EULA russia

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of EULA russia

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia



    Procurement records

    по пров!"#$ о%&р'%о(о )*про+* пр!,о-"#. "* пр*во)*&,$/"#0 !о(овор* "* р*,#)*1#$ %2"#/+&о. #

    ор(*"#)*1#о""о. /*+%# р*)ов'2 про3о4*&1#.5 прово!#3'2 в#"%р+*2 ПАО 6МТ78

    9or t:e o;en res 9or t:e r?@:t to enter ?nto =nA@reement 9or t:e ?m;>ement=t?on o9 tec:n?c=> =nd or@=n?B=t?on=>;=rt o9 t:e one4oC ;romot?ons c=rr?ed out ?n t:e ?nterests o9 PDEF GHIEG




    ОQR# по,о-"#0 4 General provisions

    OSO ОQR# +в!"#0 о про1!Tр о%&р'%о(о )*про+*пр!,о-"#.SUGeneral information about the request for proposals procedure.)

    1.1.1 ООО «Стрим! "#р$% м$%т&'"(&#$'и*+ 1,-11! /. 0&%2"! 34.5$6и'"! #. 7189! %тр.,! 6и%:м$'';м !ОтE&р&B'"* 6р&?$#3р") '" 6р"2& ="4CB$'и* #&/&2&р" '"р$"4и="?иC т$('иB$%&> и &р/"'и="?и&''&> B"%ти р"=&2;(

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    6р&м&F"?и>! 6р&2им;( 2 и'т$р$%"( HО «0IС % &E*="т$4:'&>6$р$#"B$> 2 ООО «Стрим 6р"2 %&E%т2$''&%ти '" 6р&/р"мм'&$&E$%6$B$'и$ и '" р$=34:т"т; и'т$44$т3"4:'&> #$*т$4:'&%тир$"4и=&2"''&> 2 р"м"( #&/&2&р".


    @Jtd. KLtreamK! location address+ 1,-11! MoscoN! ul. . LhchepOina d 7189!paPe ,! Nritten notice of the request for proposals! and encouraPes theorPaniQation @hereinafter F participants) to participate in an open request forproposals @hereinafter F Request for proposals! selection procedure) for theriPht to siPn the aPreement to the implementation of technical andorPaniQational part of the oneFoS promotions carried out in the interests ofTULV KMWLK Nith the mandatorX transfer of JJV KLtreamK of oNnership of thesoftNare and the results of intellectual activities implemented in theframeNorO of the aPreement.)


    1.1.,. З*&*)/#&  F ООО «Стрим! "#р$% м$%т&'"(&#$'и*+ 1,-11! /.0&%2"! 34. 5$6и'"! #. 7189! %тр.,.

    Vustomer F JJV KLtreamK ! location address+ 1,-11 ! MoscoN! ul . LhchepOin! d . 7189 ! paPe , .

    H#р$% &Yи%" 2 /. 0&%2"+ 1,-11! /. 0&%2"! 34. 5$6и'"! #. 7189! %тр.,

    Z[ce \ddress in MoscoN + 1,-11 ! MoscoN! ul . LhchepOin ! d . 7189 ! paPe


    1.1.]. Ор(*"#)*%ор  F ^$6"рт"м$'т р"=2ити* и 36р"24$'и*&6$р"т&р%ими &'т$'т';ми %$р2и%"ми ООО «Стрим.

    ZrPaniQer F _epartment of development and manaPement of carrierF contentservices companX KLtream`.

    1.1.9. Ар#Q*5 Ar?V=5 7АП Ар#Q*5 EAP Ar?V= W &м64$% %$р2и%&2 #4*%&=#"'и* "2т&м"ти=ир&2"''&> %и%т$м; 36р"24$'и* ="36"ми!

    6р$#&%т"24*$м;> &м6"'и$> СH.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    \ribot ! the \riba ! L\T \ribot ! L\T \riba F comple services for the creationof an automated procurement manaPement sXstem provided bX L\T

    OSMS Пр!о+%*в,"# З*&Tпо/"о. !о&T3"%*1##S

    Trocurement documentation

    1.,.1. D"36&B'"* #&3м$'т"?и*! 24CB"C"* 6"$т #&3м$'т&2 2 2и#$

    4$тр&''&/& Y">4"! 6& ="6р&%3 3 Ор/"'и="т&р" 6р$#&%т"24*$т%*

    ! '"6р"2и2 2 "#р$% &'т"т'&/& 4и?"

    Ор/"'и="т&р" 6и%:м& 6& 4$тр&''&> 6&Bт$ & '"м$р$'ии 6ри'*т:

    3B"%ти$ 2 #"''&м D"6р&%$ 6р$#4&$'и>! %&&Eи2 6ри т&м %4$#3C3C

    и'Y&рм"?иC+ '"=2"'и$ &м6"'ии! Оg &м6"'ии! jkО р3&2ит$4*!

    Y"тиB$%и> "#р$% &м6"'ии! jkО! т$4$Y&' и Fmail &'т"т'&/& 4и?".

    ZrPaniQations NishinP to participate in the Request for Troposal! mustrePister as a partX to seeO proposals to send to the contact person of the

    ZrPaniQer an eFmail about the intention to participate in the Request forTroposal! saXinP at the same time the folloNinP information+ companX name! companX ame of the head actual companX address! name! phonenumber and eFmail of the contact person.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    OSXS Пор0!о& оYор3,"#0 пр!,о-"#.S

     Whe order of rePistration of proposals.

    1.].1. р$#4&$'и*

    ^&3м$'т"?ии и и'%тр3?и*ми! 6ри2$#$'';ми 2 р"=#$4$ 9 '"%т&*$>


    Tarticipants Troposals should be prepared in accordance Nith the form setout in Lection of this documentation and the instructions in section 9 ofthis documentation.

    1.].,. 6р$#4&$'иC #&3м$'т"?ии! #&4'; E;т: 6р$#&%т"24$';

    6&%р$#%т2&м 64&"#и L\T \riba '$ 6&=#'$$ 17. B"%&2 6&

    0&%&2%&м3 2р$м$'и «1- Y$2р"4* ,1 /.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


     Whe proposals draNn up in accordance Nith the requirements of thisprocurement documentation should be provided bX the site L\T \riba nolater than 17. hours MoscoN time 1- in ebruarX ,1

    1.9.,. &р*#& 6р$#&%т"24$'и* 6р$#4&$'и> и=4&$' 2 р"=#$4$ 7'"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии

     Whe order of the proposals set out in Lection 7 of this _ocumentation

    OS[S Пр*вово. +%*%T+ про1!Tр # !о&T3"%овS

    JePal status of the procedures and documents.

