Exhibiting at a Trade Show? Here's Why and How to Adapt Your Website to Capture More Trade Show...

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Exhibiting at a Trade Show?

Here's Why and How to Adapt Your Website to Capture More Trade Show Leads

A mountain of research already proved that trade shows are an effective way of marketing your B2B products or services.

Exhibitors Must Solve The Following Challenges to Make the Trade Show Profitable

Companies exhibit at trade shows to get high exposure. But it's impossible to personally talk to everyone who might be interested in your products and services.

You will only be able to talk to a fraction of trade show attendees, but not everyone will be ready to buy immediately.

Most B2B sales transactions require approval from several people. This means that the decision maker you spoke to at the trade show cannot make the decision alone.

Unlike people physically present at the booth, your website does not stop selling when the trade show lights go off.

On the contrary: when your salespeople are sleeping in the hotel, your website is busy 'talking' to those trade show attendees who visited your website after talking to your 'real' salespeople.

If you've prepared your online presence well, those visitors will warm up to you. If not, you'll lose most of them.

Your Website Is a Tool that Plays a Huge Role in Generating Leads

Before you go to a trade show, there are 3 areas of your website that need attention, reviewing, and improvement:

1. Content

Essential Content Pieces of a B2B Website

Trade show attendees will come to your website looking for the following information:

When creating website content, you need to have this in mind:

Prospects who are and aren’t ready to buy yet need different types of content

such as white papers, case studies, blog posts, testimonials, and so on.

Decision makers from different departments (e.g. IT, HR, marketing, sales...) require that

your website uses words they understand, which means that the way that your B2B

website communicates must cater to many different audiences.

Different people prefer different content formats (articles, slideshows, videos,

images, ebooks…) and your website must anticipate the needs of all of those people.

2. Sales Features

After the trade show is over, you'll want to nurture the fragile new relationship you started with the B2B buyer. To do that, you need to convert as many website visitors to registered users. Most of those visitors are still not ready to buy from you, so make sure you have these sales features in place to be able to continue the conversation whenever it suits you:

a registration for an event in the physical world

evaluation charts and comparison tableswhite papers explaining problems and your way of

solving them

company brochure

educational articles on your blog

product catalogs

apps, such as calculators

enough case studies with real stories about how your

services and products solved particular problems

email newsletter

links to your social profiles

something useful to download or subscribe to in exchange

for an email address and more contact information

a demo / trial registration

Make sure there's enough free, no-registration-required features and content for your prospects.

3. Marketing Features

Bonus Ideas

Publish All Your Trade Show Marketing Materials Online

You’ve probably developed a printed leaflet, a PowerPoint presentation, a printed product catalog or something else that you have been handing out to those interested at the trade show.

Large amounts of information valuable to your prospects are contained in those materials and you should publish them on your website.

And don't forget to highlight the promoted products on the homepage during and after the trade show.

A Dedicated Website Page for the Trade Show

Imagine having one dedicated page on your website with a carefully selected content you absolutely want trade show attendees to see.

It could be a page built with the needs of your future customers in mind:

● all your trade show materials are there, readily available to download

● the products / services you've been promoting at the trade show are there

● a way for your customers to contact your employees, who were at the

booth, via all possible channels such as email, Twitter, Linkedin

● trade-show-specific media files such as videos of you talking at the trade

show, presentations, news, highlights, cool pictures taken with customers

Trade Show Remarketing as a Service to Help You Get More Customers

Trade Show Remarketing is a service using an advanced form of advertising on Google and Facebook, the so-called remarketing, to amplify the power of your trade show marketing and sales activities.

This specialized service consists of showing your ads to prospects who visited your website after the trade show.

They will see your targeted ads everywhere: on Facebook, and on many other websites which show Google ads.

After they've been influenced by your ads for a period of time, you will close more deals faster because of this:

● some prospects clicked your ads and contacted you on their own● other prospects responded positively to your emails and phone calls

because your ads made them remember you and trust you

Do You Need Help With Preparing Your Website for the Trade Show?

Email: info@logit.hrWeb: www.logit.hr

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