ES Pf OMeNT/ 8/Niagara... · TABLOID FORM •*i 11 * i»i.«.»i«iii i i ^Coxey** Army** of...

Post on 03-Feb-2020

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Transcript of ES Pf OMeNT/ 8/Niagara... · TABLOID FORM •*i 11 * i»i.«.»i«iii i i ^Coxey** Army** of...

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Niagara Lodge of Perfection to Hare Interesting Session

Tomorrow Nigfct,

j Wa?ara L-odge of Perfection, X A-B. Hi Masons, expect one of the larg­est gathering* of the fall season to-taorrow evening1 at their rooms In t h e JJaaonio Temple, Fourth street «tnd Walnut avenue.* The occasion trill be the conferring of t h e grade t>t Grand Elect Mason on the 11*2$ class. . s . v

Thrice Potent Master S£. Bradley Korton has announced the visit on Tuesday evening of Commander-in-Chief George A. Keller, 33, of Buf­falo. Consistory. -The Commander-in Chief win be accompanied by the officers of Falmont I^odge of Perfec­tion, who will confer the fourteenth degree for Niagara lodge. The Buf­falo officials will leave by special bus arriving in this city at about 7:20 p. rn.

BlsSffvLodge, A. A. S. R., of Niagara F a l l v Ont, has announced its inten tlen of sending a delegation, and John Hodge Bodge of Perfection of Bockport will be represented by its offlccre and many members who have signified their intention of meeting- the Commander-in-Chief and bis staff on this occasion.

Bodge will open at v 7:30 o'clock, ! and the degree work start promptly at 8. Following the conferring of

"the supremo grade a social hour In •the dining room will bring to a close the most important meeting of the fa l l . season.

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CROSSWORD PUZZLE || plunges Off Stage H I I I I I I I I I I I M I m i l l I H I I I I O

,-• This question par*le wtll-be difficult although It feature* short words. See bow long It takes you to complete i t - '


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Vaudeville Actor Fractures Ribs "^ in Six-foot Tumble,

i s * i * * * • > c' 1 t r - T - 1 - " - -I • I i • »—


•*i 1 1 * i » i . « . » i « i i i i i

^Coxey** Army** of unemployed Welsh miners ends its 200Tmllo trek jtt Trafalgar Square,-London, where A. J. Cook, secretary of Miners' Fed­eration, condemns Baldwin govern­ment In stinging address on the "Battle for Bread."

. Sh» Alan Cobham In all-metal Seaplane arrives . at Bordeaux, France, from Southampton on way for 80,000 miles survey flight of Arrioa. i

Premier Bratlanu at Bucharest characterissea as fantastic and didi-culoua reports that he intended es­tablishing Rumanian Republic.

Berlin police say Russia bank-note forgery plot is scheme with rami­fications in many European capitals to smash Soviet finances and estab­lish Caucasian independence.

• Drilling of two wells In Tajnptco "•li fields, suspended pending su­premo court decision, Is resumed by Mexican Petroleum company.

HORIZONTAL What poet wrote "Chllde Harold?" What. Hebrew prophet was thrown

to the fishes becaute he dls-. obeyed The Lord?

Eternity. Call for help at sea. What name did the artist* Bonheur

use In place of her given nan?*, >tarie Rosalie?

Jutting part of a look. Posts, sesame. What is the abbreviation for treats*

urer? Who wrote "The Story of the

Bible?" Three-toed sloth.. Withered. To canter Closer. • ;S , WJiat J s t h i chief port of Cuba? Companies^1"' "* Silica in quarts form. Type of snow shoe. Work of genius. A middle-class person. Abbreviation for street. What is one of the most famous

lakes In Switzerland? Toward. House cat. Muscular power. Every. Dry. Twenty-four hours. Brought up.

VERTICAL. Who received most of the credit for

tho discovery of insulin? Three hundred and sixty-five days. To steal. Upon. Spiral.

7 Eltner'a pal, 8 Adverbial' negative. 3 Which is the largest continent on

the globe? 10 Where is the chief naval station

of British America. 12 Wiser. «, 13 Indolence. ! 16 Female horses. 17 Short-billed rails. 20 What Roman poet wrote 'Aeneid?" 21 Probationer. 23 Subsided. 23 Ankles. 27 What churoh festival commemorates

the Resurrection of Christ? 20 To irritate. ,31 Place of public contest, 34 Sour.' 35 Three In cards. 37 Mineral spring, 39 You and me, 40 Points of compa*i. 42 Ancient. a 44 Seventh note in scale. 46 Measure of area.

i i i I ' I I M i i i t . i * i « < * » » » L i ' n n 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 m i a i i i i m

Paris Boasts Richest Police Chief

- ? • •

Any kind of ft boree, be ft only a bobby, horse, can be dangerous, as J. Kirk of the vaudeville team of Kirk and Lawrence, scheduled to play at the Bellevue theater this week, di* covered yesterday. Kirk and Law­rence label the^r act "In the Days of Buffalo Bill" and call It a cartoon of "dime novel daya." ,-'

It was their opening performance. Kirk waa having difficulty in manag­ing the mechanical steed on which he waa mounted. After prancing a little at the rear of the stage, the toy b o n e made a wild dasb for the footlights on the left. The horse stop, however. Kirk caught hie foot and fell headlong into the deepest part of the orchestra p i t The audience, think­ing thia waa a brave exhibition of a rider thrown from an unruly broncho, applauded and laughed. The act waa finished minus Kirk, who has sus­tained two cracked ribs in bis six-foot drop. • * .

The Injured actor was removed to bis rooms, where he secured medical attention. Kirk and Lawrence will be unable to finish their week a t the Bellevue., But another Kelth-Albee headline act was secured to take their place at the nine o'clock performance Jast night Kirk is reported as resting easily today, and it is believed he will be able to continue his act in a couple of weeks.

. , , , . . » » I,

I I ^tntmmmm*mm i i l i i rn u n i i.

j Remember! Try j j v to^Forget!

X. Jean Chlappe ((right) of Paris Is called the richest chief,of police In the world, and his wife .(left) has a fortune In her ova nana as large as that of her husband.

Akrbii Defeats :;

Fine New Filtration System Brings Pure Water to Village,

• ; V - - i .•'•.-'•' V ' .,.>. II r ... II . •. K ': :i : . ; • ' ' : . ' ,

BOCKPOBT, Nov. %!.—The village of Akron, a community of enterprise 18 miles southeast of here, this week will turn valves that will send pure water into every bom© in the village. Akron has a new water supply system.

The new' lake also insures, house­wives an unlimited sBpply?-of spark­ling, clear, pure and soft water. '

Last fall Akron was visited by a typhoid epidemic. More than 17 per cent of the population was stricken ill and a total of..29 deaths, 1.29 per cent waa recorded. ' r

The contraota were let. in February. The original plans called .for a plant with a capacity ".of 500,000 gallons per

i-fday, but the water board decided to enlarge the reservoir and build, a plant withNa capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day.'

Today, what was a wild, wooded ravine has become an artificial lake of 75 acres holding 180,000,000 gallons of waler. A dam has been built 5t feet high' and 200 feet long with a beautiful concrete spillway, over which the wat^r began pouring yesterday,

. • • • i i | i . i ! n

CALL FOE REPLY _ . „~.,; November SL \a&. i

Usemtnui are luted at Th« r n<* A«'«s toaay. Advertiser, ml, S S u ^ l ! <*5 preseat ng their bos WjUtS^fg?***!*

M^o ^ o i e m b c r 2 1 , 1 9 2 7 T H E N I A G A R A F A L L S


G A Z E T T r t P a g o T v r « i i f y - l H r e o

Answer to Saturday's Pnzzle

EiraiasniH nnaona HHHH OSS QHQa HHEi SSBQH HHS ESQ raaaamaH can nraanam Hanaara ca aaaa nacaa n ao HuaHHSsa B H 0DRJ1 BffiaHfi Doll naao asas H H B B BHHHHS RinaEiara


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American' Federation of Labor from Washington appeals to 80.000 locals' of American and Canadian unions for money and supplies to al­leviate winter hardships of striking miners ia''Pennsylvania", Ohio and ^ e * $ yirgihia, v '

'. : Senator Nye sa'ys at Washington ithat Senate" farm- bloc will oppose confirmation t>t Eugene Myer, ap-

:pointed, chairman of federal farm loan -bureau" by President Coolldge because Meyer. Is unfriendly to agri­culture. . -

Senator Brookhart of Iowa ad-vocatcsi at Washington- subsidizing

"by-treasury of export corporation handling surplus crops aa substitute

"for equalization fee fund recom­mended by McNary«-Haugen bill. Says his plan has support of west­ern independents.

" v JHanford- MacNidor, assistant soc-tctary of war, Major General Pros-ton Brown and thir wlvea are forced down near Boiling FioldVWashlng-

;Jon, in thejr Fpfcker.plane wiien sup­ply of gasoline falls. \

Bupert' Bfughea In his-second vbl-brrie on George Washington de­scribes Washington's household at

, M t Vernon before revolution "with lta card tables crowded, dancing routs', drinking fcants and excur­sions to horseraces, balls and play­houses,"


i n i m i i i n n mm**mmm*tmmi+***+{

: Charles M\ Taylor, railway mall : elerk, is cited to Carfioglo Hero Fund •r

v Commission for saving six women »nd children from partially sub-

->;'Werged Pullman car wrecked at Centaur, Mo.

-I.. Henijr-Ford In Interview given Herman Bornjrtcln. nnthor, and pub-

\ \ l l s h e d in NcfW York, nays ho be­lieves Herbert Hoover would make

"-Ideal presldont Chicago' police arrest president

' and seoretary of Dental Laboratories Mechanics union and charge they planned to malm workers to intlmi-

- data them into joining union. ; »

Clarenee D. Chamberlln an­nounces at New York that quantity

'.? production of $2,600 "Flivver" men-v oplanes will begin next year by •i r Chamberlln Aeronautical CorpoTa-

m With finding of bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Chariest Noumnnn In (Sreen Lnko, N, V., Syracuse police I credit theory that devoted hnsbana and ailing wife d!rd in suicide pact.

V? .VMr*, Luclen F . Foster, Chicane banker's wife. Is robbed of Hr..ono in jewels, left In automobile outside Buffalo restaurant.

Aviator Is Killed

- T M A N I B A , Nov. 21. (7P>—T^eiit^nant Xiatthew Ei Finn, stationed at Clark

.field. Camp St'otsonliursr, was killed fethere today when a pursuit plane

which he wns flying crashed to earth during bombing practice. The cause o f l h e accident was undetermined.

•Xleiltenant Finn's Home was Washlngto'ri. t>. C, He entered the gerylce in 1917.

' • • • •»'• • • • ' • • ' • i ' . I I ,

Several Buildings Born *

The Hatly The rally will be hold on Hoc. 3 at

tho St. Paul Community House on Seventh street It will begin at S o'clock and you arc promised an even­ing of enjoyment. Following the Court of Awards, a play will be given by 12 girls.

Merit badges earned at camp and others recently completed will bo pre-septed. Already many girls have quali­fied for the Pioneer, Star Gazer, Home Nurse, Citizen ana Hostess merit badges.

Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 28 and 29, aro tho dates sot for all merit badge exams. Call the scout head­quarters for time and place of tho fol­lowing tests; Laundress, hostess, cook, health winner and handy woman. In order/to'tAke a merit badge exam, a girl must make application at hend-quartora and have a recommendation from her captain.

. 8crlbes' Meellng On Tuesday Inst 16 girls visited tho

Gazette office and watched tho making of a newspaper In operation. A tour of the building proved very Interesting and tho glrin learned many now things, about newspapers. 'Tho visit was con­cluded by a talk on "What to Put in a Newspaper Article." *

Thanksgiving— November is the month In which a

day Is set aside known In our land as Thanksgiving Day. It is tho horfta«o of the founders of this j?reat American Republic for early in tho career of these United States tho bravo and noblo souls endeavoring to build a na­tion on this wild and vast continent set asIdNyOne day nt the close of the harvest fos^hanksglvlng and prayer.

A great and marvelous custom this, for a nation to stop it wheels of In­dustry for ono day and turn its minds to meditation and prayer in worship and praise for the harvest which has just been stored and for the care and comfort sought for the season ahead.

In tho hurry and worry of modern life, tho speed with which we fly thrcngh tho world, we aro not thought of os a nation of wedRatlng and thankful people. Too little time is spent by tho best of Individuals in say­ing thank yon. Too much Is taken for granted.

