February News 7 Brilliant I Tried Ideas Lose...

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Transcript of February News 7 Brilliant I Tried Ideas Lose...





February News  

Brilliant Ideas  

I Tried to Lose Weight  

Seeing all of this diet craziness on Facebook takes me back to the old days. I probably tried just about every diet out there. I tried the blood pledge with my sister; we pricked our fingers and vowed to lose weight. We didn’t! I ate cabbage every day for a week, alternating the next week with bananas. I did not lose weight; I only ended up hating cabbage. I know people are desperate to lose weight, but there is no magic trick. Even

the things we thought, for so long, would work, don’t work at all.

Here is my list of things I thought would work --

Will Power – I know people with the strongest will power ever known, and they still cannot lose weight. It’s so much more complicated than that. Our willpower is not limitless. Eventually, it runs out. We have to have a power source much larger than our weight problem. The power that is within us from the resurrected Christ is the only way to lose it and keep it off for a lifetime.

Skip Meals – This actually does work for a little while—you will lose weight if you starve yourself. Studies show that drastic calorie cutting is not going to help you in the long run. That extremely low-calorie diet is not sustainable. You have then sabotaged your metabolism, and when you start eating a higher volume of food, here come the pounds and more.

Punishing Yourself with Exercise. Trainers will tell you it’s approximately 70% what you eat (or don’t eat) and 30% what you do. It’s almost impossible to burn off with exercise the amount of calories it takes to lose one pound. It takes 3,500 calories burned to lose one pound of fat. To average one pound lost per week, you need to burn an additional 500 calories per day. If you're only running just to lose weight, that means you would need to average about five miles per day—running! Seriously, there are not many who can do this every day for a week without sustaining an injury. Exercise is not meant to be punishment for your imperfect body or as a way of “purging” your body of those foods you have overeaten. It’s called exercise bulimia. Exercise is designed to strengthen your heart, tone and strengthen your bones and muscles. An added benefit will be an overall sense of well-being and burning some excess calories.

Weighing Every Day. I know people who weigh several times in the day just to see if the scale somehow got it wrong the first time. Our bodies fluctuate so much during the day; how could you possible think you might lose three or four pounds just overnight? The healthiest and wisest way to weigh is once a week, about the same time of day. This will give you a much more accurate weight and not take you on an emotional roller coaster.


Continued from page one…

Cutting out Carbs. My friend Mary shared about her daughter coming home for the holidays and announcing, “I’m not eating any carbs.” So she had lots of turkey and then some more turkey. It’s just not good sense to deprive your body of the valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber we get from eating carbohydrates. We can certainly eat quality carbs in their proper amounts. Now that might work!

Focusing on an Event. How many of us go on a crazy diet just to fit into that mother-of-the-bride dress? It works as long as we stay motivated by the dress. But what happens after the wedding? All the weight comes back and more. A single event just does not have the staying power of something that has more value—like losing weight to be able to play on the floor with my grandchildren. That will sustain me a lot longer than a beige dress.

Going it alone. Okay, if we could do this by ourselves, we would have already done it! We like to keep our dieting to ourselves, really just for one reason, so that when we fail, no one will know! Accountability with other like-minded folks ensures us of an honest effort. Finding a FP4H group that will pray for you and not judge you is the way to go for success. And you just might be the answer to someone else’s prayer!

None of these brilliant ideas listed above work. It's been proven with clinical studies over and over. Let’s stop the nonsense and go with what works. First Place 4 Health is my lifetime choice. Vicki Heath, National Director

Healthy Snacks

A snack should be small—something to give you energy and prevent you from getting too hungry before your next meal. It’s important to have a balanced snack with a little protein and some carbs, so that you stay fueled and focused on your day. Here are seven healthy snacks that fit the bill:

Cut an apple into bite-sized pieces and add them to one-half cup low-fat cottage cheese. Sprinkle one tablespoon chopped walnuts or pecans (and a little honey if you like it a little sweeter).

