FBI Summary of Activities of Flight 11 Hijackers from 9/11 Commission Files

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Transcript of FBI Summary of Activities of Flight 11 Hijackers from 9/11 Commission Files

8/14/2019 FBI Summary of Activities of Flight 11 Hijackers from 9/11 Commission Files

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Mohammed AttaBiographical InformationTimeline

AbdulAziz Al OmanBiographicalInformationTimeline

Satam A l SuqamiBiographical InformationTimeline

Waleed Al ShehriBiographical Inform ationTimeline

Wail Al ShehriBiographical InformationTimeline


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(LES) On September 11,2001, at approximately 7:59 a.m., American Airlines (AA)Flight#11 ,a Boeing 767 aircraft, departed from Log an International Airpo rt, Boston M assachu setts, bou ndfor Los Angeles, California, with81 passengers and11 crew mem bers on board. Five Middle

Eastern males using box cutters and possibly mace or pepper spray hijacked th eflightapproximately 14 minu tes into theflight. The FBI hasidentified fivehijackers aboard Fligh t11.They are MOHAMED ATTA, date of birth September1, 1968 (Seat8D , Business Class);ABDUL AZIZAL OMARI,date of birth May 28, 1979 (Seat8G, Business Class);SAT AM ALSUQA MI, dateof birth June 28,1976 (Seat 10B, Busines s Class); W AL EEDAL SHEHRI,dateof birth December20,1978 (Seat 2B, First Class); and WA IL AL S HEH RI, date of birth July 31,1973 (Seat 2A, First Class).

(LES) The cockpit voice recorderfrom th e flight has notbeen recoveredfrom th e crash site. Anunknownindividual keyedth e microphone that comm unicated withthe Air Traffic ControlTower and thefollowing informationwas recorded. Towerwas trying to verify if Flight#11was trying to contact th e Tower. The personon Flight#11 , not further identified, stated th efollowing:W e have some planes. Just stayquietand you will be o.k. We are returningto theairport. TheTower tried to verify again if F light#11 was trying to contact the Tower. Theperson on Flight#11 stated th e following:Nobody move, everythingis o.k. If you try tomakean y moves you will injure yourselfand theairplane. L et's stay quiet.The person on Fl ight#11then stated: Nobody move please,we are going back to the airport. Don'ttry to make an y stupidmoves.

(LES) Interviews of em ployees of theairline revealed threepre-crash telephone calls with thefollowingdetails pertainingto the takeoverof the aircraft. BETTY ONG advised Ope rations

SpecialistNYDIA GONZALEZ that she was Fligh t Attendant Num ber 3 on F light11 . (RAYCORNELLSCOTT, manageron duty at the InformationCenterfo r Am erican A irlineswasadvisedof the Emergency phone call and listened to the call.) ONG stated the individu al whowas seated in 9B appeared to be dead. Fligh t Attendant Nu mb er1 was stabbed, in seriouscondition and h adbeen placed on oxygen. Fligh t Attendant Num ber 5 had also been stabbed, butwas notdescribed as being in serious condition.ONG relayed thata passengerwho wasseatedin 10B was currently in the cockpit. The passenger's namewas provided and phoneticallyreported as SAMIRAL ASAQUAMI(SATAM AL SUQAMI). ONG advised that passeng ersseated in seats 2A, 2B and 10 B participatedin the takeover of Flight 11. These individuals wereidentifiedby themanifest as Passenger2A , WAIL AL SHEH RI; Passenger2B as WALEED ALSHEHRIand Passenger 10 B asSATAM AL SUQAMI. ONG advised the First Classpassengers had been moved to the coach section but did notspecify if this was done by theflightcrew or the hijackers. ONG began explaining thatth e plane was rapidly descendingand that theywere going down fast. Thereafterthe phone callwas disconnected. SCOTT lookedat theclockwhich indicated the time was approximately8:43 a.m.

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(LES)MICHAEL WOODWARD,AA Flight Service Manager, Boston, receiveda telephone callfrom AA F light 11. Th e caller was flight attendantAMY SW EENEY.According toWOODWARD, SWEENY's call camefrom either a cell telephone or an air phon e on theaircraft. SWEENEY told W OOD WA RD that the flight had been hijacked and the num ber oneflight attendant had been stabbed. The number one flight attendant was in the first class section

-of the aircraft. The num ber five flight attendant had also been stabbed in the businessclasssection of the aircraft. Ac cording to SWE ENY, the numb er five attendant'sinjury was not lifethreatening. SW EENY also relayed that one hijacker cut the throat of a passenger inbusiness-class, this passengerwas believed to have diedas a result of his wound. SWEENY believedthere werethree hijackers in thebusiness class section of the aircraft. All three hijackers wereofMiddleEastern decent. At least one of the hijackers spoke English very well. SW EEN Ydescribedthe atmosphere in theaircraft as calm while the hijacking was carried out. At onepoint,the hijackers entered the cockpit, the plane changed direction and began to descendrapidly. Du ring the descent phase, SW EENY attempted to contact the cock pit; she did not get aresponse. W OO DW AR D asked SW EENYif she could tell where they were. SW EENYresponded "I see water; I see buildings. Oh my God; Oh my God." Nofurthercommunicat ion

was received from SWEENY; the telephonecall ended.

(LES) It has been determined that MOHA MM ED ATTA w as both the pilot and the leader of theFlight #11 team. ATTA is the only hijacke r associated with this flight that is known to haveformally received flight training.

(LES) The conspiracy to hijackaircraft in the U.S. and to use them as weap ons of massdestruction is believedto have evolvedin Germany between1996 and 1999. ATTA and theidentified leaders of flights#175 and #93, MA RW AN AL SHEHH I andZIAD JARRAH,respectively, as well asRAMZI MOHAMEDABDULLAHBINALSHIBH, associated togeth erat the Technical University in Ham burg, Germ any for several years (BINALSHIBH is currentlywanted byGerman authoritieson an arrest warrant rela tingto the hijacking). Duringthisperiod,ATTA w as involved in studies regar ding urban planning .

(LES) ATTA is known to have pursuedflight training in the U.S. as early as March 2000, whenhe madee-mail Internet inquiriesfrom Germ any to several flight schools in theU.S. In May2000,ATTA was issued an Egyptian passport in Hamburg, Germany to replace his passport,which he claimed had been lost. Following issuanceof B1/B2visa, he arrived at Newark,NewJersey from RuzyneAirport, Czechoslovakia on June 3, 2000. His arrival to the United Stateswas only four days after that of MARWAN AL SHEHHI (Flight175),who had arrived aboardSabenaAir Flight 537 on May 29,2000, to Newark,New Jersey, from the United Arab Em irates

(U.A.E.)via Belgium. As ofJune 4,2000, a cellular phone subscribedto ATTA wasoperational. ATTA used the address of a Norman Oklahoma,flight school as his billing address.Th e numerous telephone calls madeby ATTA and AL SHEHHI duringhis firstmonth in theU.S. are currently being investigatedto ascertain their movementsan d contacts during thisperiod.

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(LES) On July 2, 2000, ATTA and AL-SHEHHI traveledto Norman, Oklahoma ostensiblytoevaluatethe programoffered through the Airman 's Flight School (AFS). A lthoug h they stayedthe first night forfree at a hotel paid for by AFS, they did no t enroll atAFS. Instead, ATTAbegan training atHuffmanAviation in Venice, Florida on July 7, 2000. ATTA and AL-SH EH HI

both obtained theirpilot's licenses, in strumen t certifications, and comm ercial pilo t certificates inthe Fall and Winter of 2000at HuffmanAviation.

(LES)ZACARIASMOUSSA OUI, asuspected associateof thehijackers, also listedAFS as hisintended address upo nhis arrivalin theU.S. in 2001. MOUSSAOUIfirstcontactedAFSsometimeafter February2001,inquiring aboutflight training. He subsequently beganflightlessonson August 13, 2001. The fact he hadrequestedto on ly learnhow to fly aplane and nottake off or land broug ht him to the attention of the authorities. He was arrested o n an INSviolationon Aug ust 16, 2001, and is prese ntlydetainedin the Southern District of New Yo rk(SONY).

(LES) ATTA and AL-SHEH HI departed Oklahom a on or about July 5, 2000, and mov ed to FortLauderdale,Florida, where they opened a joint acco unt at Sun Trust Bank and de posited $7,000into the account, on July 7, 2000. ATTA remainedin flight trainingat HuffmanAviationand fora short time with Jones Aviation Incorporated throughoutthe remainderof 2000. On December29th or30th, 2000, both ATTA and AL-SHEHHI receivedflight simulator training for 727 classaircraftat SimCenter, Opa-Locka, Florida.It isbelieved that ATTA resided exclusivelyin theSouthFlorida area during this time period.

(LES) On January3, 2001, ATTA dep artedthe U.S.en routeto Madrid Spain, returningto theU.S. on January 10 ,2001. His activitiesin Spainare notknownat this time.

(LES) On January25 , 2001,ATTA and AL-SHEHH I m oved temporarilyto Norcross, Georgia,where ATTA v isited the Advanced Av iationFlightTraining School inLawrenceville,Georgia.He subsequently performeda checkflight in orderto rent an aircraft. It is believed that AT TAand AL-SHEH HI remained in the Atlanta, Geo rgia area for additional training through Feb ruaryand March 2001. However, it isduring this time period thata crop duster pilot located at theBelle Glade Airportin Belle Glade, FloridaidentifiedATTA as thepersonwho inquired aboutthe purchasean d operationsof crop dusters.In additionto this ATTA sighting,it hasbeenconfirmedthat ATTA, using the namesAW AID EL SAVED andMOHAMEDEL SAYED,along with AL-SHEHHI, traveled on February 19, 2001 to Virginia Beach, Virginia. OnFebruary20,2001 they openeda mail box at theMail Depotin Virg inia Beach. They departed

the area on February 20th, subsequently withdrawing $4,000from their Sun Trust accountat aSun Trust Bankin Virginia Beach, Virginia priorto their departure.The trackingof ATTA's pre-paid telephone card placedhim inStone Mountain, Georgiaone daylater. The purposeof the tripto VirginiaBeach is unknown.

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(LES) ATTA and AL-SH EHH I returned to the Virginia Beach area from April 3 to Ap ril 4,2001, during which they closed the mail box and w ithdrew $8,000 fromtheir Sun Trust accountat a Virginia Beach branch.On May11, 2001, records indicate that AL-SHEHHI deposited$8,600 back into the account and on May22,2001,ATTA deposited $3,400 back into theaccount Both of these deposits were madein Florida.

(LES) From June until September 11, 2001, investigation determined that ATTA conductedextensivetravel. ATTA traveledto the followingareas; Florida; Boston; New York; NewJersey;Las Vegas, Nevada;Baltimore/Washingtonarea;and Madrid, Spain. During this timeperiod,it isbelieved ATTA communicated withthe other highjackers.

(LES) On June 28th,2001,ATTA made thefirst of two known trips to Las Vegas, Nev ada. Areviewof ATTA's Internet account revealed he utilized the Internet extensiv ely durin g his stay inLas Vegas. The purpose of ATTA's travel to Las Vegas is unkn ow n, and no evidence has beendeveloped sugg esting the other hijackers w ere in Las Vegas durin g this sam e period. Theflightto Las Vegas was a United Airlinesflight from Boston's Logan Airport via San Francisco.Recordsindicate thisis the first time that ATTAflew out ofLoganand this travelmay have beenthe first overt reconnaissanceof LoganAirportby a Flight#11 hijacker.