There Is so much to be grateful for that oftllmes we overlook that which, though appearing to bo A calamity, is after all a blessing. We. ofttlmes for­get to bn thankf>il for the Imperfec­tions and faults which only urge us toward the striving for perfection.- It is not eo easy to be thankful f o r the obstacle* confronting our path, by which we often rise to higher thing*,

It ii easy to be thankful for some big Joy. It is harder to be thankful for the thing.* which seeming to be trouble are after all the blessings which develop character and under­standing and faith.

In giving thanks to the Olvrr of \ \ \ Oifts ori this Th.inke'giving Bay of 1^27, It is w-ell to Includo the grateful-IKFS for perrow and loneliness which

THCTIFIKLt) BPKTNflS. N. Y . N o v v i l . ( *»—Klre. swept the h.u*fne>„«, section of Schuyler l,ake. six m l W ffonv here today destroying three siore* and tho Moronic Tempi*

.which b o w e d the postofflce. The !o*s \n »«*tlmftt*d fcetween •Sn.ono and ISfl.AflO. Telephone cdsnmunlca. tlett. wi th the humtat wns disrupted. TEb* ©rtgfo of the fire is unknown.

_ i . I . , , i • « • ' '

' A« ft pound «t print muter me-astirf*. *v>ctly two,tups, the easiest way to

'iti«&fft*r« otws far to cut the print In two.

win be registered in Patrol Three, Jenora Britty, Several glrlB of Patrol Four are planning to take the tender­foot test at the next meeting. Eleanor Hltchtock, Betty Bragg and June Scbradcr passed the flag history t e s t

Patrol One has voted to be the Spar­tan Patrol and gave a song and cheer at tho meeting. All patrols are plan­ning to have a patrol banner for the next meeting on Dec. 1,

Groups for merit badge, second class and tenderfoot work were formed, each girl planning to add her share of points in the interpatrol content

Scribe Barbara Banks. Troop 4

A mock wedding presented by Patrol Three gave much amusement to the meeting of Troop Four last Monday. The characters who took part were as follows: Brldo, . Dorothy Sterling; groom, Ruth Mokln; bridesmaid. Celeste Stokes; pianist Isabel Smith; minister, Nancy Parry.

Miss Warner visited our troop and gave Instruction to the older girls in first class measurements. The young­er glrla worked on rank tests. The meeting ended after singing Taps and a good.time was had by all.

Scribe Nancy Parry. Troop 5

Thursday evening our meeting started with patrol-In-council. We had a pleasant Iturprise as a troop when Louise Jamlcson presented an enlarged picture of our troop taken last Memorial Day. Mrs. Jamieson gavo us the picture. Before closing a guessing game. "Mm" was played. Taps adjourned the meeting.

Scribe Hazel Howard. Troop 7

Troop Seven held Its weekly meeting bn Wednesday at the Sacred Heart school. After the opening exercises, classes were held. Tho patrol leaders and corporals are going to give a Thanksgiving play nt the next meet­ing. A new game, Chariot Knee, was taught before the meeting adjourned at 9:15 o'clock.

Scribe Agnes Murphy, Troop 8

The Girl Scout* of Troop Eight held lulr meetting at St, Peter's church on Monday evening. It began with tho opening exercises which were follow­ed by classes. Many girls are practic­ing signalling to complete their second class test. Captain Booth suggested mi Inter-patrol contest. Points will be given for attendance, dues, tests passed ami uniforms. Kach patrol has a col­or, as follows; Patrol One. blue: Two, .*llvor. Three, green; Four, purple.

ScrilKi Marguerite Barry. Troop 9

\ t 7 o'clock Wednesday evening Troop Nine held tts meeting at the Temple Beth El. ' We welcomed R new girl to this meeting. After opening exercise* we played a game and sang songs. Some of the girls studied" sig­naling while three' new girls worked on the tenderfoot test. Each second

B y Olive Roberta Barton People had tbelr^Jrpubles when

Samuel ' Butler wrote 'The Way of All Flesh." Certainly poor -Ern­est Pontifax had his, as those who have seen the screen version of the book may remember. ' And y e t "What a fool a person is t o remember anything that hap­pened more than a week ago," re-pleasant, or unless he wanta to make some use of it!".

Methlnks, Horatio, that this Is pretty good philosophy. Why not forget to remember—or remember to forget—all the unpleasant things that have happened to us?

Half the time we hang out crepe and look for mourners, not for present troubles but for something that has happened to us years ago.

Women are chief offenders, they say, and I believe it Is true. I have seldom had the misfortune to meet a man who howled calamity over his past.

Yet I can think right this min­ute of doaons of women who can cry to order over a disappointment, a Quarrel, a love affair, or an ill­ness that happened years ago.

Even speaking of operations, I don't believe I ever heard a man except Irvln Cobb tell about his unless he was asked.

It Isn't that men are so reticent. To them goes not all the glory of silence. They actually do forget. What is finished is finished and one day at a time lsCnough. Wo­men are supposed to live in the fu­ture. They are supposed to be visionaries and dreamers. Well, | I am here to say that for every thought many women have for to­morrow they have two for yester­day, particularly If yesterday waa hamstrung for luck.

Paris, Nov. zl. (ifrV-Paris^ claims the richest chief of police in the world. He is M. Jean Chlappe, and if there are other chiefs with a chateau in the country and racing statbles Paris has not heard of them.

The Chlappe family is one of the most ancient of Corsica. An ancester of the chief Is said to have represent­ed Corsica at the national convention after the revolution of 1789, a n d i t Is related that the Chiappes loaned money to Napoleon In his impecunious days,''for which the monarch confer­red the title of count on the head of the family—a title now held by Mr, Chlappe's brother.

Chief Chlappe's fortune is equalled, if not exceeded, by that of his sport loving wife, who was Mile. Marcelle de VUlers, a Parisian. She. is. now the chatelajne of the chateau de Villers at Beauvals, near Paris, which she in­herited upon the death of her mother two yeairs ago. The Chlappe stables are located there.

Next to horses, wheih she rides as well as raises, Mme. .Chiappe's pet hobby is a home" for. incapacitated members of the Paris police! staff. She raised $60,000 toward the founding of the home and often makes large gifts to it.


r f r i M i i i i i i i i n i i i i


• i * 1 1 i n I I <i n i ' i i 1 1 1 1 i i , » m i

1. Bi introducing your family to friends should you refer to them for­mally as •"meet my mother, Mrs. White"?

2. How. would one Introduce her sister to an older woman acaualnt-ane'e? » .

3. To a man? . Tho Answers.

X- No. Your friend already knows your family name.

2. "Mrs. Carver, this Is my sister, Ruth." -. 3. "Mr. Carver, I want you to meet my sister, Ruth; Ruth, this Is Mr. Carver." • ;. .

— J - _ , -i • " " '

Teniple Degree Tonight

Box 623 Box 825 Box 628 Box 828 Box 628 Box 638 Box 642 Box-649 Box 630 Bbx,65S Box 681

.Box 668 Box 672 Box 673 Box 674 Box 879 Box 80S Box 806 Box 808 Box 817 Box 824

§ f l | Telephone Your Want Ads—Just Call "Adtaker 5600" m • 2' H •

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SS^^SWJJ For Sat

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,r«?ghH%oMolor **"•

DIED •*•}'•*

JOHNSON—Funeral et Mr. «»,„, , . . . •on of 463 Main itnSet wh" i*Vn J<*»-Nov.'18. 1627. W M held tZfo u0<J?«H Funeral Chapel, 610 Pin. .If - H *&*\ d«y at 3 : W p . . B . R«V V f 1 ; **'*• ndaled. Interment was In line- K J 0 0 •*•, tery. Mrs. J 0 hn«, 0 " M , S ^ I t c * ° * - 1 alaters and one brotW °u l v s '<i by t »,j

M i r *

lv» fcftS.*^1

A- l .

teal buy.

^HS^rfH^t »t WiiUantiTiiie. N. 19. lOSVilrY. MtaabtuY>I*V\*:J*5 Mm. Agnes Mlechlea, or ffi ." ^ r * John SUhl and Mrs? J. j MahA c ^ t of this city. Funeral TueWlv"a. %' M B t Peter>and Paul church at V ,, ,ro!» vUle. Interment at Holy*Sm« l . "»"*»».


Win Be Addressed by City Officials on Methods of Beautifying Niagara Falls.

That many different agencies are at work striving to make Niagara Falls a more beautiful and more pleasant city to live in, and that plans are un­der consideration which will produce this result to a suprlslng degree will be brought out at the meeting of the garden club this evening at 8 o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce auditor­ium.

City Manager W. D. Robbins will explain the plans for Hyde Park and how various organizations and Indi­viduals will be given an opportunity to participate* In a way which will add a great deal of interest to the park. City Forester and Park Superintendent De Villo Wood will tell of the work of his department some of the'difficul­ties met with and the plans for the fu­ture. Prominent members of the gar­den club will discuss the work and the plans of the club will be formulated for the coming year with this in mind

All interested persons are invited. i


One of Louisebou-langer's scarlet dresses is made of crepe de chine with very full gathered skirt, shirred dround tre top, o draped scarf collar tied in a boiv at the side and a bib-like yoke which extends into a tab looped over and tucked under a draped girdle. The skirt is much fuller m front than elsewhere and the girdle holds it to a waistline a little lower than normal.

Niagara Commandery, No. 64, K!. T.. will work 'the Temple^ Begree upon a large class at Its regular conclave this evening. Interest In the work of the Commandery seems to be on the In-

I crease and the.official8" of that body are expecting a season of. activities that equal the splendid record of a year, ago, when so many Masons took their obligations In this body.

McJINTpSH—Died. Nov. 19, i»^T >- .^T— C. Mcintosh a( the h o m ; of h'- f-S*?"* Mrs. L. 3. Junk of "tu yL-.'"M**. (rear). He is gurvlved by his «','£ "?** Of this ci.ty and on* ^ C s . r l , * 1 « 52* Pa., and Mn. L. J. j u n x V • °' Tr°J.

, three grandchildren. Joe Calve . t •"« **• • and Frances and James Helmet, oi vj* j York City, and one grand M. . . ' N t* I Mr.. Stewart Shrlner of thU , ,V"7<Ul:'-, serx-lces i t , bl , late home • •' i >vSa*i\ atreet. Monday evening a ! % • , 1..Ko«t»J Philip Moaher Officiating r••••' daymornlns at 9 a. in. iw." i shipped to Troy, Pa., for bur. it' Penn. , . , '

m m&co,*

;•• . tfteral Terms




. $300.00


.$ 65.00

EMPLOYMENT Holp Wanted-—Female. 32

MAID-—Wanted: small "family. Rood" waxes. AvplT 73* Eighth. St., between Pine and Phone E«93

MAID—•'Wanted, oompetent and experienced roald for general noueework; references. Mrs. Henry Lammirts. 709 Fourth St.

MAID—For cooking and downstair* work. Call 4430 between 0 and 7.

WAITBBBS-—Wanted, St-once. Power City Restaurant. 1108 Buffalo avenue.

WAITRESS—Wanted: steady. The River-view Inn.. 618 Bellevue Inn. Tel. 3817-W.

WOMEN—Manufacturer has opening for 3 women willing to work where there are big returns for their efforti of alx or seven noun work a day. Address Box 685. ears Oaiette. • „ , . . .

WOMAN—-Wanted, to take ear* of a boy go-Ing to school three days a week while mother's oat. Tel. 4351-R. /

MERCHANDISE Household Goods. 59

BED—Mahogany, colonial style, complete with springs and mattress. Phone 484-W.

BRASS BED—Satin fioUh. sprinxs and roil" tress; oak library table. Uoosifr klt'iwn cabinet, gas range, water heater, trunk. Victor Tlctrola, 0 albums and records. 631 Jefferson Ave.

CHINA CABINET—And tan teed baby car­riage In good condition: .price reasonable. Phone 3753-J.

DRKSSKH—$8; ranges. $18 up; heaters. $5 up; 8-pc. dining room set, splnncc and roll top desks, 3 new gas ranges, rugs, li­brary tables; other furniture at your own price. 711 Spruce Ave.

ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms for Housekeeping. 69

KERRY AVB.. 818—3 rooms for-.llght house­keeping : well heated; all conveniences.

FIFTEENTH ST.. 1812—3 conntctlwi rooms for light housekeeping; hot antj cold water, hest.

FIFTH ST.. 344—Two large furnished housekeeping" rooms; well heated; very r

-Universal, very good condition.

3-burner; ISoo Nl-

Help Wanted—Male. S3 CORNETIST—Young, about 17, to Join or­

chestra; must have ability. Call 404-M or Uggetfs, Falls and Second St.