Slice a whole grain pita into wedges and serve with hummus and a handful of fresh berries on the side. Combine one cup plain low-fat yogurt with one-half cup berries, and one-quarter cup chopped nuts. Add

honey, if desired. Serve olives and marinated red peppers with a piece of warm whole grain bread. Sliced tomato with a sprinkle of feta and olive oil. Peanut butter/Banana Sandwiches – Slice banana and spread with peanut butter. Top

with another slice of banana.

Lisa Lewis FindmorerecipesandhealthycookingtipsinLisa’scookbook,HealthyHappyCooking,availableintheonlinestore.

Reasons to Keep Tracking

Of all the habits I’ve formed in the last eleven years of my wellness journey, completing my Live It Tracker has never changed. If I track, I succeed. If I stop tracking, my weight rises.

1. My tracker guides me and doesn’t condemn me. If I have a higher calorie meal or snack, I’m able to compensate during the next meal or the next day. When I fill out a tracker honestly and completely, it’s a great day.

2. My tracker sheds light on the hidden calories. If I can’t figure out how to track it, it probably has hidden calories. I look at the nutritional information and determine how to track. If I can’t figure out how to track it, I’ll make a different choice.

3. My tracker gives me greater success when I eat out. At a restaurant, I ask the server questions and then do a quick Internet search for nutritional information. I might ask to replace the rice or potatoes with zucchini or broccoli. If they don’t have whole grain, I might ask for lettuce instead of the bread. I ask for the dressing on the side and at my favorite Asian Take-Out, I ask for the sauce on the side. I desire my eating out to look as healthy as eating in.

4. My tracker helps me maintain the weight I worked hard to lose. All the way down the scale, my focus has always been to not regain the weight I’ve lost. I am the most successful if I write it when I bite it. If I wait until later, I develop food amnesia.

5. My tracker masters my mindless eating. If I didn’t measure, I’d be in big trouble. Cereal, rice, potatoes, chips, nuts and crackers all require measuring. If the bag states fifteen chips for one serving, then I count out fifteen chips. I like chip—I might count out another fifteen, and then another fifteen. Did I mention I like chips?

6. My tracker can replace my scale. Jumping on the scale every morning might display my progress, but it also measures water retention or my sluggish digestive system. I don’t need to weigh myself every morning if I filled out my tracker. If you jump on your scale each day for feedback, consider tracking daily and weighing weekly. Try it for three weeks and email me your results.

7. My tracker reminds me to rely on God. One day I might be able to stop tracking and maintain my weight. Today is not that day. I ask God to bless my tracker and recognize my choices to honor him.

Find the tracker that works best for you. Live It Trackers are available in our Bible studies. Download an 8x11 tracker from our website under resources. Change MyFitnessPal to resemble a Live It Tracker (see the Feb 2016 article - http://bit.ly/1YRdmvv). A small notebook works too. Keep Tracking!

Helen Baratta Helen Baratta is the Director of Development and oversees virtual groups and networking leaders. Click here to read more about her First Place 4 Health journey. Contact helen.baratta@fp4h.com if you are interested in joining virtual group leader or networking leader teams.


Fitness Partnerships for Success

Of all God’s blessings in life, the gift of friendship, especially fitness buddies, should not be overlooked. During an eight-week study, research found that people who exercised with a partner did more exercise during the brief study. Other research has found that if you find a partner, you will stick with the exercise routine, even six months later. What if you could double your chances for fitness success, and exercise would be more enjoyable, fit into your schedule, and pull you through the fitness rut? Proverbs 18:24 states, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Reliable friends can be the difference between your exercise habit success and failure. Over the years, I have not limited myself to one fitness partnership—walking and meetings with a colleague, running with a group, or taking a group exercise class. Here are some suggestions to assist with finding your fitness match for SUCCESS.

Similar fitness levels. I have a close friend who wins marathons—needless to say, I’m not near her fitness level. However, we do meet at the local track weekly for a speed training session. We run our intervals trying to beat our own stopwatch time. She makes a torturous workout pleasurable as we breathlessly catch up during our interval recovery time. You don’t have a perfectly-matched fitness level, but similar fitness goals, so you won’t be held back, pushed too hard or even injured.

