Esl curriculum maps 2012 aidita vélez ortiz

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Transcript of Esl curriculum maps 2012 aidita vélez ortiz

ESL Curriculum MapsAidita Vélez Ortiz

DirectorEnglish Program


• Greetings

• Reflection

• Objectives of the training:– Purpose of the Curriculum Maps– What each map includes– Lesson planning


• It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

• Albert Einstein


June 2012 4

Participants will be able to:

• Identify and describe the different elements of a curriculum map.

• Prepare a daily lesson plan using a curriculum map unit and its supplementary materials.

Purpose of Curriculum Maps

• To provide the guidelines for standards- based instruction

• To organize the standards into teachable units of instruction

Each map includes:

• Unit Summary and transfer goal•Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations •Big Ideas and Essential Questions•Content and Skills•Assessment Evaluation•Learning Plan

Other resources available in the CD

• Pacing Calenders

• Curriculum Alignment tool

• Content Maps

• Supplemental Materials

Understanding by Design (UbD)

• Is a framework for designing curriculum units, performance assessments, and instruction that lead your students to deep understanding of the content and skills you teach.

Stages of UbD

• The Backward design approach is developed in three stages. • Stage 1• Starts with the overall goal of the lessons by using content

standards, common core or state standards.• Defines "Students will understand that..." and lists essential

questions that will guide the learner to understanding• Focuses on identifying "what students will know" and most

importantly "what students will be able to do".

Stages of UbD

• Stage 2

Focuses on evidence of learning by assessment. Teachers plan performance tasks and evidence of understanding. Performance tasks determine what the students will demonstrate in the unit and what evidence will prove their understanding. This can include self-reflections and self-assessments on learning.

Stages of UbD

• Stage 3

Lists the learning activities that will lead students to your desired results.

The transfer goal leads to learning

• It is what we want our students to walk away with.

What is a “big idea” or enduring understanding? Why use it?

• Big ideas:• Connect lessons to a life

lesson or a larger understanding of the world for both students and teachers

• Require time to “uncover” and discover

• Have lasting effects and connections to other subjects and life

• As teachers, we do not give the student the big idea, but we lead them to it through essential questions

What are Essential Questions?

• Are “thought provoking” questions to introduce a new unit or lesson

• Spark discussion in the classroom

• Allow ideas/answers to be revised and added to as learning continues

• Help students to understand the big ideas/enduring understandings

Why are the Expectations in Stage 1?

• Expectations are what guide our instruction

• This is what knowledge we want our students to acquire

• The expectations that are being explicitly introduced and taught are shown in the learning expectations

What are Content and Skills? STAGE 2

From the expectations, we focused on:

•Content: What knowledge will the students gain?

•Skills: What strategies or abilities will the students gain?

STAGE 3Learning Plan

(Learning Activities)

•What teaching and learning experiences promote understanding, interest, and excellence? •Identify the best educational experiences that facilitate understanding and comprehension of the content, process, and skills of grade level teaching.

What is in the CD?



Pacing Calendar





Date and Study ThemeContent Area and Time Period--- Top Part of Curriculum Map

General Strategy and Phase Learning Plan--- Stage 3

Integration of Subjects Learning Plan--- Stage 3

Standards and Expectations Stage 1--- Desired Results

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Expectations, Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Content, and Skills--- Stage 1

Objectives Stage 3 --- Learning PlanStage 1--- Summary of Unit, standards and Expectations

Assessment Stage 2--- Assessment EvidenceStage 3--- Learning Plan

Learning Activities Stage 3---Learning Plan, lessons, and attachments

Materials or Resources Stage 3--- Learning Plan, Lessons, Additional Resources, and Literature Connections.

Assignment Stage 3--- Learning Plan, Additional Resources

Reflection Individually/ Self-Evaluation; Rethinking


Unit /Theme:_______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

General Strategy: ( )ECA / ( )Exploration ( )Conceptualization ( ) Application


Curricular Integration: ( ) Science, ( ) Mathematics, ( ) Social Studies, ( ) Art, ( ) Health, ( ) Music, ( ) Theatre





Stage 1 –Standards and Expectations

Standards Expectations

Lesson Plan

Depth of Knowledge:• ( ) DOK I – Recall & Reproduction = Recall information such as a fact, definition, or a simple procedure; or

performance of a simple • process or procedure.• ( ) DOK II – Skills & Concepts = Engagement of mental processing beyond recall or reproduction; more than one

step.• ( ) DOK III – Strategic Thinking = Reasoning, planning, using evidence, and a higher level of thinking than

previous levels; more • complex, abstract.• ( ) DOK IV – Extended Thinking = Develops and completes projects by planning, developing and reasoning,

justifies and explains, uses • different resources to argue ideas, monitors his own work and progress.

