Feature News Releases

Post on 06-May-2015

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This lecture focuses on the creation of feature press releases in public relations.

Transcript of Feature News Releases

Feature Press Releases

Chapter 6

PR 313

Tip Sheets

A tip sheet can be used to communicate simple tips and hints to the media and public

Ideally, these form the basis of a story “How-to” guides Helpful hint features

Top 10 Lists

Top 10 lists can be used as a way to get attention for your client

Service Journalism

A type of journalism that serves as “useful” to readers “News you can use” You can pitch editors ideas and tips that they can

pass on to the reader

Service Journalism Examples

Chicago Tribune “The Mercury Menace” News.com “Separating Myth from Reality in

ID Theft” Prevention.com “Walk Your Way Challenge” The Seattle Times “License to Harm”

Feature Releases

Different from news releases More creative “Soft news” Less time sensitive

Feature Releases

Provides more info to consumer Spotlights something “useful” to consumer Gives background on client Humanizes a situation or event Generates publicity for something that might

not be considered “newsworthy” by traditional standards

Types of Features

Case Studies Application Stories Research Studies Backgrounders Personality Profiles Historical Pieces

Case Studies

Shows how the client’s product or service was used successfully

Goal is to influence perception of client as having a positive impact

Application Story

Tells how to use a new product Tells how to find a new use for an existing

product Details the application of the product in a

successful way Outlines how a customer uses a product or

service to do something faster, better or cheaper

Research Study

Surveys and polls can provide opportunities for features

Personality Profiles

Profiles of executives or celebrities are popular with readers and publications

Historical Pieces

Anniversaries and major changes in a company can garner media attention

Parts of a Feature

Headline The Lead The Body Summary Photos and Graphics


20 words or less Use the name of the client in the headline, if

the client is well-known Can be informational Can be playful, if appropriate

Sample Headlines

Work and Money Problems Are One Big Headache (Tylenol)

New Parents Need the Scoop on Cat Litter (Swheat Scoop Litter)

Help Your Teen Put His Best Face Forward

The Feature Lead

Used to attract attention May be creative

Unusual aspect of the product or service May offer a problem-solution

Body of the Feature

May be different than the inverted pyramid structure

Can be longer than a traditional news release Strong emphasis on quotes Includes descriptive words and examples May contain an entertaining narrative


Wrap up the press release with a concluding paragraph that summarizes the key points

Midterm Review

Covers: Ch. 1 – Preparing for Writing Ch. 2 – Persuasive Writing Ch. 3 – Legal and Ethical Guidelines Ch. 4 – Finding and Generating News Ch. 5 – News Releases and Fact Sheets Ch. 6 – News Features Ch. 11 – Working with the Media Ch. 18 – Program Planning

Midterm Review

The test will consist of written response/Writing examples Open-book/notes/Internet access Worth 60 points