Utilize group exercise classes. I have been teaching the same Tuesday and Thursday lunch-time fitness classes for over 10 years. I am amazed at the physical barriers my class participants have crossed just being encouraged by a familiar face. The group promotes the healthy behavior as a community. We finish the boot camp class with high 5s around the room. It closes the workout with a feeling, “We’re all in this together.” Find a class! Better yet, find a friend to take the class with you!

Couple time. In the past year, my husband and I have taken weekly time to walk together. Besides maintaining fitness, it has improved our marriage and parenting communication. A study by the Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University surveyed married couples, who joined health clubs together, and found that couples who worked out separately had a 43 percent dropout rate over the course of a year. Those who went to the gym together, regardless of whether they focused on the same type of exercise, had only a 6.3 percent dropout rate.

Commitment. Send reminder texts or emails, prearrange rides to the gym, offer wake-up calls, if necessary. Be on time-always! My running friends texts me their route if I happen to be delayed! We also keep tabs on each other through illness, travel and other routine-breakers to help encourage them to come back after a setback.

Encourage. My bucket list fitness successes are largely due to my fitness comrades that have been my teammates, coaches and cheerleaders. Remind your companion of their goals and encourage them when the going gets rough. If your workout partner is down all the time, complaining, you will eventually lose motivation. I Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’”

Simultaneous Social time. When being physically active, I have found myself connecting with friends, coworkers and workout friends more than I do over coffee. Why not invite a friend or family member, with whom you have wanted to connect, for a walk? Workout sidekicks not only get us through a hill workout, but can help us through the hills and valleys in life also.

Suggest new ideas and routines to keep things interesting and prevent plateaus. My fitness comrades have changed over the years, but they will always have a place in my heart. God gave us friends for our challenges; we don’t have to go alone! Proverbs 13:20 states, “Walk with the wise and become wise.”

Sherry Leggett You can learn more about Sherry and read more active devotions on her blog Trimom4Him.wordpress.com.

Research - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25854295





Success Story ~ Monique Johnson

My expectation when I started First Place 4 Health was to lose weight, and getting closer to God was the bonus.

I was a new Christian (two years old) when I received a catalog in the mail with an article about First Place 4 Health. I thought it was simply a weight-loss program, but if it was from God, then it couldn’t be bad. This time I had God helping me to lose weight. There were no groups in my area at that time, so I thought that if I wanted First Place 4 Health in my church, I would have to start a group. I looked online to get more information and really liked the program. As more time went by, I felt eager to get started and was looking forward to helping others, plus finally losing weight myself.

I started First Place 4 Health in January 2008. At that time, I weighed in at 183, my highest weight, which consisted of pounds gained after being on so many different diets. I knew how to lose weight—I was really good at it. I lost the weight over and over again, only to gain it back and then some. With First Place 4 Health came the tools I needed to succeed. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, “But seek first his kingdom

and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Food was my idol—it was an addiction! The only person who could help me break the addiction was God. He had to guide me on that journey. I learned in some of our Bible studies to insert my name whenever there was a verse referring to love or caring, anything that referred to my relationship with Jesus. For example: Jesus loves “Monique,” or “Never will I leave you, Monique!” It added a personal touch to His promises. They were directed at me. It also helped me form a relationship with God and get closer to Him. In my journey to a balanced, healthy lifestyle, I found the Bible studies to be my hope. The Word of God encouraged me to keep going when the going got tough. I found time in my day to memorize the weekly Scripture verses. It was then easier to eat healthy, because I had a verse in my mind that I could use to overcome the temptations. After losing about 20 pounds, I was at a standstill.