(LES)On July 1, 2001, ATTA returnedto Boston's Logan Airport,and imm ediately purchasedaone-wayticketto JFKAirportin NewYork. AL OMARIarrivedat JFKAirporton June 29,2001. It is believed that ATTAmet with AL OMARIin NewYork/NewJersey m etropolitanarea as investigation showed that ATTA ,AL OMARI, NAW AFAL-HAZMI(Flight 77),SALEMAL-HAZMI(Flight 77),KHALID AL-MIHDHAR(Flight 77), AHM ED ALG HA MD I(Flight 175)and MAJED MOQED (Flight77) allpurchased identificationsat Apollo TravelinPaterson,New Jersey in July 2001. ATTAsubsequentlyflew out of theNewark Airporton July3,2001 andreturnedto Florida.

(LES) On July 7, 2001,ATTA departedfrom Miamifor Zurich, Switzerland,on aticketpurchased from Ap ollo Travel. ATTA traveled from Z urich to Mad rid, Spain, onJuly 8, 2001,and returned to the U . S. from Madrid on July19,2001.

(LES) On August 13, 2001, ATTA madea second trip to Las Vegas. On August 14, 2001,ATTA,HANIHANJOUR(Flight 77) and NA WA F AL-HAM ZI (Flight 77)left Las VegasAirporton flightsdepartingone half hour apart. Records indicate that ATTAwas theonlypersonto check into a hoteland rent a car.

(LES) ATTA generally traveled alone.The remainingfour hijackers traveled together,ortraveledin pairs with other hijackers.For example,on April23,2001, WALEEDAL SHEHRIand SATAM AL SUQAMIenteredthe United States aboardthe same flight. WAIL AL SHEHRIenteredthe United States aboardthe same flight asAHMEDAL HAZNAWI(Flight 93). In thedays leadingup to September11th, there w ere confirmed sightingsof allfive hijackersin and

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around the FortLauderdale/HollywoodInternational Airport. On September4 th , 2001, ATTAsent a Federal Express packageto theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE). Thefive-hijackersof FlightII subsequently departedfrom Fort L auderdaleon successive daysto Boston. W AILandWALEEDAL SHEHRI departed for Boston on September5th; AL OMARI and AL SUQ AMIdeparted for Boston on September6th; and ATTA departed on a flight to Baltimore WashingtonInternational Airport (BWI) on September7th. On September8th, ATTA wire transferred$5,000 and $2,860 to the UA E from twolocationsin Laurel,MD.

(LES) Upon their arrival in Boston, WA LEED AL SHEHRI, WA IL AL SHEHR I, AL OMA RIandAL SUQAMI checked intothe Park Inn, Newton,MA onSeptember9, 2001. WALEED ALSHEHRI unsuccessfully attempted to wire transfer $5,000 to the UA E. On S eptemb er 10,2001,at 7:25 p.m., a wire transfer for the am ount of $5,000 was successfully com pleted to MU STA FAAHMED. At 8:14 p.m., the calling cardin WA LEED's possession (888-873-6592),was used tocall tw o unidentified num bersfrom a Brighto n, Massachusetts, payph oneand wasthen usedtocall theUAE. It is believed that the call to the UAE was pla ced toconfirmthe receipt of the wire

transfer.(LES) ATTA flew into Bostonfrom BWI onSeptember9, 2001,and went to the Milner Hotelwhere he met with A L- SHEHHI, (F ligh t #175). A telephonic message on S eptemb er 9,2001,recovered fro mATTA's cellular telephon e,from ZIADJARRAH,(Flight 93) has JAR RA Hreferringto ATTA as "boss." ATTA andAL-SHEHHIwere seen departing the Milner Hoteltogether in the evening of Septem ber 9th carrying a black bag. They w ere seen again toge ther atBoston Logan International A irport where they usedan ATM machine located inside Termina l"C." ATTA and AL SHEHHI were subseq uently seen returning to the hotel together. They wereobserved by hotel staff having breakfast together on September 10,2001.

(LES) On September10th, at 12:33p.m., ATTA departed the Milner Hotel, picked upAL OMA RI at the Park Inn and drove to Portland, Maine. They checked into the Co m fort Innin South Portland. ATTA and AL OMARI were observed together on several occasions in thePortlandarea on theeveningof September 10th.

(LES) OnSeptember 11th at 6 a.m., ATTA and AL OMA RI boarded aU.S. Air flightdepartingPortland,Maine, to Boston's Logan Airport. They were both carrying black shoulder bags wh entheypassed through security. W hen ATTA arrived at Logan Airp ort, he received a telepho necall on hiscellular telephonefrom a payphone located inside Terminal"C". This callis believedto have originated from one of the Flight 175 hijackers who were waiting to board F light175whichwas boarding in Terminal"C".

(LES)The hijackers from Flight#11 all purchased one-way ticketsin either First C lassorBusiness Class. The seats that were selectedhad adirect lineof sight with each otherand withthe cockpit door. WALEEDAL SHEHRIANDWAIL AL SHEHRI occupiedthe first two seatsinRist Class. The cockpit doors were easily accessiblefrom these seats. ATTA and ALOMARIoccupied the twomiddle seatsof thesecond row inBusinessClass, and ALSUQAMIsat in theaisle seat in thenext to last row inBusinessClass. Flight 11 was clearedfor takeoffat

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7:59 a.m. and diverted course at8:13 a.m. Flight11 crashed into the North Tower of the WorldTrade Centerat 8:45 a.m., resultingin the collapse of the tower at approximately 10:25 a.m.

(LES) Later in the day on S eptember11, 2001, two pieces of luggage in the nam e ofMOHAMEDATTA, which had not been loaded onto Flight 22, were recovered at Boston's

Logan Airport. A su bsequen t search of this baggage revealed items to inc lude a three pageletterhandwritten in Arabic w hich, upon translation, wasfound to contain instructions for thehijackers. Copies ofthis letter were also recoveredfrom the crash site o f Fligh t 93 and in the carregistered to NAW AFAL-HAMZIthat was found at Dulles International Airport.

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Hijacker of American Airlinesflight #11, SEAT 8D(manifest)

Egyptian national

DPOB: 09/01/68, Kafir Al Shaykh,Egypt (FL DL,USIC)

Languages: Arabic, English (good, accented), German



MUHAMMAD JOWAID Pers ° nal Privacy



Father: Muhammad Al Amir Awad AlSayyid Atta: Atta'sfather, DO B 2/7/30, is a lawyer.He has been described as being a "miser," violent, and very tough although not religious.

Mother:| \ has been divorcedfromhis father since 1975. \ : Atta has two sisters:| [telephonenumber

chemist. Atta would reportedly occasionally callhis sisters

Cousin: Atta listedMarwan Al Shehhi(UA 175) as a cousin on an applicatio n for flight train ing .


7/90: Atta graduatedfrom Cairo University witha Bachelors degreein Architectural Engineering

Atta informed h is fam ily that he received his "MA " in Germ any and was study ing for his "PhD"in the U.S.12/21/00: Received Commercial Pilot's license,06/19/2001,received replacemen t p ilot's

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All Residences/Contact Info:

. 401A Greensward, #204A,Del Ray Beach, Florida[Atta provided this address on his immigrationforms when he entered the United States onJuly19 , 2001, via Delta Airlines flight #109 from Ma drid, Spain. Marwan Al Shehhi (UA 175) andFayez Banihamed (U A 175) have been tied to the same address]

4890 Pompano Rd,Venice, FL 34293-7843[address also associated withSun Trust account shared with MarwanAl Shehhi; addressisassociated withHuffman Aviation which rents roomsto its flight students]

516 Laurel Rd W , Nok omis FL 34275[8/00-01/01 -associated with Su n Trust bank accou nt]

755 DotteralRoad, Apt. 1504, Del R ay Beach, Florida, FL

3389 Sheridan Street, FOB #256, Ho llyw ood,FL (Mailboxes, Etc.) (address associated w ithSunTrust account)

10001 W. Atlantic Bou levard, #34, Coral Springs, FL, 33071-000 (on FL DL)[is an apartment office of subject-Informationfound in files at the apartmentoffice indicatesthatATTA uses an alias of Moham ed El Sayed; an address of AM ZentrumsHaus ,#2, Hamburg,Germany, and a telephone number of 941-350-9792.

MilnerH otel, Boston, M A - Atta stayed at the hotel9/9/01-9/10/01

Comfort Inn Airport, Room 233, 90 MainMall Road, S outh Portland, ME 04106 - Atta stayed atthe hotel the nigh t of 09/10/2001 and checked out on'09/11/2 001.

3419 Virg inia Beach Bo ulevard, # C-24, Virg iniaBeach, VA[a P.O. Box jointly rented by Moham ed Atta and Marwan Al Shehhi (UA175) from 2/20/01 to4/4/01]

1818 Jackson Street #3 A, Hollyw ood, Florida[provided to Virginia Beach PostOffice as a forwarding addressfo r Atta and Al Shehhi]


AM ZentrumsHaus, #2 , Hamburg, Germany.

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Marienstr. 54, 21073Hamburg-Harburg[a former addressof Atta-currentlyassociated withRamzi Binalshibhj

HR [USDS cable dated9/13/2001]

Postlagernd 20146, Hamburg, Germany[from emails to Lakeland, FLflight school]

Email/associated address:

MOHI2345@EMIRATES.NET, PO BOX 17219, UAE971-351-5925[unconfirmed but possiblyidentical to subject Atta]

mo hpilot_atta@ ho tmail.com (internet tip,ID 75790)

mohamedatta@hotmail.com (signedup on 6/22/01)

eyn72@hotmail.com(from email with Lakeland,FL flight school)

moham edatta2001 @ yahoo.com

elamir@tu-harburg. de


10/1/90-2/1/90:Atta workedfor an urban developm ent centerin Cairo in the area of architecturaldesign

Hay Computing service, Sollredder6 street, 21465, W entorf, Germany: Atta, Muhamm adBelfas,Ramzi Binalshibh, Joseph Zammar (Bornin Aleppo, Syria), MounirEl Motasadeq havebeen determined to have been em ployed in the past by this com pany(NFI)

Arrests/Law Enforcem ent Contacts:

Traffic violation issuedto Atta in Broward Countyon 04/26/2001for driving withouta license.(LES)A query of Hollywood, FL police data revealed that Atta receiveda parking ticketinHollywood, FL on 5/1/2001 in the 300 block of Ocean and McC lelland.

Passports/IDs with INS, DOS, Customs:

Egyptian Passport No. 1617066, DO 5/8/00

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EgyptianPassportNo.354844,DO 5/25/92

Egyptian PassportNo. 243898,DO 1/1/98

Florida D L#A300-540-68-321-0

ADVANTAGE profile numberfrequentflyer number: 6H26L04an d possibly 1H01L56

FA A issued commercial pilots license #2638890to MohamedAtta,DOB 9/1/68, SSN999-57-7313,3389 Sheridan St, #256 Hollywood,FL 33021 or 516LaurelRd, W. Nokomis,FL 33021,941-685-0468

EgyptianPassportNo. 1617066 visa to enter the US issued5/18/2000in Berlin, Germany

CzechVisa #562206, issued June1, 2000, va lid until June20, 2000 (locatedin Passport

#1617066)Enteredthe US on6/3/2000,1/10/2001,and 7/19/2001


Mu stafa Ah m ed (a possible UB A associate) in U.A.E.-to wh om Atta sent several mon eytransfersand aFEDEX package.

Zakariya Essabar (DOB-4/3/7V)- Atta previou sly sharedan apartment with E ssabarat Marienstr. 54,Hamburg, Germany.