    1.7.1. D"6р&% 6р$#4&$'и> '$ *24*$т%* &'3р%&м! и $/&

    6р&2$#$'и$ '$ р$/34ир3$т%* %т"т:*ми 99A99- B"%ти 6$р2&>

    gр"#"'%&/& $%" &%%и>%&> j$#$р"?ии. ^"''"* 6р&?$#3р"

    ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> т"$ '$ *24*$т%* 63E4иB';м &'3р%&м и '$

    р$/34ир3$т%* %т"т:*ми 17A11 B"%ти 2т&р&> gр"#"'%&/& $%"

    &%%и>%&> j$#$р"?ии. I"им &Eр"=&м! #"''"* 6р&?$#3р" ="6р&%"

    6р$#4&$'и> '$ '"4"#;2"$т '" Ор/"'и="т&р" %&&т2$т%т23C$/&

    &E$м" /р"#"'%&F6р"2&2;( &E*="т$4:%т2. j"т '"6р"24$'и*

    32$#&м4$'и* & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/& ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> '$ 24$B$т

    =" %&E&> 2&='и'&2$'и* 6р"2&2;( 6&%4$#%т2и> #4* Ор/"'="т&р"@D""=Bи")! 2 т.B. &E*="т$4:%т2 6& ="4CB$'иC #&/&2&р"w 2&=2р"т3

    #&3м$'т"?ии! 6р$#%т"24$''&>


    Request for Troposals is not a competition! and his conduct is not rePulated

    bX \rticles 99F99- of the Vivil Vode of the Russian ederation. Whis

    procedure RT is not a public competition and is not rePulated bX \rticles

    17F11 of the second part of the Vivil Vode of the Russian ederation. Whus! this procedure is the request for proposals does not impose on the

    ZrPaniQer appropriate amount of civil liabilities. Whe fact of notication of the

    request for proposals does not entail occurrence of lePal consequences for

    ZrPanQatora @Vustomer)! includinP F ZbliPations on the conclusion of the

    contractw return of the documentation submitted bX the Tarticipant to the

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    ZrPaniQer as part of the selection procedurew compensation for the

    preparation of such documentation costs

    1.7.,. О63E4и&2"''&$ 2 %&&т2$т%т2ии % 63'т&м 1.1.9

    ! *24*Cт%* 6ри/4"x$'и$м #$4"т: &Y$рт; и #&4';

    р"%%м"три2"т:%* *24*$т%* #"т" р"=м$$'и*

    32$#&м4$'и* & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/& ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> 2

    "2т&м"ти=ир&2"''&> %и%т$м$ 36р"24$'и* ="36"ми EAP Ar?V=S

    Tublished in accordance Nith paraPraph 1.1.9 otication toPether Nith its

    indispensable accessorX F the present _ocumentation! is an invitation to

    maOe an oSer and should be treated the participants to reyect this. WhestartinP date of the request for proposals is the date of postinP a notice on

    the request for proposals in an automated procurement manaPement

    sXstem! L\T \riba.

    1.7.]. р$#4&$'и$ 6& р$=34:т"т"м ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> ^&/&2&р

    Yи%ир3$т 2%$ #&%ти/'3т;$ %т&р&'"ми #&/&2&р$''&%ти. ри т&м

    &E$#ит$4: &E*=3$т%* ="4CBит: % Ор/"'и="т&р&м ^&/&2&р 6& Y&рм$!

    6ри2$#$''&> 2 р"=#$4$ - '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    1.7.7. ри &6р$#$4$'ии 3%4&2и> ^&/&2&р" % &E$#ит$4$м

    и%6&4:=3Cт%* %4$#3Cи$ #&3м$'т; % %&E4C#$'и$м 3"="''&>

    и$р"р(ии @&т 6$р2&/& 6&%4$#'$м3 F 2 %43B"$ и( 6р&ти2&р$Bи*)+

    n determininP the terms of the aPreement Nith the Ninner! the folloNinPdocuments are in compliance Nith the specied hierarchX @from the rst to

    the last F in the case of conyict)+

    р&т&&4; 6р$##&/&2&р';( 6$р$/&2&р&2 м$#3 Ор/"'и="т&р&м

    и &E$#ит$4$м @6& 3%4&2и*м! '$ &/&2&р$'';м 'и 2 '"%т&*$>

    ^&3м$'т"?ии! 'и 2 р$#4&$'ии &E$#ит$4*)w

    Minutes of the preFcontractual nePotiations betNeen the orPaniQer

    and the Ninner @the terms are not specied neither in this

    documentation! or in the ZSer {inner)w

    6& 2%$м

    6р&2$#$'';м т"6"м %& 2%$ми #&6&4'$'и*ми и р"=*%'$'и*миw

    otice of an open request for proposals and this documentation at

    the request of proposals for all the staPes Nith all the additions and


    р$#4&$'и$ &E$#ит$4* %& 2%$ми #&6&4'$'и*ми и

    р"=*%'$'и*ми! %&&т2$т%т23Cими тр$E&2"'и*м Ор/"'и="т&р".

    {inner ZSer Nith all the additions and clarications relevantrequirements of the ZrPaniQer.

    1.7.. k';$ #&3м$'т; Ор/"'и="т&р" и .

    Zther documents of the orPaniQers and participants do not dene the riPhts

    and obliPations of the parties in connection Nith the request for proposals.

    1.7.. |& 2%$м! Bт& '$ 3р$/34ир&2"'& ! %т&р&';

    р3&2%т23Cт%* gр"#"'%им $%&м &%%и>%&> j$#$р"?ии.

    n all that is not rePulated bX the otice of the request for proposals and the

    present _ocumentation shall be Poverned bX the Vivil Vode.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    OSS ОQ-*,ов*"#S


    1..1. |%$ %6&р; и р"='&/4"%и*! 2&='и"Cи$ 2 %2*=и %6р&2$#$'и$м ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>! 2 т&м Bи%4$! "%"Cи$%*

    и%6&4'$'и* Ор/"'и="т&р&м и #р3/&> %т&р&'$. Ст&р&'"!

