FirebirdSQL Project Update - · Project Update Presented By: Sean Leyne BroadView...

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Transcript of FirebirdSQL Project Update - · Project Update Presented By: Sean Leyne BroadView...

Project Update

Presented By:

Sean LeyneBroadView Software


n Project Historyn Connectivity Optionsn GUI/Administration Tools

n v1.0.2 Updaten v1.5 Release

n Future plans

n FirebirdSQL Foundation

Project History

n Project started July 2000n Based on the IB 6.0 Beta source released by Borland

IB 6.0(Final Beta)


IB v6.0"Open Edition"

IB v6.0"Certified"

IB v6.0.2 OEv1.0.2Update


v7.0 v2.0

Project History

n v1.0 released on March 12, 2002n Over 200,000 downloads from SourceForge site

n Available for the following platforms:n MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)n Linuxn FreeBSDn Mac OS – Darwin/10.0/10.1n Solaris – Sparc and Inteln HP/UX – v10 and v11

n In Maintenance Mode, only back ported bugs

Connectivity Options

n Project Modulesn ODBC Drivern Jaybird for Java – native Type 4 JDBC driver (RC #2 released

Dec. 17th)n Provides true XA support with two-phase commits

n MS .NET Provider (Beta 1 released Jan. 6th)n Also works with Mono (OS implementation of .NET)

n Other Optionsn Delphi/BCB (VCL)

n IBObjectsn FIBPlusn InterXpress for Firebird (Beta 1 due Jan. 13)

n Kylixn IBObjects (Beta ???)n InterXpress for Firebird (Beta 1 due Jan. 13)n Other Platforms: OLE/DB, ODBC, PHP, Python and Perl

GUI/Administration Tools

n Free Toolsn IB_SQLn IBOConsole (IBConsole written with IBObjects)

n Commercial Toolsn Firebird Workbench

n Same code base as popular Interbase Workbenchn Runs exclusively with Firebird serversn Portion of sales go to FirebirdSQL Foundation

v1.0.2 Update

n Released on Dec. 18th (there was no official v1.0.1 release, except for Mac OS 10.1)

n Includes:n 64-bit file i/o is now properly supported under Linuxn Guardian install with Win32n String expression evaluation now throws an error if

the expression could be greater than 64k. (Previously an error was thrown if the expression evaluated to a possible size of greater than 32k)

n There was problem with connection strings on Unix platforms that could lead to database corruption

n 6 other bug fixes

v1.5 Release

n Originally planned as a “simple” port of the v1.0 code to allow for C++ compilation, has extended well beyond that

n Goals:n Only minor ODS (On Disk Structure) changesn 100% interface compatible IB v6.xn 100% database compatibility (upward) IB v6.0 or

prior (98% with IB v6.5)n Start the “road” to side-by-side install with IB

n New Server name (FBServer.exe)n New Client name (FBClient.dll)n New ‘passthrough’ GDS32.DLL for backward compatibility

v1.5 Release Schedule

n Alpha #1 was released Sept. 29n Alpha #5 was released Dec. 5

n Beta #1 is expected by Jan. 15

n Final Release is expected early Q2 2003

v1.5 – New Engine Features

n Server-side database aliasesn Connection String = “Server:AliasName”

n “ISC4.GDB” Security database renamed to “xxx.fdb”n New default database extension “.fdb”n New Plug-In Managern New INTL Interfacen New Server Configuration Manager

n “Firebird.conf” replaces “IBConfig”

v1.5 – New Engine Features

n In-Memory sortingn Use available memory to reduce/eliminate disk I/O

n New Memory Managern Completely new implementation

n XNET protocol for Win32 SuperServer buildsn Uses local shared memory space for data exchangen Substantially faster data access – ideal for application

servers (MIDAS) and Web server with database on same box

n To replace local loopback connections (i.e. localhost:xxx)

n Classic engine available for Win32n More SMP ‘friendly’

v1.5 – New SQL Features

n “CASE” function supportn “COALESCE” function supportn “NULLIF” function supportn “GROUP BY” support:

n By Function,n Sub-Query, n By Column Alias, andn By ordinal (column position)