DPOB,11/08/1968.Egypt, was aclose associateof MohammedAll A rrom college daystogetheratCairo Un iversity.I |,a US citizen basedin Winterpark,FL workedas a civil engin eerinLebanon afterhis graduationfrom Cairo University. ~JS wife informed.FBI Tampaagentsduring September 2001 interviewsthai I had met up with At ta /whomheknewas Mohamed El Amir, in New York oncein 1996(NFI).I ""[resided a t - l I

| "Tfrom 07/01/1996TO 1 1/01/1996.FBI Tampa interviewed andpolvgraphedl Iduringthe week following the incidents of9/11/01<| [passedthe polygraph an d voluntarilysubmittedto searchesof his Residence,car andcqrhputer.

I l-An associate of Atta's from days togethera ^ Cairo University currently basedinVancouver,BC. ' " - - . . . . ' • •• ._' • • • . \ j ! // /

Said Bafaaji (DOB:7/l5/75;Haseluenne,Xjermany) -Bahaji lived with Mohamed AttainHamburg, Germany. Bahajiis believedto haye traveled ^ Pakistanvia Istanbul, Turkeyon

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\w Enforcement Sensitive9/3/01. Gtermanauthorities haveissued a national alertfor Said Bahaji.

Ramzi Bina1shibh(404^718-89-9042) Binalshibhis a close associateof Atta and Ziad Jarrah(UA flight #9$) from Germany.

I 1(1 \'\s identifiedas an emergency contact by Atta andAl Shehhiwhen signingup for aone-month membershipin a health clubin Decatur,G A


Joint Suntrust Bank account[#0573000259772]of M ohamedAtta and Marwan AlShehhi

Visa Debit Card:4011 8008 4050 7778 (associated with shared accountof Marwanal ShehhiatSuntrust)

Finances/Accounts- Continued:

Wire Transfersto Suntrust bank account #0573000259772 sharedby Atta/MarwanAl Shehhi(UA#175):

7/19/00: $9,985.00 sent byIsam Mansur through U.A.E. Exchange Centre,Attn: SK Shetty,SHHamdanSt, PO Box 170, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

8/7/01: $9,485.00 sent from Isam MansurthroughU.A.E. Exchange Centre, Attn: SK Shetty,SH HamdanSt, PO B ox170, Ab u Dhabi, U.A.E.

8/30/00:$19,985 sent from Mr. Ali via U.A.E. Exchange Centre11C,Attn: SK Shetty, SHHamdanSt/PO Box 170, Abu Dhabi U .A.E.

9/18/00: $69,985 sent from Hani(Fawar Trading) through U.A.E.Exchange Centre 11C, AttnSK Shetty,SH HamdanStreet/POBox 170, AbuDhabi, U.A.E.

Wire Transfers to U.A.E. - Atta sent two wire transfers fromLaurel, MD to a MustafaAhmed:

9/8/01: $2,860: to Mustafa Ahmedat W all Street Exchange,Diera Central Center Bu ilding,NAIF, PO Box3014, Dubai, U.A.E.

9/8/01: $5,000: to Mustafa Ahmedat Wall Street Exchange,Sharjah-AlArooba Street,Sharjah,U.A.E., 716-800-6008


Law Enforcement Sensitive

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

Allstate Insurance Com pany documents forMohamedAtta's 1989 Pontiac Grand P rix,V IN1G2WK14W7KP262689,policy #66112263507/07[found in the search of a P.O. Box inNorfolk,VA associated withAtta andAl Shehhi]

Phobe Num bers A ssociated with Subject/Toll records:

954-815-3004[Fayez Rashid Ahmed's (Flight#175)cell phone listed as contact # for plane ticket purchased byMohamedAtta, Waleed Al Shehri,Wail M. Al Shehri andMarwanAl Shehhi-has also beenused by Ziad Jarrah]

941-350-9792[FBI Tampa found this cell phon e in search of Atta's apartm entoffice-leasedto Atta 1/16/2001-5/26/2001]

941-685-0468[Atta and Marwan Al Shehhi used this telephone numb eron their Huffman Aviation records-FBI Tampa]

941-493-4119[FBI Tampa-Atta and Al-Shehhi used this telephone num ber on their Sun Trust Bank acco untsignature card]

[FBI-Boston-Cell phone subscribedin the nameof| (activated7/31/01,believed to be utilized by Atta] /

[FBI-Boston-Cell phon e subscribedin the name[

[Home telephone numberof Atta's father]

i <[LEGAT CAIRO-Sister, Azza's cellphonenumber] / /

040-76751830 > //[Numberassociated with Atta whenhe was in Germany, providedbvl I| ~ a former associateof Atta's in Germany- 265D-NY-280350-BN

Serial: 24] '" " --•--.......... """̂ S:̂ -.. f /"'

SignificantN umbers Contacted 9/11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y

Law Enforcement Sensitive

JICI 04/19/02 FBI03003

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Law Enforcem ent Sensitive004-917-830-53805 "[Phone numberin Germany calledby Atta from the Diana Cazador Hotel, Spain(7/8-9/2001)]

Preparation Patterns/Practices:

" Letter of Instruction: A letter found in theluggageof MohamedAtta and at UA flight #93crash site provided specific religious guidancefor thehijacking.

L a A V Enforcemen t Sensitive

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Law Enforcement Sensitive



9/1/68 Born: Ka fr El Sheikh,


Legat Cairo

July 1990


Graduated from CairoUniversity- D egree inArchitecturalEngineering,Planning and BuildingDesign

Documentsfound in Atta'sLuggage

November1992 - Fall 1999


Atta studied at Tech nicalUniversity(TU) inHamburg-Harburg

265D-NY-280350-BNSerial 49; Schooltranscriptsin luggage

January 29,1999


Atta founded an Islamicstudent groupat TU,

265D-NY-280350-BNSerial: 49

March 2000


Lakeland Flight Ac adem yreceived num erous e-mailsfrom a MohamedATTAinquir ingwh ere three(3)or four (4 ) Arabs fromGermanycould receiveadvanced flight t raining.


March 22,2000 Atta requestedinformationfrom the Airm an Flightschool,Norman, Oklahomavia internet. Attaexpressed interestin aprofessionalpilot course

265A-NY-280350-302Serial: 3364

May 8,2000


Egyptian passport1617066issued in Hamburg,Germany

Legat B erlin

May 18,2000


US Visa issuedto Atta inBerlin, Germany

Travel documents-copyof visa

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9/11 La w Enforcement P r ivacy

Law Enforcement Sensitive

June 2, 2000


Visa in Atta's passportshows entry to Czechrepublic

EC from Norfolk

June 3, 2000


Atta arrives Newark, NewJersey from Ruzyne, CzechRepublic onCeskoslovenskeAerolflight #52

Customs records, INSrecords (intended addressat Lexington hotel,N ewYork)

June 22, 2000


Atta com pleted a formrequestingflight t r a in ingat Century FlightAcademy, Morristown,N J

Copy of form request ingflight training

July 2, 2000


Atta and Al Shehhiflewfrom LGA (New York) toORD (Chicago) on AAflight 325 andcontinued toOKC (Oklahoma City)onAA flight 1497 (con tact#provided was| |

Dallas EC dated9/19/2001-AA l iaison

07/02/2000- 07/03/2000


M o h a m m e dAtta andMarwan El-Shehhi stayedat the Sooner Hotelandvisited th e Airman F l ightSchool, in No rman,Oklahoma;however, theydid not enrollat the school.

265A-NY-280350-302Serial: 3368 [302: Penner,Sooner Hotel]

July 6,2000

V E N I C E , F L O R I D A

Atta pays for flighttraining at HuffmanAviation. Atta beginsflight training onJuly 7,2001.


July 7,2000


S7,000 is deposited to ope nAtta/ Al Shehhi bankaccount, V enice,FL

Atta/Al Shehhi Sun Trustaccount records

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Law Enforcemen t Sensitive

July 7, 2000


Atta purchasesa usedPontiac Grand Prix at aused car dealer in Venice,FL

Au to registration records;interview o'f employeeofused car dealership;paperwork for purchase.

July 30,2000 Atta flies solo fo r first timeat Huffman Aviation


August-October 2000


Mo hamed A tta in flighttraining at HuffmanAviation,400 East AirportAvenue, Venice, FL

;265A-NY-280350Serial; 4234 (interview of

September 2000


Atta and Al Shehhi - Flighttraining at Jones FlyingService

Sun Tirust AccountInformat ion and 302s

September 18, 2000


Atta received temporaryPrivate Pilot's Certificate


October 4, 2000


Atta and Al Shehhi failstage I flight lesson atJones Aviation


November 1,2000


Payment to Glynco-Manning Aviation,600Connole Street, 912-264-

9200, Brunsw ick,GA

Atia/Al Shehhi Sun Trustaccount records

December 17,2000


Atta purchasedgas atWaycross/Ware County,Georgia Airportfor a twinengine Piper-7 seater w ithtail #769HA

265A-NY-28Q350-HQSeHal: 8171 [


December 20, 2000


S119.93 paym ent registeredto Wacross-Ware CountyAirport, Waycross, GA(purchase believed to havebeen madeonDecember 17,2000 byAtta)

Atta^Al Shehhi Sun Trustaccount records;(302{_

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9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Law Enfo rcem ent Sensitive

December21,2000 Atta applied for andreceived commercialpilot'scertificate (senttoNokomis,FL address)


December21 , 2000


$126.55 charge registeredat Waycross-Ware CountyAirport, Waycross, GA(purchasewas believedtohave been m ade on12/18/00 by Manvan AlShehhi)

Atta/AIShehhi Sun Trustaccount records(302[

December22, 2000 Atta and Manvan AlShehhi com plete forms

requestingflightsimulatortraining at Eagle Je tInternational-they aredenied

copies of forms completed

December26,2000 Atta landsat M i a m iInternat ional Airport-hasdifficulty l anding


December29,2000 Atta appliesfor areplacementfor hisCommercialPilot's



December29 , 2000


Atta and Al Shehhi atSimCenter, Opa-Locka, FLfor 727flight simulatortraining

265A-NY-280350-302Serial: 1177



Atta flew from Tampa, FLto Madrid, Spain on AA#7450/IberiaAirlines#6122



Atta entered MiamifromM adrid, AA flight 69 US Customs Records

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Law Enfo rcem ent Sensitive

1/25/01 Cell phone ofAtta placescall to Suburban Lodge,6067 Buford Highway,Norcross, Georgia,(770)840-7778

26SA-NYr280350Serial: 3631



An "M. El Sayed" (twoguests) is registered atSuburban LodgeinNorcross,GA (room 237).The hotel registry alsolisted a Hamburg,Germany address, vehicleta g information whichwasidentical to that provided

at Su burb an Lodge inDecatur, Georgia(below)for M ohamedEl Sayed andManvan Lekrab (akas forAtta and Al Shehhi)

265A-NY-280350Serial: 3631

265A-NY-280350-ATSerial: 141

1/31/01 and 2/6/01


Atta and AlShehhiperformed check flights atAdvanced Aviation FlightTraining in Lawrenceville,


265A-NY-280350Serial: 2097

February 5,2001 - March 5,2001

MohamedAtta ManvanAl Shehhi were membersof Everybodies Fitness&Nutrition,Decatur,Georgia, a gym at w hichmem berships were goodfor onemonth

265A-NY-280350-ATSerial: 328

26SA-NY-280350-ATSerial: 138


February 1-8, 2001


Atta, and AlSheh hi stayedat the Suburban Lodge,

1638 ChurchStreet,Decatur, GA

265ArNY-280350-ATSerial: 384

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Law Enforcem ent Sensitive

February 19,2001


Atta and Al Shehhi checkin to the Colonial Inn,2809AtlanticAvenue,Virginia Beach, Virginia

265A-NY-280350-NFSerial: 720

February 19,2001 Atta withdrew $500 fromVirginiaBeach, VA ATM

February 2001


Atta and unsubsat BelleGladeairport inquiringabou t crop dusters

265A-NY-280350-3p2_Serial: 23174 (302}

February20, 2001


Atta and AI ShehhiopenedMailboxC-24 at MailDepot,Norfolk, VA

Identified bypassports andother identifyinginformationthey providedas wellas contentsof mailbox; hotelinfo

February21, 2001


On 09/12/2001, D avidJ.Rey of the N ewYork StatePolice(phone518-485-8338) notified FBIMM thata BOLO vehiclew/ Florida licenseplateD79DDVwas checkedbyth e DeKalbCounty,GA,PD (ORI GA04421K6)on

02/21/2001. The vehicleregistration returned toMohamedAtta of 4890PompanoRoad, Venice ,Florida.