ELECTRIC reasonable ajrara Ave,

ItJBNmJRE—New and wed. boturht and soldi also reasonable rate* *r ' and lOOKj distance moving. Ftaeo<i 6K7U, fcfe'JO Pine A,ve.. cor. Twenty-sex»nd Bt.

PURNtTURE—Of all kinds bought, aald and exchanged. Wlgman. 627 Nineteenth St. Phone 3528.

OOALBK—At the borne oT~h Mr*. Orson Booth, Nov °o pi--' Ogalbe. aged 70 .vears. rathe-' son Boolh of this city a n - v Hexlmer of London. Ont ]•• -the honw, 417 Seventh street " afternoon at 3 o'clock. Bu'

/ cemetery. RADBR—Died, at the home oTh7,

man, on London Road, half w, Ransomvllle and youngsto»n Nov. 30 1927. Whilemta Itaj" years, hhe leaves her husbar Rader. five children, Mrs. 01 an<J Charles, both of this city

^ a r o R Tins WEEK .$25.00

,,.. ccaie ••••• ' K- 6.00 JS^et Tourlnf .JU5.00 SJn*t (Mope.-- ,.599.00-SS«il» Tounnj ^jsO.OO R^ roorln* - c — ; , ; d r l v e n o m e

i-nSenn tn*>"*«, o n s n ,-ars. ^ M C S ' MOTOR MART

lXOlm Main »ir*et

« m n SATISFACTION ,[«• jSSiftK? Sale,M 3416 UJJ H»ts Bt.

COUNTElt MEN—Wanted. Apply Saturday, Salttman's Cafeteria. 208 Falls St.

JUNIOR DRAFT8MAJJ—Wanted, youna man with one year practical experience In plant drafting. Address Box 680. care Gazette.

MAN—Am looking for * man Interested In his future, desires • to get out of the rut and Is seeking an opportunity to enter the accounting profession as a, life career; must be sincere. Interested in,his future and willing to acquire thorough knowledge of this work In spare time under certified public accountants; for personal Interview, give age, education, employment, telephone number. Address Box 091. care Oasette.

MEN—Three, neat appearing, of good char­acter; opportunity for promotion ;• sales experience helpful but not essential. Ap-ply 1521 Main St.. 4 to 6 p. m.

8ALE8MEN — Opportunity to make big money; ateady work for four or five weeks; agents making $40 to $50 weakly: samples furnished. See Mr. Nesbitt, 2007 Main St.

FURNITURE—All kinds bought, sold and exchanged; trucking and moving. W. Pool. son, 1608 Main St. Phone 192-0-J.

OAK HEATER—In good condition; price $9. Call 2480-R or 2430 Pine Are.

reasonab kirtsf ST., 218—Two 8-rooro apartments,

furnished far housekeeping: Well heated and light furnished: rent reasonable.

LINWOOD AVE., 1326—Large ilsl

. , . _ . . . front room with small kitchenette furnished for light homekeeplng; light and beat.

LINWOOD AVE.. 1326^-8-roora apartment furnished for light housekeeping: light and heat: also small apartment.

. . . housekeeping rpers or transients; hot

all eonvenlertces. Phone 1738-W.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartment and Flats. 74

ONTARIO AVE. l32<f-^3-ro°m furnished apartment, private bath. Tel. 1705-M or

_ 3 8 1 2 . _ . PACIFIC AVE.. 3 1 2 — L a Salle. 7-room f lat;

all modern conveniences; garage. Phone 4272.

MAIN ST.. 813—Pleasant rooms, steady rooi water

28—S furnished rooms

FINE AVE.. 910—Oppoette Palace Laundry, upper 6-room flat with large at t ic ; al l modern improvements; $38 per month; adults only. Call 3237.

PINK AND SEVENTH—4-room apartment, heated ; all modern conveniences. Caoavan Apts. In<)Ulre 734 Seventh St. Tel. 6 6 4 .

PROSPECT ST.. 3 5 1 — 5 rooms and bath; front f lat . rent $35 per mo . ; possession at once. Call M n . Curry 1222-M.

RIVER ROAD. 17-,'5—La Salle Section. 5-room flat: all modern conveniences: wired for electric range, heat furnished, and garajre if acalrvd. Phone 4 0 9 2 - M

use of electric


OIL 8TOVB>—4-burner. with ovepi baby'i high chair. 1580 Willow avenue.

NIAGARA. 8Tv. W. for light housekeeping; washer.

NORTH AVE.. 15*3—2 oonneoihlg furnished rooms tor light houiekeejtlng; all oonvent-epceei reasonable. • • •

ONTARIO AVE, 13*0-^2. connecting rooms


SIXTH ST. with furnace sonaWe. Inquire 51


Houses for Rent. 7 7 M J (RKAl: i —Modem cotVane

all lmprv\ ements . rent it.v-S i r h S t

AUCTIONS—LEGALS Legal Notices. 9 1

SIXTEENTH ST 92tS 6-room house a UEiyJorn convenlenL^a, rent ^ to per month Phone 3108

SUGAR 8 T . — $ 2 0 rents cottage, alto Pacific A v f . La Salle, with bath and lights. Uuane

I > 1 . ' . " J 5 7 - J .

furnished tor light housekeeping; all conveniences; adults.

beat and

PACIFIC AVE.. 163—2 large rooms; light, heat, hot water, phone, best furnf Phoni 4094-M.

n. Her.

s-undir,' ssred $j Wll l l ! ^ Balastf

14 =5=M=TJ^gsorics--Partt

J^-r-. rii«e"yneelB strengthened. p ^ T ^ ^ p s , ^ Niagara Au£ Hffa'ZSts* wTfcl- I*1 8 P'"«- TeL 3 7 8 3 -l l W s J S S ! ! ^ ^ - — ^ T . ; - m t r a d e f o r

" " v u » i i M , Doin o i tms c ty.'Hetraan .* Fred of R a n s o m v l l l e . one brother <-"barles Peters, also of Ransomvllle. BuriarwJ neaday, 1:30 at the house. 2 ""J***

-OS*™**? ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 5

t h e Nor th Ridge German ment . G e r m a n cemetery.

lock atl church. Inter?


r^S^stiX.^Fir.x'sl8 ;*—rsSrvn—lOc from 7 a. rn. to

(ABE MAltriN] ft I ' l l Til iTf~irr <kses*|VUfial»aiCi>


Lockport OITOJI Court Orders to Take Filtration Location.

hrlngs nympatliy nnd un(lorj«tnndtnrart-lB*s scout was given a reforonce tor otliora; during and adventure |7jtn>«tlon for tho Merit Badge. trhK'h liringfl now fields of endeavor and wider rmpplne?*; for the. joy of work nnd achievement and life it?elf. I*t tia Include these- In ot'ir list of thank yous as wrll ns the gratitude for physical comforts.

Troop 9 Troop Two mft on Tue*dftT evening

at the St. Paul church. The meeting Waa. called to order at, 7:80 o'clock by Opia ln Eaton. Tenderfoot and sec­ond clana twts) wtro studied. After > -nir 1 and a f*w wnga, we «ang Taps.

• Scrlb* Claudia Ayera.

Troop t Tl>» acouta ot Troop Tltrea opened

their meeting ori Thuraday night with the formal ex>rcl*©a. Inspection waa splendid AJI th« girls »r« all working to earn polnia for the inter-palrol con­tent. >V» welcome a n«w tcout who

LOCKPORT, Nov. 31.—In A decision ghvn Saturday In Supreme court, Buf-fnlo, by Justice Almon W. I>ytle, the city of Lockport was ordered to accept tho offer of Mrs. Nellie Crnlg to sell the city a site for the proposed now filtration plant and reservoir at A prlcp of $18,000. The order of purohase was Issued In a peremptory order of man­damus Against city officials.

The site offered by Mrs. Craig was approved by Mayor Moyer and the city engineer as the moat acceptable. It is a tetn-aere side. The new filtration plant and reservoir, to be erected at a cost of $550,000, waa approved at a referendum In November, 1926. by a majority of 604 votes.

In his order Justice I,ytle ruled the board of aldermen must acccdf to the wishes of the city, as expressed In the election, and carry out their will.

Veteran Merchant Dies

Auburn Pays Final Tribute to Official Slain by Convict.

AUBURN, Nov. 21.—(JP)—Auburn prison shops weer closed and 1,400 men remained Idle in their cells throughout the day. while Auburn paid final tribute to the memory of James B. Durnin. principal keep­er, murdered last week by a con­vict.

Night and day guards in uniform, headed by Warden Edgar S. Jen­nings, attended the funeral In Holy Family church, filled to the doors by townspeople in all walks of life.

Vi.JVing officials attending includ­ed James D. Smith, deputy state commissioner of corrections: Princi­pal Keeper George F. Seibert of Great Meadows; Captain J. Stanley Sheppard, of the Salvation ' Army prison patrol office In New .York, and George W. Jones, chief clerk In the state department of correc­tions.

It. Lovegrove said he had tried to get the charter signed but the judge was not In when he called His case was adjourned until Saturday and he was allowed to go on his own rec­ognizance. ,


TUCKER—At her late«residence. ;4'o7iuTI ovenue, Sunday. Nov. 20. lfl'.>7 Mrs" ffi?l ertne. Tucker, wife of George tucker..jfcf neral services from O. H. Bell', JJWJS.I Parlor 610 Pine avenue. TucUav^,',^1

P. m. Interment In Oakwood i*meter".

f7STsIrvla! -Station. fthWdliWlci. «olrea^On all makes of c*r;j



7«—Service day and night;

SALESMAN—Wanted.'- mlddleaged man to work out of our Niagara Falls store. Call at 8 a, nt or 12 noon, 453 Third 8t.

RANGE—Combination coal and gas; good condition. 325 Ferry Ave., upper flat. Phone 1751-R.

RANGES—Several used gas range* In excel­lent condition; a bargain, $12. Snyder a Glllett. Phone 78,

8BWING MACfllNBS—Repaired." can and will repair all makes and, warrant a* good ai new. Call J. T. O'Connell 6214.

SJfOE CLERK—Experienced, wanted to work evenings and Saturday afternoons; must have best of references; good wages. Address Box No. 685. care Gazette.

TAILOR—Wanted, one who can do pressing and repairing; good wages; steady work. Apply Ryan's, 312 Falls St.

YOUNG MAN—It_you are ont_of work, I can interest you.' m. to 12 m.

Call at 453 Third St.. S a.

Help—Male and Female. 34

. i t ' l a s t , custom built and J^'i^WUTjZrvioe. Henry 3. ffiafflt'£L£ Ave. Phone 3240. | Funeral Directors

jlaln St. Tel. 283^ nt-h.. «.""_ ic?i. 8JS 18

: nlghta 28.3 or l?io.




Bminegs Service Offered rOTLVaCB — Gutter and sheet metai

" ' dtsi ras ranges and appll-

ORIOLE "DLEt . C. F.—Funeral Director Pro^S m o d e r n ^ 0 ' 5S r V l c o . » • •« aTe^SlV modern line*. Formerly W. p. cian«iMl\ Phone 1148. 437 Third str^t u a M i " k l

fflfeO WTiltner Ave. Tel. 6433-W. SSirTEScfRlCAL STORE—018 On-& rattres. paints shades, appliances; ffiteW specialty. Open evenings.

BOOKKEEPER—ProgTosslve) corporation has permanent position locally for young man or woman exntrtenced m bookkeeping or office details w both; good salary, with advancement. Reply In own handwriting, stating age, complete qualifications and references to Box No. 688, care Gazette.

SIDEBOARD—5 chairs and 6 jack screws. 36 Queen street.

BUT—Guaranteed willow ware furniture and baskets from the maker, William Lang, 1628 Pine Ave., cor. Sixteenth 8t.

EXTRA SPECIAL—2-lnch Slmmona beds, walnut finish, $6.76. Better Furniture for less. Logs Furniture Co.. 663 Main St, Phone 1624-W.

PIERCE AVE.. 881—Rooms for light house­keeping; also sleeping rooms! hot water heat.

PIERCE AVE.. 1655—Two warm, pleasant rooms for light housekeeping; all convent-encea.

SEVENTH ST.. 428 (RJBAR)—Two Urge nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; adults only. Phone) 3347-W.

SEVENTH ST.. 810—Modern upper and low­er flats: newly decorated; garage. Phone 2841-R or 41 r a i l s St.

SEVENTH ST.. 433—rj-room upper f l a t newly decorated: hot air furnace, combln-atlon range. Phone 1356-R.

08—5-room f lat ; all

Beld'en. Bldertleld Bids TENTH ST.. 318"— 7-room house, bath a n !

furnace; rent $ 3 5 ; will decorate to suit tenant. Inquire at grocery.

