Evaluation for the factual layout

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation for the factual layout


Stephanie yarrow


Time management:I think with this Broadsheet I did manage my time quite well. There were a few days where my designs that I had designed didn’t go the way that I wanted so I had to design a different one which put my plan back a bit but I still managed to finish the broadsheet when I needed to. There was about 3 to 4 days at college and then there was whatever time you had at home to finish off this broadsheet. I feel like I did finish complete the broadsheet in the amount of time we had. In this project I think this has been my best time management as the other projects that I have been given I have always had to much to write and written a lot of text for an evaluation for example and then everyone else has finished the evaluation I had to complete it in my own time which was a bit annoying as I could have been working on the next project work but I was finishing the other piece of work, trying to get that finished. The best example I can give is the Graphic design evaluation that took me a while to do as I had to make sure that I had to include was in the evaluation and that I had example as well to back up my evaluation. In this project I managed to do 10 different broadsheets but they were all different. They were improvements on the first broadsheet to the last broadsheet.

Flat plans and what it came out as …

Reviewing work in progress: I think with this piece of work the first broadsheet wasn’t the best as it was just a quick one to see whether my flat plans would work but then I realized that the broadsheet had more than one story on the front like any newspaper and it also had advertisements. This is my first broadsheet that I did. There was the story, a picture, a bold title and bold headline. The thing was when I compared it to an original broadsheet newspaper mine wasn’t the same.

As you can see there is a complete difference to my first broadsheet to a normal broadsheet.

As I improved the broadsheet it began to look more like a broadsheets as I carried on trying to improve the broadsheets. I feel like the first one that I did was just really rubbish and that I could have done better so I tried again and then came up with a second one. Once I had done that I kept going until I got the final one and that I couldn’t do anything else to it. As this was the first time I have used Adobe indesign I think that the broadsheet that I did in this software went very well and as I got used to it there was more things that I could do. I think if I had maybe longer then I could maybe make it better than it was. The things I that are ok on this that are good I think are the headline as I changed that from “Faroese kill innocent lives” to Faroese whale slaughter” I also think that the layout is better and it is a more clear layout so then you can see the text, pictures and other things that are on the broadsheet. If I was doing this properly and it was going to be published for everyone to see then I would have taken my own images while I was at the event and then it would maybe make it look a bit more professional. Over the past year and half I have learnt many skills on different programs and this one I think was my biggest success of learning all of the skills. I suppose its kind of like Photoshop is the Indesign program but there is just a few other skills that you have to learn.

But with my final broadsheet it looks more like a broadsheet that you would get in the supermarket and maybe even read.

Technical Competencies:In the technical side of things I don’t think I've done to bad there was bits that I struggled with. Sometimes I would forget which tool it was for to get the picture into the document and then size it. Sometimes I also forgot to size the picture in Adobe Photoshop and then put it into the document. Most of my broadsheet was text and then there was a few pictures.

To get the picture you need adobe Photoshop and adobe Indesign. It is quite easy once you get the hang of what you are doing and then you have the picture that you want at the right size without trying to resize it and then ruining the quality of the picture. The images I used aren’t the best images I could have picked but if I was doing it professional then I would have used my own photos or who ever took the pictures then I would use them.

I think that I have managed to produce a professional piece of work but it may have been more professional if I used my own article which one of them is but the other one I got off the BBC news website so that one isn’t my own. I changed a few of the words but most of it is from the BBC news Website. Things that I could improve is that I could use my own pictures and my own stories or use a story and rewrite it in my own words. Comparing the broadsheets with other work that I’ve done in the past I think that it depends what you compare it too.

For example if you compare the broadsheet to these to products then you can see that there is a massive improvement to my first year projects to the second year projects. There is a lot more of skills in this broadsheet compared to my other work. The broadsheet is more organized and there is more of a layout to it unlike the first year stuff that I’ve done.