    6&43Bи2x"* 6р$т$'=иC! #&4'" '"6р"2ит: #р3/&> %т&р&'$ 6и%:м$'';>

    м&ти2ир&2"'';> &т2$т '" 6р$т$'=иC 2 т$B$'и$ 1 р"E&Bи( #'$> %

    м&м$'т" $$ 6&43B$'и*.

    \ll disputes arisinP in connection Nith the request for proposals! includinP

    those relatinP to the eecution of the orPaniQers and participants of their

    obliPations! must be addressed in the complaint procedure. Wo implement

    this procedure the interested partX in the event of a breach of her riPhts

    should submit a Nritten claim to the other side. Whe TartX receivinP the claim

    shall send the other partX a Nritten reasoned replX to the claim Nithin 1

    NorOinP daXs from the date of its receipt.

    1..,. |;x$и=4&$''&$ '$ &/р"'иBи2"$т 6р"2" %т&р&' '"

    &Eр"$'и$ 2 %3# 2 %&&т2$т%т2ии % #$>%т23Cим ="&'"т$4:%т2&м.

     Whe forePoinP shall not limit the riPhts of the parties to applX to court in

    accordance Nith applicable laN.

    OS\S Про/# по,о-"#0S

    Zther provisions.

    1..1. и 6"B$> р$#4&$'и*! " D""=Bи 6& тим р"%("м '$

    &т2$B"$т и '$ им$$т &E*="т$4:%т2! '$="2и%им& &т (" и р$=34:т"т&2

    #"''&/& D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>.

    Members to bear all costs associated Nith the preparation and deliverX of 

    proposals! and the Vustomer for those costs is not responsible and is not

    liable! irrespective of the proPress and results of the Request for Troposals.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    1..,. Ор/"'и="т&р &E$%6$Bи2"$т р"=3м'3C &'Yи#$'?и"4:'&%т:

    &т'&%ит$4:'& 2%$( 6&43B$'';( &т и'Y&рм"?ии

    #р3/им %т23Cим ="&'"т$4:%т2&м &%%и>%&>

    j$#$р"?ии и4и '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?и$>.

    ZrPaniQer provides reasonable condentialitX of all information received from

    plaXers! includinP those contained in the proposal. TrovidinP this information

    to other participants or third parties is possible onlX in the cases epresslX

    provided for bX the lePislation of the Russian ederation or the present


    1..]. Ор/"'и="т&р 26р"2$ &т4&'ит: р$#4&$'и$! $%4и &'

    3%т"'&2ит! Bт& "&$F4иE& %&/4"x$'и$ % ?$4:C 6&24и*т: '"&6р$#$4$'и$ &E$#ит$4* D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>.

     Whe orPaniQer has the riPht to re}ect a participantzs proposal! concluded

    amonP themselves anX aPreement to inyuence the determination of the

    Ninner R.

    1..7.Ор/"'и="т&р 26р"2$ &т4&'ит: 2%$ 6р$#4&$'и* '" 3B"%ти$ 2

    D"6р&%$ 6р$#4&$'и>! $%4и 'и '& и= 'и( '$ 3#&24$т2&р*$т

    3%т"'&24$'';м тр$E&2"'и*м 2 &т'&x$'ии .

     Whe orPaniQer has the riPht to re}ect all proposals to participate in the

    Request for Troposal! if anX of them does not satisfX the requirements in

    respect of the Tarticipantzs request for proposals and 8 or suPPestions to

    participate in the Request for Troposal.

    1...Ор/"'и="т&р им$$т 6р"2& 6&тр$E&2"т: &т 4CE&/& 3B"%т'и"

    D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>! ="'*2x$/& '& и= 6$р2;( м$%т 2

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    р"'ир&2"'ии! 6р&(&#$'и* 6&%т2"4иYи"?ии! #"$ $%4и

    6р&2$#$'и$ т"6" 6&%т2"4иYи"?и&''&/& &тE&р" '$

    6р$#3%м"три2"4&%: 3%4&2и*ми 32$#&м4$'и* & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/&

    ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> и и';ми 3%4&2и*ми '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии.

     Whe orPaniQer has the riPht to require anX partX to seeO proposals! taOe one

    of the rst places in the ranOinP! passinP the postFqualication! even if the

    conduct of postFqualication staPe of the selection does not provide

    conditions of notication of the request for proposals and other terms of this


  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    MS Пр!3% )*&TпS Lub}ect of procurement

    MSO р$#м$т&м ="36и *24*Cт%*+

     Whe sub}ect of procurement are

    ,.1.1. О"="'и$ 3%43/и 6& р$"4и="?ии т$('иB$%&> и &р/"'и="?и&''&>

    B"%ти р"=&2;( 6р&м&F"?и>! 6р&2им;( 2 и'т$р$%"( HО «0IС %

    &E*="т$4:'&> 6$р$#"B$> 2 ООО «Стрим 6р"2 %&E%т2$''&%ти '"

    6р&/р"мм'&$ &E$%6$B$'и$ и '" и'т$44$т3"4:'3C #$*т$4:'&%т:

    р$"4и=&2"''3C 2 р"м"( #&/&2&р".

    TrovidinP services for the implementation of technical and orPaniQational

    part of the oneFoS promotions carried out in the interests of TULV KMWLK Nith

    the mandatorX transfer of JJV KLtreamK propertX riPhts to softNare and

    intellectual activities implemented under the aPreement

     I$('иB$%"* B"%т: р$"4и=3$м;( 6р&м& "?ии 24CB"$т 2 %$E*! '& '$

    &/р"'иB$2"$т%* NebF%">т&м! Y3'?и&'"4 &т&р&/& '"%тр&$' '"

    2="им$>%т2и$ % '$&E(им;ми 2 р"м"( "?ии %и%т$м"ми

    k%6&4'ит$4* и D""=Bи"! 24CB"* '& '$ &р/'"иB$2"*%: LMLF%$р2и%;!

    %$р2и%; Fmail р"%%;4&! VRM %и%т$м;. | р"м"( &т#$4:';( "?и>

    м&$т 2&='и'3т: '$&E(им&%т: 2 6ри~м$ 2(*$/& LML и Fmail

    тр"YYи" "E&'$'т"! $/& %и%т$м"ти="?ии и &Eр"E&т$ %&/4"%'&

    '$&E(им;м "4/&ритм"м. р&м$ т&/&! 2%~ #$>%2ти* р$"4и=3$м;(k%6&4'ит$4$м %и%т$м #&4'; 4&/ир&2"т:%* и 6р$#&%т"24*т:%* 6&

    тр$E&2"'иC D""=Bи" 2 '$&E(им&> Y&рм$.