TWE.VTY-rlFTH ST.. 31 £—7-room !ho use". With garage. $36 per month. Inquire I'b^tu) 3 8 6 3 .

c-aseo. at 2 0 5 Oluck Building. In the Crty of N.bK&ra Falls In sa:<5 COUM.V. oil or be-

| tore the 3rd day of March, iyu'8. DateJ August -.'Otb. 1927.

JOSKI'li Q. REARDON. Alruiriiatralor.

CARL E. TUCKER. Attorney for Ad-'•;'.;:.etrntor. ^U6 Gluck BuildirviC. Niagara Kalla. N. Y. 535au29t fe20

AU0TI0N8-LEQAL8 Lejtal Not i ce*^ 91

tWENTY*-rX>^RTH 8T.. rj'SO—A-ro-^rTliour.-. newly decorated, all conveniences. I'bune 3363 .

WALNUT" AVIV. 627—Furnished 6-room bouse; garage; adults only. Tel. 2 3 3 1 - U .

SEVENTEENTH ST.^B m o d e m conveniences Call 2330-W.

Inquire upstairs.

S E V E N T H 8T. . 8 3 8 — S room* furnished for light housekeeping; al l convenience*..

(SEVENTH ST.. 4 2 4 — L a r g e front room with kitchenette, furnished for light housekeep-Ing on first floqr. Phone 2878^

SECOND ST.. 4 6 0 — 3 large furnished room* for housekeeping, first floor; hot and cold water; private entrance.

S IXTEENTH ST., 7 4 0 — 3 or 4 neatly fur

SEVENTEENTH S T , 437—fl-roarn Hat: modern conveniences.

BOOTH A V E . — C o r . Lockport S t . 4 -room apartment: beat, electric ranee, bath, hot and cold water.

SOUTH AVE. . 1816 — e^room apartment. completely hot water.

fnrnuthed. S bedrooms; heat.

6PRUCE AVE.. 715—% -room modem flat; garage If deiilred. Inquire 1886 Michigan

Ave. Phone 2490-M. 8 T B V E N 8 0 N ST.. 12^—Modern f la t ; wired

for electric range; oak floor* throughout. Inquire 44V, Erlcson PL Phone 740-J.

WHITNET AVE., 1604—Modern bungalow ; oak floors and tr im, all conveniences: !i-car ptrsg^J references requ.r^sj 19M-R.

GOOD LOCATION—Cottage for rent. ln>iuir« Thomas Snydor. 28 Nevada St., near riu-gar and Lockport St.

NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT T H E partnership lately subelmins' between Wil-i.arn l ta . : anvl N. Loun Evvrson of the City of Niagara Falls, New York, under the f.rni narn^ of Hal l -Eversen Eleotrio Service exinreO on tlie l»5th day of November. 1927. Ai! difb'.s du^ to a^id par Inertblp. and thou' due by thf.'n. will l« »ett|.-d with and by William Hall, woo will continue said buM-


late of the City of Nia*-

LA 8 A L L E SECTION—River side of RTver Road, near Pacif ic Ave. Inquire Lynch's Shoe Store. Phone 1672-W

LEWI8TON, N. T.—8-room bouse; furnar-e. •lectrlo l ights ; one block from Center St. Phone 497-W. City.


nished housekeeping room*; heat, gas for cooking.

Sink, light.

housekeeping; stairs.

all convenien api" down-

Radios and Snppjtea. 64-e RADIO BATTERIES CHARGED—W* call,

loan, charge a deliver, all for $1.25. Motor Tire Servloe Co.. 1918 Pine Ave. TeL 4612.

RADIO—Parts, supplies for all makes; ex-

f srlenced service men. Niagara Radle tores. Inc. 422 Third St. TeL 623.

Situations Wanted—Female 36 HOUSEKEEPER—Vv'ould like position In

widower's home; no other woman In charge. Address Box 608. care Gazette.

NURSING—Experienced nurse, hospital ex­perience, desires position as nurse to ln-valld or elderly lady. Phone 609-J.

RESPECTABLE WOMAN—Would like work by the day, washing or cleaning. 4,10 Ni­agara gtrc-et (rear).

WOMAN—Reliable, wants cleaning by the hour; also office cleaning. Tel. 2953-J-l

Wearing Apparel 66

TENTH 8T.. 624—8 rooms on lower floor, furnished for light housekeeping; private entrance. .

THIRD STW 621—Comfortably furnished rooms tor light housekeeping; hot and cold

. water: use of phone. ;

COAT—Girl'* venter coat, size 14; also seal furs, sable trimmed, suitable for elderly person: almost new. Tel. 2713-M

FUR COAT—Child's. 3 year elze; good con­dition. 430 Ninth St.

FUR COAT—Lady's, brown marnot. stze 38. for sale cheap. 2205 Weston Ave.

FUR COAT—Will sell reasonable, medium size short muskrat coat; good condition. 714 Llnwood Ave. Phone 423-M.

Wanted to Bny. 66 ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE—Bought and

sold. We . pay highest prices; also Junk. H. Cftrl. Phone 4771.

TWENTY-SECOND ST., 1010—81 furnished rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences. Rhone 1858-J.

WILLOW AVE.. 731—3 rooms and kltchen-ette furnished complete, heat and light: also 1 room furnished for sleeping apart­ment. Phone 1450-M. •

TENTH ST.—South end, upper apartment; pleasant rooms, fireplace; near high school; Immediate possession. Phone 1437-W cr 2734.

TENTH ST.. 2211—S-roora apartment, at-traotlvsly and completely furnished. Phone 336-B.

6-room flat on 236 Fifth

THIRD ST.—Near Fall Hoor; rent $26 monthly Phone 823-M.

THIRD 8T., 461—Nicely furnished apart-ment; efficiency type, modern. Inquire A. B, H. Morre. 38 Fall* 81

THIRD ST.. 463—Modern, new. up-to-date. completely furnished apartment: bath, re-frlgeratlon} lease. "The Tearney." THIRD 8T.. 723—Three and fonr room* fur­nished apartment* in Park Place Apt.; reference*. A. T. Mayle, 717 Third Bt.

Parma and Land For Sale. 83 F A R M — 5 acres, with house and barn. §

acre* fruit; soil adapted'to fruit and gar-denlng. Wm. C. Townsend. Lewlston.^i;. T.

FARMS—Five 60-ac re farms, one 24-acre poultry farm, two 100-acre farms, fully equipped. C. E. Laufrhlin. Akron. N. York.

OWNER WISHING TO RET 1RE— Wi 11 aeii fully equipped fruit and poultry' farm with all modern up-to-date buildings: hounc win compare with city home; 1.000-capaclty poultry house; 6 acres of orchard constat­ing of cherries, apples.-pears and prunes; all stock Include^, consisting of 1 matched dapple gray team, 1 Guernsey cow and 4 50 laying hens, also all tools; would tra*ie for home In the city. Full particuiare by in­quiring of Helen Degnan, 140 Walnut St.. Lockport, N. Y.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an order of Mortimer A. FederspieL District Attorney and Acting Surrogate of Niagara notice is hereby given to all per­sons having claims or demands against CARMINE CROGAN (sometimes spelled ' Crocaoo ') lat« of the City of Niagara Falls . Niagara County. N. Y.. deceased, to exhibit the lame, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the executrix of the estate of said deceased, at (508-14 Trust Co. Bulldttig. In the Ci'.y of Niagara Falls In said County, on or before the 20th day of January. 1U28. <

Dated. July 15th. 1027. THERESA KIRBY.

Executrix uf vh- (Jstate of Carmine Crcgan. (some­times spelled "Crocaao"! de-oe&sed.

ANOEI.O F. SCAl.7,0, Attorney for Ex­ecutrix. 6 0 8 - 1 4 Trust Co. Building. Niagara Falls. N. Y. S 6 3 ) u l 8 t t a 9

l>arr*jn U. Da\ la . a m Tails, in the County of Niagara iS;al-> »t New York, deceased,

Therefore, you and each of you, cited to show cause before the frurrocab Court of our County of Niagara, at ths Court H >u.«e. In the C1iy of Niagara F»lla> in ha:J County *>t Ma*ara. on tne 9th. day of I>x«niber. \U11 at two o'clock In the nftxrr.oou of t in t day, why such a decree btiojid not be

In toatlranoy wheTeof, Tg9 nave can^eo the Seal of said. Surrcjtttr s Court to be here­unto affixed.

W I t n • s •. Hon. Charles [SEAL1 H'.'key. Surrceate of our said

* County of Niagara, at I»ck-p<^'.. N. Y., this 4th day of November. 1927.

A PA M. RIEQER. O r V of th» Surrogat*! Court.

W A : . LACK and I'RK Attorneys for Petitioner, office i r d P. O acidresa. 3 8 0 Uluck BiJg.. Niagara Fu'.U, S'. Y.


p l a t K l l r

TOUNGSTOWN—For sale or exchange for city house. 30-acre fruit farm. Inquire 734 Nineteenth street.

Houses For Sale. 84

GOOD LOCATION—Two unfurnished light housekeeping room for business lady. Ad­dress Rox1 No. 697. care Gazette.

TWENTIETH ST.. 7 1 4 — N e w 6-roora f l a t ; modern convenience*.

TWENTT-FIFTH 8T» 630—Four rooms and bath: rent $15.00. Phone 1661-J.

Wanted—Rooms, Board. 73 WANTED—By young gentleman, board and

room: vicinity of this office preferred. Ad­dress Box No, 692, care Gazette.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartment and Flats. 74

'V SHEPPARB — Tinsmith; general eatwttfvork. furnace and gutter work. p-WattI contractors. Phone 4513 for

LEU-PPIB-RISING CO.—524 Main St. S S M28. ConscienUoui. economical serrlce.

ADVICE—Given by crystal gazer In all m»b i ten of trouble, business. future heajri-

. rlvately, 10 i, Ont. Phon.--288-n-TMay S t ' S t ' Ca lhar"«* *1°-. S ? e s t , o n 8 «Dsw«red privately 10 t m. to 9 p. m_._15 May St . St. ci.ii.rtJ:

KQ—Chlmfiey building and general re-*. A, J. Miller, 2S41 North Ave. i 5547-W. SASH—And combination doors, en-

I rerinrlas made to order. White h 1836 Michigan Ave. Tel. 4565-J.

__ .STRIP—All metal, on doors »nd 4eii M,vei toeL Day A Niger, Ino-


CARD READING—^By Madam Blythe; rea& log* 60c 2y08 Main St

CLAIRVOYANT-^Mrs. Wltkopp (nee Bailiyi;I Reading dally; circle Wednesday at 8 *1 tn. 909 Cleveland Ave. Tel. 947-J. i

„,0W CLEANING—Done; gee us first, Itea, offices, residents. Antealcan Win-|tvf>srihn Co. Phone 3035.

WORK—American woman wishes work of any kind by hour or day. Tel. 1695-R.

YOUNG LADY—Desires position as cashier and typist; experienced; references. Ad­dress Box No. 696. care Gazette.

Situations Wanted—Male. 87 AUTO MECHANIC—Youns man, several

years' experience specializing battery and electrical, desires position with local firm. Adress Box No. 082, care Gazette.

MADAM HAYNES—Scientific palm readlc|a with second sight 368 Prospect St Pboct] 6066. •

MADAME STELLA—If you are in trouble I see Madame Stella. 329 . Seventh St. Tel' ] 264.

MRa SHEPPARD—Private reading, 701 j Cleveland Ave., across tracks. Public dtr j de. Thursday evening* and afternoons.

Ctuolsterers—Bag Repairs 18-al T-Direrwrts >nd chairs to order; I price; tailored apholstsr*. Fuml-BBEciIilUU, 1355 Pierce Ave. Tel. 950-J.

-Upholsterer of furniture, cabinet Itutr, hair mattresses, davenports, easy lfein to order; household good* packed lb illpment; repairing, finishing a spe-Istff, F. L lopp. 456 Ninth St, 610-J. rrr; UPHOLSTERLNG—By skilled up-Iktel. rurnlture Select Upholstery |hB4 1877 MSchiianJive. Tel. 2665-W.

BURT A BATEMAN—Experienced • carpen­ters, painters; any kind of repair work, alterations: estimates given. Tel. 3819.

MAN—Experienced, desires paper hanging and painting; reasonable rates. 1357 South Ave., or call Mr. Ooss. Phone 5117,

I WORK—Young American married man de-•lrea position, any kind of work for win. ter; best references; driver's license, Tel. 6033-J,

ANTIQUES & USED FURN1TUR13—Bought, sold and exchanged. Kurtzman Furniture House. 2317 Pine Ave. Phone 3886-J .

