Film & cinema research

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Cinema and Smartphone Research

---February 2012

Mixture of bespoke research commissioned by Odyssey Mobile Interaction alongside public domain research conducted by major

players in mobile (Google, Yahoo!, TGI Europa)

Bespoke Research conducted by dres consulting: ---

600 interviews in UK, Germany, France amongst adults aged 18-34---

Survey carried out using smartphone’s amongst iOS and Android users

Background to the research

Overview of the Smartphone market

Over half of 18-29s own smartphones

25% smartphone penetration across UK, Germany and France (All Adults)


Which increases to over 1 in 2 (51%) when looking at the 18-29 age group

(Source: Google – MMA Global Perspectives)

68% of 18-39 smartphone users are online for at least 2 hours per day

(Source: TGI Europa)


67% of 18-34 smartphone users spend at least 1 hour per day online on their phone

(Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 600 Respondents)

High levels of internet usage via smartphones

Preferred Device for Accessing the Internet (Global)

... which will only grow in significance and importance

(Source: Global Web Index, August 2011)

General e-commerce

21% of 18-39 smartphone users purchase goods or services via their phone every week

(Source: TGI Europa)

This increases to 34% when looking at those who purchase monthly(Source: TGI Europa)

1 in 3 purchase monthly using their smartphone

23 apps on a smartphone owned by an 18-29 adult---

10 used in the last 30 days(Source: Google – MMA Global Perspectives)

Apps are important but not the be-all and end-all

Usage split by apps / browser

Half and halfVia an app Via a browser

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

83% of smartphone users have used their device to access local information


81% of these have taken a positive action after looking up local content

(Source: Google – MMA Global Perspectives)

Proximity and accessibility drives inquiries

Allows users to engage further with other media (and ads)

54% of 18-29 smartphone users use their phone while watching TV

(Source: Google – MMA Global Perspectives)

53% of 18-34 smartphone users have used their phone to

follow up on a TV ad – 42% have done the same for a poster ad

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200

Over 2 in 3 users view video on their smartphone*

*Source: Google – MMA Global PerspectivesSource: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

52% positive

Attitudes towards streaming via smartphones:

23% negative

Biggest issues regarding streaming:

Downloading / buffering issues: 50%Size of screen: 17%Video quality: 11%Range of content: 8%

An essential and integral part of peoples lives

29% of 18-29 smartphone users would rather give up their

TV than give up their smartphone!

(Source: Google – MMA Global Perspectives)

How does this relate to cinema?

Cinema going

Survey + TGI

25% of 18-39 smartphone users visit the cinema each month(Source: TGI Europa)


18-39 smartphone users are 45% more likely to visit the cinema on a monthly basis than non-users

(Source: TGI Europa)

Smartphone users are regular cinema-goers

77% of 18-34 smartphone users say their phone is useful as a tool to help them decide what film to

watch at the cinema

The phone plays an important decision-making role

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR


Frequency of using smartphone for information about times / locations of movies


64% monthly

36% weekly

... and is used on a frequent basis for movie information

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

Sources used to find out about times / locations of movies


Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

... with a wide range of sources used

81% of 18-34 smartphone users would like it to be easier

to access information about cinema times / locations on

their smartphones

... but a strong desire for information to be more accessible

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

The vast majority want to access trailers on their phone

70% of 18-39 smartphone users are interested in seeing

trailers on their phones

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

... again with a desire for this to be made more accessible

77% of 18-34 smartphone users would like it to be easier to watch trailers via

their smartphones

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

56% of 18-34 smartphone users are interested in seeing visual banner adverts on their smartphone for the latest movies that let

you click through to view trailers


42% more engaging

Perception compared to conventional banner ads:

17% less engaging

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

Greater interest equals greater engagement

23% of 18-39 smartphone users click on a online advert at least once a week

(Source: TGI Europa)

58% are likely to click to click on a banner to watch a movie trailer they are interested in on their


(Source: Dres Consulting)

...which will lead to greater interaction with the activity

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

Likely actions post-viewing trailer


With over 90% likely to take action as a result

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)

77% of 18-34 smartphone users would like it if it was easier to watch trailers on their smartphones ...

69% said having clickable banner adverts that access movie trailers would make their smartphone better for discovering

new movies

A simple approach in order to deliver a user need/desire

Cinema and Smartphone Research

---October 2011


Indices by market

UK respondents most responsive to ‘trailer ad’ concept

Source: Dres Consulting – Base: 18-34 Smartphone users in UK / DE / FR (200/200/200)