February 2012 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka

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Transcript of February 2012 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka

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Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m. at

616 Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO.

Office: 210 S. Central Avenue,

Eureka, MO 63025

Phone: 636-938-3733




The Rev. Sally S. Weaver 

Phone No.s:

Home: 636-938-7773

C e l l : 3 1 4 - 6 5 1 - 3 8 3 6

Bishop’s Committee: BobChamplin, Sr. Warden, Paddy

Wrob, Jr. Warden; Kathleen

McDonald, Clerk; Michael

Booker; Richard Mayfield;

Cassie Eckhardt; Barb Sacco;

Jack Lauless; Judy Cody

Suzanne Jones, Treasurer.

Annual Meeting

An Annual Meeting is held each

year at the end of January atwhich new Bishop‘s Committee

and Convention Delegates are


St. Francis‘ Episcopal Church is

a mission of the Episcopal Dio-

cese of Missouri.

The Chalice is the newsletter 

of St. Francis‘ Episcopal

Church, Eureka, and is published

at least 10 times per year.Submissions for The Chal-

ice are due approximately the

20th of each month and may be

e-mailed to the Office at


The ChaliceSt. Francis’ Episcopal Church 

Eureka MO

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2

…I will try to be faithful in those habits of  prayer, work, study, physical exercise,

eating and sleep…which the Holy Spirit 

has shown me to be right. And as I cannot 

in my own strength do this…I look to thee,

O Lord…and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. -- “A Morning Re-

 solve” from Forward Day by Day 

We‘re busy. We earn a living, care for our children and aging

 parents, attend to chores, and volunteer at St. Francis‘ and other organi-

zations. We tend to work too much, sleep and exercise too little, and pray and eat on the go.

Lent begins on Feb 22. Lent is the season for taking an inven-

tory of our lives and assessing where we are out of balance. Do we

wish we worked less and spent more time with our family and friends?

Are our poor eating habits and lack of exercise affecting our health?

Do we need to adjust our routine for a better night‘s sleep? Do we long

to spend more quiet time in prayer?

Finding balance in our lives – being good stewards of our souls

and bodies –  is difficult. And frequently it‘s not a priority for us. We

often care for others at the expense of balance in our own lives. Jesus

tells us that, after loving God with all our being, the second greatest

commandment is loving our neighbors as ourselves. Lent reminds us

that how well we treat others is dependent upon how well we care for 


The Pastor’s Corner  

Continued on next page

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In this Issue

 Adult Forum Calendar, p 3;

 Annual Meeting Notes, p 8;

 Attendance Statistics, p 3;

 Baptisms, Confirmation, p 9;

 Birthdays/Anniversaries, p 12;

 Bishop’s Column, p 7; 

 Bishop’s Committee Information, p 8; 

 Book Group, p 15;

 Bulletin Board, p 13;

Calendar, p 14;

Calendar for Vicar on Line, p 2;

Children’s Reflections, p 12; 

Contacting the Vicar, p 2;

 Discretionary Fund, p 19;

Financial Update, p 18;

Greening St. Francis’, p 10; 

Guardian Angel, p 11;

 Pastor’s Corner, p 1 & 2; 

 Prayer for St. Francis’, p 18; 

 Prayer list, p 11;

 RSVP, p 15;

Upcoming Events…., p 4, 5, 6;   Ash Wednesday

 ECM Annual Meeting 

 End-of-Life workshop

Guiding Good Choices

 Leadership Conference

Mardi Growl 

Ministry Fair 

Stations of the Cross

Week of Guided Prayer 

 Spiritual Offerings for the Week, p 12;

 Stewardship Thought, p 10;

Thank yous…., p 16, 17; 

Worship Schedule, p 15;

Youth Group, p 6.

This Lent, let‘s focus on caring for ourselves,

 putting back in balance whatever is off-kilter. By

doing that, we‘ll discover that we have more energy

and compassion to devote to God‘s people and God‘s

work in the world. Finding our balance is my prayer 

for us this holy Lent. 

Pastor Sally †  

The Vicar’s Calendar is On-line

Pastor Sally‘s calendar is on our website,www.stfranciseureka.com. Select ―Calendar,‖ then―Vicar‘s Calendar.‖ It‘s the only calendar Pastor 

Sally uses, so it is complete and up-to-date.

