 72 Class A Style 7 compliance. For Class A Style 6 compliance the SCI modules may be located at strategic locations based on the installers or system designers discretion.

In the event of a short circuit on the SLC loop the 2 SCI modules adjacent to the short (closest SCI on the left and the right of the short) will activate and its LED will turn on. All the devices between the two SCI modules will be isolated and inoperative. All other devices on that SLC loop will remain operational. The FireNET Plus control panel will indicate a trouble condition. When installing SCI modules for true Style 7 compliance, the SCI modules must be installed in a closed nipple fashion (see Figure 5.15.2). By using this method, no devices are lost from a single short on the SLC Loop.

Class A Style 7 SLC loop with SCI Short Circuit Isolator Modules















First and last SCI modules must be located with 5 feet of the FireNET Plus control panel.

NOTE: For NFPA 72 Style 7