265A-NY-280350-MMSerial: 2228


Atta using AT&T callingcard calls Egyptfrompayphonein StoneMountain, Georgia

March 22,2001


Atta performed asoloflight. He was in the airfo r approximatelyonehour Advanced AviationFlight Training,Lawrenceville,GA.

265A-NY-280350Serial: 2097

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Law Enfo rcem ent Sensitive

Apri l 3, 2001 Atta and AI Shehhichecked into the Diplom atInn, 3305 Atlantic Avenue,Virginia Beach, Virginia

265A-NY-280350-NFSerial: 720

Ap ril 4, 2001


Atta and Al Shehhi closePO Box inNorfolk,VA

Mail Depot employeespositively identified Attaand Al Shehhi; banksecurity cameras, bankrecords

April 26,2001


(LES)Traffic citationissued toMoham ed At tafo r driving withoutalicense on 04/26/2001in .Date of birth and addressis identical to subject. Awoman claimingto beAtta's wife arrived atBroward CountyCour thouseon 09/11/2001and attempted to clear hisrecord. The trooper was

interviewed and positivelyidentified Atta.

265A-NY-280350Serial: 2746

May 1, 2001


Atta received parkingticket in Hollywood,Fl

FBI M iami T eleconferenceBriefing Notes, 9/14/2001,7:00 am

May 2, 2001FLORIDA

Atta obtained FloridaDriver's License

Driver's license fromFlorida

May 22,2001


Atta placesa call to ZiadJarrah's (UA #93) cellphone from a pay phoneoutside th e Greyhoundstation


M ay 22, 2001


Atta places a call from th eJackson Motel usingacalling card


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Law EnforcementSensitive

June 4, 2001


Atta applied for areplacementairman'scertificate


June 10, 2001


Rented a car to aMohamed Atta - Ft.Lauderdale, FL

ALAMO records

June 12,2001


Rented a car to aMohamed Atta - Ft.Lauderdale, FL

ALAMO records

June 19,2001


FAA re-issued com me rcial

pilots lice nse #2638890toMohamedAtta, DOB9/1/68

FAA records

June 24, 2001


A tt a r en ts a C he vy M a l ib u A LA M O re co rd s

June 27,2001


Atta had a reservation tofly Delta #2598 fromMiam i toBoston ,M A

FBI Dallas

June 28,2001


Atta purchasestw o pairs ofsunglasses from Sunglasshut at Logan Airport

receipt; also registeredinbank acco unt records o n7/2/01

June 28,2001


Atta reserved a Unitedflight departing Boston9:00am for San Franciscocontinuingon at 1:20 pmto Las Vegas (United#161/United #955)

265A-NY-280350serial 623

June 28,2001


Atta placed two calls usinga calling card fromapayphoneat SFInternational Airportto415-285-1205


Law En forcem ent Sensitive

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Law Enforcemen tSensitive

June 28,2001 (3 days)


Renteda car to aM o h a m e dAtta -Las Vegas,NV (ChevyMalibu)

ALAMO records; chargedon b a n k a c c o u n ton 7/2/01

June 29,2001


Atta checksin atEconolodge,1150 LasVegas Blvd,departson7/1/2001

Las Vegas Division

June 30, 2001 Atta accessed his em ailfrom the Cyber Cafe in LasVegas (several visits dur ingthis trip)

265A-NY-280350-DLS e r i a l :2209

July 1, 2001


Atta reservationon UAflight 2700 dep artin gLasVegas at 0600 to Denvercont inuingon flight 1220 toBoston


July 1, 2001


Atta reservationto flyDelta #6191 f rom Bos tontoJFK

FB IDallas

July 2,2001NE W YORK

Atta uses callingcard fromJFK ai rpor t


July 3, 2001


Atta reservationonDelta#2361 from NewarktoMiami

FBI Dallas

July 7, 2001 Atta departs Miam ionSwiss Air

purchased theticket f romApollotravel, Patterson, NJ

July 8, 2001


Atta purchasestw o SwissA r m y knivesat duty freeshop in Zurich,Switzerland

Sun Trust records

July 8, 2001 Atta entered M adridonflight 656 from Zurich,Switzerland

Legat Madrid

Law Enforcemen tSensitive

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Law Enfo rcem ent Sensitive

July 19,2001


Arrives in Atlanta,GA onDelta flight #109 fromMadrid, Spain

US Customs records

July 19,2001


Atta wenton to travel on

flight 454 on07/19/01, fromAtlanta to Ft. Lauderdale.


Serial: 817

July 22,2001(28 days)


Rented a car to aMohamedAtta in Ft.Laud erdale (MitsubishiGalant)

ALAMO records

July 26,2001


Atta flew Cont inenta lflight

1032 from Ft Lauderdaleto Newark,NJ

Boston EC

July 30,2001


Atta flew C ontinen tal flight1037 from New ark, NJ toFt Lauderdale ,FL (TippetTravel, BoyntonBeach,FL)

Boston EC

August 6,2001


Atta visited CentralOfficeand Travel requesting

information on flights toNY or NJ

302 9/13/01Fernandes

August6-13, 2001


Atta rents a wh ite FordEscort from Tops Rentacar

FB I M i a m i

August7-9, 2001


MohamedAtta waspositively identified aspurchasinga round tr ipairline Spirit AirlinesTicket for travel fromFt.Lauderdale,FL to Newark,NJ

(FBIHQ EC,265D-NY-280350, 9/14/2001)

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Law E nforcem ent Sensit ive

August 8,2001


Atta received a call on aNewark, NJcell site

Telephone records

August 10,2001


Atta receiveda call on aWhitePlains, N Y cell site Telephone records

August 12,2001


Atta m ay have usedacyber cafe called webstation in Fort Lee,N ewJersey

A tta 's IP address inMclean,VA



M ohamed At taflew onAmericaW est Airl inesFlight 244 departingW ashington Nat ionalat8:59am to Las Vegas

Boston E C

August13, 2001


Renta lof a car to aMohamedAtta - LasVegas(Buickcentury)-alsochecks intotheEconolodge, 1150LasVegas Blvd, room 124-checksin at 2:55 pm; hecheckedout prior to 11amon 8/14/01)

ALAMO renta l records



Atta departedLas Vegason Continental Airlinesflight 1936 fo r MiamiviaHouston

FB I Boston



Rental of blue C orsicafrom Tops RentA Car

M i a m i



Atta received callon WestPalm Beachcell site Telephone records

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Law EnforcementSensitive



Atta received call on WestPalm Beach cell site

Telephone records



Atta received a phone callfrom a Newark cell cite (FBI Boston)Newark

investigation has placedAtta at cyber cafe in FortLee,NJ

August 25-26, 2001


Atta may have used acyber cafe web station inFort Lee, New Jersey

FBI- Boston (CL 302)



Atta had a reservation onU S Airw ays #2970 fromBWI to M i a m i

FBI Boston



Mohamed Atta's creditcard was used to purchasea Leatherman util i tytoolwhich containeda knife.

M i a m i has narrowed downvideo coverage at the |LOWES registerandbelieves that the purchasercould possibly be Atta



Atta was observed usin gapay phone outside theValencia Inn, Laurel,M D

265A-NY-280350-ATSerial; 1838 (re: Atta-

|and herhusband were staying therethe weekend of 8/31/01-9/3/01)

FBI Baltimore—Jarrahcalled the Valencia Innfrom phone records

9/11 P e r s o n a l Pr ivacy

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Law Enforcement Sensitive

September 4, 2001


Atta sent a Federal Express(FEDEX) envelope from aKinko's in Hollywood, FL,to the United Arab EmiratesThe envelope was picked upby an individual identifiedonly as "AHMED." (PossiblyMUSTAFA AHMED)

A customer copy of theFEDEX Airway bill, torninto pieces, was located in thetrash associated with Room233 of the Comfort Inn, 90Main Street, So. Portland,ME, (the room occupied byAtta oil September 10, 2001).--a partial reconstruction of thetorn FedEx receiptdetermined thatMohamed Atta shipped apackage from Kinko's MailCenter in ALMOHTRAM("The respected one") at P.O.Box \, Dubai,U.A.E.



11am Atta and UAM (possibly AlOmar i ) purchase A ir Trantickets for Mohand AI Shehrian d Fayez Banihammad

265A-NY-280350-302Serial : 12432 (302:] |



12pm Atta and AIOmari at BankAtlantic, Deerfield, FL-Al Omari writes check toAtta for S1800

Boston EC, Dated 9/20/01

9/5/01 3:52pm . MohamedAtta, Mohand

Al Shehri, an d Hamza A IG h a m d i together at theSunTrust branch in Florida

security video at SunTrustBank

9/6/01 Atta cashes a check fo r55,300 in South PompanoBeach

Bank records

9/7/2001 Atta flies USA 2698 from FtLauderdale toBaltimore-ticket purchased

from Costamar travel, BocaRaton, FL

302 dated 9/24/01

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Law EnforcementSensitive



Atta, Hani Hanjour andpossibly additionalME maleswere observed at Kinkos,Laurel M D xeroxingpassports, cutting andpasting

FBI B altimore (videosurveillancewas retrievedshowing Atta and otherindividuals)



Atta receivesa call onWashington DC cell site

FBI Boston



Atta m ade two wire transfers,S5,000 to Mustafa Ahmad inU.A.E. from Laurel CenterGiant Food in Laurel , MD;an d S3,000 to U.A.E. fromSafeway in Laurel , MD

FBI Baltimore



Atta Hies on USAD3.#2979from Balt imoreto Boston,MA (@ Boston ap prox.morning)

Travelocity records



6PM Atta picks up Blue Nissan atBoston, Logan Airport

Alamo Records



Arrived at Milner Hotel,Boston, MA

Security guard 302: witnessedAtta's arrival at the hotelandmeeting with Marwan AlShehhi at room #408



Atta checked into theComfort In n Airport, Room233, 90 M ain Ma ll Roa d,South Portland, M E 04106

Information from ChoiceHotels



ATM withdrawalof $ 117.00on 9-10-01 at 5:37 pm at theComfort Inn in Portland, M E

Sun Trust bank records foraccount #0573000259772 inthe names of Moh amed Attaand Marwan Al Sheh hi

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Law Enforcement Sensitive^

9/10/01 8:41 pm

9/11/01 5:33amPORTLAND

9/11/01 5:40PORTLAND

9/11/01 5:43


9/11/01 6:00PORTLAND

9/11/01 6:53


9/11/01 7:45


ATM withdrawal from"Key Bank, 445 GorhamRoad, South Portland, Maine,04106. Security video showed

Al Om ari and Atta. TheATM card, accordingto bankrecords, was VISA creditcard, nu m be r 4909 8016 20025747, licensee:AI RajhiBanking and InvestmentCompany,Riyadh, SaudiArabia.