n “ORDER BY” arbitrary expressionn “SELECT First X” and “ORDER BY” support for Sub-


v1.5 – New SQL Features

n RECREATE VIEWn NULL Ordering, as per SQL92 Standardn User-Defined Constraint index names

n Index names now based on either constraint name, or user defined name

n Explicit locking in SELECT statementsn “SELECT … FOR UPDATE WITH LOCK”


n “Boolean” alias to SmallIntn “BIGINT” alias to Numeric( 18, 0)

v1.5 – New Trigger and SP Features

n Savepointsn SAVEPOINT save_pointname;n ROLLBACK [WORK] TO [SAVEPOINT] save_pointname;

n “CREATE OR ALTER” syntaxn Universal Triggers


n Enhanced declaration of variablesn DECLARE [VARIABLE] name <variable_type> [{'=' | DEFAULT} value];

n Exception re-initiate semantics (ie. Throw)n Support for empty “BEGIN … END” blocks

v1.5 – New Trigger and SP Features


v1.5 – Enhancements

n Optimizer enhancementsn Better handling of AND nodes inside an OR node n Better support for using indices with "OR". Pick the

best available compound index from all "AND" nodes n Support for detecting use of index with sub-selects in

aggregate select n Let sub-selects also use indices when their parent is a

stored procedure

n SuperServer thread scheduler, for better “sharing”n New system indexes to improve statement

compilation performance

v1.5 – Enhancements

n Deferred metadata compilationn Solves most causes the well-known "object in use"


n Removed limit of 64 indexes per tablen limit now database page size dependent

v1.5 – Bug Fixes

n LEFT JOIN reported incorrect resultsn 3 Buffer Overrunsn Automatic/Background sweep hangsn Metadata Security Hole

n Countless other bugs…

v1.5 – Miscellaneous

n Win32 compilation using open-source “MinGW” compiler

n New autoconf-based build configurationn Command history added to ISQL for Linuxn Code now uses exceptions for errors

n IPX/SPX protocol support droppedn Remove old/deprecated platforms (Appolo, Cray, NeXT,

Netware, MS DOS, Win3.1, WFW…)

v1.5 – Statistics

n 1400+ Commits

n 18 developers / contributors

n Xxxx lines of source changed

Future Plans

n On Disk Structure changesn ODS v50 – Get out of IB number spacen Increase Key Sizen Increase Object Name Sizen Native GUID Datatypen Better handling of Foreign Keys

n Built-in database functionsn Security

n NT/Win2000 Domainn LDAP

n Performance/SMP

FirebirdSQL Foundation

n Open to all who share the same goal:n To provide a non-commercial infrastructure to accept

and disburse funds, to advance and support the development of the FirebirdSQL Project and its related sub-projects.

n 100% Non-Profit/Non-Commercial

n Announced on December 12th, 2002

n 40 members (as of Dec 31) with over $17,000 USD in funding commitments for the next year.

FirebirdSQL Foundation

n The seeds of the funding are already bearing fruit:n Dmitry Yemanov, lead the v1.5/2.0 development

effortn Claudio Valderrama, review/scrutinize the source code

commitsn Alex Peshkov, work on thread scheduler and other


n “grants” does not mean full time salaryn our grants do not compensate our grantees at anywhere near

the commercial rates … the grants will allow our grantees to devote time to Firebird

FirebirdSQL Foundation

n Membershipn Full Membership

n $300 USD per year or $25 USD per month

n Associate Membershipn $50 USD per year, one-time payment

n Sponsorshipn Gold ($5,000 USD and over)

n IBPhoenix

n Silver (up to $5,000 USD)n BroadView Software

n Bronze (up to $2400 USD)n Upscene Productions (Firebird Workbench and InterXpress)

FirebirdSQL Foundation

n Looking for others to joinn so that we can “do more, faster”

n What are our future plans?n Anything and everything!

n SMP Supportn Securityn Quality Assurance/Testing

n How can you help?

Online Resources

n www.FirebirdSQL.orgn Project web site

n\foundation\n Foundation web site

n www.IBPhoenix.comn News/Updatesn Searchable KnowledgeBasen Searchable List Archivesn Resources (Documentation and more)