BEST CASH PRICES PAID—For all kinds of furniture and rugs; will buy large or small quantities. Call 4B71.

SHOW CASE^—Six foot, wanted for Jewelry. Phone 6203, Mr. Smith.

ARMORY PL.. 814—Seven-room upper f lat; all conveniences: very modern. Tel. 745-W.

ASHLAND—Cor. 19th S t , modern 6-room f l a t Inquire Amberg a Co.. 119 Falls St. Phone 73 .

AUGUSTUS PLACE. 707—Upper flat, »lx rooms and bath; gas ramce: storm win­dows and linoleum. Tel. 2039-W.

WHIRLPOOL S T - 929—Three 6-room flat*;

newly decorated, atrictly modern, hardwood

floor*, electric range. Phone 198 or 194.

WHITNET AVE.. 1702—5-room furnished lower f lat; all convenience*. Including electric range; rent reasonable.

WILLOW AVE., 1143—Upper modern f lat; all convenience*; wired for electric stove. Phone 408-W.

D E V E A U X SECTION—New 6-room bunga­low: garage, 4 0 ft. lot. paving paid: easy terms. Call 5 3 8 1 or 3691-R.

E V E R 8 H E D 8T., 118—One minute from car line, beautiful new 5-room bungalow with bath, hardwood floor*, furnace, tubs, largo att ic floored: price and terms reaoonable

For appointment call own-tor quick sale. jr . 4339-R.

LA 8ALLE AVE.—6-room house, nearly n e w ; good lot to a l ley: modern through-out: easy terms. Phone 8381 .

McKOON AVE.—Near College Ave., new modern Red Seal electric home with all conveniences; 6 rooms, sun room, break­fast nook, panelled ceilings, fireplace In living room. Inquire 3 7 5 0 McKoon Ave.

Lochiel A p t , 2-roorcrfU nished bachelor apartment. Inquire *Sfi>

NEW YORK JUNK CO.—Rags, l c per lb.; magazines. 40c per hundred; newspapers. 30c per hundred; highest prices paid for old cars, metal and furniture. Inquire nt yard. 2451 McKenna Ave. Residence. 2433 McKenna Ave. Phone 2386.

SCRAP MATERIAL CO.—Pays highest prices for papers, rags, scrap iron and metals. Phone 3121-J .

BUFFALO AVE nished bacheii mons-Raker Co.. 3,')5 Third St.

CEDAR AVE.. 7 0 2 ( R E A R I -$20 per month; no bnth. Cedar Ave. Phone 753-M.


-4-room flat. Inquire 792

CHILTON AVE.. 635—Upper 5-room apart­ment; bath, electricity, ga* water heater; front porch. Phone 637-W or 3149-J.

CLEVELAND AVE.. 2"2'^8—(1-room modern flat, wired for ranite, hardwood floors and trim; immediate possession ^

WILLOW AVE.. 8 2 8 — N e a r Main, up-to-date furnished 6-room apartment


nt 1 . her small, well heated apartment with another congenial business girl; every­thing complete; to share half the ex­penses, vrhich are moderate. Address Box No. 684. care Gazette.

>ortli Tonawanda Candidate Obtains Order for Be-lnspectlon.


Mr*. William Albrlfrht, Sr., in Victim of Heart Attack.

BATAV1A. Nov. Jl, (A*,—Theron F. Woodward, shoe dealer in (his city for 60 years, died today Aged S!>. Iln had voted in every state nnd trenerftl election since Lincoln \va» elected president In lSTi?.

Has Ear Trouble

Paps adjourned th*> meeting; Scrlb* Krleda Kramer.

• Troop II Troop Eleven had Its openlmr exer­

cises at 4 o'clock on Wednesday at Twenty-fourth street school. The new Klrls divided into groups for study of the tenderfoot test. The tenderfoot" plrls stttdied signaling. The serllje pave a report of th*> meeting of the scribes on Tuesday afternoon. The nest meeting will be lield on Tueaday.

Scribe Mary Cowtn.

Troo> 1* Our troop meeting was h»ld on Wed­

nesday morning. The first of the nsw pirn to pass trie tenderfoot teat U Emerald Green. The neeond class girls met with Mlsa Warner to study signal­ing. The first cla*» gtris are working for merit bad***. It was decided «-v'

pAtrolman James Brady has been ill for a week at bis home tinder care of a physician. He Is suffering from eAr trouble.

MILLERS. Nov. 21,—Mrs. William Albright. Sr.. died suddenly on Satur­day at the Lake road home about one-half mile west of County Line. Fun­eral services were held from the borne nt 1:30 o'clock this afternoon and at 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Lutheran church at County Line. The Rev. Mr. Preckler, of Medina, officiated and in­terment was In Lyndonvllle cemetery.

Airs. Albr-lcnt. nee Matilda Moeller. had apparently been In the best of health. Death was due to enlarge­ment of the heart and the end Vame very suddenly. She was born In Hanf-hn'rg. Germany, 40 years ago and came to this country In 1907. Besides her husband she Is survived by five chil­dren. Ixitils, Martin, Emma, William and Adelbert, all at home.

LOCKPORT, Nov. 21.—Another election Investigation in Niagara county was Indicated Saturday, when an order was served on the county election bureau directing Klectlon Commissioner Michael S. Nlland to open the voting machine of the first district of the third ward, North Tonawanda. and allow Frank Prelewioz. Democratic can­didate for alderman in that ward, to examine the Vote recorded on the machine.


Former Apostolic. Del/gate to Wash­ington Is Operated on.

ROME. Nov. 21. (JP)—The general condition of Cardinal £onzano, for­mer Apostolic delegate at Washing­ton, who underwent an emergency operation on Saturday, was stated to be more satisfactory today.

Th' trouble with llvin* In Indyno-plus Is that you'ri liable t' be held as a material witness ever' time you want t' go_some place. They bury th' opposition ;nstead o* th' hatchet in Mexico.

j * i i i • • • - - * — * - *

Niagara Falls Gazette Classified Advertising Indexed. Standardized and Popularized for


Per Agate Line Per Insertion Cash Charge

8 Cay 10 13 3 Day* 11 14 1 Day , 13 15 No ad taken for less than three lines. Count six words to the line. Charging ads are allowed the cash rats If

paid at The Gazette ofTlce within seven day* from the first day of publications

All ads are restricted to their proper classification and to the regular Gaxette •tyli of type.

Count five average to^rda to each line. An average word has shout six letters.

Yearly contract rates given upon request. Ads will be received up to 10:30 A. m.

tor publication on tbe same day. Phone your ads tn the Gazette and get the

cash rat* by paying for them within six days of the first Insertion. Call adtaker 6600.

Ads ordered for six day* and (topped be­fore that time will b» charjred for the actual number of time* ths ad appeared, charging at the rate earned.

Adi for Situations Wanted will not be ac­cepted over the telephone, but must bs turned In at office.

•CftASSIFlBD D1BPLAY Classified Diaplay, f 1.40 par Inch. Mini-

rsiro of 14 Una* (one inch). In case of error in advertising,

call 8600 and ask, for "CORRECTION CLERK."

Correction! of errors in cla'slfled ad* must to maAe before the lecond Inser­tion. No allowance* will be msd* for more thao ooe -icorrect Insertion. Thi Penal Law make* it a criminal of­

fense tn place faJia or misleading advertis­ing matter ID newspapers.

IS. BHODA—Palmist; readings daily, hrs. 11 j a. m. to 8 p. m.; Tues. ft Thurs. to 3 p. n. 411 Second St.. The Belmont. ^ 1

REV. 'MABEL MacDONALD—Of Buffale, 1 spiritual meeting every Tuesday evening at j 8 o'clock: private readings by appoint-: ment; 520 Fourth St. Phone 6618.

Building—Con trading. ACTOR—Builder, new bouses, roof*."

IkeM porches, genera! repair work. IJiSs Wilsoo, 1869 South Ave. 1816-M.

YOUNG MAN—With 6 years' experience on Elliott Fisher billing machine operator dc-eire* position to do any kind of office work. Address Box 678. care Gazette'.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities. 38

FIXTURE—Confectionery, for sale, or busl' ness with fixtures for rent. In good lo­cation. Inquire 403 Portage ltd. Phone 4648-J.

SODA FOUNTAINS—Wanted, show cases, tables and chairs. Call 2879. -

ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms With Board. 67

ELEVENTH ST., 526—2 or 3 boarders who enjoy a real home; all conveniences tn-cluded; S10 week. Phone 634-M.

ERIE AVE . 615^—Heated rooms and board, suitable for four gentlemen ; hot and' cold writer.

FOURTH ST., 445—Pleasant warm room with board If desired. Tel. C007-W

SHOREHAM DRIVE, 146—La Salle, want­ed, couple to share home; no objections W one child: 5c carfare.

SPIRITUALISM—Spiritual advice throtti ] crystal by Miss Hope dally. 1 to 5 o'doci; : Mondays and Fridays till 9 o'clock p. m.; I Sunday*. I. to 6 o'clock. 2108 Main street, upstairs.

OR—And builder; plana and e*tl-

ItttM famished; houses for sale. C. S. Mm i09 Hamilton St. Tel. 427.VW.

CONTRACTOR—Thomas Mosea. Hrrt optrltnce, si: kinds building work, Fuulwa. 8487 Niagara Ave. 3160-R.

POUSHF.D FLOORS—Made from | |w intent floors l,y electric finishing Itri-ji For m!mat».» on new 0- old floor*. aWWt U Rose Mraj or 3110-R.

Lost and Found. M Beating and Plumbing 20

DOG—Lost, black spotted white setter ' — ' " old; license No. 4171

owner. 3009 DeVeaux St, Finder notify Tel. 2520.W.

08S—Boilers, pipe covering, every-| b | la tie besting line B. Martin & 12-JW Nineteenth Rt. Panne 1842.

DOG—Lost, pointer, in Cambrl*; white us j brown; license No. 206618. Finder pleta call 2B12. Reward.

Ufllinerj—Dressmaking. 22

RINQ—Cameo locket lost in lavatory cf strand Theater Friday evening, contain­ing mother's and father** pictures; valued as keepsake. Reward if returned to Bo: Office, Strand Theater.

ZSXAKIXa— By ih. Ifpdsnred dressmake |ftffl»3j4Q.

15 or at home by UCo Fourth Et.

GROCERY, MEAT—And confectionery busi­ness ; one of the best locations In town, doing S400 'weekly >. must sacrifice tor a good reason: price very reasonable. Ad­dress Box No. 679, care Gazette. '

Money to Loan 40 W8 BUY SECOND MORTGAGES—Max M.

Oppenhelxn Realty Co., Inc.. 14.16-17 Main Street. Phone 576.


SJHaXINQ—And >!t»rst!on done by an |fc«rteoy! person: w-.rk criaranteed. Mr*. Ifcttr. 1710 Ashjgnd Ave. T«l. 1698-J .


|**». SM Fifth S t Phone 1323-W. Gar-

Automobiles For Sale. Ill CHEVROLET COACH—1926; used one year, |

first class condition; buy from owner. Til. t 3347-J after.6.

CLEVELAND—6-pass brougham: bafioon I tire* »nd four-wheel .brakes; looks *s4 run* like new; cost S1.60O. will 'sell lor) $496 If sold thl* week. 1013 Main St

and r ' . . l r e

as carting: too far.


this meeting to bolcl our rvatrel nicet-Inrf Ivrlce a month, cnmmnnclng with next week. Ths mestlng was ad­journed with taps.

1 Scribe Joanna Hupaylo. Troop 18

Troop IS met at St. Stephens' mis­sion on Friday evening. The meeting opened sifter the COvirt of Honor had been held. A new petrel has been formed. After inspection, we wont to our patrol corners for stud*. P1*ns were msde for * home-baked sale Tests In signaling, fire prevention end table setting were given. After a fsw •ongs and cames the meeting ad­journ rd. .

•crib* M»r> Kiche'.a. I

TonawgrtfU Detective, Arre»tc4 for Toting ItcvolTcr, Pfodnee« Charter.

F>an A. Lovegrove, 85 years old. Sill South Military road. LA Salle sec­tion, who said he was principal of the Universal Detective agency tvtth head­quarters tn Tonawanda, was beTore Police Justice William J. Watts today on a charge of having ft revolver with­out A perfhit. He WAS arrested by Patrolman Charles Jordan. Lovegrove said thai he had a charter tor A priv­ate detective agency from the state and that tht* allows him to carry a revolver. He produced the charter in court.