Contacting Pastor Sally

If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally and

she doesn‘t respond, please let her know.

The best number to call is her cell phone:

314-651-3836. Remember that there‘s amiddle initial, ―S‖, in her e-mail address:

SallySWeaver@yahoo.com. She wants to

respond quickly, so please let her know if 

that‘s not occurring. 

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Here is the schedule of offerings at the Adult Forum on Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to12:15 p.m. for the first part of 2012. The entire Adult Forum calendar for 2012 is on our website at www.stfrancisereka.com —  select ―Christian Education/Formation‖, ―Adults‖:

February 5 Judges 1

February 12 Judges 2

February 19 Samuel

February 26 Saul

March 4 Vicar's Forum -- quarterly goal review

March 11 Ministry Fair 

March 18 Marcion

March 25 Constantine

April 1 Athanasius and AriusApril 8 Easter brunch

April 15 Strategic planning for St. Francis', part 1

April 22 Strategic planning, part 2

April 29 Strategic planning, part 3

May 6 Strategic planning, part 4

May 13 Strategic planning, part 5

May 20 Strategic planning, part 6

May 27 Strategic planning, part 7

June 3 David

June 10 "Mass in the Grass" and picnic

June 17 Vicar's Forum -- quarterly goal review

June 24 Solomon




Sunday Attendance Statistics 

2010 2011 

Epiphany 44 55

1 Epiphany 45 45

2 Epiphany 32 66

3 Epiphany 49 64

4 Epiphany 46 66

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Upcoming EventsMardi Growl 

People and pets of St. Francis‘, take note! Feb-

ruary 19th is Eureka‘s Annual Mardi Growl pet parade

and we will be there!

St. Francis‘ Blessed Creatures Boutique will

surely make our presence known among the stylish

 pets and pet owners at the parade. If you would like to

spend an hour or two with Debbie or Kathleen staffing

our booth of fabulous fashions and accessories, please

let Debbie Pizzella know. Otherwise, just drop in. Thislooks like a great party.

Time and place:

Sunday, February 19th, 1:00 – 4:00

Central Avenue, Old Town, Eureka.



Ash Wednesday ServicesWith Mardi Growl scheduled for February 19th 

and the real Mardi Gras on Tuesday, February 21st,

then Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent are right

 behind. Mark your calendar for Ash Wednesday

Eucharist and the imposition of ashes. So that all of us

can participate, two services are scheduled.

Ash Wednesday services:

Wednesday, February 22nd 

6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., both at the Lodge.

A Practical Guide to Planning & Prepar-ing for End-of-Life Issues.

In four separate interactive sessions, Chris

Durr will help attendees educate themselves with

some of the key aspects of proper planning to en-

sure adequately addressing end-of-life decisions. A

failure to plan risks the very real possibility that our 

wishes will not be honored, and unnecessary pain

and strain placed on those we hold dear.

All sessions held in Park Hall at St. Martin‘s

Episcopal Church, 15764 Clayton Road, Ellisville

Sunday, Feb.12, 6 pm-7:15 pm

Sunday, Feb. 26, 6 pm-7:15 pm

Sunday, March 4, 6 pm-7:15 pm

Each session has different discussion points;

it is not necessary to attend all — feel free to pick 

and choose. Participants should come away em-

 powered with the tools to complete the necessarytasks to leave a less stressful and more enriched fi-

nal legacy.

Ministry Fair, March 11th during Adult


Do you have to take a test to be a lector?

How can you ever remember what goes where

when you‘re setting up the altar? How often do we

do highway cleanup and how hard is it? Is it safefor my child? What age are the kids in the Youth

Group? Can the craft-challenged go to Crafter-

noon? Can the prayer-challenged participate in

Monday Prayer or RSVP? What is RSVP? And

what‘s with Miss Stevie carrying wine to church in

 brown paper bags?

If these or other questions about the minis-

tries of St. Francis have arisen in your soul, there‘s

a place to find the answers and to see if you arecalled to one or more of them. Plan to attend the

annual Ministry Fair on Sunday, March 11th.

Committee chairs, please plan to hear from

Jackie Selle and Kathleen McDonald about your 

group‘s participation. 