     Whe technical part of onPoinP promotions includes! but is not limited to NebF

    site! the functionalitX of Nhich is conPured to interact Nith the necessarX

    action Nithin the frameNorO of the Vontractor and the Vustomerzs sXstems!

    includinP but not orPnaichevaXas LMLFservices! services! Fmail neNsletters!

    VRM sXstems. {ithin the frameNorO of individual stocOs maX be necessarX to

    the reception of incominP LML and Fmail tra[c of the subscriber! its

    sXstematiQation and treatment of the necessarX alPorithms. n addition! all

    deXsvtiXa sXstems implemented bX the Vontractor shall be Piven! and fromloPPinP on customerzs request in the required form.

    Ор/"'и="?и&''"* B"%т: р$"4и=3$м;( 6р&м& "?и> 24CB"$т 2 %$E*! '&

    '$ &/р"'иBи2"$т%* 2="им$>%т2и$м % "E&'$'т"ми "?ии! &&р#и'"?и*

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    и( #$>%т2и> 6&%р$#%т2&м т$4$Y&'';( =2&'&2! Fmail и LML %&&E$'и>!

    32$#&м4$'и$ 6&E$#ит$4$> "?и> & 6р&?$#3р$ 6&43B$'и* 6ри=&2.

     Whe orPaniQational part of the onPoinP promotions include! but are not

    limited to interaction Nith the subscribers of the shares! to coordinate their

    actions throuPh phone calls! Fmail and LML messaPes! notication of Ninners of shares of the procedure for obtaininP priQes.

    $р$#"B" 6р"2 '" 6р&/р"мм'&$ &E$%6$B$'и$ и '" р$=34:т"т;

    и'т$44$т3"4:'&> #$*т$4:'&%ти 6р"=3м$2"$т 6&4';> 6$р$( 6р"2

    6& и%т$B$'иC %р&" #$>%т2и* #&/&2&р".

     Wransfer of riPhts in softNare and results of intellectual activitX implies a full

    transfer of riPhts after the epiration of the contract.

    MSM  |%$ тр$E&2"'и* 6р$#м$т3 ="36и! 3"="'; 2 ри4&$'ии 1«D"6р&% 6р$#4&$'и> '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии! &т&р&$ *24*$т%*

    '$&т$м4$м&> $/& B"%т:C.

    \ll requirements of the sub}ect of purchase! are listed in \nne 1 KRK to

    this documentation! Nhich is an intePral part of it.

    MSX  ^&6&4'ит$4:'"* и'Y&рм"?и*! '$&E(им"* #4* р$"4и="?иит$('иB$%&> и &р/"'и="?и&''&> B"%ти 6р&м&F"?и>! 6р&2им;( 2

    и'т$р$%"( HО «0IС! /#$ ООО «Стрим *24*$т%* =""=Bи&м!

    %$рит%* 2 6ри4&$'и*( '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии! &т&р;$

    *24*$т%* '$&т$м4$м&> $/& B"%т:C.

    \dditional information required for the implementation of technical andorPaniQational part of the promotions carried out in the interests of TULV

    KMWLK! Nhere the KLtreamK Jtd. is the customer! is contained in the annees

    to this documentation! Nhich is an intePral part of it.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    XS ТрQов*"#0 & У/*+%"#&*3 # !о&T3"%'5 пр!о+%*в,03' впо!%вр-!"# +оо%в%+%в#0 T+%*"ов,""'3%рQов*"#03 4 Requirements for participants and documents

    submitted in support of rePulatorX compliance

    XSOS ТрQов*"#0 & У/*+%"#&*3

    Requirements for participants

    ].1.1.%и( р3E4*(% Cри#иB$%ими 4и?"ми р$=и#$'т"ми j и #&44"р"( СH и8и4и$2р& % Cри#иB$%ими 4и?"ми '$р$=и#$'т"ми j 6& т$3$м3 '"м&м$'т р"%B$т&2 3р%3.

     Whe orPaniQation should have a partX to a lePal person @resident or nonF

    resident)! Nhich Nill be WreatX. \ll paXments must be made in Russian rublesfor lePal entities F residents of the Russian ederation and ‚L dollars and 8 oreuros for lePal persons F nonFresidents of the Russian ederation at thecurrent echanPe rate at the time of settlement.

    ].1.,. ри 6р$#&%т"24$'ии %2&$/& 6р$#4&$'и* '" 3B"%ти$ 2 D"6р&%$


  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    3%т"'&24$'';м 2 32$#&м4$'ии & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/& ="6р&%"

    6р$#4&$'и> и '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии.

    {hen submittinP its proposal to participate in the Request for Troposal Whe

    participant must document the fact of compliance to the participants request

    for proposals! set out in the notice of the request for proposals and thepresent _ocumentation

    ].1.]. и и';ми 3%4&2и*ми '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ииw

    Member of the R must Penerate an oSer to participate in the Request for

    Troposal in full compliance Nith the requirements of the notice of the request

    for proposals and other terms of this _ocumentationw

    ].1.9.k%6&4'*т: &E*="т$4:%т2"! 2=*т;$ '" %$E* 2 м&м$'т 6"Bи6р$#4&$'и* '" 3B"%ти$ 2 D"6р&%$ 6р$#4&$'и>w

     Wo perform the obliPations undertaOen at the time of submission of the

    proposal to participate in the Request for Troposalw

    ].1.7.k';$ &E*="''&%ти и тр$E&2"'и* 3B"%т'и"м &тE&р"

    3%т"'"24и2"Cт%* 2 32$#&м4$'ии & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/& ="6р&%"

    6р$#4&$'и> и '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии

    Zther obliPations and requirements for the selection of participants are set in

    the notice of the request for proposals and the present _ocumentation.].1..%&> j$#$р"?ии &E "#ми'и%тр"ти2';( 6р"2&'"р3x$'и*(!'" #$': 6"Bи 6р$#4&$'и* '" 3B"%ти$ 2 &тE&р$ @#4* ="*2ит$4$> '$р$=и#$'т&2 j+ 3B"%т'и&м D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> '$ м&$тE;т: Cри#иB$%&$ 4и?&8="*2ит$4:! '$ *24*Cи>%* Cри#иB$%им4и?&м! &т&р&$@;>) 6ри='"' E"'р&т&м и8и4и #$*т$4:'&%т:

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    &т&р&/& 6ри&%т"'&24$'" 2 6&р*#$! 6р$#3%м&тр$''&м '&рм"ми6рим$'им&/& 6р"2")w

    € € Nhich @th) found) banOrupt and 8 or activitX of Nhich is suspended inthe manner stipulated bX the Vode of \dministrative ZSences! on thedaX of submission of proposals for participation in the selection @for

    applicants F nonFresidents of the Russian ederation+ the participantRequest for Troposals can not be a lePal person 8 applicant Nhich is nota lePal entitX that @rst) declared banOrupt and 8 or activitX of Nhich issuspended in the manner prescribed bX applicable laN)w

    € &т&р&$@;>) 6р$#&%т"2и4@&) '$#&%т&2$р';$ и4и '$6&4';$%2$#$'и*! " т"$ '$ 6р$#&%т"2и4 тр$E3$м;$ #&3м$'т; и4и и(&6ииw

    € Nhich @th) Pave @a) inaccurate or incomplete information! and has notprovided the required documents or copies thereofw

    € $%4и 2 6р&?$%%$ 6р&2$ри 6р$#%т"24$'';( %2$#$'и> 2;*24$';6ри='"и %&м'ит$4:';( &'тр"/$'т&2w

    € f in the process of verication of the submitted information shoNedsiPns of dubious counterpartiesw

    € " т"$ 2 и';( %43B"*(! &6р$#$4*$м;( 6р"=#$4$'и$м 6&E$=&6"%'&%ти D""=Bи".

    as Nell as in other cases determined bX division bX the Vustomerzs securitX.

    XSMS ТрQов*"#0 & !о&T3"%*35 пр!о+%*в,03'3 впо!%вр-!"# +оо%в%+%в#0 T+%*"ов,""'3 %рQов*"#03 4

    Requirements for documents submitted in support of rePulatorX compliance


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    • &6ии 3%т"2"! 3Bр$#ит$4:';( #&3м$'т&2!  ="2$р$'';$ 6и%:C36&4'&м&B$''&/& 4и?" и 6$B"т:C &р/"'и="?ии @#4* р$/и%тр"?ии!

    ="2$р$''3C 6и%:C 36&4'&м&B$''&/& 4и?" и 6$B"т:C&р/"'и="?ии @#4* &р/"'&2 36р"24$'и* &р/"'и="?иии4и %3#$E';( &р/"'&2 & 4и2и#"?ии и4и р$&р/"'и="?ииCри#иB$%&/& 4и?" и4и "р$%т" $/& им3$%т2"! 6и%"''3Cр3&2ит$4$м &р/"'и="?ии @#4* )! тр$E3$м;$ 2 %&&т2$т%т2ии %

    '&рм"ми 6рим$'им&/& 6р"2" #4* 2;6&4'$'и* 6р$#м$т" ="36и!$%4и и'&$ '$ 6р$#3%м&тр$'& 32$#&м4$'и$м & 6р&2$#$'ии&тр;т&/& ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>w

    • &6ии #&3м$'т&2! 6т2$р#"Cи( '"4иBи$ 3

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    2(*и$ 2 6р$#м$т ="36и! и8и4и '$&E(им;( р$%3р%&2 #4*%&=#"'и* т"и( &E$т&2.

    • € the application form on the form and in accordance Nith theinstructions Piven in this documentation @form number ,! section .,)w

    € copies of the charter! the constituent documents certied bXauthoriQed siPnature and seal of the orPaniQation @for nonFresidentparticipants copies of similar documents provided bX the lePislation ofthe countrX of rePistration of nonFresident participants! certied bXauthoriQed siPnature and seal of the orPaniQation! if applicable)w

    € a copX of the state rePistration certicate! certied bX authoriQedsiPnature and seal of the orPaniQation @for nonFresident participantscopies of similar documents)w

    € a copX of the certicate of ta rePistration! certied bX authoriQedsiPnature and seal of the orPaniQation @for nonFresident participants acopX of the same document! if applicable)

    € a copX of the document @order! minutes of the meetinP of founders!etc.) conrminP the authoritX of the person siPninP the proposal! acertied siPnature and stamp of the orPaniQation @for nonFresidentparticipants a copX of the same document! if applicable). f theproposal is siPned bX a proX! provided the oriPinal or a certied copXof the poNer of attorneX and the above documents to the person Nho

    issued a poNer of attorneX @for nonFresident participants a copX of thesame document! if applicable)w

    € a copX of the balance sheet and prot and loss statement @formnumber 1! ,) for ,1]! ,19. @or nonFresident participants copies ofsimilar documents provided bX the lePislation of the countrX ofrePistration of nonFresident participants and supportinP the nancialcondition of the nonFresident participants)w

    € the inquirX about absence manaPement bodies decisions or }udicialliquidation or reorPaniQation of lePal entitX or seiQure of his propertX!

    siPned bX the head of the orPaniQation @for nonFresident participants acopX of the same document! if applicable)w

    € a letter of Puarantee conrminP authoriQed license to distribute thesoftNare! or other services oSered bX the oNner @s) if the aboveFmentioned softNare is not oNned bX the idderw

    € Vopies of permits @licenses) required in accordance Nith applicable

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    laN to carrX out the procurement sub}ect! unless otherNise provided inthe notication of the request for proposalsw

    € copies of documents conrminP that the partX is essential to theriPhts of intellectual propertX belonPinP to the sub}ect of purchase! and

    8 or the necessarX resources to create these ob}ects.• GooPle Wranslate for usiness+ Wranslator WoolOit{ebsite Wranslator

    ].,.,. | %43B"$ $%4и 6& "имF4иE& 6риBи'"м #&3м$'т! &' #&4$' 6ри4&ит:

    %&%т"24$''3C 2 6р&и=2&4:'&> Y&рм$ %6р"23! &E*%'*C3C 6риBи'3

    &т%3т%т2и* тр$E3$м&/& #&3м$'т"! " т"$ %$р"3C ="2$р$'и*

    Ор/"'и="т&р3 2 %&&т2$т%т2ии %и> *=; @2 %6$?и"4:'& &/&2&р$'';( %43B"*(

    "6&%ти4ир&2"'';>). ри 2;*24$'ии р"%(&#$'и> м$#3 р3%%им и8и4и

    "'/4и>%им 6$р$2&м и &ри/и'"4&м #&3м$'т" '" и'&м *=;$

    Ор/"'и="т&р E3#$т 6ри'им"т: р$x$'и$ '" &%'&2"'ии 6$р$2".

