
Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Fimm0525

FIMM: Future of Industry, Mobility and Making

What is “unConference”

Restaurant without MenuMaybe without Chef, eitherEveryone to make the recipes and dishes

Similar to Bar Camp, Hackathon etc.

Let us design the Future of

Industry, Mobility and Making

What will happen to Industry Industry: social system to produce and deliver

products and services to citizens

unIndustry? unIndustry – citizens will make and share their

own products and services

<未来の産業・モビリティ・メイキング>アンカンファレンス #1  

ハイパー研・ファブラボ大分主催2015 年 3 月 5-6 日

パリ  FabLab@ 国立産業科学博物館






The term "unconference" first appeared in an announcement for the annual XML

developers conference in 1998.

Open Source Vehicle と ルノーが「材料提供」

ルノー• 車が使われているのは

時間で2%、 1.2 人• オープンイノベーショ

ンへの進化は必然• 社内でファブラボ推進

• OSV 車の「常識」に挑戦• プラットフォームを提供し、


Open Source Vehicle のプレゼン• クルマづくりのオープン・モジュール化

だれでも作れる シャシーのデータを無料公開自由にカスタマイズ可能「プラットフォーム」の提供グローバルに展開 引き合い続々

• 街の整備工場、 GS でクルマが作れるようになる?キット 6,000 ドルで販売


From Industrial Society to unIndustrial Society?

Planning Design Mfg Sales UserUserUserMfg UserDesign Mfg UserPlanning Design Mfg Distribution


User or Citizens will plan, make and use?


Physical Mobility People Products Services

Digital Mobility InformationMoneyServicesContents


Physical Mobility



Social Mobility



Information Contents Ideas Designs Sharing

Digital Making


Physical Making

Game Change for Auto Industry

just like the one happened in mobile

network market by Apple and google?

Who will change and How?

unConference in Pariseveryone was organizing, making the workshop,

theme, program, outcome

Working in English

in France

The term "unconference" first appeared in an announcement for the annual XML

developers conference in 1998.

Open Source Vehicle and FabLab Renaultcontributed the ingredients

Renault• Cars are only used for 2% of time by 1.2 persons• Evolution towards Open innovation is inevitable• In-house FabLab

• OSV - challenging the

cliches of making cars

• To offer “Platform” for

making cars

Participated in Open Source Vehicle Workshop at Fab9, Barcelona, July 2014

It demonstrated the new way of making cars

Open Source Vehicle • Provide Open Module for making cars

Anyone can make cars, with free data for chassisYou can customize themProviding PlatformsGlobal operation, 6,000 euros for basic Kit

What if? Uniqlo or Gap starts to make/sell cars? Do we really need cars in the current market? Simple design, changeable parts, longer life Auto industry as a whole based on one platform

can be challenged by many outside actors such as: Google, Tesla, OSV, and YOU

Changing EnvironmentExplosion of Urban PopulationAging Society and rise of Digital NativesEnergy challenges

World Car production by power train

Source: NHTSA May, 2013




2017 ~24

Auto-driving, self-driving, machine-assisted driving…

Do we really need full auto driving everywhere?

Or can there be different mode of self-driving?

“Connected Car” by Open Automotive


Only Toyota chose not to participate among all major car companies

Google/Android leading

AutoLib in Paris

Monthly 12 euro5 euro per 30 minCEO: “become profitable within a few years

Threat toRental Car, Taxi or buy/own Cars?

Filed test in City of Yokohama, offered by Nissan

Open Source prevailing among manufactures

Financial Times

Future of Car summit

New mobility?

Always connectedNetwork will think and supportCars are inter-connected

With other cars, other devices, other actors Airplane the same

Who is going to win?

Net, Mobile and Auto industry

What will come out of crash by three major industries?

NetGoogle, Amazon,

Facebook…IBM, Microsoft

AutoToyota, VW, GM

Renault, HyundaiFiat, Honda, BMW…

MobileDoCoMo, KDDI

Softbank,Verizon, AT&T

Vodafon, Orange…



unConference#1Conclusion:Open Factory Model

How the value chain will evolve?

Traditional Linear model

New Distributed and

Open model

More Events to come

Mobile World Congress BarcelonaFord presentedE-assisted Bike withSmartphone carrier

Automotive Linux Summit

Jun 1-2, Tokyo

FIMM unConference Evolution

Started as an open-ended trialLet’s see where to go

#1 Mar 5-6 Paris    #2 Apr 15 Rotterdam#2.5 Jun 4 Toyota #3 Jun 5-6 Yokohama#4 July 3 Shenzhen?#5 July 30 NYC ?#6 Nov ? Oita

Fab Lab AmsterdamFun by Waag Society (2015.4/14)

Open WetLab for Bio-Hacking Research

A-labby Amsterdam City

Innovation/Incubation Center by the City

FIMM#2 Apr 15 @RDM Rotterdam

Former Dockyard converted intoInnovation Center around Mobility

3D printer for concrete

R&D for auto-navigation for boatsUsed to make submarines

FCV trial car

FIMM #2 Apr 15@ RDM Rotterdam

With Peter TroxlerMobility in the society was the focus

Visit OS Vehicle in TurinApr 20 2015

CEO Tin Hang Liu, born in Italy, originally from Hong Kong Work in Silicon Valley as turning point Turin is home to FIAT, Italdesign/Giugiaro

Turtle 1: African Car Import used cars from Europe, remake themSturdy Cars best fit with African terrainMade in Ghana!

70+ old “Grand Ma”Developed E-Cart Pal-Pal for senior citizens, market them and offer

rental services

No model off the shell could satisfy her Self-developed, Price: Yen 138,000 Easy-to-use Interface Offering rental service in Kanazawa & Kaurizawa

Why not “Slow Car”?Slow Way and Slow Cities?

Slow car to follow Slow food?Sloe Ways to follow High Ways?Best Speed in addition to Max Speed?

Slow Mobility?Slow Life?Slow City?Slow Society?

The resources in Planet Earth are very limited, therefore we need to use them very slowly