Explorers of the New World. Who were the Conquistadors? Brave and cruel, looking for riches and...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Explorers of the New World. Who were the Conquistadors? Brave and cruel, looking for riches and...

Explorers of the New World

Who were the Conquistadors?

• Brave and cruel, looking for riches and glory for Spain!

First contact made by Christopher Columbus in 1492

• Columbus was seeking a shorter distance to Asia, hoping to improve trade routes

• The land he found turned out to be unexplored (The Americas).

• (EXAMINE WORLD MAP)• Gave Spain the first colonies in the New World• The world map changes with the discovery.

Lets see what Tim and Moby have to say about Columbus!

• Brain pops are a great way to review and introduce concepts!

How is the map different/similar to today?

Columbus’ treatment of natives

• Natives were treated horribly, enslaved, beaten, tortured, stolen from.

Spain became rich from its colonies!

• Gold was found in much of Central/South America.

• Spain became a world power.

Hernando De Soto explores North America

De Soto travels through Florida, Georgia, and much of the Southeast

• Discovers the Mississippi River, first European in Georgia.

Lets see who Hernando de Soto was!

• De Soto video clip (3 mins)

Spain sets up along the coast of Georgia!

• Several settlements are placed on the Barrier Islands.

Other nations start to explore the New World as well!

France – Explored much of present day Canada, also islands in the Carribean. France was interested in the fur trade in Canada.

England wants a part of the New World also!

• Henry Hudson explores much of the coast of North America, including the Hudson River area.

• England initially tries to find gold, but winds up realizing that growing tobacco will result in riches.

• Jamestown is the first English colony in North America, in 1607.