    Ор/"'и="т&р 26р"2$ '$ р"%%м"три2"т: #&3м$'т;! '$6$р$2$#$'';$ '" р3%%и> и8и4и "'/4и>%и> *=;.

     ]*)^0+""# )*&Tпо/"о. До&T3"%*1## 4 VlarifXinP the procurementdocumentation

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    Tarticipants maX applX to the ZrPaniQer for an eplanation of thisprocurement documentation. Requests for clarication documentation maXbe sent bX eF mail to contact the ZrPaniQer of the persons mentioned in thepresent _ocumentation p.1.1.].

    Ор/"'и="т&р 2 р"=3м';> %р& &т2$тит '" 4CE&> 2&6р&%! &т&р;> &'

    6&43Bит '$ 6&=#'$$! B$м =" , р"E&Bи( #'* #& и%т$B$'и* %р&" 6"Bи

    р$#4&$'и> @ „%4и! 6& м'$'иC Ор/"'и="т&р"! &т2$т '" #"'';>

    2&6р&% E3#$т и'т$р$%$' 2%$м 2! %

    32$#&м4$'и$м 2%$( 3B"%т'и&2 т$м $ %6&%&E&м! &т&р;м E;4&

    &63E4и&2"'& 4иE& '"6р"24$'& 32$#&м4$'и$ & 6р&2$#$'ии D"6р&%"


  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    f necessarX! the ZrPaniQer has the riPht to etend the deadline for idsinstalled in p.1.9.1 ! notifXinP all the participants in the same NaX that hasbeen published or notied of the request for proposals .

    ZS[ J"+"# попр*во& в До&T3"%*1#$ по )*про+Tпр!,о-"#.

    \mendments to the documentation for the request for proposals

    Ор/"'и="т&р 2 4CE&> м&м$'т #& и%т$B$'и* %р&" 6"Bи

    6р$#4&$'и> @ 26р"2$ 2'$%ти 6&6р"2и 2 '"%т&*3C


    ZrPaniQer at anX time before the deadline for submission of proposals@ p.1.9.1 ) has the riPht to amend this documentation.

    С&&т2$т%т23C$$ 32$#&м4$'и$ & 2'$%$'ии 6р"2& 2 ^&3м$'т"?иC

    E3#$т #&2$#$'& #& %2$#$'и* 3B"%т'и&2 т$м $ %6&%&E&м! &т&р;м

    E;4& &63E4и&2"'& 4иE& '"6р"24$'& 32$#&м4$'и$ & 6р&2$#$'ии

    D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>.

     Whe notication on introduction of amendments to the documentation Nill bebrouPht to the attention of the participants in the same NaX that has beenpublished or notied of the request for proposals .

    [S По!*/*5 #)3""# # о%)'в Пр!,о-"#.S LupplX ! modicationand NithdraNal of Troposals

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia



    O По!*/* пр!,о-"#. # #2 пр#3

    7.1 Lubmission of proposals and their reception

    7.1.1. |%$ #&3м$'т;! 2(*и$ 2 %&%т"2 р$#4&$'и*! 6"Cт%* B$р$=

    "2т&м"ти=ир&2"''3C %и%т$м; 36р"24$'и* ="36"ми!

    6р$#&%т"24*$м3C &м6"'и$> СH L\T \ribaS

    \ll documents included in the proposals submitted throuPh automatedprocurement manaPement sXstem ! supplied bX L\T F L\T \riba.

    7.1.,. ри/4"x$'и$ 3B"%т'и&2 6р&и%(ит B$р$= %и%т$м3 \riba_iscoverX! 4иE& #4* р"'$$ '$ ="р$/и%трир&2"'';( 2 3"="''&> %и%т$м$

    3B"%т'и&2 6&%р$#%т2&м %&=#"'и* и( 6р$#2"рит$4:'&> "рт&Bи и

    '"6р"24$'и* им %%;4и #4* р$/и%тр"?ии '" "#р$% 4$тр&''&> 6&Bт;.

    nvite participants taOes place throuPh \riba _iscoverX sXstem ! or forpreviouslX rePistered participants in this sXstem throuPh the creation of theirpreF cards and sendinP them a linO to rePister for the eFmail address .

    7.1.]. &43Bи2 6ри/4"x$'и$! 6&т$'?и"4:';> 3B"%т'и ="(ит 2

    4иB';> "Eи'$т 2 L\T \riba 6& 6ри4&$''&> %%;4$ и &='""м4и2"$т%*% #&3м$'т"?и$> 6& ="36$. &%4$ 6ри'*ти* р$x$'и* &E 3B"%тии 2

    ="36&B'&> 6р&?$#3р$ &' 6р&%т"24*$т &тм$т3 6т2$р#$'и*

    3B"%ти*. Ор/"'и="т&р 2 Y&рм$ 6р&2$#$'и* ="36и 2и#ит и'Y&рм"?иC

    & &4иB$%т2$ 6ри/4"x~'';( 3B"%т'и&2 и &4иB$%т2$ 6т2$р#и2xи(

    %2&~ 3B"%ти$. "B" 6р$#4&$'и> 6&т$'?и"4:';ми 6&%т"2и"ми

    &%3$%т24*$т%* B$р$= 4иB';> "Eи'$т L\T \riba.

    \fter receivinP the invitation ! the potential participant comes to Xourpersonal cabinet in L\T \riba on the attached linO and familiariQe Nith thedocumentation for the purchase . \fter the decision on the participation in

    the procurement procedure ! he stamped conrmation of participation . WheorPaniQer in the form of purchases sees information about the number ofinvited participants and the number of conrmed their participation .Lubmission of proposals bX potential suppliers throuPh personal cabinet L\T\riba.

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    7.1.9. И)3""# # о%)'в Пр!,о-"#.S Modication and NithdraNalof Troposals

    7.,.1. "Eи'$т L\T \riba.