Atta checksout ofComfor tInn

Atta's Nissan rental entersPortland Airport parking

Atta checkstw o bags fo rUSAER flight #5930

Atta and Al Oma ri boardflight #5930

Atta receives a cell phonecall from pay phoneTerminal C, United

Atta and AI Omari passthrough security at Loganairport and board AAflight#ll

Key Bank ATM Photo

Hotel records

Parking receipt

USAIR counter clerk302-Atta and Al Om aripresent id's and clerkpositively identified Atta.Security videoalso conf i rms

Interview and plane manifest

Telephone records

Check in report andmanifest

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Law Enforcement Sensitive.


Flight Information:

SEAT 8G (according to flight manifest)


Saudi Arabian


05/28/1979, Howran, Saudi Arabia


3389 SheridanSt., #256, Hollywood,FL (Mailboxes, Etc.)

PARK INN/SUISSE CHALET HOTEL, Newton, Massachusetts: [ABDULAZIZAL OMARIand WALEED M . AL SHEHRIwere guests at this hotel]

WAYNE INN, 535 Route 23, South Wayne,NJ 7 /24-8/2/01

Quality Inn East Side Hotel, 161Lexington Avenue,New York, 10016

915 Buchanan St.#27, Arlington, VA , 22204 (used as address on application for Virginia

IdentificationCard; associated with OSCAR ARMANDO DIAZ)

Comfort Inn, Room 233,90 Main Street, South Portland, Maine

Telephone numbers:

96636940481 (Saudi Arabia/Listed onpassport)

050/5209905 (Listedas passenger contact numberfo r SALEM AL HAZMI and ALOMARI fo rSwiss Air ticket)



VISA card: 4011800840507778EXP. 7-2-02

Law Enforcement Sensitive

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Law EnforcementSensitive

(Possible connectionto VISA credit card 4909801620025747and Account #162608010366080- Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Leadset by Boston toLegat Riyadhto determinewho opened the accountand when.)

Checking account #3981000061at Hudson Bank; Visa Debit card 4158-7400-1191-3681

Bankingtransaction statement reveal subjectsMarwanAl Shehhi and Mohamed Attaelectronically transferred $200to subjectAbdalaziz A Almariaka AbdulAziz Al Oman on09/07/2001.


Saudi Passport #C0165015 (INS)

Other Identifying Info:

Internationaldriver's license (AbduazizAl-Omari) IADC -010726217(Issuedon 7/27/2001)

Virginia Identification Card (application datedand issuedon August2, 2001; 12:49 pm);Customer # listed asA69600385

ObtainsUSA ID card #3408964-Aon 7/10/01or 7/17/01 through APOL LO INTER NATION ALTRAVEL, 1009 Main Street, Patterson, NJ (Newark FD-302, dated Sept. 21,2001 Serial 11815)

Possible Associates:

9/11 Personal Pr ivacy

OSCAR ARMANDO DIAZ assisted Al Oman in applyingfor Virginia Identification CardonAugust 2,2001. Listed 915 BuchananSt #27, Arlington,VA 22204 as address. Licenseor ID#is 226-73-5585.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive.

Vehicles associated with subject:

Light blue Hyundai Accent rentalcar with an MA license plate locatedat Logan Airport CentralParkingFacility. In plain view insidethe vehicle was Milner Hotel stationary withthe nameAziz.(BS). The vehicle was rentedon 09/09/2001 byFayez Rashid Ahmed/ UAFlight #175(identifiedas Banihammed).

Event Information of Significance:

Bookedreservationon 8/28/01with AA.com (website) using ADVANTAGEProfile#6H26L04(Atta/Mohamed)which was established on 8/28/01 Ticketed withAA TDS on8/28/01using the address of 3389 Sheridan Street,#25 Florida 33021-3808

Form of payment - Visa Credit Card4011800840507778(exp. 7/02)Telephone number- 954/815-3004

Al Omari'sairline ticket for his travel on American A irlines flight#11, 9/11/01, was purchased

along with a ticket fo r MohamedAtta,who wasanothermanifestedpassenger on flight #11,9/11/01,utilizingthe same VISA card, #4011800840507778,.and m ailing addressof 3389Sheridan St., #256, Hollywood, Florida. International,New York.

Two subjects appearing identicalto AI Omari and Atta were caughton videotape usingan ATMon 9/10/01 at 8:41 pm and 8:43 pm at theFast Green ATM located in the parking lot of Uno'sRestaurantat 250 Maine M all Road, South Portland, Maine.The ATM card usedfor thetransaction was VISA credit card#4909-8016-2000-5747,licensee: AlRajhi Banking andInvestment Com pany, Riy adh, Saudi Arabia(265A-NY-280350-302Serial 11133).


(LES) Abdul RahmanAl Omari had walked in to theLegat Riyadhas scheduled. Legat Riyadhdetermined thatthe Al Omari is, in fact, the individual representedas Ab dul RahmanAl Omarion a Florida Driver's License. Legat Riyadhfurther advised that A bdu l RahmanAl Om ari arrivedin the US in July 2000 and had lived in Vero Beach before departing VeroBeach,FL on09/03/2001, arriving in Saudi Arabiaon 09/04/2001. This info rm ation indicates that actualsubject is believed to be Abd ul AzizAl Omari.

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Law EnforcementSensitive

Date Event Source -

05/28/1979 A b d u lAziz ALOMARI

born in How ran, SaudiArabia

Saudi Passport,

C165015, found inluggage forwardedfrom Portland toBoston on 09/11

06/05/2000 Issued SaudiPassportC0165015. Residenceislisted as Buraidaha,Saudi Arabia .

Saudi Passport,C165015

07/01 Exits Saud i A rab ia SaudiPassport,C165015

07/01 Enters B ah rain S a u d i Passport,C165015

07/01 Exits B ah rain S a u d i Passport,C165015

C7/02 Enters Nigeria S a u d i Passport,C165015

08/16 Exits Nigeria Saudi Passport,C165015

08/16 Enters Egypt Saudi Passport,C165015

05/06/2001 Exits Egypt Saudi Passport,C165015

05/07 Enters Malaysia Saudi Passport,C165015

05/27 Exits M alaysia Saudi Passport,C165015

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L aw Enforcement Sensitive

05/27 Enters U.A.E. Saudi Passport,C165015

06/11 Exits U.A.E. Saudi Passport,


06/11 Enters Saudi Arabia Saudi Passport,C165015

06/18 Issued B1/B2 visa at USCon sulate inJeddah,Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Passport,C165015

06/21 Exits Saudi Arabia Saudi Passport,

C16501506/22 Enters U.A.E. Saudi Passport,


06/28 Exits U.A.E. Saud i Passport,C165015

06/29 A I Omari and SalemA I H a z m i (Fit 77)arrive in US throughJFK from Zurichaboard Swiss Air Flight100. Lists address asRamada Inn, NY

Saudi Passport,C165015

07/1-7/06 A l Omari stays at theRoyal Park MotorHotel, Elmwood Park,NJ

Interview with hotelmanager, 302 dated9/13/01; 265D-NY-280350-NK Serial


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Law EnforcementSensitive

07/10 and 7/16/01 AI Omari receivesUSAID identificationcardsat A pollo InternationalTravel

ID app lications

07/24 - 08/02 Al Omari stays atW ayne Inn, W ayne,NJ,Room 207, (973) 696-2000. Lists addressas161 Lexington Ave,New York City, N Y10016.

Interview of Manager,NewarkECdated9/14/2001 Serial288

07/26 A l Omari opensanaccountw ith $100 cashat the Hu dson UnitedBan k, Totowa Bra nch ,NJ. Lists add ressas859 Main St., Paterson,NJ. This is a PO Box.

Hudson BankRecords

07/27 A l O m a r iis issuedanInternat ionalDrivers



08/02 Obtains a VA IDcardin Northern VA

ID appl icat ion

08/09, ll:00am A l Omar iand A h m e dAl G h a m d i(Fit 175)depart N ewark en routeto Miami. They travelvia Atlanta.

Boston EC dated9/21/2001 Serial 5860

08/09, 4:07pm A l Omari and A hmedA l Gha md i arr iveatMiami Airport

Boston EC dated9/21/2001 Serial 5860

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

08/28 Atta books reservationsfor AI Omari andhimself th rough the

Internet for AA Flight11.

Dallas EC dated Sept.19, 2001 Serial 838

08/30 - 09/06 A l Omar i and SatamAlSuqami(Fltll)possibly stay atSpindrift Motel,FortLauderdale, (954)563-6969. Ro om s wereregistered to Waleed A l

Shehri (Fit 11).

Miami EC dated Sept.21, 2001, Serial1392

09/05 A l Omari and Attaconduct t ransact ionsatBank A tlantic,Deerfield, FL

Bank survei l lancecamera

09/06,12:00pm A l Omari and Satam AlS u q a m i board DeltaFligh t 2462 inFort

Lauderdale boundfo rLogan Airport, Boston.

At lanta EC dated Sept.13, 2001, Serial 135

09/06, 3:20pm A l Om ari and Satam AlSuq ami arrive at LoganAirport.

Flight records

09/06, 5:40pm A l Omari checks intoRoom 225,Park Inn,Newton,MA . Waleed

A l She hri checks intoRoom433.

Boston EC dated 09/15/2001, serial1586

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Law EnforcementSensitive.

09/10,12:22pm Al Omari checks out ofthe Park Inn. \I BS EC dated 9/15/2001, drafted by

09/10, 5:43pm AI Omari (?) aiid Attacheck into the ComfortInn, Room 233,90Main St., South \ , ME.

Atta's hotel records

09/10, 8:41 & 8:43 pm Al Omari & Atta|caught on videotapeusing an ATM in SouthPortland, ME \M Video

09/11, 5:33am Al Omari (?) andcheckout of theComfort Inn.

Atta's hotel records

09/11, 5:40am Al Omari and \d Atta (Fit

11), driving a Blue \n rental car enter

th e Portland, ME, \. \t stub

09/11, 5:43am Al Omari and Attacheck in at Portlandairport.

Airport Video

09/11, 6:00am Al Omari and Attaboard US AirwaysFlight 5930 in Portlandbound forLoganAirport.

FBI BS EC dated09/12/2001, drafted by

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9/11 Personal Privacy

L aw EnforcementSensitive

09/11, 6:45am Al Omar i and Attaarrive at LoganAirport. \I BS EC dated

09/12/2001, drafted by

09/11,7:45am AI O m a r i and Attaboard AA Flight 11 atLogan Airport.

Flight records

09/11/2001, 8:45am AA Flight 11 crashesinto th e North Towerofthe World TradeCenter.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive




06/28/76, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabian

Flight Information:

Seat 1 OB (fl ightmanifest)


57" or 5'8"


Satam Muham madAl-RahmanAl Suqami


Mo ther's name listedas "Haya" on passport.


AI Suqami is associated w iththe followingaddresses:

1861 N .Federal H ighway, Hollywood,FL 33020-2827; (Mail BoxesEtc. P.O. B ox givenas theaddress for the SunTrust bank account).

Spindrift Motel, 2501 N. O cean B lvd., Ft. Laud erdale, FL. Al Suq ami and Waleed AlShehrigave thismotel's phone numberas a contact when they fle wto the Bahamas in mid-May, 2001.


Passport listshim as student.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive


Al Suqamireceived "intermediate" educationand speaks littleor noEnglish.

Arrests/LEO Contacts

No known criminal record.


Saudi Passport# B559583: issued:11/21/00.