When someone would ask me how much weight I had lost or how long it took me, I would answer, “This is the first time I have been able to keep the weight off and not smoke.” Although that was true, it was still an excuse not to go to the next level. Sometimes we’re afraid of success because people are going to look at us differently. I was getting compliments and attention that I was not sure how to handle. One thing I had to learn to accept was that every day I have the same choices as that healthy person running/walking down the street. To get to the next level, I chose to be accountable to the women in my class. I started writing my weight on the whiteboard in our room. If I gained, I had to write the weight in red, even if it was two-tenths of a pound. I did not do that to be extra hard on myself; I did it to show how a number so small will make a huge difference over time. There were many times when I knew the number was going to be red, and many times I almost did not go to the meeting. It would have been so easy to call someone to take over the class for me. I figured if I don’t go this week, I will lose the weight next week, and then I can write it in black. We all know what happens when we think that way. The longer you stay away, the harder it is to get back on track. My weight loss is 36 pounds—only 14 more and I will be at goal. However, my bigger goal is to be the person God wants me to be on the inside.

Continued on page six


Continued from page five

My expectation when I started First Place 4 Health was to lose weight, and getting closer to God was the bonus. As it turned out, getting closer to God was the prize, and the weight loss was the bonus. God has taken me so far from where I began. The unpleasant places where I have been have become a small part of my life. God has used those instances to shape me into what I am and what I have yet to become. I used to be unable to enjoy the present because I did not have peace in my heart. With God’s help, I am able to trust Him to take care of the things I have no control over. I still have a long way to go, and I have to work on balance every day. Because this is a journey, it’s not something to do “just for now.”

There are some areas in my life that I am still working on. I ask God to help me overcome them. God knew we would get confused in the process, so He gave us a book full of instructions, the Bible, and He gave us the grace to start over every day. In my life of changes, there is one constant and that is God. God will always be there; He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. God knows everything we have ever done. He sent His Son to the cross so we could have freedom. Our salvation is a gift; we cannot earn it, because our debt has already been paid. Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Every day I pray to keep my focus on God. I pray for Him to reveal to me what I need to do for Him, and I ask Him to help me be responsible for my own actions.  

Hear Monique’s story in person at the Wellness Workshop in Massachusetts in May.  For 

more info, go here:  http://bit.ly/2kOn6IW  You can hear other great stories at events across 

the country.  To find one in your area, go to www.fp4h.com and click Events.  



New Webinars Each Month!  

Featured this month: Vicki Heath

LEAD WHEN YOU DON’T WANT TO Have you been tempted to just throw in the towel in your area of leadership? Leadership is certainly not for the faint of heart. Vicki Heath will share with you firsthand how she has led FP4H through weakness and some very hard times. Whether you are actively leading or have thrown in the towel, join us and be transformed through information and inspiration. Go to www.fp4h.com and click on events for more information. 





God Uprooting the Heart Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right

hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Colossians 3:1-2

As a professional counselor, I have visited the hearts and minds of countless individuals. It's important for me to know how a person feels and thinks before I can identify, with help from God, the root or source of the person's wounds and then help him or her heal.

In the same way, the Lord desires to uproot the areas of our hearts and minds that bear rotten or painful fruit—or perhaps no fruit at all. Our God is passionate for us to have a thriving garden in our hearts and minds. If our minds are focused on our problems, our failures, our weaknesses or our inabilities, we will produce the fruit of doubt and fear. If our hearts are focused on our past hurts or failures, or we hold on to unforgiveness, our hearts will produce the fruit of bitterness.

I don't know anyone who needed more uprooting in her heart and mind than I did. For years I struggled with self-defeating thoughts and feelings. My mind felt like a prison with no way out, and my heart felt enchained. As a counselor and as a woman who has been healed and set free, I plead with you to set your heart and mind on Christ. Read God's Word and do not let your mind wander from His truth so that your life can become like a well-watered garden that bears much fruit.


Lord, I choose this day to set my mind on what is true and to believe Your Word. Thank You that as I set my heart and mind on You, You will produce good fruit in my life.

Journal: Write down any thoughts that are causing bad fruit to grow in your life. Ask God to heal you of the wounds that He reveals are in your heart.


