Facebook EDGE tips Lisbon

Post on 06-May-2015

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Presentation covering part of Facebook EDGE from ASAP Facebook Marketing Workshop in Lisbon organized by Markedu and presented by Michael Leander

Transcript of Facebook EDGE tips Lisbon


Michael Leander • michael@michaelleander.me • mLn@fokusintegrated.com •@michaelleander < Twitter

Your fans stream

Less than 1% of your ”fans” ever go back to your page

Cool is... Realy, really, really understanding your audience, their

problems, their behavior, their


Anatomy of winning posts

1. Focused on meeting objective

2. Relevant message

3. Timely message

4. Compelling picture (emotions)

5. Compelling headline (emotions)

6. Intriguing text (draw the reader in)

7. Clear call to action (share, comment, click)

8. Balance news with messages that can be repeated over and over again

Let’s talk numbers ! Where is the disconnect?

The numbers that matter (momentarily) - Reach (158/2200=7%) - Talks about (comments) - Shared

How do you get eyeballs on your messages?

Meet Facebook EDGE What decides if your message appears in a users ”news-stream”?

• How long ago was the message published?

• How engaged are others in this ”post”?

• Does this user interact with your page often?

Getting into the metrics

A few hints

• Third party apps posting no longer penalized

• Comments far more valuable than ”likes”

• Sharing not always possible on mobile, not always possible through 3rd party apps

Test which posts work best

• Experiment with frequency (1, 3, 5, 10 x each day)

• Differentiate posts ₊ Photos with short text with/without external or

internal link

₊ OPC = Other People’s Content shared

₊ Ask question, ask for advise, ask for help

₊ Incentivized content (sweepstakes etc.)

₊ Long stories with emotion or factual

₊ etc

Good ‘ol AIDA

A = Attention (Awareness)

I = Interest

D = Desire

A = Action

AID+LIRA Attention > Interest > Desire + Like – Interaction – Recommendation - Action

Understand how your audience engages Use Facebook insights regularly

2217 / 159 = ?%

• http://blog.campalyst.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Conversion-funnel-21.png This is

where the fun is >>>

Random tips and thoughts

What is best for this telecommunication company? A) Telia in Danmark B) Tech’n Trends C) Tech’n Trends withTelia?

What to call the ”baby” on Facebook?

Where is your prime real-estate?

Let’s have a look

Spread the word onsite

Advertising on Facebook

Which add did best?

Seriously important

Ad multiplication (agency can help here)