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2012 Leadership ConferenceSaturday, March 3, 2012 9:30am to 3:00pm

St. Martin‘s Church – Ellisville

Morning Sessions (9:30 – 11:30)

YOU‘RE THE WARDEN NOW! – Workshop for all Wardens

SHOW ME THE MONEY! – Treasurers and Financial Reporting

RED CARD, GREEN CARD! – Convention Delegates 101

Lunch (11:30 – 12:30)

Afternoon Sessions

CALL TO ORDER! – How to run a good meeting (12:45 – 1:30)

FOLLOW THE TRAIL! –  Vestries‘ interactions with Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, In

surance, Misconduct, Audits and a whole lot more! (1:30 – 3:00)

Registration fee is $20 per person.

Send registration to Robin Weisenborn, rweisenborn@DioceseMo.org

OR  — let Maxine Heller in the parish office know you want to attend and reservations will be made for St.

Francis‘ members. 

Leadership Conference sponsored by Diocesan Standing Committee

Guiding Good ChoicesA family management and skills building course for parents of children ages 9-14

5 Thursday sessions: February 2, 9, 23; March 1, 86:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Rockwood South Middle School1628 Hawkins Road, Fenton

Class facilitator: Mary Corsair, Rockwood South counselor Sponsored by: Rockwood Drug-Free Coalition

Week 1: How to prevent drug use in your familyWeek 2: Setting Guidelines: how to develop healthy beliefs and clear standards

Week 3: Avoiding Trouble: how to say no to drugs

Week 4: Managing Conflict: how to control and express your anger 

Week 5: Involving Everyone: how to strengthen family bonds

Registration: Kristin Bengtson, 636-733-2158 or  bengtsonkristin@rockwood.k12.mo.us. 

Class is FREE; space is limited. 

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More Upcoming EventsStations of the Cross at St. Martin’s 

Fridays at 6 p.m. during Lent St. Martin‘s – El-

lisville will offer praying the stations of the cross.

Dismantling Racism Workshop at theCathedral

On Saturday, February 11 from 8:30 a.m. to

12:30 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral the Commission

on Dismantling Racism is offering a workshop

―designed to promote dialogue and actions toward heal-

ing and reconciliation.‖ Dr. Ernest ―Rip‖ Patton will

 be the keynote speaker. Patton was a Freedom Rider,

traveling to Montgomery, AL and Jackson, MS in

1961, and serving time in prison for his part in the civilrights movement.

Week of Guided Prayer 

Together, St. Francis‘ –  Eureka and St. Martin‘s

 – Ellisville are offering a Week of Guided Prayer dur-

ing Lent. What is it? It‘s a retreat in everyday life, a

way of exploring different ways of praying, an opportu-

nity to work one-on-one with an experienced prayer 


The Week of Guided Prayer begins on Sunday,March 4 at 1 p.m. at St. Martin‘s with a group gather-

ing of all participants. Throughout the week the re-

treatants spend 30 minutes a day in private prayer and

then meet confidentially with an experienced prayer 

guide for 30 minutes each day. Meeting with the

 prayer guides occur either in the afternoon or evening,

at your convenience, at various locations within St.

Martin‘s. All participants gather together for a closing

celebration on Saturday, March 10 at 10:30 a.m. You

may still participate in the retreat even if you can‘t at-

tend the opening or closing gatherings.

Brochures and registration forms are in the

lobby of the Lodge. You can register by calling the

 parish office at 636-938-3733. Registration is encour-

aged by Feb 24. There is no registration fee, but re-

treatants are invited to share the cost (approx. $44) as

they are able. For more information, visit


Episcopal City Mission’sAnnual Meeting

Episcopal City Mission, a ministry of the

Diocese of Missouri, provides chaplains to the ju-

venile detention centers in St. Louis City and


On Wed., February 15 from 11:30 a.m. to

1:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Church – Web-

ster Groves, Episcopal City Mission will hold its

annual meeting. Each parish may send their Rec-

tor/Vicar and two lay persons to attend the lunch-

eon and vote on the Board members and the


Pastor Sally plans to attend. If you would

like to go with her, just let her know.

 Youth Group

January 25 meeting

The teens, their parents, and the Youth

Group leaders met with Deacon Harry Leip and

Steve Turner from Trinity – St. Louis at the parish

house on January 25. Deacon Harry and Steve dis-

cussed the changes that have been made to Trin-

ity‘s hot lunch program to improve the safety and

comfort of the volunteers and guests.