Al Suqamiand MajidM uqid (Fl. #77) shareda room at the Qatar Youth H ostelin November2000. (Incidentally, M ushabib Al Hamlan and Ahm ad Al Nam i shared a room at the same Q atarYouth Hostel in October 2000.)


Sun Trust account #4011 8060 7079 6163,held join tlywith Waleed Al Shehri. This was openedwitha $9,000 depositon 05/02/01.

Communicat ions

Al Suqami has no known cell phone nu mbers or email accounts.


As Suqamihad ajoint auto insurance policy with WaleedAl Shehrion a 1993Dodge Colt.Thepaperwork was submitted through Cu tler Insurance and the policy issued through SecurityNational Insurance Company, policy #SNDOO104493;effective05/04/2001,expires 11/04/2001.

Telephone Numbers:

(954) 921-9657, 1861 N. Federal Highw ay, Ho llywoo d, FL, [provided by Al Suqam i for sharedSun Trust Account]

(954)563-6969. Number provided by Al Suqami and AlOmarifor their Deltaflight from FortLauderdaleto Boston. The subscriberis NarenderChhabra, 2501N. Ocean Blvd.,Ft.Lauderdale,FL, theproprietorof theSpindriftMotel.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

422-2158- Home number listedin hisSaudi passport

Crime Scene Evidence

Al Suqami's Saudi passport was foun d in the wreckage of the Wo rld Trade Center.

Search Evidence

Satam Suqami may have traveled with W ail and Waleed AlShehriin the White MitsubishiMirage. Thiscar wasrecoveredat theBoston Logan Airport Central Parking Garageand severalitems were found inside. Fingerprintslifted from the vehicle were submitted to the laboratory.A detailed listof other items recoveredin thevehiclemay befound under serial7441.

Preparation Patterns/Practices

Al Suqami enteredthe United Stateson April23, 2001,followingwhat indicatesfrom hispassport, ex tensive travel overseas, inclu din g UA E, Syriaand Malasia, dating backto at least1999.

Credit Cards/Associated Credit Cards

Sun Trust Visa d ebit Card4011 8060 7079 6163, held join tly with WaleedAl Shehri. Thiswasopened with a $9,000 deposit on05/02/01.


No knownsponsors.










Born - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Passport Issued # B559583

Entered Jordan

Departed Jordan

Entered Syria

Entered Jordan

Departed Jordan


VISA Application

VISA Application






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Entered Jordanvia JaberBorders

Departed Jordan

Entered SyriaDeparted Syria

Entered Jordan via JaberBorders

Entered Bahrainvia King FahadCauseway

Departed Bahrain via KingFahad Causeway

U A Evia Sharjah

UAE via Dubai

Entered Egypt via Cairo

Departed Egypt via Cairo

Entered Malaysia viaKaulaLum pur In ternat ional Airpor t

Departed Malaysiavia

ChangloonEntered Turkey via Istanbu l

Departed Turkey via Istanbul

Enter Qatarvia Doha IntlAirport

Depart Qatar via Doha IntlAirport

Entered Bahrainvia King FahadCauseway

Departed Bahrainvia KingFahad Causeway



















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Entered Bahrainvia King FahadCauseway

Departed Bahrain via Bahrain

Intl AirportEntered Turkey via Istanbul

Departed Turkeyvia Istanbul

Entered Malaysia via KualaL u m p u r

Departed Malaysiavia KualaL u m p u r

Entered UAE via AbuDhabi

DepartedUAE via AbuD h a b i

Entered Omanvia Seeb IntlAirport

Depar tedO m a n via Seeb IntlAirport

Enter UAE viaD u b a i

Depart U AE via DuabiFlight from London to Orlando,FL onVirgin Atl ant ic Flight#0027. Traveled with WaleedAl Shehri.Entered US on VS 27

AI Suqamiand WaleedAl Shehri opened Sunrustaccountwith a S9,000 deposit,givingan address1861 N. Federal Hwy #281Hollywood,FL. 3320-2827.







Passpor t






Visa issued Riyadh11/21/2000

Suntrus t BankStatement

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Law Enfo rcem ent Sensitive

05/03/2001 Waleed Al Shehri purchasedacar through Hauser MotorCorp.He andAI Suqami boug ht ajoint policy through Security

National Insurance Companywith Al Suqam i as thesecondary. Policy#SND00104493

(The sales receipt for theDodgeColt wasfound in Atta's rentalcar).

EC dated 09/18/01,serial 1735

FBI Miami

05/16/2001 Suqami and W aleed A l Shehridepartedto theBahamasbut are

deniedentry byBahamianauthorities.

Manifest ,IN S

05/16/2001 Suqamiand W aleed Al Shehritook C ont inentalflight9144from Bahamasto Ft. Lauderdale

Manifes t

06/06-15/2001 Suqamiand W aleed Al She hristay at Lago M arMotel /Apartments317Nor thFederal Highway Lake W orth,Fl 561-585-4243

M M E Cdated10/04/01

06/15-22/2001 Suqami ,W aleed A I Shehri andtw o otherm enstay at Lisa 1 & 2

Motel /Apartment727and 801South Federal

Highway Lake W orth, Florida561-588-3636

M M E Cdated10/04/01

7/6/2001 $3,000 depositto Sun Trustaccount.

Suntrust records.

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9/11 Personal Pr ivacy

Law EnforcementSensitive

7/10-12/2001 Suqamitraveledvia \n Airlinesvto

Orlando, FL and stayedatDoubletreeHotel, Walt\. He paid for

double occupancyroom.

Charlotte EC dated09/28/2001; FD-302 of

of Liberty Travel,Lauderdale Lakes, FLdated 9/15/2001 (serial10046).

07/26/2001-08/2/2001 Waleed Al Shehri and likelySuqamistay in room 110 of theCrystal Cay M otel 925 SE lOthAvenueDeerfield Beach,FL\M EC dated


08/02-10/2001 Suqami,Wail and WaleedA l Sheh ri stay in room 10 of thePanther Moteland Apar tments715 SE A 1AHighwayDeerfieldBeach,Fl; 954-427-0700 \M ECdated


08/17/2001 S2,700 depositto Sun Trustaccount .

Sunt rus ta c c o u n trecords

08/28/2001 S uq am ibooked a reservat ionwith American Air l inesreservations. Cash p a y m e n t

Ticketed with A Aticket agentL

08/30/2001 Suqami and Abdu lA l Oman(Fit 11) checkin at SpindriftMotel,Fort Lauderdale,FL, (954)563-6969. Ro om s w ereregistered to Waleed A lShehri (Fit 11).

MM EC dated10/04/01

09/06/01 Suqamiand A b d u lA l Omaricheck out ofSpindrift Motel,Fort Lauderdale,FL.

MM EC dated10/04/01

09/06/2001S u q u a m iand Al Omari flewfrom Ft. Lauderdale BostononDelta Fl. #2462.

FBI Boston

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

09/06/2001 Al Suqa mi stayedin Park Inn,Newton, MA , with A lOmari .Wail and Waleed also stayedatth e Park Inn.

FBI Boston

09/10/2001 A l Omari and AlSuqamicheckedout ofPark Inn.A l Suqami's whereaboutsunknown.

FBI Boston

09/11/2001 AA Flight11Boeing7677:45 am departed Bostonfor LosAngles8:45 am crashed intothe North

tower of the WorldTradeCenter. (WTC)

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L aw E n f o r c e m e n t Sensit ive

Waleed Al-Shehri

D O B / F O B

12/20/78 (per FLDL)Khamis Mushayt, K.S.A.


Saudi Arabia




Waleed A l ShehriWaleed Al ShehriWaleed M. Al Shehri(Possibly) Walid M. AlShehri


Wail Al ShehriRelationship: Brother- Wail lists an address of28215 S.Federal Highway, #308, Boynton Beach,Fl 33435-8656an d a PO Box of:1861 N. Federal Highway, #281, HOLLYWOOD, FL 33020 (Mail Boxes Etc.)

Relationship: FatherHome of Record:

J 9/ 11 P e r s o n a l P r i v a c y

-K:S.A.Occupation: BusinessmanNumber of children: 11 sons and onedaughter


Unknown at this time.Leads set to verify.

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Law EnforcementSensitive


Home -1600N. Ocean Drive, #8,HOLLYWOOD,FL 33019Telephone954-921-9657

PO BOX(Mail Boxes Etc.)-1861N. Federal Highway, #281, HO LLYW OO D,FL 33020.PARK-INN,160 Boylston Street, Newton, Massachusetts- WaleedAl Shehriregisteredtoroom#433 at the hotel.. (9/06 - 9/11/2001)

SpindriftMotel, Fort Lauderdale. 08/30/2001 until 09/05/2001

JOBS/CAREERStudent- PerVisa application



Saudi Passport # C348871, issuedJeddah,SaudiArabia on10/03/2000.Waleedmay also havea second Saudi Passport.

Other Identification:

Florida Drivers License- A42689378460


1. Satam AL SUQAMI(AA Flight11)Confirmedthrough travel records and financial transactions.Boston advised that on 05/16/01, credit card4011 8060 7079 6163 was used to purchase aticketfromU.S. Airwaysat 11:03am ET. This is thecard of SatamAl Suqamian d Waleed Al Sherri.SatamAl Suqamiand Waleed Al Shehrialso arrived in theUnited States together from Londonon 4/23/01via Virgin Atlanticflight27. (INS information) Fromthe United States, theydepartedto theBahamason 5/16/01. On5/16, they returnedto the US viaCon tinental AirlinesFlight9144which landed in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Waleed Al Shehri, Wail Al Shehri, and SatamAl Suqami also shareda SunTrust Bank account.

2. Ahanad MustafaConfirmedthrough financial transaction.Waleed M. Al Shehri transferred$5,215to Ahanad M ustafa (possibly M ustafa Ahmad)fromLoganairport,Boston at 5:29pmon 9/9/01. Themoneywas paid to Mustafaon 9/11/01at the Al

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9/11 Personal Privacy

Law E nforc em ent Sensitive

AnsariExchange, El Aroubah Street, Sharjah, UAE . Al Shehri provided an address of 15ABolyston Street, Chesnut Hill, MA 02167, 617-527-9001. (ECfrom St. Louis)

3. Abdul Aziz AI Oraari (AA Flight 11)Confirmed through car rental agreementand hotel receipts.Investigation was conducted at the Park Inn and it was determined that bothAl Omari andAl Shehri rented rooms at this location. Hotelreceipts are available.

4. MohamedAtta (AA Flight 11)Al Shehri's vehicle purchase receiptfound in MohammedAtta's rental vehicle.

Uses same M ailboxe s Etc. address usedby Waleed M. Al Shehriand Wail Al Shehri.

6. Wail M. AL SHEHRI (AA Flight 11)Same residence as W aleed Al ShehriShare account through SunTrust BankWaleed and Wail are brothers.


Financial Information:

VISA card: 4011806070826374SuntrustBank

VISA card: 4011806070796163 (used to purchase AA flight #11 ticket)

Waleed M. AI Shehri transferred$5,215 to "Ahanad Mustafa" (Mustafa Ahmad) From Loganairport,Boston at 5:29pm on 9/9/01. Th e money was paid to Mustafaon 9/11/01 at the AlAnsari Exchange, El Aroubah Street, Sharjah, UAE. Al Shehri provided an address of15ABolyston Street, Chesnut Hill, MA 02167, 617-527-9001. (ECfrom St. Louis).



(954) 921-9657 - Telephone number associated with1600 N. Ocean Drive,#8, Hollywood,FL33019 (Waleed Al Shehri).

(954) 815-3004 - Associated w ith cell phone belong ing to M ohamm ed Arta.