Judge Watts held that the charter would have to be .signed hy the coun­ty judge In Krie county before Love-grov* ootild carry a revolver undet

WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK? If it is the lack of knowledge of mechanical drawing or

Blue Print Reading, take this course!

Mechanical Drawing Course


This ronrse consists of Instruction and exercises In orthographic projection, developed -surfaces and Intersections, pictorial and isom­eric represent a lions, working drawings, sketches, geometrical con­struction, perspective drawings, maps and lettering. Classes will he held Monday and Friday evenings, from 7 to 9 o'clock, for 16 tve«ka starting Monday, November 2S, 1927.

Text. French's Mechanical Drawing. Cost of course will be $15, Including personal instruction, text book, class room materials. O. R. lAne. instructor. JO^ears experience In engineering and draft-ing room operations.


PAUL P. MARTIN, 3475, Y. M. C. A. 321 FIRST ST.

DODGE—Business «edan, first clasi me-) chanlcal condition. Inquire 1610 Eijtti street - '

ESSKX—Coach. 1926; Just like a new car; a bargain at the price. Vine-Martyr. Int.

• 1227 Main St. FORD—1026 coupe, run 3,500 mllei; Ford

1P26 Tudor. Ford 1024 coupe. Nash 1WJ advanced itx roadster; all cars Kuawi-

» teed. Call Rdy Haskell. Ford IKaiff. tot demonstration. Toungslown CQ or 31.

FORD H - T 6 N TRUCK"— Almost "new; «<>»-derful buy. Inquire 637 Ashland »vtnt>«-1

. Phons 1143-M. ]_ __ FORD—Late model ton truck with r"™nA!i 1

clal body, fully *aulPP« - Inquire *t W» | Klghth street. ._

FORD—Sedan, aood condition; p!-'nl> «f ,** tr»»; *18 down. $fj weekly. Jam" »** l«ns.,Maln and1 Orchard Prtrk-vay

HUDSON—Coach. In real good > n.mlM. j special, this week. J206: new P«!K<- n0-&-, ' In perfect condition: good tires; « wi hoy. LAmnurU' Motor Mart, j 013_ Mam^ i

iltTDSON—Coach. 1925: reflnlsbed. rm«*4 j and overhauled: A real buy. Vine-Mam-. Inc.. 1227 Main 9t. «

HUDSON—Bromtham. 1826: ebAaatifJW] raflnlahed r v , mechaftlcally pcrftci. ine-Martyr. Inc.. 1227 Malnjjt.

JORDAN—SMan, 6-p*»*.: cost f-'-'01!1,,?1

perfect condition; will sacrirtce for SJ.*. if sold this yoek. 1013 MslnJ-t

NASH—Co»eh, 1024; excellent ooMtWl win McrlfloMor quids sale. \ine-MartjT.

Jj^ng, TrocktTig. Storage, #*-' A KVHSS—Me. !»•> 0151 to R . j f V ,

i » » » ' " ? , l n ',' s*'* tn '«• as eitlmats on llUteJI *, ]n* «'""•-'• lowest rate*. allij rs-m Av.. pv,-.„ Sr-04 «CrpEUVtRT_At v"our'.««n1c«

I** K«W a Bsjue,

. . - Call V;, Ipt iltUno IfciJt

Ifr P'

Phone lSCfl . j

£*intinc. Pnpcring

local 140 Fourth St.

l'son f r local and 'easonahle. 1608

Musical Instrnction Ciasses. 43 CLARINET AND SAXOPHONE—Ralph Oa-

lia. Music arranged. 662 Sixteenth St Prions 894C-R.

EDITH LtTTLEWOOD—Teacher of singing. Graveuro method, pupil of Robert H. Foun­tain. Piano specialist In beginner*, modern up-to-date method; children lor* to prac> tics. 1206 Haebcrle Ave, Tel. 2460-M.

MRS. FEW—Study nlano and voice or violin with a teacher who produces genuine re­sults. Studio. 723 Cedar Ays, TeL 6884.

HAEBERLB AVE.. In private family.

1218—Board Phone 1762.

and room

EIGHTEENTH ST.—Near Whitney Ave., two 4-room flats; oak floors; flats newly dec­orated: all conveniences; rent $25 and S3Q. Call 422-W or inquire 640 Chilton avenue.

ELEVENTH ST.. 500-562-564—Three five-room modern f lats; rent reasonable. Tel. 5!)4-J.

ELMWOOD AVE.—West of Main St.. 5-roora f lat; Areola hot water system; $32 .50 a month. CaJl 904-M.

LINWOOD AVE.. 1624—Room and board In

?rlvate family; rate* reasonable. Phone 83-R.

ONTARIO AVE.. 1818—Room and board: home cooked food; homo privileges; rates reasonable. Phori£*605-M\

PIANO—Taught at pupils' own home, be> glnners and advanced. 3 1 hour. 60c U hour; also violin, beginner*. Tel. 2896'R.

SAM TASH—Musical director. Btrand T b c v ter. violin studio at Strand Theater and 135 Atlantlo Ave- La Salle. T*l. 44.16-J.

SAXOPHONES—Charleg W. BaTuy; also rs-pairing and cleaning. Residence, 1730 Cndaback Ave. Phono 4574-J.

Max Teller, teacher of rlolln and

RELIANCE AVE., 2'20—Li Sallo. board and room, private home; gentlemen preferred: ?10 week: laimdry Included. Tel. 4138-J .

SEVENTH St", 317—Room and board In private family; use of phone. Phono 2 0 7 3 - R L

SIXTH ST.. 466—Room and board: best home cooked table board for 1 or 2 gentle-men; $9 .00 weekly. Tel. 3819 .

DTSART—Well furnished rooms;- excellent food; special dinner* and bridge parties. 310 Jefferson Ave. Phone 6153 .

ERIE AVE.—And Sixth St.. upper 6-room modern front apartment; garage If desired: olectrlc range, continuous hot water, lino­leum in kitchen; rent moderate. Inquire H. Silbcrgeld. 209 Thirteenth St. Tel. 38.

FERRY AVE.. 10"~4—6-room upper f lat; coal and gas range, electric water heater; reasonable. Phone 2452 .

FERRY AVE.. 1205—5-room upper f lat : electric range, water heater. Inquire 32 Cherry S t

CENTRAL LOCATION—6-room lower heat­ed apartment; all conveniences; also 7-room house; 1 block from Main St. on Pierce'Ave. Phone 2109.

CONTENTS—Of 5-room steam heated flat with privilege of renting Hat. Inquire M n . Quinn. 339 Third St.

GOOD LOCATION—Cosy two-room apart­ment, heated, furnished or unfurnished. Call 872-W.

IDBAL LOCATION—Very desirable 8-room apartment home furnished or unfurnished. References. Phone 1S66-NL

McKOON A V A N D E R B I L T A V E . — T H R E E






TERRACE DRIVE—Just off Lewiston Road, beautiful home of English design. Just completed, seven rooms, bath and break­fast nook. Toilet and one bedroom on first floor: hardwood floors, tils bath, genuine mahogany trim and door's, and many other modern features including hot writer heat. This home is built on large lot with two-car garage. Term* can be arranged. Will consider vacant lot In exchange. Call 2336- R.

WHITNEY A V E . — N e w modern 6-room dwell ing: price and terms reasonMhle: larja" lot. Inquire 1718 I8th St. Phono. 1141-M.

STATE OF NEW YOKK. COUNTT Court. Niagara County. Liobi<> Hotchkln,

lainttff. agaiunt Julia E K'lrner. Fr<-d mar. husband of J-jliu K. K :mt?r. Nt,:ie

S w a j i m n i l i . Mellnda Kilmer, K:**d Kiin^r. Richard Kilmer. Klla K'.lmer. Clinton Kil­mer, Franris Ktlrnvr. John A. Hotchkvn, Myrtle H. Hlpa.>n AIIJ Gcorgv I'ai Iter. Alice A. Kilmer. Artlmus E. Hotchkln and Mar-gnr«-t Hotchkln. his wif^. and Mabel Smith. defendants.

Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly ' .meitd :u the :,rx»ve entitled action and filed in t.h" Niagara County Clerk'e office on tru» 12th day of November 192T. I. the • undersigned refere.^ in said Judgment of torwlosure and sala n»io*:d. will sell at public auction at the law offices [ of Tutlle. Rice and Stockwil). Nn 60S Eldorfit-ld-Hartshorn buildinfj. tn the 'C i ty of NlaKnra Falls. NiRRara County. New York, on the 30Oi day o( De<-e.:irier. 1 9 : 7 . at eleven o- lock, standard in the forenoon of that dny. the premise* men­tioned and described in said Judgment, to wi t :

"All that tract or parrel of land, iltiiate In the Town of Porter. County of Ninxara and State of New York, being part or parcel of a certain township which on a map or survey of divers tracts or town­ships of land made for the Holland Land Company by Joseph Ellicoit. surveyor, is distinguished by township number fifteen In the ninth range of Maid townships, and which said trxr-i of !:.nd on a certain other map or survey of sold township, into lots made for the said Holland Land Company by said Joseph Ellioott. is distinguished aa the middle part ot lot number seven in said township, bounded as follows: North by a line parallel with the north line of said lot number seven and sixteen ehains. eithty-one linlta south therefrom, fifty-nine chains, seventy-orte l inks; west by the west Una of said lot ten chains and ten l inks . sv»uth hy a line parallel with the north lin* of na'd lot a n ! twenty-six chains, ninety-one links south therefrom, fifty-nine chains. Seventy-eight links, ami east by the east line of sair" lot tf,n chnlns and ten links.' containing sixty acres nnd one-third of an acre, be the same more or lejss.

Dated. Niagara Falls , N. T., November 12. 1927.

RAYMOND A. KNOWLBS. R e f e r e e .

T U T T L E . R I C E a n d S T O C K W K L L , A t ­t o r n e y s f i r P l a i n t iff. o f f i r e a n d p o s t o f f i c e a d d r e s s . 6 0 8 E l d e r f l e l d - H a r t s h o r n B i d g . . N i a g a r a F a l l s . N . Y.


C o u n t y o f N l a g a r s . - - s » By v i r t u e of a n e x e c u t i o n I s s u e d o u t of

t h e C o u n t y C o u r t <>t ; h~ C o u n t y of N i a g a r a . N . Y , t o r u e d i r ee ' » -o a n d d e l i v e r e d a g : t i r . « ; t h e g o o d s a n d c h a t i . ' l s l a n d s ;^rvl t e n e m e n t s of A N S E L M t l > n : . V K l . 1 h a v « w i r e d a i l t h e r i n h t . t i t l e a n d m t e r e « t of t h e s a i d d e ­f e n d a n t In ar id t o t h e fo : l ov . i r ( g d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r l y , t o w i t : #

A l l t h a t t r a c t o r p a r c e l s f l a n d s i t u a t e In t h e Ct»y of N i a g a r a K a i l s . C o u n t y o f N i a g a r a a n d S t a t e of N e w Y o r k , b e i n g lot iinrrilH-r s i x I*'1 on S e n - c a A v e n u e , a c c o i d -ing t o a m a p s h o w i n g r e d l v l s l o n of p a r t of lo t 2.'1 T . 1 3 , R II of t>ie H o l l a n d 1-and C o m p a n y ' s s u r v e y , u s s u b d i v i d e d fo r A. L . T a y l o r . S e n i o r hy W . L. S c h m o l l e , D e c e m -t«-r . 1 8 9 6 . w h oh m a p Is f i led In N i a g a r a Co>m;v C l e r k ' s o f f i c e .

W h i c h * i r o | . e r t y I s h a l l o f f e r fo r l a t e a s the law directs on the

24TH I'AY UF DECEMHER. l»'-'7 at lil ; :. o ci.,ck m the fi ••.•o.'Oii of that • irty i: 'he sne-r ff'i nrfi.e room No 213 in : h e i*i iv n u l l . l i n g M a i n S t r e e t a n d l " e d » r V \en ; i e in t n e i. ly of N i a g a r a F a l l s .

Countj of Niagara Dated Novtmb-r 7th. 1927.

JAMES A CAMPRELL l l n o 7 i d e l 2 Sheriff.

WHEATF1ELD AVE.. 5 1 0 — L a Salle Sec­tion. 6-room cottage. Inquire next door or Phone Lew iKlont 34-F-12^

FIFTEENTH ST.. 656—Newly decorated 8-room lower flat : latest improvements. In-qulre 1410 Ferry Ave.

FIFTEENTH ST.. 713—5-room apartment; all conveniences: garagp: $35 per month.

FOURTH ST.. 416—4-room furnished heat­ed apartment with private bath. Phone 1311-M.