On Sunday, January 29 St. Francis‘ teens

and adults experienced for themselves the im-

 provements in the process, as they served chili to

Trinity‘s clients. 

City Museum, February 10

Teens: Bring your friends and come to

City Museum on Friday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m.

We‘ll gather inside the entrance. City Museum is

located at 701 North 15th St., 63101. The cost of 

admission is $10.

Adults: If you‘d like to join us, we wel-

come you to meet us there.

All: Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.

Getting disheveled is a byproduct of exploring

City Museum.

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The two penitential seasons of Advent and Lent may speak most directly to the

hurts in our place and time. Advent, plumbing the heritage of God‘s people, remindsus of the future and tells us that present circumstances are not as good as they get. Ad-

vent reminds us to yearn. Lent lets us savor all of salvation history, and that history‘s

culmination in Jesus rising from the dead. The season looks to baptism for its mean-

ing, as the means by which God joins the Church to the mystery of Jesus dying and

rising. Lent reminds us to repent, for the sake of this mystery.

―Penitential,‖ however, does not mean ―dreary.‖ It does suggest simplicity, direct-

ness, and honesty. Though Lent and Advent invite us to name our sins fearlessly, the

focus is on the redemption and forgiveness which God has won in Jesus, and which

God is working out in the world and in our lives. Lent, in particular, pushes us toward

glory, not groveling.

Percy Dearmer‘s great (and somewhat eccentric) hymn text, number 145 in Hym-

nal 1982, gets to the point of Lent. These are the words, in one verse of his hymn:

To bow the head

in sackcloth and in ashes,

or rend the soul,

such grief is not Lent‘s goal 

 but to be led towhere God‘s glory flashes, 

his beauty to come near:

Make clear where truth

and light appear.

These words align with the gospel reading for Ash Wednesday, Matthew 6, the

  part of the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus teaches about prayer and fasting.

Prayer and penitence are not about the sackcloth and ashes, the ―show‖ of it all. They

are about being drawn God-ward.

I pray for a robustly penitential Lent, a good and glorious one, for us all.

 Bishop Wayne Smith

 February 2012

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St. Francis’ Annual Meeting 

The members of St. Francis‘ gather often for 

worship, for fun, for prayer, for work, for dinner, and

sometimes for no other reason than that we like to be

together. Once a year we gather in an annual congre-

gational meeting to transact the business of the parish,approve a budget and elect leadership.

This year‘s meeting began during the service

when Pastor Sally‘s sermon included her Vicar‘s Re-

 port of the church‘s activities during 2011. In it, she

tied the call of the first disciples, Andrew and Peter, to

our call to follow Christ and become ‗fishers of peo-

 ple.‘ The tone of the meeting to come was set early on

when Pastor Sally said, ― I commend you all to read the

annual report. It‘s full of hope and vision and good

news about how the people of St. Francis‘ Church are

following Christ.‖ Check the website for full sermon

at http://www.stfranciseureka.com/sermons.html. 

Immediately after the service we loaded plates

with deliciousness and sat to attend to the business of 

the parish. Recognition and thanks were given to out-

going Senior Warden, Rich Mayfield, to outgoing Jun-

ior Warden, Bob Hosutt, to outgoing Treasurer, Nancy

Bergmann and to outgoing Bishop‘s Committee mem-

 bers Debbie Pizzella, Lori Scissors and Bob Hosutt.

Elections were held according to the Canons of 

the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri, and a

slate of new members were elected unanimously.

 New members of the Bishop‘s Committee are— three

year appointments: Bob Champlin, Judy Cody, and

Jack Lauless.

Diocesan Convention delegates: Sue Schmidt, Kevin

Selle, and alternate Alex Branchfield.

Appointments of Senior Warden and Treasurer,

 previously approved by the Bishop, were announced.

Bob Champlin will serve as Senior Warden and Suz-

anne Jones as Treasurer. Nancy Bergmann, outgoing

Treasurer, will remain as liaison for financial activities

handled through the office.

 Nancy Bergmann then presented a year-end fis-

cal review for 2011, revealing that between taking in

more and spending less than we planned, we ended

up in the black for 2011. Applause heard! Nancy

then presented the budget for 2012; essentially the

same as for 2011 with no planned deficit.