Possible Calling cards:

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L aw Enforcement Sensit ive


Possible E-mail address:



Old Cutler Insurance20412 Old Cutler Rd. Miami FL.(305)378-1924


Financial Information:

VISA card: 4011806070826374- Issuedby Suntrust (Account belongsto Wail A l Shehric/oWaleed Al Shehri - account usedby Wail to purchasehis ticket for AA Flight #11).

VISA card: 401180607079 6163 - Issued bySuntrust(Acco unt belongs to W aleed A l Shehri andSatam A lSuqami- accountused by Waleed to purchase his ticket for AA Flight #11).

R E F E R E N C E S / S P O N S O R S


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Law En force m ent Sensi tive

TIMELINE Waleed Al Shehri

12/20/78Saudi Arabia

Born - Al-Khamis,SaudiArabia


10/03/2000Saudi Arabia Waleed M. AlShehri issuedPassport# C348870;Issue dateis 10/03/2000Wai l and Waleed Al Shehriclaim Jeddah to be their h o m eand repor tSo uth Cityas beingeither an employer/schooladdress

Block #8 on the VISAapplicat ion.

10/24/2000Saudi Arabia

Wai l Moham med Al Shehr iappliesfor a VISA; Issue date:

10/24/2000;DOB 12/20/1978;FOB Al Khamis, K.S.A.;Nationality: Saudi; Hom eaddress : Jeddah; NameandStreet address South City; HomeTelephoned621-3358;Occupation:student.

VISA applicat ion(s)

04/23/2001 Flightfrom London in totheUnitedStatesvia Virgin At lant icflight #0027. Traveled with

Satam A lSuqami.

Legat London


SunTrus t account0385008119775 Visa debit card#4011-8060-7079-6163 op en ed forWaleed A l Shehri and SatamA l S u q a m i1861 N. Federal Hwy #281Hollywood,FL. 3320-2827.

Same address usedfor joint

account0385008119775-Waleed A l Shehri and SatamSuqami .

Suntrus t BankSta tement

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Waleed purchasescar th roughHauser MotorCorp. (liedDodge Colt)fo r l,501.0p.Vin# JB3CA21A3PU095669.

(Doesnot providean address).

He applies for car insurancethrough Old Cutler Insurance.Accompaniedby twootherindividuals(one claimsto beSatam AI Suqami) .

(The sales receip tfor the DodgeColt was found in Atta's rentalcar). \ 2 dated 9/16/01

Interview o f j j

FD302dated 9/15/01Interview of1

FD302dated 9/15/01

Interview of|_J

FBI Boston


Satam Al Suquamiand WaleedAl Shehriflew from Ft. \e to the Bahamasvia

Continental Flight \ 9 2 7 3 . \e INS record

and FBIBoston.


Suqami an d Waleed Al Shehritook Co ntin ent al flight 9144from the B a h a m a sto Orlando,FL.

Incomplete IN S recordand FBIBoston.


Waleed claimsan address of :1861 N. FederalHighway#281Hollywood,FL 33020 (PO BOX)He lists his hom e addre ss as1600 N. Ocean Drive #8Hollywood,FL 33019Telephone- 954-921-9657

302 (USPS) Supervisor

dated UW13/U1

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/9/11 Personal Privacy

L aw Enforce men t SensitiveI

06/18/2001Hollyw ood,FL

SunTrust account / || \9 wa sopene^With

a deposit of S8,000. ( c VoWfyleedAlShehri) / !! \1861 N. FederalHw y#28lH \, FL. 3320-2827; \e address used f° r joint


Waleed booksa one-wayfl ightfrom Sa n Fran/ciscoto Miami ,v ia L asVegas / The fl ight is! \d on NationalAirlines; \t 7973. /Uses credit ca

007 7031717946 and N.Federa lHw yaddress . Lis ts phone \ r 9 5 4 - 4 2 8 - 5 1 2 2as hortie;

phone. Waleedis accompaniedb y a noldejr m a n (identity i I

unknown)i n h i smid-40's . i i

(Photos of Atta, both AlShehirilsand M a r w a nAl Shehh iw e r e1 \n t joTravel Agent ) | i

risa card 4011 8060 7079

302 dated 09/15/01I

6163 w a sused.

07/31/20019:00 a m

W aleed onboa rd Am er icanAirlines Fligh t195(Boston to San Francisco).First class seat3B.(No checked in bagg ag e)

Board ingPassBoston office w ri te -updated 09/15/01Serial 2428

08/01/200110:10 am

Waleed A l Shehri returnstoM i a m ivia Na tional Air l inesflight 404.

FD-302 dated 9/15/01Interview of| |

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Either W aleed or WailA I Shehribooks a reservationon AmericanAirlines#1 1 using visacard 40118060 7082 6374.

BS informat ion


Debitcard transactionof acashed checkfo r S2000 (Check#126) to Wail and Waleed'saccount.

BS informat ion


Purchaseof AAfi t #11 ticketsposted on Suntrust StatementofWail and Waleed's account.

FB I Boston


Waleed registers at SpindriftHotel,Ft. Lauderdale,FL . Motelstay from 08/30 to 09/06/2001.

(O n 09/06 bo th Suqam iandA l O mari depar tedFt.Lauderdale for Boston.


Wail (seat8B) and Wa leed (seat8A ) travel together, DeltaAirlines,Fit 2462,from FT.Lauderdaleto Boston, departure12 noon,arrival 3:20p.m.

EC serial349Delta Boarding Passreviewedby FBIHQLab


MitsubishiMirage (white)rented by Wail A IShehri usingcreditcard 4011 8060 70826374.

FBI Boston


Waleed A IShehri checks intothe Park Inn at 160BoylstonSt.,Newton,MA Room433.A l Shehri is accompaniedby oneother adult male. (Debitcardused by Shehri had twoauthorized users- WaleedShehri and Satam Suqami).D eparture date for Waleed was9/11/01.

FB I Boston

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Law EnforcementSensitive

09/09/20011:02 a.m.Boston

Call fromPark Inn , Newton ,MA to Holiday In n Express, 69Boston St. Boston,MA.

Suspected H ijackers WailAlShehri, Waleed Al Shehri, SatamAl Suqam iand Ab dul Aziz AlOmar i at the Park Inn at thet ime calls were placed.

FBI Boston


Phon e call using prepaidtelephonecard toUAE n u m b e r011971507692690 was m a d efrom room 433 of the Park Inn.

BS Timeline


Call madefrom Atta's cell phon eto the Park Inn H otel room 433(Wail and Waleed Al Shehri'sroom)

BS Timeline


Successfulwire t ransferofS5000at Boston 's Log an Airport .(White M itsubishi tentativelyidentified as being presentin theAirport parking lot).

BS Timeline



Phone call from Dunkin Don uts(Brighton,M A) using calling

card 888-873-6592 to UAEtelephonenumber011971507692590< "1

09/11/20016:45 - 6:57Boston

White M itsubishiMirage entersLogan Airports Central ParkingLot. Parked car- Witnessadvised that three malesofpossibly Palestinian descentwere insidethe vehicle. \I Boston

Interview with

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AA Flight 11Boeing767Wail Al Shehri - Seat 2AWaleed Al Shehri - Seat 2B

7:45 am departed Boston for LosAngles

8:45 am crashed intothe Northtower of the World TradeCenter. (WTC)

Ticketed w ith AA

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

Wail Al Shehri


07/31/1973- KhamisM ushayt, K.S.A.


Saudi Arabia




Wail M. Al Shehri,W yail AlShehri W ail Mohamm adAl Shehri, W ailM. A. AlShehriand possiblyWael Al Shehri.


Waleed Al ShehriRelationship:BrotherDOB: 12/20/1978Nationality: Saudi ArabianOccupation: UnknownWail an d Waleed Al Shehri claim each otheras brotherson their VIS A applications, dated10/24/2000.Homeof Record: Jeddah,Saudi Arabia (claimed onVISAs)U.S. Ad dress: 1600 N. Ocean D rive, #8

Hollywood, Florida, 33019 (FD302 -dated 09/12)

U.S. Telep hone: 954-921-9657 (FD -302, dated 09/12/2001)Florida ID C ard Address:1861 N. Federal Highway,#281

Hollywood,Florida,33020(Mail Box Ect., appliedfor on06/01/2001)

MohammedAHAsgley Al Shehri(Source: Washington Post, dated 09/25/2001)Relationship: FatherHome ofRecord: Khamis, Mushayt, K.S.A.Occupation: Businessman

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

Num ber of children: 11 sons and one daugh ter


Unknown at this time.

(According to Washington Post, dated 09/25/2001):College: Abha TeachersDegree: Physical Education


U.S. Address:28215 S.Federal Highway, #308Boynton Beach, Fl 33435-8656(Claimed on Florida State ID C ard, Issued:07/03/2001)

1600N. Ocean Drive, #8Hollywood, Florida 33019

Telephone 954-921-9657 (Address listedas Waleed's hom e address,but was providedon severaloccasions as also being W ail's address).

1861 N. Federal Highway, #281Hollywood, Florida 33020(Mail Box Etc.)

PARK INN, 160 Boy lston StreetRoom #433Newton, Massachusetts( Wail & Waleed Al Shehri checkedinto the Park Inn on 09/05/200 1 and departed on09/11/2001)


Occupation: Teacher (As claimed on 10/24/2000 VISA application)




Wail Mohammad Al Shehri, Saudi Passport C348870, issued Jeddah, SaudiArabia on10/3/2000.

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\w Enforcement Sensitive -_ :.\ l may have a second Saudi Passport C037806 using a1973 DOB (dated\ l29 , 2000. (NFI - Lead beingset).

; UAE Internationa] Drivers Permit:

\ Wail Al Shehri,#179581 (recoveredin theMitsubishi rentalcar, presently in FBI-LAB)

\r Identification:

\ lM. Al Shehri, FloridaID Card - A426893732710


\ . A h m e dAl Haznawi (UA Flight #93).\l Al Shehritraveled with Ahmed Alhaznawi. on06/08/2001,Virgin Atlantic Airways, Flight;

#05, Londonto Miami.;2. Abdu lAziz Al Omari (A A Flight 11)Confirmedthroughca r rental agreementand hotelreceipts.Investigationwas conductedat the Park Inn and it wasdeterm ined thatWail an d WaleedAl Shehri and A bdul Aziz Al O mari rented rooms at the ParkInn/SuisseChalet. Hotelreceiptsare available.

3 .1 .Uses same M ailboxes Etc. add ressused byWaleedM. Al Shehrian d Wail Al Shehri.

4. Marw an AlShehhiWaleedand Wail Al Shehri useda telephone number associated w ith M arwanAl Shehhi/Moharnmed Attaas their contact numb erfor AA Flight#11.

5. SATAM AL SUQAMI (AA Flight#11)Satam Al Suqam i and W ail's brother Waleed Al Shehri shared a debit card through Sun TrustBank. Wailan d Waleed also shareda debit card throughSun Trust Bankand anapartment withone another. W aleed Al Shehri and Al Suqami traveled togeth er to the Baham as d uring May2001. The morningof 09/1 1/2001,three males were seen exitingthe white Mitsubishi Miragerented by W ail Al Shehri. It is probable that the third male in the vehicle was Satam Al Suqam i.It is also believed that Al Suqami is thethird individualwho shared a room with Wailan d

Waleed on 09/10/2001,at the Park Inn,16 0Boylston Street, Room #433, Newton,MA. Thesearch of the hotel room revealed thatthe room had twobeds whichhad been occupiedand athird had slept in the bath rub. Al Suqamiand the A lShehri brothers sharedthe same MailBoxes Etc. addressof 1861N. Federal Highway, #281, Hollyw ood,FL 33202.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

6. WALKED M. AL SHEHRI (AA Flight #11)1861 N. Federal Highway, #281, Hollywood,FL 33020 (telephone num ber 954-815-3004)-Accordingto FAA information(file: 01-06-5272),this was listedas a home address whenheboughthis ticket. Same address listedfor W ail AlShehri. Waleedand Wail are brothers.(FBI Milwaukeefax dated 9/17/2001 pro viding COS, C hicago Stationinfo)


Financial Information:

VISA CARD:4011806070826374,Debit Card4011-8060-7081-5591,issued by Sun TrustBank. (Shared by bo th Wail and W aleed)


Telephone/Toll Records:

(954)921-9657- Subscribedto byBimini M oteiand Apartments,1600N. Ocean Drive,#8,Hollywood, FL 33019 (Waleed Al Shehri).