April 28-30 Kansas City, KS


Massachusetts Leader’s Meeting – Video Conference February 4, 2017

Leader Webinar ~ What’s Next? Pre-recorded and available on our website.

Southeast Wellness Workshop – GA February 11, 2017 Gray, GA

Webinar: Lead When You Don’t Want To February 13, 2017 Online

Southeast Wellness Workshop – NC February 18, 2017 Wendell, NC

Nevada/Northern California Wellness Workshop April 1, 2017 Reno, NV

Nacogdoches Texas Wellness Workshop April 8, 2017 Nacogdoches, TX

Victory Celebration – SC April 18, 2017 Six Mile, SC

RESTORE April 28-30, 2017 Kansas City, KS

Wellness Rally – North East May 6, 2017 Wakefield, MA

Wellness Week @ Round Top October 12-18, 2017 Round Top, Texas

Summit 2017 ~ Your Best Life! July 21-22, 2017 Newnan, GA





UpcomingEvents AThankfulHeartBundle







Cheesy Potato Soup 1 tbsp. butter 1 cup chopped, onion 2½ tbsp. unbleached flour 3 cups chopped red potato, (about 1 lb.) 1¼ cups 1% low-fat milk ¾ cup fat-free chicken broth ½ cup water ½ cup (2 oz.) shredded reduced-fat sharp cheddar cheese 1/8 tsp. ground red pepper 2 tbsp. chopped green onions Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion to pan; sauté 5 minutes or until onion is tender. Sprinkle with flour; cook 1 minute, stirring onion mixture constantly. Add potato, milk, broth, and ½ cup water to pan; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes. Add ½ cup reduced-fat sharp cheddar cheese and ground red pepper; cook 2 minutes or until cheese melts and is blended. Garnish with sliced green onion. Serves 4. NUTRITION: 208 calories; 5g fat (20.3% calories from fat); 11g protein; 32g carbohydrates; 3g dietary fiber; 14mg cholesterol; 257mg sodium. LIVE IT TRACKER: ½ oz.-eq. meat, 1½ oz.-eq. grain, ½ cup vegetable, ½ cup milk

Crispy Pork Medallions 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 1-lb. pork tenderloin, trimmed and cut into 8 slices ½ cup panko bread crumbs 1 tbsp. chopped fresh thyme 1 tbsp. minced fresh parsley 1/8 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Preheat oven to 450° F. Rub mustard evenly over pork slices. Combine panko, thyme, parsley, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Dredge pork in panko mixture. Heat a large ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add pork; sauté 2 minutes or until golden brown. Turn pork. Place skillet in oven; bake at 450° F for 8 minutes or until pork reaches 145° F. Let stand 3 minutes. Serves 4 NUTRITION: 230 calories; 11g fat (44.7% calories from fat); 25g protein; 6g carbohydrates; 1g dietary fiber; 74mg cholesterol; 239mg sodium. LIVE IT TRACKER: 2½ oz.-eq. meat, ½ oz.-eq. grain


Oatmeal Scones

1¾ cup unbleached flour 1½ tsp. baking powder ¾ tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. salt 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup margarine 11/3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats ½ cup dried cranberries 2/3 cup low-fat buttermilk 1 egg Preheat oven to 375° F. In a large mixing bowl, thoroughly combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar. Add margarine and blend until it resembles coarse meal. Mix in oats, cranberries, and buttermilk until it forms a sticky dough. On a floured surface knead dough gently six times and roll out into a 1-inch thick round. Cut out rounds with a 3-inch round cutter dipped in flour, transfer to a lightly greased baking sheet. Brush scones with beaten egg and bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Makes 18 scones. NUTRITION PER SCONE: 120 calories; 4g fat (31.6% calories from fat); 3g protein; 18g carbohydrates; 1g dietary fiber; 12mg cholesterol; 206mg sodium. LIVE IT TRACKER: 1 oz.-eq. grains *All the recipes in this issue were taken from Healthy Happy Cooking, available in our online store at www.fp4h.com.