For the more consistent funding of the

Vicar‘s Discretionary Fund, a change that does not

affect the budget was announced — to designatethe loose plate offering on the first Sunday of each

month to this fund. Both the budget and this fund-

ing change were previously approved by the

Bishop‘s Committee for presentation to the con-

gregation. The 2012 balanced budget as submitted

was accepted unanimously by the members pre-

sent. The annual meeting was closed with a prayer 

with thankfulness for a very good year.

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald  

Bishop’s Committee Retreat

February 17 and 18, 2012.

Vestry/Bishop's Committee: The lay lead-

ership board of an Episcopal congregation,

named from the "vesting" room in which the

group met in colonial days. At St. Francis',

 persons are elected annually at the congrega-tional meeting in January to three-year terms

on the Bishop's Committee. The Bishop's

Committee shares with the priest the spiri-

tual leadership of the church. It also ap-

 proves the budget and oversees the leader-

ship of the parish.

 From the definitions found on our web page: http:// 


Whew! That‘s quite a set of responsibili-ties. Essentially, though, the Bishop‘s Committee

at St. Francis‘ spends most of the time working on

 budgetary, administrative and leadership issues. To

that end, the Bishop‘s Committee will meet on Fri-

day evening, February 17 and Saturday, February

18 to incorporate the newly-elected members of the

Continued on next page

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group and to lay out goals for the year. The Friday night portion of the meeting will focus on spiritual mat-

ters and will be led by Kristie Lenzen. Pastor Sally will organize the work for Saturday. This retreat work-

shop, held at the Parish House, will also serve as our February Bishop‘s Committee meeting.

Minutes of the meeting will be published, as always, and posted on the bulletin board at the lodge.

 Annual Meeting  — continued from previous page

Bishop’s Visit

Baptisms, Confirmations

Our celebratory cross cake,

made by Jackie Selle

On January 29, Bishop Smith baptized three people

into the household of God and confirmed/received four.

Shown in the picture: Polly Morse, Pastor Sally,

Alex Broom-Morse (confirmed), Jonah Broom-Morse, Kevin

Broom, Amanda Broom-Morse (baptized), Lydia Broom-

Morse (Baptized), Kyra Jordan (Baptized), Bishop Smith,

Carly Champlin (received), Donna Bernert (received), Sally

Hader (received).

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Consider this:

Inspiration for the care of creation can come

from anywhere you look in our neighborhoods. We

are truly blessed to see

so much beauty and so

easily to remember our role in preserving it.

This month my

inspiration came from a

different source when

our outgoing senior war-

den, Rich Mayfield,

asked the Bishop‘s Com-

mittee to look not only at our carbon footprints but

at the footprints of grace that we are able to leave in

our community. As examples, he named our long-

term efforts on behalf of Eureka Food Pantry and

the highway cleanup project, our efforts to support

local businesses and food sources. There are so

many other examples we could name, if it didn‘t

feel so self-congratulatory (but they are listed in the

annual report!).

What seemed so inspirational to me about

Rich‘s vision is that our footprints of grace so often

are improvements of carbon footprints made by our community. Care of God‘s creatures IS care of 

God‘s creation. By knitting warm scarves and pro-

viding blankets, we help to keep warm the people

who are living in their cars or in shelters and they

can reduce the fuel they use to keep warm. When

we recycle our soda cans from the Parish House and

the Lodge we donate again to the Eureka Food Pan-

try as well as preventing all those cans from adding

to a landfill. When we substitute turkey for beef in

a pot of chili, we‘re taking better care of our own

 bodies and conserving more than 600 gallons of wa-

ter that would be used to feed the beef. Our daily

decisions can have a big impact for good in our 


Thank you, Lord, for Richard and his view

of our work.

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald 

The Vicar’s Discretionary Fund 

The Vicar‘s discretionary fund is a checking

account that Pastor Sally uses exclusively to address

urgent pastoral needs. For example, several months

ago a woman came to the parish office with 2 pre-

scriptions that she couldn‘t get filled because she

lacked the $3 co-pay for each one. Pastor Sally used

$6 from the Vicar‘s discretionary account to pay

Walgreens for the medications. The discretionary

account has also bought gas for stranded travelers and

diapers, soap, and baby shampoo for a struggling

young mother on food stamps. Food stamps cannot

 be used for non-food items. Cash is required to pur-

chase diapers, toilet paper, and hygiene products.