Creative abilities: The creative side of the broadsheet is mainly the grids but there wasn’t much the broadsheet could be creative with as there was a set layout that you came up with and you had to see if that worked or not. We did do a creative activity with some words though which was fun to do. I suppose that you had to be creative with the layouts as you had to find away to put all of the stuff you wanted on the broadsheet on to the product.

Finished Products: I think that the broadsheet that I have created is a good one and it has developed quite a lot from the first design. To do that I took feedback off the tutors and people around me which they told me to do certain things to make it look more like a broadsheet newspaper. The newspaper went from a page with lots of white gaps on it, to a page where everything is full and the only white spaces on the page is the gaps between the stories to show you where the stories start and finish and the white background of the paper. I have done what the brief asked me to do as it had size measurements which was 375mm x 597 mm and it also asked you to make sure that you had sensible images and that you have create some flat plans, which I did. In the end I ended up using different font than the font I said I was going to use at the beginning of the project and I also used a different layout to my original designs that I had create. This type of newspaper is probably the same as the Guardian newspaper so it will be aimed at people in the ABC1 band and the people who are 65+ as they are most likely to pop down to the shops ti get the newspaper than go onto a computer/ laptop to get the updates on the news. It will probably be more the males reading the newspaper as they are more than likely to want to know what is happening but on the other hand there is only a 6% difference so I would probably say now looking at it that it will be for both male and female. This newspaper maybe also aimed at over 21s that are still in education e.g. University or adult courses at your local college or centre, but I could also be aimed at mainly people who are in a full time job as well, which I think what is on my final design is what the readers of this category will read. The contents and the style that it is in makes it more like the Guardian newspaper so I have taken their audience ratings and applied it to my own magazine. This is because the news that is on my newspaper is probably the things that you will find in the Guardian newspaper if you read that newspaper.

We used our own articles that we had written at the beginning of the year in our writing copy project which my topic was animal rights. I have a passion about this subject mainly things like Whaling as I have a passion about sea life and the animals that live in the sea. The stock images that I used were because I thought it best fit with the article which I had written and plus I was going to do a collage of pictures but when I put then altogether it didn’t look right. Luckily I had found one on Google images so I just used that and in that photo it shows many pictures of the whales getting slaughter at the Faroes island. I also used that photo as there was no one photo that summed up the article, but with the photo I chose it sums up the article and shows people what things are like on this island and how the sea turns red, literally red with the blood that is from the whales when they have cut the whales up. There was a few problems but there wasn’t anything that I couldn’t sort out. There was the layout which didn’t work so I had to sort out which was a bit of a pain as I couldn’t find places to put certain text and pictures in certain places. In the end I took a break and then came back to it, which in that time I came up with a idea which worked. There were other problems as at one point I was behind but I managed to get back on track so then I could finish on time and then start my evaluation in the final week.

Comparing these two products you can tell that my skills and designs have improved over the last 9 or 10 designs that I have done. The skills that I have used have improved over these pasted designs with Adobe Indesign and all of the skills that are in that certain software. As I did the first I thought it didn’t look really like a broadsheet. So I began to rearrange things and it began to look a lot more like a broadsheet.

Compared to other projects that I have done I think that the broadsheet that I is on the right hand side is maybe the best work that I have done as my first year work and some of my second year work. As I have gone along I have learnt more skills and had more ideas that have created more to drafts until I get to the one that I like and that I can’t do anything more to it.

All of my designs for the broadsheet

The reason the I have showed you all of the designs that I have done is that one of the requirements on the brief was to take screen shots to show how your work was progressing and what was the difference between your first design and your last design.


Time management:I think with this tabloid I think that was ok with my time management the same as my broadsheet. I spent a few days trying to figure out whether the flat plans that I had created where going to work or not. Again we had 3 to 4 days to do this newspaper. In this part of the project I was a bit ahead on this one so I managed to start the fanzine when we meant to. I suppose it is because I only did 7 different designs in this one and they have been ok but I think that I could have done better. I sometimes had a problem with Indesign as it wouldn’t load any of my work so I would have to move onto another computer, luckily all of my work is on my pen drive so I could use other computers as everything was on my pen drives.