Stage1 - (Content and Skills for Stage 2 Assessment)

Stage 2 -Performance Tasks and

Other Evidence

Objectives Assesment




Lesson Plan


Stage 3 Initial : _____________________________________________________________________

Learning Development: _______________________________________________________________

Activities Closure: ____________________________________________________________________

Stage 3:

Literature and



Educational Materials and Resources Education Team( ) Curricular Framework - English ( ) Content Standards and Grade – Level Expectations( ) Guide, pages ____________ ( ) Power point presentation( ) Textbook, pages ___________ ( ) transparencies( ) Workbook, pages ___________ ( ) bingo / games( ) organizer ( ) photos ( ) flashcards( ) board ( ) charts ( ) sentences strips( ) dictionary ( ) pictures ( ) notebook( ) thesaurus ( ) copies ( ) glossary( ) newspaper ( ) magazine ( ) picture dictionary( ) _____________________________________ ( ) ______________________________________

( ) T V( ) V C R y/o ( ) D V D ( ) Audio C D( ) Videos ( ) Computer( ) Printer( ) Vertical ( ) Radio CD( ) Digital (Infocus)( ) Internet( ) ________________________________________

Teacher’s reflection

Homework: ( ) Practice, ( ) Elaboration, ( ) Preparation _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson Plan

• Digital Lesson Plan


Twenty-Five Quick Tips for Classroom Teachers

by Judie Haynes

• Put any five of the following tips into practice and your English language learners will benefit from the improved instruction.

• Do you want to create an effective learning environment for your English language learners? Pick five ideas that you have never tried from the list below and implement them in your content area or mainstream classroom. You will be surprised to see how much the learning of ELLs improves.

Before Teaching the Lesson

• Determine the English language learning level of your ELLs. Be realistic about what you expect ELLs to do.

..\Reading strategies Teacher observation checklist.pdf

..\reading strategies student self-assessment rating scale.pdf

..\reading strategies Analytic Scoring Rubric.pdf

Before Teaching the Lesson

• Plan ahead. Think about how you will make the content comprehensible to your ELLs. Consider the following questions.– How will you link the content to the students’ previous

knowledge? – How will you build background information? Show a video or

read a book aloud about your topic first. – Decide what language and concepts need to be pre-taught. – How can you develop content area vocabulary? What visuals

will you need?

Word Wall

Introduce concrete concepts and vocabulary first.

Before Teaching the Lesson

• Reflect on how you can teach to oral, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities.

• Prepare teaching aids such as maps, charts, pictures, and flashcards before the lesson is taught.

• Add vocabulary word banks to student activities. • Adapt text so that the concepts are paraphrased in

easier English. Eliminate non-essential details. • Find non-fiction books in the library written at a lower

level about the topic you are teaching.

During the Lesson

• Build on what ELLs already know.

kwl 2.pdf

KNWS Math.doc


During the Lesson

• Simplify vocabulary and sentence structure. Pre-teach vocabulary in context.

• Teach students to categorize their information using graphic organizers. Create semantic and story maps.

story map.pdf


pepita story map.ppt

During the Lesson

• Demonstrate highlighting techniques so that students can highlight important information.

• Review and repeat important concepts and vocabulary. • Provide concrete “real” examples and experiences.• Teach ELLs to find definitions for key vocabulary in the


During the Lesson

• Help ELLs become familiar with their textbooks (table of contents, glossary, index, etc.)

• Model your thinking processes for students using “think-alouds”.

• Tape record part of your lesson to reinforce learning.

After the Lesson

• Have ELLs watch videos or listen to tapes about current lesson using close caption feature.

• Provide follow-up activities that reinforce vocabulary and concepts.

• Have students work in small groups or pairs so that language and concepts are reinforced.

After the Lesson

• Adjust homework assignment to your ELLs’ English language proficiency.

• Modify assessment so that your ELLs have an opportunity to show what they have learned.

Other Online Resourses