Up until now Pastor Sally‘s discretionary fund

has only had money in it if a parishioner specificallycontributed to it. In December the Bishop‘s Commit-

tee voted to deposit the ―loose plate‖ collected on the

1st Sunday of each month into the Vicar‘s discretion-

ary fund, beginning in February 2012. ―Loose

 plate‖ are the loose bills and coins placed in Sunday‘s

collection bowl.

Putting the 1st Sunday‘s loose plate into the

Vicar‘s discretionary account will enable Pastor Sally

to more readily respond to people in desperate need.If you have any questions about this, please

feel free to talk to Pastor Sally or Treasurer Suzanne


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The Guardian Angel

Afloat between lives and stale truths,

he realizes

he‘s never truly protected one soul, 

they all die anyway, and what good

is solace,

solace is cheap. The signs are clear:

the drooping wings, the shameless thinking

about utility

and self. It‘s time to stop. 

The guardian angel lives for a month

with other angels,

sings the angelic songs, is reminded

that he doesn‘t have a human choice. 

The angel of love

lies down with him, and loving

restores him his pure heart.

Yet how hard it is

to descend into sadness once more.

When the poor are evicted, he stands

 between them

and the bank, but the bank sees nothing

in its way. When the meek are overpowered

He‘s there, the thin air  

through which they fall. Without effect

he keeps getting in the way of insults.

He keeps wrapping

his wings around those in the cold.

Even his lamentations are unheard,

though now,

in for the long haul, trying to live

 beyond despair, he believes, he needs

to believe

everything he does takes root, hums

 beneath the surfaces of the world.

 —  by Stephen Dunn from New and 

Selected Poems (W.W. Norton). 

Tom & John Sons of Paddy Wrob

Judy Parishioner 

Sam & Jan Parents of Della Hosutt

Bob Brother of Barb Sacco

Peter Friend of Paddy Wrob

Mimi Daughter of Paddy Wrob

Bethany Granddaughter of Dale Herzberg

Mary Friend of Della Hosutt

Don Cousin of Debbie Pizzella

John Parishioner 

Bob Brother of Dan Merideth

Gail and Cody Sister and nephew of Cory Lawson

Margot and TreseaFriend and friend‘s granddaughter 

of Brigitte Jung


Joanne Friend of Patrick Wrob

Brian Friend of Michael Booker 

Dennis Friend of Michael Booker 

Dan Parishioner 

Judy Sister of Debbie Pizzella

Jimmy Friend of Tony Weaver 

Prayer List

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Our Children’s Reflections on

God and the Gospel

What kind of Good News would you like to hear?

We went to the zoo.

We went to the Arch.

We went to Toys-R-Us.

We are going to write Good News.

I can‘t write letters. 

Jesus is a good companion when you feel


Jesus is always forgiving you when you

do something wrong.

God was born.

Jesus loves to hear your music.

 A play was performed in which the stern prophet 

released the slaves. Everyone

danced. The prophet said:

Did you notice that I did-

n‘t dance? That‘s because

 prophets are serious. They

don‘t dance. And neither do


What’s one thing you can do

to take care of creation?

Pick up litter.

Plant seeds and stuff.

I have an apple seed.

I have a cat whose hair is the same as


Feed aminals.

Yellow for the bee.

Pick up recycling.

God gave us the materials to build


What are stars made of?

They‘re made out of plastic stuff. 

The sun is made out of hotness and if 

you touch it, part of your finger will

fall off.

Venus is hotter because it has a force

field around it.

Shooting stars are God‘s creation, butthe back is a meteor.

Without light we can‘t see. 

St. Francis’ Spiritual Offer-

ings during the Week

Mondays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the parish

house (210 S. Central) we gather for prayer.

We pray for the people of St. Francis‘,

those who haven‘t joined us yet, those on our 

 prayer list, the needs of our community, and the

world. We close each session at 6:05-6:15 p.m.

with Night Prayer.

Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Parish House 

(210 S. Central) we study the Bible readings ap-

 pointed for the upcoming Sunday.