    Member has the riPht to modifX or NithdraN the submitted proposal . VhanPeor NithdraNal of Troposals Whe participant must carrX throuPh a personalcabinet L\T \riba.

    7.,.,. …CE;$ #&3м$'т;! "%"Cи$%* и=м$'$'и* и4и &т=;2"

    р$#4&$'и*! '$&E(им& &Y&рмит: 2 %&&т2$т%т2ии % тр$E&2"'и*ми

    63'т&2 9.1.] и 9.1.9 '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии.

    \nX documents relatinP to the modication or NithdraNal of proposals ! it isnecessarX to issue in accordance Nith the requirements of paraPraphs 9.1.]and 9.1.9 of this documentation .

    S О1"&* Пр!,о-"#. # пров!"# пр(оворовS valuation ofids and nePotiations

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    SOS О1"&* пр!,о-"#.S

    valuation of proposals .

    С&6&%т"24$'и$ и &?$'3 р$#4&$'и> 3B"%т'и&2 D"6р&%"

    6р$#4&$'и>! 6&%4$ 6т2$р#$'и* подразделением по безопасности

    Y"т" '"#$'&%ти ="*2ит$4$>! &%3$%т24*$т Тендерная комиссия '"

    6р$#м$т %&&т2$т%т2и* 6р$#%т"24$'';( р$#4&$'и> Iр$E&2"'и*м @2

    %&&т2$т%т2ии % ри4&$'и$м ƒ1 '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии) и

    рит$ри*м 6р$#2"4иYи"?и&''&/& &тE&р"! $%4и т"&2&> 6р&2и4%*.

    Vomparison and evaluation of proposals the participants request for

    proposals ! after the division of securitX reliabilitX applicants fact ! carries Wender Vommission for compliance Nith the proposed requirementssubmitted @ in accordance Nith \ppendi ƒ1 to the present _ocumentation )and the criteria of the prequalication ! if carried out .

    О?$'" р$#4&$'и> 24CB"$т &тE&р&B'3C %т"#иC! &?$'&B'3C

    %т"#иC! 6р&2$#$'и$ 6$р$/&2&р&2.

    $x$'и$ & 6ри='"'ии р$#4&$'и* %&&т2$т%т23Cим Iр$E&2"'и*м @2

    %&&т2$т%т2ии % ри4&$'и$м ƒ1 '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии) и

    3#&24$т2&р*Cим рит$ри*м 6р$#2"4иYи"?и&''&/& &тE&р"! $%4ит"&2&> 6р&2и4%*! 6ри'им"$т%* E&4:xи'%т2&м /&4&%&2 B4$'&2

     I$'#$р'&> &ми%%ии.

    valuation of ids comprises selection staPe ! the evaluation staPe ofnePotiations . Whe decision on recoPnition of the proposal fullls the requirements @ inaccordance Nith \ppendi ƒ1 to the present _ocumentation ) and meet thecriteria for preFqualication ! if anX! taOen bX a ma}oritX vote of the membersof the Wender Vommission .

    |%$ р$#4&$'и*! 6ри='"'';$ %&&т2$т%т23Cими Iр$E&2"'и*м @2

    %&&т2$т%т2ии % ри4&$'и$м ƒ 1 '"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ии) и

    рит$ри*м 6р$#2"рит$4:'&/& 2"4иYи"?и&''&/& &тE&р"! $%4и т"&2&>

    6р&2и4%*! &?$'и2"Cт%* и%(* и= рит$ри$2! 6$р$Bи%4$'';( 2

    ри4&$'ии ƒ, *24*C$м%* '$&т$м4$м&> B"%т:C '"%т&*$>

    #&3м$'т"?ии). р$#4&$'и$ 3B"%т'и" ="6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>!

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    #&63$''&/& ит&/&2&> &?$'$! '"Eр"2x$$ '"иE&4:x$$ &4иB$%т2&

    E"44&2 и%(* и= т"E4и?; рит$ри$2! 6$р$Bи%4$'';( 2 ри4&$'ии ƒ,

    @рит$рии &?$'и р$#4&$'и>) *24*C$м%* '$&т$м4$м&> B"%т:C

    '"%т&*$> #&3м$'т"?ии! 6ри='"$т%* 6&E$#и2xим.

    \ll proposals found to complX @in accordance Nith \nne ƒ 1 to the present_ocumentation) criteria and prequalication of bidders! if anX! are evaluatedbased on the criteria listed in \nne ƒ, Nhich is an intePral part of thisdocument). Troposal RT participant admitted to the nal assessment! thehiPhest number of points based on the criteria of the table listed in \nneƒ, @criteria for the evaluation of Troposals) Nhich is an intePral part of thesedocuments recoPniQe the victorX.

    .1.1.ОтE&р&B'"* %т"#и*.

    | р"м"( &тE&р&B'&> %т"#ии 6р&2$р*$т%*+

    • 6р"2и4:'&%т: &Y&рм4$'и* р$#4&$'и> и и( %&&т2$т%т2и$тр$E&2"'и*м '"%т&*$> #&3м$'т"?ии 6& %3$%т23w

    • %&&т2$т%т2и$ ! 2 т&м Bи%4$

    6р$#%т"24$'и* &т%3т%т23Cи( #&3м$'т&2. ри т&м I$'#$р'"*&ми%%и* '$ 26р"2$ ="6р"xи2"т: р"=*%'$'и* и4и тр$E&2"т:

    #&3м$'т;! м$'*Cи$ %3т: р$#4&$'и*.

    Lelection staPe.\s part of the selection staPe is checOed+€ correctness of the proposals and their compliance Nith the requirements ofthis documentation on the meritsw€ Vompliance Nith the requirements of the Tarties to this documentw€ Vompliance Nith the requirements of this quotation document.\s part of the qualifXinP phase orPaniQer maX request clarication from

    Tarticipants or supplement their proposal! includinP the submission ofmissinP documents. Whis tender commission has no riPht to asO foreplanations or to demand documents! chanPinP the essence of theproposal.

    & р$=34:т"т"м 6р&2$#$'и* &тE&р&B'&> %т"#ии Ор/"'и="т&р им$$т

    6р"2& &т4&'ит: р$#4&$'и*! &т&р;$+

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    • 2 %3$%т2$''&> м$р$ '$ &т2$B"Cт тр$E&2"'и*м &Y&рм4$'иC'"%т&*$> ^&3м$'т"?ииw

    • 6"'; B"%т:C

    '"%т&*$> #&3м$'т"?ии.

    valuation staPe .\s part of the evaluation staPe of proposals evaluated and compared ! andtheir ranPinP accordinP to the dePree of preference for the ZrPaniQer on thebasis of the criteria listed in \nne ƒ, ) ! Nhich is an intePral part of thisdocumentation .