Flat plans and what it came out as …

Reviewing work in progress: My first tabloid was good I do admit that. I was just trying out to see if my flat plans worked or not. As you can see that one of the flat plans worked quite well but then realized that it didn’t look that great. So I had to change the flat plans to get something that looks like my finished product. Again my product looks different to the original newspaper. My tabloid has a Headline, articles and an advert. The original newspaper is different to mine .

As you can see there is a complete difference to my first tabloid to a normal tabloid

But with my final tabloid it looks more like a tabloid that you would get in the supermarket and maybe even read.

As I improved the tabloid it began to look more like a tabloid newspaper so I kept improving it. The first one was good but I felt like there was more that I could do to the newspaper, so I kept going until I got to my final product. There is probably more that I can do but we have ran out of time. I did these in Adobe Indesign again which was a bit more easier this time as I had made the broadsheets. With this one it was a lot easier as I knew what I was doing with all of the tools and skills that I had used. I had to change the title as it didn’t fit on the tabloid so I had to change it to “whale slaughters kill 120 in one month” instead of “Faeroes Whale Slaughter”

Technical Competencies: The technical side of things for the tabloid didn’t go to bad, For this one I forgot which button it was to place the picture into the box but I managed to figure it out which a few helpers .

I sometimes had a problem with Indesign as it wouldn’t load any of my work so I would have to move onto another computer, luckily all of my work is on my pen drive so I could use other computers as everything was on my pen drives. I would have in really big trouble if I didn’t.

1st year work

2nd year work

Comparing these two products you can tell that my skills and designs have improved over the last 7 designs that I have done. The skills that I have used have improved over these pasted designs with Adobe Indesign and all of the skills that are in that certain software. As I did the first I thought it looks like a tabloid but I can do a better one. So I began to rearrange things and it began to look a lot more like a tabloid.Compared to other projects that I have done I think that the tabloid that I is on the right hand side is maybe the best work that I have done as my first year work and some of my second year work. As I have gone along I have learnt more skills and had more ideas that have created more to drafts until I get to the one that I like and that I can’t do anything more to it.

All of my designs for the tabloid

The reason the I have showed you all of the designs that I have done is that one of the requirements on the brief was to take screen shots to show how your work was progressing and what was the difference between your first design and your last design.


Time management:With the fanzine the this is was the most creative but annoying one. As during the week that we were doing the fanzine magazines, I had thought of many creative ideas but I just couldn’t get them to work on paper so it took a little longer than I expected. In the end I think that this one out of the 3 products we had to make took the longest as I was having one of them weeks and I was getting annoyed with the designs that I had though of and they weren’t coming out right.

Flat plans and what it came out as …

Text will go around the pictures

Title goes across both pages

Pictures in a

collage or a


Pictures in a

collage or a

single ? Text will go around the picturesPictures

in a collage

or a single ?

Pictures in a

collage or a

single ?


Collage of pictures to create the






PictureDate, price and issue

Reviewing work in progress:I think that if I did the fanzines again I would change the whole thing and think about the creative side of the fanzine pages and how to make it look more appealing. I would change the whole thing as I don’t think the fanzine task was a huge success. Some of the comments that I got were about the blue background one and the front cover “I love the design of the front cover! Bright colours with clear message. You can see what the magazine is about from the start which grabs the reader's attention really well :) The slogan is good to - although do you need a question mark after 'research'? "Killing beautiful mammals for research? I don't think so!" I personally prefer this but it's up to you. Yeah I prefer draft 2 of whale fanzine but I still find the text quite hard to read :/ I wonder if just plain black text would be better? “

As you can see there is a complete difference to my first fanzine to a normal fanzine

But with my final fanzine it looks more like a fanzine that you would get in the supermarket and maybe even read.