(954) 815-3004- Subscribed to by Fay ez Rashid Ahm ed (Flight#175)and associated withcellphone belongingto MohammedAtta.

Possible C alling cards:



Unknown- Nonereported


Items recovered inside the W hite M itsubishi Mirage (Bo ston Logan A irport Central Park ingGarage):

1) UA E International Driving Permit, belonging to W ail Al Shehri. (Sent to FBIHQ lab).

2) Yellow Post-It with the Telephone num ber1-800-325-6000(w.u.) found in thecar. Numberis associatedwith Western Union.

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L aw Enforcement Sens i t ive

3) Qwest telephonecard.

4 ) Latent f i nge rp r in t s •

5) A detailed listof other items recoveredin the vehiclemay befoun d under serial7441.


Still being reviewed.


F i n a n c i a l I n fo r ma t io n :

VISA card: 4011806070826374,Debit Card4011 8060 7081 5591- Issued by SunTrust(Account belongsto Wail Al Shehri c/oWaleed Al Shehri - account usedby Wai l topurchasehis ticket for AA Flight#11 fo r Wail).

VISA card: 4011806070796163,Debit Card:4011 8060 7079 6163- Issuedby Sun Trust(Account belongs to Waleed Al Shehri and Satam Al Suqami - account used by Waleed


Waleed Al Shehri

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

07/31/1973Saudi Arabia

Wail M . Al Shehri,Born: Al-Khamis, Saudi Arabia

VISA ApplicationControl#20002982510004

10/03/2000Saudi Arabia

Wail M. AlShehri issuedPASSPORT #€348870; IssueDate: 10/03/2000. They (Wailand brother Waleed M .Al Shehri) claim Jeddah to betheir hom eand repor tSouthCity as being eitheranemployer/schooladdress.

Ac cording to block #8on VISA App licat ion


Saudi Arabia

Wai l MohammadAl Shehri

applies of VISA; Issue Date:10/24/2001; DOB: 07/31/1973;FOB: A l Khamis, K.S.A.;Nationality: Saudi; Hom eaddress: Jeddah; N a m eandStreet Address: South City;H o m e telephone#: 6213358;Occupation:"teater" (teacher);N a m e and relat ionshipof persontraveling with you: My brothe r,Waleed; Address staying in U.S.:"Wasantwn" (Washington).

VISA Ap plicat ion

06/05/2001Shar jah , UAE

"Mr. Wail M. A. AlShehri"applied and was issued an UA EInternational Driving Permit#179581, issuedat Sharjah,UAE.

Photograph of UA Edriving permit (FBI-LAB).

06/08/2001London - Miami

Wail A l Shehri departedLondon,via: Virgin Atlantic

Airways, Flight#05 to Miami.Also on board that flight wasAhmedAl Haznawi (UA Flight#93)

TECS Records

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Three other hijackers took thissame route, departed London,via: Virgin Atla ntic Airways,Flight #05 to Miami on05/28/2001 (Ahm ed Alnam i,

Flight UA #93; HamazAI G h a m d i& MohandAl Shehri, FlightUA #175.

06/18/2001Hollywood, Florida

Sun Trust account0418003124059, Visa Deb itCard: 4011-8060-7082-6374wasopened w ith a de pos it of S8,000und er the nam e Wail M. AlShe hri (c/o W aleed Al Shehri)1861 N. Federal Hwy #281Hollywood,Florid a, 33020-2827(Mail Box Ect.).

Also provided add ress: 1600N.Ocean Drive#8,Hollywood,Florida, 33019.

Sun Trust Sta tementof 6/19/2001-9/11/2001.

EC from Boston,*Serial 352

07/03/2001Boynton Beach, FL

Wail M. Al Shehri appliedandobtained Florida State ID Card ,ID #A426893732710, DOB:07/31/1973, address provided:28215 S. Federal Hwy #308Boynton Beach, Florida,33435-8656.

Florida State ID Card

08/26/2001Hollywood, Florida18:18 (6:18 P.M.)

An individualidentifyinghimself as Waleed Al Shehri,using Visa DebitCard:

4011 8060 7079 6163, boo kedareservation telephonicallyfo rAm erican Airlines Flight#11(account shared by Waleed

FBI Boston

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Law Enforcem ent Sensitive

Al Shehri and Satam Suqami).Purchase pricew as 52,232.25 fo ra first class one-way ticket.Waleed requested ticketto bemailed to 1861 N. Federal

Highway #281, Hollywood,Florida 33020 (MailBox Etc.).

08/26/2001Hollywood, Florida19:15 (7:15 P.M.)

A n individual identifyinghimself as Wail Al Shehri, usingVisa Debit Card 4011 8060 70826374, bookeda reservationtelephonically fo r AmericanAirlinesFlight #11. Purchaseprice was S2,232.25 for a firstclass one-way ticket. W ailrequested ticket to be mailed to1861 N. Federal Highway#281,Hollywood,Florida 33020 (MailBox Etc.)

FBI Boston


Debit card tra nsaction of acashed check fo r S2000 (Check#126) to Visa Debit Card 40118060 7082 6374, Wail andWaleed's account.

FBI BostonSun Trust Statement


Purchase of AA Flight #1 1tickets posted on SunTrustStatement, Visa DebitCard 40118060 7082 6374, of Wail &Waleed's account for52,232.25.

Same purchase am oun t alsoindicated on SunTrust VisaDebit Card: 40118060 70796163 (Waleed Al Shehri &

Satam A l Suqam i account)

FBI BostonSun Trust Statement

09/03/20011:05 A.M.

Wail & Waleed Al Shehritelephonicallycontact AA and

FBI Boston

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Florida change their first class seatassignmentsfor AA Flight #11(09/11/2001) to the other side ofthe plane where they had adirect viewof the cockpit.

(Moved to seats 2A & 2B).

09/05/2001Florida - Boston

Wail (seat 8B) and Waleed (seat8A ) travel together, one way E-ticket, Delta Airlines, Flight#2462, from Fort Lauderdale toBoston,departure: 12:00pm ,arrival 3:20 P.M.

Manifest;EC serial 349;Delta Boarding PassReviewed by FBIHQLab

09/05/2001Boston16:33 (4:33 P.M.)

Mitsubishi Mirage (white)rented by Wail Al Shehri usingDebit Credit Card 4011 80607082 6374 (Wail & WaleedAl Shehri 's acco unt) License:YGU - 4417 (VA) VIN:JA3AY2CX1U050049,AlamoRent-A-CarID #FJ5PV555J, rental dates09/05/2001 at 16:33 to09/12/2001 at 16:33. Served byemployee#3411. Not posted on

Sun Trust accou nt unti l09/10/2001, S573.25

FBI Boston

Rental Agreemen trecovered fromvehicle, FBI-LAB

09/05/2001Boston20:25 (8:25 P.M.)

Waleed Al Shehri checks intothe Park Inn , 160 BoylstonStreet, Newton,MA., Room 433.Waleed Al Shehri wasaccompanied by one other adultm ale believed to beWailAl Shehri. Sun Trust Visa DebitCard: 4011 8060 7079 6163(Waleed Al Shehri & SatamAl Suqam i account). Dep arturedate for Waleed was scheduledfor 09/11/2001.

FBI BostonEC, serial 349

Review of DeltaBoarding passatFBIHQ Lab.

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Law Enforcement Sensitive

Bostonsearch of hotel roomrevealed two beds in the hotelroom and evidence thata thirdperson slept in the bath tub.

09/06/2001Boston Withdrawlof $400.75 fro m FleetBan k ATM, locatedat TerminalC, Logan B oston Airport DebitCreditCard4011 8060 70826374 (Wail& WaleedAl Shehri 's account).

Sun Trust Statement

09/09/2001Boston1:02 A.M.

Call from Park Inn, Newton,MA toHolidayInn Express,69BostonSt. Boston,M A.Du ration: 2 minutes and 50seconds.

Wail AlShehri,WaleedAI Shehri, SatamAl SuqamiandAbdulAzizAl Omari believedtobe at thePark Inn during thist ime period.

BostonEC,Case ID : 263A-NY-280350-BS, Serial 349.



(The same H olidayInn Expresscalledthe Days Inn, 1234

Soldier's Field Ro ad, Boston,M A.at 7:03 P.M., durat ion5minutes)



W aleed (potentially withWail)attemptedto send a WireTr ans fer of $5,000fromTRAVELX,locatedat Boston'sLoganAirport to United ArabEmirates(UAE),Western UnionRepresentativein theCity ofSharjah,UAE. This attemptwas terminatedby TRAVELXfo r lack of proper identificationfrom Waleed who initially

Results of Bo stonWestern Union Lead

Boston Timeline

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supp lied Florida StateIdentification. Waleed advisedhe would provide addit ionalidentificationat a later date.


Telephone cal l made fromAtta'scellular phoneto thePark InnHotel room433 (Wail an dWaleed's room)

FB I Boston

09/10/2001Boston6:45 A.M.- 6:57 A.M.

Vehicle(White Mitsub ishi Mirage)believedto be Wail andWaleedAl Shehri enter Logan AirportCentralParking Lot.

(Speculationof FBI B oston thatthis was to c om plete afailedwire transfer).

Boston,EC, serial352Boston Timeline


Wail and Waleed A l Shehrireturn to TRAVE LX andprovided Waleed's SaudiA rabian Passport #C348871,expiration 08/11/2005, to securethe earlier a ttem pted S5,000wire transfer. TRAVEL X,through Western Union,finallyauthorized the S5,000 transf erand sent th e S5,000 to the UAE.

Resultsof BostonW estern U nion Lead

BostonTimel ine


Telephonecall fromAtta'scellular phoneto the Park InnHotel, Room433, Wail &Waleed A l Shehri 's room.

BS Timeline


Vehicle tentatively id entified asWail & Waleed A l Shehri 'srental carentered LoganAirpor tparkinglot.

BS Timeline

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Law EnforcementSensitive

(Speculation from BS,this is_tocompletethe 09/09/2001attempted wire transfer).

09/11/20016:45 AM. - 6:57 A.M.


White Mitsubishi MirageentersxLogan Airports Central Parking

Lot. Parked car - Witnessadvised thatthree malesofpossibly Palestinian descentwere insideth e vehicle.

FBI BostonFD-302 Interview of

09/11/2001Boston - WTC

7:45 A.M.

7:59 A.M.


8:45 A.M.

AA Flight#11Boeing767Wail Al Shehri -Seat 2AWaleed A l Shehri - Seat 2B

Scheduled departure t ime from

Boston to Los Angeles.

Cleared fo r take off by air trafficcontrol.

Flight steeredoff course.

Amer icanAirlines Flight#1 1crashed intoth e North Towerofth e World Trade Center.(WTC)

Am erican Airl ines

Nat iona lTransportat ionSafer)'Board (NTSP)

Law Enfo rcem ent Sensi tive