Film poster deconstruction

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Film poster deconstruction

Film Poster Deconstruction

BY Kristopher Cook

The main image consists of six main characters in a street while two of them appear to be armed, the way they are positioned suggests that they are part of a team, and the way they are dressed shows its formal rather than social. Upon closer inspection you can see that behind the characters the street bends and defying physics at the same time this gives the impression that reality is not as it seems. This raises the question who are these people? Why are some armed? And also why does it seem like reality has been altered.

The credits, producer and director are all shown but too small to read instead of advertising the director the poster advertises the directors work “From the director of The Dark Knight” this is used to try and draw in an audience that maybe liked that film and will probably like this one as well.

There are several famous film stars such as Leonardo Dicaprio and Joseph Gordon Levitt, but because of his reputation Dicaprio is given a much bigger name title than the other actors in the film, this is used as a selling point for the film as it tells the audience that he is the main actor. Dicaprio is also the one stood closest to the front of the poster also which suggests that the film is centred around that character.

The movie tag line suggests that it could be some sort of psychological film that contains aspects of a thriller with the use of the word “crime” being used.

The props that some of the characters hold suggest that the film is an action film.

The films title “Inception” suggests the beginning of something, also the use of the colour red represents danger while making it stand out from the rest of the poster making it vital to the actual film itself and its plot.

Jim Carey is the unique selling point, the main image. His name at the top takes up a massive percentage of top of the poster. The font is in red and gives the illusion of danger which also causes tension and gives you an idea of what is maybe going on in the film. “The truth The scribbles on his face suggest will find you” which suggests it may have a horror/thriller aspect to it.

The main image of Jim Carey is very large. It immediately catches the eye of anyone looking at it. The drawings on his face suggest that he is very troubled and his eyes are staring directly at the audience its almost frightening, which could tell you what sort of genre the film is.

The black background suggests that the film is quite dark and mysterious, it also shows that the genre of the film is that of a dark one.

The font used also gives you an idea of the genre of film as most of the letters are crooked in some way or distorted maybe to give you an insight on what the character is thinking or what his state of mind is.

The tagline also suggests that it is some sort of horror/ thriller film not to mention the font is in red which is the colour of danger.

As you can see the name of the movie has the same color scheme as the union jack flag this tells you straight away that this a very British style film. The way that it has a rusted effect suggests that it is old and possibly fading away which is also something that can tell you something about the plot of the film itself.

The image is set out so that you can see the characters from top to bottom so you can get an idea of who they are and what they believe, they aren't your exact representation of England just a small group of people, the tag line confirms this when it says “Time to stand out from the crowd which suggests this isn't just your normal everyday man living in England it is about these characters and these characters alone. The way that all of the characters are extremely close to each there suggests that they are also like a family with a young boy in the middle to maybe represent the heart of the group.

The font in black suggests that it in a rural area of England as none of the letters are correctly set out so that you can clearly see them but it is also like graffiti where it is placed on some form of wall made from metal.

The winner awards statement as you can see has the same color of the union jack which is also used for the name of the films font however this is an award that the film has won and therefore doesn't’t have that sort of rusted effect on it.