I do agree with them as the other 2 newspapers that we did are a lot better than the fanzine that I have just created as I just couldn’t get my designs out on the software that I wanted to do just didn’t work out that way that I wanted. They always ended up going weird. I think if I had to do them again then I would probably go the design on paper and then scan them into the computer. Once they are in the computer they I would play around with the designs and then see of that way works.

These pictures are from the last project we did of experimental photography I have to say that between the photography and the fanzine I like the photography better as they are more creative especially one of the waxwings photos.

Comparing these two products you can tell that my skills and designs have improved over the last 3 designs that I have done. The skills that I have used have improved over these pasted designs with Adobe Indesign and all of the skills that are in that certain software. As I did the first one it wasn’t really creative so I decided to do another one to see how that one came out. So I began to rearrange things and it began to look a lot more like a fanzine.Compared to other projects that I have done I think that the fanzine that I is on the right hand side is maybe the best work that I have done as my first year work and some of my second year work. As I have gone along I have learnt more skills and had more ideas that have created more to drafts until I get to the one that I like and that I can’t do anything more to it.

All of my designs for the fanzine

The reason the I have showed you all of the designs that I have done is that one of the requirements on the brief was to take screen shots to show how your work was progressing and what was the difference between your first design and your last design.

Finished Products: I think that the tabloid that I have created it a good one but on the other hand the fanzine I created wasn’t the best at all. The tabloid especially has developed but the fanzine hasn’t apart from the background and the pictures. To do that I took feedback again of family members and tutors etc. The tabloid went from a very crowed to a tabloid that still has everything on it still but less crowed. The fanzine though I really think that I have let myself down for the fanzine as I feel I could have been more creative and thought about it a bit more and maybe had more time.My products ended up being completely different to the flat plans but they ended up working apart from the fanzine which was a complete fail (well I think). I have done what the brief asked me to do and I think that the tabloid is suitable for the audience but I still think that there is other things that I could have done to the fanzine article to make it more creative. The tabloid had to be a certain size so that is what I did. The tabloid I think would have the same audience profile as The sun newspaper as it has the kind of stories that it would have on it as the stories that I have written. We used our own articles again that we had written at the beginning of the year in writing copy and the topic for me again was animal rights but I focused more on one of the subjects in animals rights as there is many different types of topics in this topic. So I chose Whaling as that is something that I think is wrong and very passionate about. Again the pictures I used were stock images. I think the way the pictures on the 2nd fanzine with the blue background is better than the other one. The picture I used on the tabloid is also a stock image. I struggled to decide which one was the better picture to use that wasn’t too horrible to look at and make people feel sick when they looked at it. I know that is maybe what I wanted to do so then I could show people how horrible it is so then they can maybe do something about it but that isn’t what will be on the front of a tabloid newspaper but it would be on a fanzine magazine.

Skills developed: The skills that I have developed or learned are quite a few things in the new software that I have used to create these products. We used Adobe Indesign and this was the first time I used it so the whole thing was knew to me when I first opened it up but I found out that some of the tools that were on this piece of software was the same as Adobe Photoshop.

Picture tool: for this you needed to use this software and Adobe Photoshop as you needed to change the size of the picture to the size of the box which you had create and then you would “place” the picture in and then it would be place in that space where the box was that you had drawn

Text tool: This tool is just like any other text tool. You draw the box and then type in the section where you have drawn the box.

