Finding Good Reads Presentation

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Finding Good Reads Presentation

Valerie Rho

LIS 560

Spr 09

Finding Good Reads: Getting Teens To Read Books


Testy, aggressive, and easily irritable Highly emotional Immature judgments Irrational Experimenting stage Short attention span

What are teens doing now?

Watch TV Play Video Games Use computer (internet) Drugs Sex High Tech Gadgets Make-up/fashion

Importance of Reading

it’s fundamental teaches valuable lessons verbalizes teens feelings/situation identify with characters/ find answers find role models EDUCATES!!!

What works:

Engagement Poetry Slam

Guidance Partnership Attention Popularity/Peer

How to find it:

Interest/Hobby Literate Customization: novels, articles, comic

books, movie books, fan fiction, picture books School mandated readings (classics) are

boring for teens.Boring book = disinterested teens


Bring in reading materials recommended by other teenagers

Have class go around and see some of the books

Do a book talk/book sharing with students

Bring a picture book and do read-aloud


Ask students if they remember a title of the book that was shared in class See if any books piqued their interest

Hand out a list of books their peers are reading

Long term plan: pick a book for the class and do class reading (aloud)

What they gain:

Knowledge Vocabulary expansion Higher reading level Critical Thinking Abilities Future writers