FORT AVE.. 1436—o-room lower Hat with furnace and all conveniences; rent rea­sonable. 257 Thirteenth St. Tel. 3851-J.

TWO ROOMY A P A R T M E N T S — H e a t e d - m o d ­ern conveniences; rent cheap. Pine Ave. and 15th St.. Dr. Greco Bldg. Tel. 3296-W

LA SALLK—Heated upper flat. 4 rooms and bath, 2 bedrooms; near car line; rent S 2 5 ; heated. $32. Phone 293 or inquire 150 Thomas St.

LA SALLE—137 Duatw Ave., lower flat. 6 rooms, bath, furnace, laundry: garage; also piano for sale. Phone 381-W.

LA SALLE—Bright 4-room upper f lat; hot water beater, gas if desired; one block from car line. Call 4130-W. •

VERY COMFORTABLE APTS.—And separ­ate rooms, completely furnished; reason-able. Inquire Hotel Belr* office. Fall* St.

FOR RENT—Very desirable f l a t five large rooms and bath. Phone 24.









781 . RES. 5182. 2523 SUGAR ST.

Business Places tor Kenu 75

GOOD LOCATION—Four roomers and hoard­ers; home privileges; 2 block* from Falls St. Address Box No. 688. care Paiette.

Rooms Without Board. 68

VTOLIN-ensemble playing. Orchard Parkway.

Residence studio. Phone 888.


34 wHASGtNn-_Ar.d

l*oi!v prompt te-v'

•I-J;NV' * P-G'V.Pf'

fa. t-?.,,;s..,

ig done i 3443-J.

\ \ - ' V ( ; _ n Hough. ' IM7.J. A»k tor

c :•''-' - c pr'.-vs r-ea-

'I •o-i F. W, W| | . v,» Te'. 2778-M.

n j a p ' t hanging I t a '»• >*d Tel. 4632-J,

Dancing, Dramatic. 44 AT HALEY'S-—Stage and ballroom lancing.

Studio, Main at South (Relckhoft Bldg). Classes. Mon. & Frl. evenings: private ap-polntments, private classes. Tel. 6661.

DANCING—Stage and ballroom; children specialty. For appointment Phone Miss Cowan. 983-W. 407 Sixth street.

DANCINf>—Private lesson* "in th* now wait* and fox trot. Mrs. Snyder. Residence studio, 2261 La Sallo Ave. Phone 2919.


EIGHTH ST.. 1518 — Pleasant, furnished room la family of two; all conveniences; homo comforts; north end, near Main St.

PALLS 8T„ 115—Nicely furnished steam heated room* with all convenience*: r«a-

_ sonable. Call after 6 p. m.

GRAND AVE.. 2332—l/ower 8-room flat: wired for electric range: all modern Im­provements; 1 block north of Pine Ave. Call 1859-J..

HAEBERLE AVE.. 1176—Dec. 1st. upper flat. Inquire 923 South A n , or call 3126-R. __J

FIFTH 8T.. 465—Neatly furnished room, suitable tor 1 or 2 persona; single room; all conveniences;

front also

FOURTH ST., 282—Large front room, suit­able for two people; home privileges; use of phone; reasonable rent.

FOURTH ST., 368—Newly furnished room* In private horn*; all convenience*.

.^J^ff^Mnnnl S ^ r t W

I - - f ' • r h . , n

27 *»vf Ttinup

Oitropo,!, fi-IP > ' ~ ° ' ' " i <••> • cv -

2 7 - a

4 II

>pe^y ; foot Pedi i

Dogs, Cnta. Pets. 47

DOO—Red cocker spaniel. 10 mo. old, With pedigree: price S26. Call 31-W.

FOX HOUND—Good hunter, avenue. .

418 Elmwood

PUPS—Four Germarfpolioe pups (male) aged 9 weeks. Inquire 7 Point Ave., La Salle.

— —tr—

GROVE AVE, 913—Warm room near Main St., and north end factories; prlc* S3.60; use of phone. Tel. 2244-R.

Main LINCOLN PL. 818—Near nished room In private home; ences. Phon»_220-VV.

St.. fur-all convenl-

MAIN 8T„ 1989,—One furnished bedroom and one sitting room for bachelors or for gentlemen only; all convenience*; c/nr Loblaw'i Store, TeL 1027 ,or 125 after 6:00 p. m.

MAIN ST., 209—The Edison, completely fur­nished heated apartments for housekeep­ing; reduced winter rates; also sleeping

HAEBERLE AVE., 1146—Near high school, 6-room modern flat; all convenience*: available Dec 1st Phona 1526-W.

HAEBERLE AVE.—Cor. Ivy Court. 6-room flat; conveniences; near high school. In-qalre on premises. Phone 3453-W.

HAMILTON ST., 164—La Salle section, up­per 4-room flat. Inquire 177 Belden Ave. Phona 4163-W. .

HIGHLAND AVE.. 8503—6-room flat/ In.

BARBER SHOP—For rent, over Lynch's Shoe store, 115 Falls St.; Immediate pos-easlon. Inquire at Lynch'* Shoe StoT*.

STORE—On 5th St.. Just off Niagara fit-now occupied as beauty parlor; also suit­able for tailor shop: rent $25 per month, heated. John Palqmbo, Phone 3394-J.

Houses for Rent. J2

Sulr* 937 North Ave. 879-J.

John Grosso. Phone

INDEPENDENCE AVE.. « l l—La Ball* Section, 8-room apartment, furnished; heat, light, toilet, kink, private entrance; »25 per month.


s S t . istrlst.

DcniLt, MO '.!•"*


Inc.. 1227 ACKARTj^"! m»>«^excell

iceVor quick s.-•Main St» _

i** *•. ZJJ-y'•"•"»" MMn. neat l" ^Vs wott * "' 'n "tfactloa*. plat* ••••-» t tn *. j' .^ .*. 1 •«"•" gi^ranteed,

rACKABjTjs' 12—Chummy excellent tow car.

roadster. <r«M . phoni 3P**-

_T»ilftrlnc 225J tnr) Pressing. 80 m - T»sft* a " •"• St Po>

II «, »'* Ashing, presalng '• D'j cier»ner», 616

•\J" 3930. Tel. 3321.

nor.aesi, Onttle, Vehicles. 48 J E R S E Y C O W — F r e n h mi lch , 8 y e a n eld.

second calf. Al len J. Grauer , 8*und«r i Se t t l ement RoAd. Phono 1 6 4 6 - R - l .

MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale

T f t - i 61

CHRISTMAS—Hand mads rifts, Chinese novellle*. linen*, etc., hefn* reserved now. Mr*. EldrldRS. 609 22nd S t Tel. 2489-J.




Tou can ret qoallty oietl rati »o«. backed hy the famous Stud. p.cdr».

Fir* D*yV Driving Trlsl i •

1922 Stude Sedan '. . . . . . . • 1924 stude Coach/ . . . 1820 Bwcx Coac>. i. 1926 Stud* Coupe 1922 Stude Coupe . . • • • • • • 1924 8t«d« Special 8«*»i>-1920 Stud* Cottpe • < 1926 N*»h S«<i*a


P Wanted—ivmnle. • - f s n ' M " v- . aa

>» f r>e.'rc

«»'•• ! • r m - » i

J.«0 .55 SO



.1 *'


' Wm. McVltd*. £*•*-,,,.,.,.« 861 M.ln St. Opta E^e*'««

- ' • - • . :

!» , > ; Xtaa

~"P''- t e w - , .

-'• " * 7 > ; .

' f ' l t l l l C . P J . •'' in f a m l l r : no !»*.)« room Ap-. ^ ' ^ i r e . s n T P e r l -

< N . . . rtsn. car*

»nd help wlilt •"kir.c for good

Cosiness gad Office)) iSqotpmont 63 CASH1 RKbtnTER — Second-hand and n*w.

fully guaranteedt easy menthl/ payments. National Cash RstUUf Co.. 465 Third S t Phon* 1162. .. :

MICHIGAN AVE.. 1347—FurnUhed heated bedroom for 1 or 2 people; home prlvl-j*Jgfj resaonanle. j_









ATLANTIC AVE.. 135—6-room house, Com pletely furnished; electric range installed. Inquire 135 Atlantic Ave. Tel. 4415-J.

BUFFALO AVE., »4710—Nine-room houie; all convenience*; 2-car garaga. Phone 2366.

GOOD LOCATION—6-room house. Just com­pleted; must sell; price $ 5 , 3 0 0 ; easy terms. Phone 2608 .

ON SOUTH AVE. A L L E Y — 1 5 0 ft. east of Main St.. 5-room cottage: price $ 2 , 9 7 5 ; down payment $ 3 0 0 . monthly payment after. $25. Phone 2112 .

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an order of Hon. Mortimer A. Federspiel, District Attorney and Acting Surrogate of Niagara County, notice Is hereby given. to all persons having c la ims or demand* against HENRY EIDT. late of the City of Niagara Fal ls . Niagara County. N. Y.. deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the administratrices of the estate o f said de­ceased, at the law office ot John o . Chapln, No. 1933 Main Street. In the City of Nl-acara Fal ls . In said County, on or before the 16th day of February. 1928.


Administratrices. JOHN O. C H A r i N . Attorney for Admin­

istratrices. Niagara Fall*. N. Y. 8 9 3 a u l t j a 2 3

Lots For Sale. 86 CAYUGA ISLAND^—Cholca river front and

Inside lot*; all Improvements. Office at Island bridge,

Phone 4295.

CLEVELAND AVE.. 1151—Oppo«lt* school, newly decorated 7-room house. Inquire 1828 Lockport Bt. Phon* 57B.

CRICK'S COURT—7-room bonis, $40! 4V roora flat. $35. Call 3834-W or 2710,

DUANB AVE.. 146—Desirable modern l ls-room house; 8 bedrooms; rent reasonable. Inquire 1611 Thirteenth St. Tel. 1678-W.

LOT—50 by 99; very desirable location for restdeno* purposes. Wm. C Townsend. Lewliton. N. Y. ______^______^___^

Real Estate Dealers 87-a H.—Real estate and lnsur-BRADLXE, F. „ „ .

ance. 1018 Twenty-second *treet Phone 6182.

— ' • — ' » • — • — • i • - - ^ • " • * • t • i n - - — •

F O R T E R-B A R T L H T T . I N a—REAL




City Treasurer* Office. City Hall. Niagara Falls. N. T.

Notice Is hereby given that certified cop­ies of the tax rolls of the City ot Niagara Kails for the collection of tne General City Taxes for the year 1927, have been re­ceived by me. and that every person, com-pany. corporation or association assessed therein Is required to pay his. her or their taxes to me at my office. City Hall, aa follows: /

For thirty day* from the date of this notice without fees; for the next thirty day* two per oont fees will be charged: and for the next thirty days five per cent fees will be charged, nnd all taxes remain­ing unpaid after ninety days In addition to said five per cent fees s.hall bear interest at th* rate of six per cent per annum, a* required by the City Charter.

Tag rate per Sl.000—$9.946431. Valuation—$1 35.331.043.00. Amount to be raised—SI.345,026.56.

E. T. WILLIAMS City Treasurer.

Dated at Niagara Falls. N. T.. November 15, 1027.

Last day without fe»*. December 14. PAY TAXES PROMPTLY

s r i ' R K M i : I ' . i i t r N I A G A R A C O U N T Y . rEKRA.WE M RKII.LV. plaintiff. vs. IH'RT C CKlTTSiNliER. individually and as hdmlni*! ra tor u( the goods, chattels and credits which mere of GEORGE P. CRITT-KI.NGEK. d w n s e . l 1.1MANA LACER, OEtVUlK H CRITTSINOER and MAR­GARET I'RITTSiNCiElt. his wife. MARTHA A. OKITTSINOEK. wife of said Burt C. '•rittsinger. LEWIS M. <:niTTSlNOER and EDITH M. CRIT-TSINGER. his wife, S T E 1 N BRENNER-FISCHER COMPANY, INC.. CHARLES K. CARRIGAN. J. E D -


I aril JOHN J. FRIES, doing business under the name of "Star Paint Companv."

I GEORGE H GLKHKR and GEORGE W. « GLEBER. doing buaincss under the name

. f "Gvorge II Gleber and Sr.n." LAURENCE DIRFSCIO. MARY niRi'scio. ISIDORE CHODOROW. FANNIE CHOOOROW, EB-UNG HARDWARE and PLUMBING COM-l'ANY. INC.. JOSEPH ROTUNDO. FRANK HOTUNPO. I/H1S ROTUNDO and JOHN ROTUNDO. tloinir business a* "Joseph Rotundo and Sons." defendants.