Please join us for these meetings whenever you can, whether weekly or once in a while. All

are welcome.

 Birthdays in February 

Carly Champlin, February 1

Carroll Dick, February 4

Sally Weaver, February 4

Chris Freund, February 16

Maxine Heller, February 16

George Vits, February 17

Dan Card, February 19

Ed Kindley, February 22

Have we missed an

important date for 

you or your fam-

ily? Make sure the

Parish Administra-

tor has all the im-

 portant dates for 

you in the church


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Recipe of the Month

Barley-Apricot Salad

 From Food Network Kitchens

Our February recipe, delicious for the whole

family‘s Valentine‘s Day Dinner, is both heart-healthy

and hearty enough to satisfy that cold-weather cravingfor comfort food.

Prep Time:

20 min

Inactive Prep Time:

10 min

Cook Time:

30 min




4 servings



2 cups chicken or vegetable broth, low-sodium

canned, or homemade

1 cup barley

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 cup chopped dried apricots

1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted

1/2 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 scallion (white and green parts), thinly sliced


1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 teaspoons honey

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


Bring broth to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add

the barley, oil, and salt. Bring back to a boil, adjust

heat to maintain a gentle simmer, cover and cook 

until tender, about 30 minutes. Remove from the

heat, add the parsley, almonds, apricots, scallionsand cinnamon. Let stand, covered, for 10 minutes


Meanwhile make the dressing:

Whisk the lemon juice, honey, salt, and pepper in a

small bowl. Gradually whisk in the oil, starting with

a few drops and then adding the rest in a steady

stream, to make a smooth dressing.

Drain excess liquid from barley, if needed. Transfer 

to a bowl and toss with the remaining salad ingredi-

ents and dressing. Serve warm or at room tempera-


St. Francis’ is Honored by Oxfam 

In the fall we recognized World Food Day with

a luncheon and an Adult Forum presentation about fair 

and sustainable food sources. Steve Strathearn sent

 photos of our event to Oxfam. On Dec 6, Steve Strat-

hearn received the following letter from Oxfam:

Dear Stephen,

Congratulations! Your submission of the

 photo of the November 3 adult forum at St. Francis‘ –  

Eureka in Missouri was the winner of Oxfam‘s Photo-

 book contest. Your photo was selected randomly from

over 60 entries. We are excited to send you the

 prize of handcrafts from the regions Oxfam works

in and which your volunteer efforts help to support.

Included as prizes are a silver bookmark from Peru,

a handmade bracelet from Guatemala, a silk scarf from Cambodia, and more.

Thanks so much for participating by submitting

your photo to our Photobook, and continue the

work you are doing in your community to raise

awareness and create change.


Rassa Dawson

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St. Francis’ Episcopal Church 

210 S. Central Avenue

Eureka, MO 63025

Please call or e-mail the Parish Office

(stfranch@sbcglobal.net ) with items for the cal-

endar before the last week in each month to get

on the following month’s calendar. Shaded area

indicates days Maxine is in office, from 8 till

noon, unless indicated otherwise.



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoringprogram

2 310 am Bible

Study, parish



10 am Metro IV,

St. Luke’s -


510 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am AdultForum

65:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish


6:30 pm Worship

& Music, parish


7 10 am Al-Anon

parish house

8Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoringprogram

9 1010 am Bible

Study, parish


6:30 p.m. Youth

Group, City Mu-


118:30 am Dis-

mantling Ra-


Church Cathe-


1210 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am AdultForum

135:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish


1410 am Al-Anon

parish house

6:00 pm Com. &

Mktg, parish house

15Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoringprogram

16 17 10 am Bible

Study, parish


Bishop’s Com. Re-

treat 7 pm– 9 pm



Bishop’s Com. Re-

treat 9 am—2 pm

(business meeting)

1910 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am AdultForum

1-4 pm MardiGrowl booth

205:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish


2110 am Al-Anon

parish house

6:00 pm Market-

ing and Comunica-


22Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoring


23 2410 am Bible

Study, parish


6:30 pm New-

comer’s dinner—Schmidt’s 


2610 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

11:30 am AdultForum

27  Chalice


5:30 pm Prayer

Group, parish


2810 am Al-Anon parish


607 pm Daisy Girl

Scout Troop, parish


8:00 p.m. RSVP via


29Office Closed

 Vicar’s Day off  

12:30 am Crafter-noon

6:30 pm Tutoringprogram

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Worship Participant Schedule February 2012