    .1.].р&2$#$'и$ 6$р$/&2&р&2.

    Vonduct of nePotiations

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    &%4$ р"%%м&тр$'и* и &?$'и р$#4&$'и> Ор/"'и="т&р 26р"2$

    6р&2$%ти 6$р$/&2&р; % 4CE;м и= 3B"%т'и&2 6& 4CE&м3 6&4&$'иC $/&


    $р$/&2&р; м&/3т 6р&2ит:%* 2 и' и4и '$%&4:& т3р&2.

    ОB$р$#'&%т: 6$р$/&2&р&2 3%т"'"24и2"$т Ор/"'и="т&р. ри 6р&2$#$'ии6$р$/&2&р&2 Ор/"'и="т&р E3#$т и=E$/"т: р"%р;ти* #р3/им ("р"т$рw

    • 'и '" и= %т&р&' 6$р$/&2&р&2 '$ р"%р;2"$т 'и"&м3 #р3/&м34и?3 'и"&> т$('иB$%&>! ?$'&2&> и4и и'&> р;'&B'&>и'Y&рм"?ии! &т'&%*$>%* тим 6$р$/&2&р"м! E$= %&/4"%и*#р3/&> %т&р&';.

    • \fter revieNinP and evaluatinP the proposal ZrPaniQer has the riPhtto nePotiate Nith anX of the participants at anX position on itsproposals.

    • ePotiations can be conducted in one or more staPes. nePotiationsTrioritX sets ZrPaniQer. {hen nePotiatinP ZrPaniQer Nill avoiddisclosinP other Tarticipants content of the proposals received! asNell as the proPress and content of the nePotiations! that is+

    • € anX nePotiations betNeen the ZrPaniQer and the Tarticipant shall becondentialw

    • € none of the nePotiatinP parties not disclose to anX other person anXtechnical! price or other marOet information relatinP to thenePotiations Nithout the consent of the other partX.

    Ор/"'и="т&р 2 р$=34:т"т$ 6$р$/&2&р&2 м&$т 6р$#4&ит:+

    • 2;%т36ит: 4CE&м3 и= и= x$> 6р&?$#3р$D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> %"м&%т&*т$4:'&.

    ZrPaniQer as a result of the nePotiations has to oSer +€ speaO to anX of the plaXers as a Peneral contractor and involve as a coFauthor of anX of the Tarties and third partiesw

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    € unite more specic participants in the collective participant .\nX of the plaXers have the riPht to refuse this oSer Nithout anXconsequences and to participate in the further procedure for requestinPproposals independentlX.

    \S Пр#"0%# р_"#0 о пров!"## !опо,"#%,`"'2 a%*повпро1!Tр' )*про+* пр!,о-"#.S

      Whe decision to carrX out additional steps for requestinP proposals .

    & р$=34:т"т"м &?$'и р$#4&$'и> и 6р&2$#$'и* 6$р$/&2&р&2

    Ор/"'и="т&р 6ри'им"$т р$x$'и$ 4иE& 6& &6р$#$4$'иC &E$#ит$4*!

    4иE& 6& 6р&2$#$'иC #&6&4'ит$4:';( т"6&2 D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>!

    4иE& 6& ="2$рx$'иC #"''&/& D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и> E$= &6р$#$4$'и*&E$#ит$4* и ="4CB$'и* % 'им ^&/&2&р".

    \s a result of the evaluation of proposals and nePotiations ZrPaniQer decideseither to determine the Ninner ! or to taOe additional steps Request forTroposals or the completion of the request for proposals Nithout determininPthe Ninner and siPninP a contract Nith him .

    „%4и! 6& м'$'иC Ор/"'и="т&р"! 2&=м&'&%т$> #4* 343Bx$'и*


  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    proposals procedure can be supplemented bX one or more of thefolloNinP additional steps +

    9 additional competitive nePotiations w7 postFqualication selection.

    | %43B"$ 6ри'*ти* р$x$'и* & 6р&2$#$'ии #&6&4'ит$4:';(

    &'3р$'т';( 6$р$/&2&р&2! #"'';> т"6 6р&2ит%* 6&%4$

    р"%%м&тр$'и* и %&6&%т"24$'и* р$#4&$'и> @2%$(! р&м$ %т&им&%т'&/& рит$ри*! $%4и т"&2&>

    3"=;2"4%*). р&?$#3р" 6&%т2"4иYи"?и&''&/& &тE&р" м&$т

    6р&2ит:%* Тендерной комиссией  #"$ 2 %43B"$! $%4и 6р&2$#$'и$

    #"''&/& т"6" 6р&?$#3р; &тE&р" '$ E;4& 6р$#3%м&тр$'&

    32$#&м4$'и$м & 6р&2$#$'ии &тр;т&/& D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>.

    р$#4&$'и$ 3B"%т'и" D"6р&%" 6р$#4&$'и>! '$ &т2$B"C$/&

    '$&E(им;м тр$E&2"'и*м! #&4'& E;т: &т4&'$'&! " Организатор

    отбора м&$т 6р&4ит: 6р&?$#3р3 &тE&р" 2 &т'&x$'ии 3B"%т'и"

    &тE&р" %& %4$#3Cим '"иE&4$$ 2;/';м 6р$#4&$'и$м '" 3B"%ти$ 2


    TostFqualication selection can be carried out on the basis of the criteria

    specied in the notication of the request for proposals @all but cost criteria!if indicated). postFqualication selection procedure of the tender commissioncan be carried out even if the carrXinP out of this staPe there Nas noselection procedure provided for the notication of the request for proposals.Member ZSer request for proposals did not meet the necessarXrequirements! must be re}ected! and the selection of orPaniQer can continuethe selection procedure for the selection of the participant Nith the netmost favorable oSer to participate in the selection.

  • 8/17/2019 EULA russia


    ОQр*)1' о+"ов"'2 Yор3 !о&T3"%ов5 в&,$/*3'2в Пр!,о-"#S Lamples of the main forms of documents to be included

    in the proposal .

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