Evaluation Question 4 George Dennehy

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 4 George Dennehy

Shooting in Handycam vs HD DSLR

George Dennehy

Shooting in handycam last year limited the professionalism of our video due to it not allowing us to have full control of shots filmed because of it being automatic. Through using the HD DSLR cameras this year in our music video project it has allowed us to explore with the camera more due to it being manually set for example we could change the exposure by adjusting the shutter speed and lens aperture. We also could change the white balance giving a later time of the day effect when filming due to it adding a blue tint. The other feature we used of the HD DSLR camera was the monochrome effect so when we filmed in the studio it was in black and white and made it look professional. Through using a detachable lens we could manually focus shots; for example the opening shots of our music video were out of focus making our performer translucent on screen portraying our artist as different and ambiguous.