Ministry 05-Feb 11-Feb 19-FebFeb 22 AshWednesday 26-Feb

SACRISTAN Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield


Paddy Wrob & Cris-tin Selle

Sarah Branchfield &Alex Branchfield

Kristie Lenzen &Bob Smith

Barb Sacco &Bob Smith

INTERCESSOR Paddy Wrob Sue Schmidt Kristie Lenzen Sue Schmidt

CHALICE Kevin Selle Kathleen McDonald Barb Sacco Michael Booker 

ACOLYTE/CRUCIFER Rich Mayfield Kyra Jordan Alex Branchfield Kevin Selle


Jerry Smith & JudyCody

Stevie Sewell &Linda Doolittle

Brigitte Jung & Ste-vie Sewell Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith &Sue Schmidt

USHER Bob Smith Michael Booker Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Nick Sacco


Bob Champlin &Jim Eckhardt

Arlene Underwood& Suzanne Jones

Bob Smith & JimEckhardt

Rich Mayfield &Bob Champlin


Cookies by Rasmus-sens

Debbie Pizzella& Dan Merideth

St. Francis’ Book Group The St. Francis‘ Book Group will continue to

meet through 2012. This year we will alter the

schedule, meeting the third Thursday of every other  

month from 6:30-8:00 pm at the parish house. The

time and date are subject to change so please watch

for any schedule changes in the announcements or in

The Chalice.

Our book choice for March will be The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. This short novel by the author of Tuesdays with

Morrie, tells the story of Eddie, a maintenance man at a small amusement

 park who feels trapped in a meaningless life. Through a tragedy Eddie

dies on his 83rd birthday. With the help of five people who died before

him, some loved ones and others strangers, Eddie uncovers the unseen

connections in his earthly life.

I think this short fable will touch your heart. We will meet to dis-

cuss this book on March 15th. Hope to see you there. 


RSVP (Robe and

Slippers Virtual Prayer) --

which is group Evening

Prayer from our own homes

using webcams and Skype -

- will occur on the last

Tuesday of the month at 8


Our next RSVP is

February 26 at 8 p.m. If 

you‘d like to participate,

 please send an e-mail or 

talk to Jackie Selle


who hosts the call.

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Thanks from St. Francis’ Outreach Partners 

Youth Group Donation to LongMeadow Rescue Ranch

Youth Group donation to Heifer International

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Donation from the St. Francis‘ Con-

gregation to the annual United Thank 

Offering (UTO) Drive

A thank you for the gen-

erosity of the St. Francis‘

congregation and the

very hard work of Paddy


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The Chalice Page 18   www.stfranciseureka.com

St. Francis’ In-Depth

If you would like more details about St. Francis‘ finances, the

Bishop‘s Committee meetings, and the Vicar‘s activities, please see the

 bulletin board in the lower level of the Lodge. There you will find two

month‘s worth of:

Bishop‘s Committee meeting minutes;

Monthly financial reports;

Treasurer‘s commentary;

Vicar‘s activity reports. 

Additionally, on the Sunday immediately following the Bishop‘s Committee meeting which is on

the third Sunday of the month, the financial results for the previous month will be reported in the bulletin


Financial Update — December 2011 

December 2011

Budgeted for


YTD 2011


YTD 2011


Total Income $ 8,743 $ 8,845 $109,942 $ 106,162

Total Expenses 9,973 9,527 100,923 106,162

Difference $ (1,230) $ (682) $ 9,019 $ 0

Checking Account — Rockwood Bank $ 12,983

Balance in Edward Jones Money Market 1,663

Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 4,321

Custodial account held by the Diocese 26,000

Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 3,260

If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar. Pastor Sally values input and is happy to have a conversa-tion at any time about St. Francis‘. 

Prayer for St. Francis’ 

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family. Living

God, infuse us with your love. Enable us to proclaim the good news of Je-

sus Christ to all whom we meet through our actions, our thoughts, our 

words. Make St. Francis' Church a place of invitation and welcome, a safe

harbor and a beacon of the light of Christ. Amen.