Select tool

Shape tool

Feedback for the products from class mates and friends: •Broadsheet: I like the layout of this design because the importance of the articles follow your natural reading pattern, as the main article is placed in the top left. The text for the main article is written in much larger type than the other articles, which draws your attention to the story, and the titling that runs across the page also helps with this. There is a barcode placed at the top of the page which makes the design look more authentic. Clear and relevant images have been used on the page, as well as lots of information, which fits the expectations of a broadsheet. The body font used is great for a broadsheet because it looks very formal and professional. Maybe the idea of having the title of the broadsheet more pronounced and eye-catching would be something that could be developed or experimented with.• tabloid: I really like the use of colour on this tabloid, I think that they are very similar to what a tabloid would look like- bright, bold and in your face. I also like the way that the colour of the main image is reflected throughout the page, on purpose or not it looks good. I really like the ‘exclusive news’ part at the top of the image before the article, I think that it makes it stand out even more and look more exclusive, which will draw people in, making them want to read it. I also like the way you have used red for the more important story and then blue for the surrounding one and the advert, which helps them to stand alone as well. The red box around the main story separates it from the rest, showing its importance which I like. I think that the font for the mast head needs to be bigger and a little but more eye catching, although its clear to read, it doesn’t stand out and make you want to buy this tabloid. I also think that the headline and beginning of the story need to moved to the right a little, as it is overlapping with the edge of the page at some points. The top box which has the advert and masthead in needs to be made a little larger as well, it doesn’t fit with the rest of the page. I can also be very heard to read red lettering on a blue background, so I might consider making it a lighter red so that its more visible.

Feedback continue:•Fanzine: I like the use of the relevant images that are behind the text on both layouts, especially the use of the sea on the second one. I think it not only adds a nice design touch but also makes it clear on what type of animal the issue is about. I like the use of the informal and emotive language and how it stands out against the images, and the font used is also nice for a fanzine. I like the use of the colour and how everything stands out and attracts your eye. The way you have set out the main text is nice as it glides your eye easily and helps make the whole thing stand out more. I think the use of the yellow against all the images could be developed either by adding a glow or changing the opacity on the images behind it. You maybe could of got a little more creative with how you have set out the images instead of having a collage on both pages. This might of helped everything to flow a little better. You maybe could of added a mixture of different types of images such as some photo’s and then maybe some cartoons to help make the fanzine seem serious as well as easy and interesting to read.

•Feedback from friend about all 3: I love the design of the front cover! Bright colours with clear message. You can see what the magazine is about from the start which grabs the reader's attention really well :) The slogan is good to - although do you need a question mark after 'research'? "Killing beautiful mammals for research? I don't think so!" I personally prefer this but it's up to you. Yeah I prefer draft 2 of whale fanzine but I still find the text quite hard to read :/ I wonder if just plain black text would be better? I don't know what your mark scheme says about text formatting.... Tabloid 3 - very good :) Horrific photo certainly grips reader's attention. The photo of Carrie Underwood has got a line going across it though! ;) And I'm not sure it works having the photo overlapping the corner of the whale photo... Maybe make one of them smaller? Up to you xx Tabloid 7 is really good! My only criticism of Broadsheet 10 is that the HSBC advert with the Russian dolls is a bit random :P Could you maybe draw a box round it? It just looks like it's part of the article! Or maybe you could swap it round with the photo of the family? That it would be clear which article the photo belongs to...Overall AWESOME WORK!!!! You've clearly put loads of effort into it :) I've skim-read the articles and they all some really professional! (if a bit depressing) ;)

Areas to improve on: Looking at all of the work that I have done in this project I think that the main area to improve on is mainly the fanzine as I think that I could have done better and maybe for the newspapers that I have created maybe could have written my own articles to go with the one that I have already written. The fanzine is my main concern as this could have been more creative I don’t know how but I feel like I could have done more to it to make it look more like a fanzine magazine instead of just a page out of a book. I think if I did it properly for a company then I would take my own photos and get interviews with people that are involved in that story some how like a charity or the family etc.I agree with all of the feedback I got especially the things that I could improve or the things that I could change for example “Yeah I prefer draft 2 of whale fanzine but I still find the text quite hard to read :/ I wonder if just plain black text would be better”