To the above named defendants : You are her«'l»y summoned to answer 1,h»

complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or. If the complaint is not served with this summons, to servi a notice of appearand, on tho plaintiff's at­torneys within twenty days after the ser­vice of this summons, exclusive of the day of service. In case of your failure te- ap­pear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for tbo relief de­manded In the complaint.

Trial to be held In the County of Nlagara-Dated. this 2fith day of April. 1927. MOORE. Ktl.LIAN and KNOWLBS, At­

torneys for Plaintiff, office and post office address 409 Gluck Bldg., Niagara Fall*. New York.

To George H. Crlttslnger and Margaret Crttulnger. his wife:

The foreeolng summon* 1* »er»ed upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Charles Hlokey, Niagara County Judge, dated the 18th day of November, 1027, and filed with the complaint In ths office of the Clerk of the County of Niagara in the City of Lockport, New York. The above action ii brought to foreclose a mortgage given by Geoi-ge P. Crltulnger. deceasod. one of the defendant* above named, to Ter-rance M. Reilly. the plaintiff herein, on certain premise* described a* follow*:

All that tract or parcel of land, situate In the City of Niagara Fall*. County of Niagara and Stat* of New Tors, known as and being lots number* two (2)..four (4),

. s ix (6). eight (8), ten (10). twelra (IS), rrourteen (14), and sixteen f l6) on the

south «lde of Pennsylvania Avenue| lot* number* forty.soven (47). rbTty-nlne (49), fifty-one f61). fifty-three (68), ftftr-fve* (55). fifty-seven (6T), and fTfty-nin* (69) on the easterly side of State Street! let* number* forty-eight (48). fifty (50). fiHT-two (52). fifty-four (54), fifty-*!* (66). fifty-eight (58) and »ixty (60) on the weert-erly side of State Street; a* »a!d lot* and streets are laid down on a "map Of High­land Height* subdivided for Q. P. Crltt­slnger, June. 1914, being part of lot 30. T. 13. R. 9 of the Holland Land Purchase In tho Town and County of Niagara, N. T., by Dletrlck and Wll»on. surveyor*." said map being filed In Niagara County CUrtt** office on September 22nd, 1814. retaining and holding the rematndsr of said mort­gaged premlie* a* *eeurity for the pay­ment of said mortgage according to lta con­ditions.

Dated. November 19. 1927. MOORH. KILLIAN snd KNOTTLES. At­

torneys for Plaintiff, office and post office address 409 Gluck Bldg., Niagara Falls. New York.

DUANE AVE., 285— La Salle Section, six-room bouse; reasonable rant Tel. 4118-J.

ELEVENTH ST.. 462—Detirabl* dwelling, 4 bedroom*; modem convenience*: repriev­ed district; g>r»ge. T. W. Altken. 1019 F*rry Ave, Phona 2900.

~: -~sf. house; rent reasonable. Inquire Mr*. J.

rear cottegi. N.T.C. depot; Tel. 870-M.

Well heated. Jiloelr adult*: 1

NIAOABA AVE.. 2206 furnished room*, suitable for block from 2 car lines; u*e • ( phone j garage. Tel. 160.VJ., .

PINB AVE.. 1244—Furnished room In pri­vate familyi every convenience; rent rea­sonable.

ROSE COTTAGE—225-227 Second St., pleai-artt roomi with running water or private bath; rate* reasonable

who n»y

n t h S t .

Ih ' . • ' . < ,-.,V;

- '* s ; one •1 « ' ' l i n e - t e <-ts i h i r t

RESTAURANT rURNlTURB—Cheap. Phbne 2411. •'_

STORE* ffJCTUhfiS^Snow «**#,' wall-casiV; counters, ceah relltUts, scales tables. chair*, soda fountain, mlrrora 2407 On-urla Ave. Phone 2870. | | ^ _ ^

OWING TO OUR CJRKAT INCREASE—Of bbslnen* the Eegle Brand Malt Hop LO. 1* moving next door. 1816 Plne^Av*.. on Nov. l e t to a much larger »tor* where we will handle a full Una et glass and crecktri ware at very low prices. Phdt>« 4736. Ed. !*wie.

THUtD ST., 683—Nicely furnished warm room; aJX-Conveniences; breakfast If de. »lr<-d. Phone ^fti^.'

THIRD ST., 220-222—Well heated. Urge ffKnt room*: al*o *mall rooms, sutiei of 3 and fl, t int fldor. houeekecping roe-ms.

TOWNSEND TLACE. 751—2 comfoftaMy furnished room* In pi If desired. Phone 183:

ROOM—In bachelor'i home, completely for-nlehed; u»» of kitchen, hot Water; modern convenience*: mltabla for reliable gentle­man. Addtsna Be» No. B94, cars Oatette.

JEFFERSON AVE.—Cor. Fourth St, M*nt*» one 6-room apartment for Dec. 1st- alio 8-room furnlihed apartment Tel. 1805-J.

JEFFERSON AVE.—On* 4-room third floor, heated apartment. fural*hed or unrurnlih-vd: hot waVr; janitor e*rvlc*. T»l. 1998-J.

LfevVlSTON RD.. 2834—Furnished, lower, modern apartment; fireplace: responsible


GROVE AVE. AND TENTH St.—7-room house: rent reaionable. Inquire Mr*. P. Callahan, 27 Niagara Bt Tel, 1241

JEFFER80N AVE.—6-room furnished. 3 block* from also 8 housekeeping roomi. JEFFERSON AVB„ QUI — Modern S-roora house; vary desirable location. Phone 114.

LA BALLS AVE., 1551—Half of double boo**, 7 rooms with all eonvsnlences. $38

rage It desired, $6 par mo.

AU0TIONS-LEGALS Legal Notices. 01

month! Hr mot at f o i l " La* Salia" Avi , 'or call

MAIN ST.. 1820—8-room honse. Cornell and Daggett


MAIN ST- 1026— hone*: two baths; newly decorated. Call 2170.

-room house, S doer* Oaskln. 610

40. LITTLE FOURTH ST., 354—5-room heated

apartment Phon* 3044-J. MAIN ST., 1931— apartment he*

over Loblaw4* store. TeL 1027 or after, fl i>. nt

Si-J. heme; board

HOTEL WASHINGTON, 327 THIRD ST.— Clean and well heated rooms; single $4. d'ouhle $6 re£j'!^ii-J?p*n <*** »"<* "'»>>«•


'etk. . Mrs. J,

Mrv n V s l . .

3 ^ « * « *

vorv and car* "<•>', 4t2 Ninth

•»"Tfc. German girl sn !•'•,,,., 3 R J J beta-ecn 11 and



MfcNTi OF $1.00 DOtv'N



THONB 6318 1009 w.NE AVE



fHK STANTON HOUSE—216 1st St . repms. het-eetd running water, community hitch-en. laundry; 2.8.4 rc^rri_J^)n^h^_«ol*.

Hooms for'irpnsckccplnjr. 69 CLEVSt.AN6 XVY. . I j j d - J M t" reefftl

^ompielelr fumlehsd for housekeeping. kltchAntUe, frigldsjr*. heat, Ii«thtrfurnls.hev1

C T H V \ 1 A C V AVf*. 1M8--*TW» Waaseet rWfosl rsat » « : neat and tuan. Inquire en nremlMS. . . • •

MAfN »T^ il3{>—4-room anfornUhed apart tnentt beat and light MmUhaj.

NIAGARA STT! eio-J •team heat, ga* ran rer week,


eom apartment: range; »*ck porch; $8,50

Inquire 614 Niagara St Tel.

NIAOARA ST.—Between 2nd anti 8r4 St . furnished and unfurnlched arttftmentaj In-furnished ",.« •*,.. . , qulr« Slmtnons-Beker Co., 335 Third S t

217—5-room *t*am heatad

FIERCE -room he

from Main Bt. rnc,ulr* Mr*. Buf fa lo^T»>hop* 4746-W. PINE A V S H 40f4—6-room house; all tm

rovemttUat peeaeasion Nov. 16th t alio


Notice I* hereby given that the coet and expense of paving Center Avenue from the we«t line of Lockport Street to the west line of Seventeenth Street and from a point about 160 feet west of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Thirteenth Street, directed to be made In and by a resolution of th* Council of the City of Niagara Falls, N. Y.. November 14th. 1927, hi* been completed and th* roll thereof will remain In th* office of the Alienor In City Hall, corner of Main Street and Cedar Avenue, for In­spection by all person* Interested therein for five buatneia day* next following the day of the first publication of thl* notice,

B. B. CLANCY. City Aaeessor.

THE PEOPfcE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, to Edward Davl* Laura I. Isaacs. Grace. Unger. Carlton B. Frsnk, Eugene Unger. Milton Unger. Mrs. Eva AldwMI, Mrs. Bertha Winn. Charles Wolf and Frank Wolf.

Whereas, Eva Frank, who resides »t th* City of Niagara Fall*. New York, has pre­sented • petition to the Surrogate's Court of our County of Niagara, praying for a decree that a cert»ln Inurnment In writing. bearing date th* 20th d»y of November, 1922, relating to both real and personal property, b* duly proved and admitted to probate a* th* last will and testament of




302 Niagara S t Phone 1012

Ten-room brick veneer dwelling with five-room frame dwelling in rear. Sev­enth itrest n»»r Niagara: excellent location for rooming house; good invest­ment . easily financed.

$2.750—l-srg* lot on MeKoon avenue, opposite park, paving paid, alley In rear.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an ord*r of Hon. Mortimer A. Federsplel, District Attorney and Acting Surrwgat* of Niagara County, notice 1* hareby given, to all person* having claim* or demand* ag*ln«t PHILIP B. TRACBT. lata of th* City of Nlsgara Fall*. Niagara County, N. T., deceased, to exhibit th* **m*. with th* voucher* thereof, to the subscriber, the administrator of the eitate of said de-

CANOPIES Day fie Niger Phone 271

irovststntat possession COY. IOUI, »,-., fa>rajt>.ftWlty,W Third S t TeL 1895.

SEVENTH- ST., sit)—-Halt of double hounv a vAAmk with h.tkt »11 convenience*; alr.i 6 room* Witt bath 5 »11 convenience*: WW (tve-roota oottage In rear. Inquire 616 I W h I t ©fi614 Seventh 8 t Phfte*

SIXTH ST.. 807—M<v?*rn S-reom bovsei very flettraMe location. Pfeee* 114.

«»»*mjajM.ii i in1 IIWII ijaiiai— i» t • i


NIAGARA 8T Hat. Phon* 1912

3 ftToTi

shed reorai for light hoo**k**pln«. 60 -J.

NIAGARA ST., 326—6-room heated furaUV ed flat. Inc,olr« 519 Fourth St.

NINTH ST. AND FffRRT AVE.—8room flat: all modern ronrenlenc**. Including hardwood Goon: g»«. ran*;*. Call *)6>-J,

N I N E T E S N T I I ' ST„ 614"—3 and 5 room

Jl»t»; all conv*olenr«»; hn car lln*. Call »0H-

» » • — • "

Hotel Washington 327 ThiiM St.

Well Furnished Rooms with Kvery Modern Comfort

Single $4.00 Double $6.00 OrEN OAV AKO NIOHT





Uphol»l*ring, mattress. *nd feathers renovated, box springe re-covered. «U klndi of ehslre re-bottomed.

A Urge number of mmpl'i. Uphnl. st»rlng m»terl»li that you can select from that match up with th* surround­ing* lr/ fh* hom*.

Located on Lewiston Ro»d n«*r Rlv*r-dal* e*met»ry. Will call »ny place In the county for work. All ordsri promptly tended by metl or



FRANK DAY Of Day and Niffsr

la In business for himself. Anyone wanting- a first-class

Weatherstrip, Screen or Awning

Job, call

DAY, HIMSELF Phone 4332-J 123 Shoreham Drive


For Rent—Modern apartment, 6 rooms and bnth. good location, garaRe,

Estate of J. C. Strieker 327 Falls 8 t Telophone 24



813 Cleveland Ave. Phase 870 Evenings 2U15

X5, OOcV—Six-oom hou«e -erith i l l mod-ern convenl*nces, oak f 1 *-•• -r«. f.*)i>0 rash. bf«lnnee ns rent. Splendid location at north end.

t l lOOO—Brick fists with hom* In repr: renting for Jl.'-"i) r*r year; norlh end J'Mt off Main .tree*.

D« V ' n i t street jot near College ave­nue, pri. e SI .050.

v h t H ST.. »«•—4 rurnHhed n*atM reern* for light houfkeeplnt; all «onv»-nl*nce%, | M far cooVint. >._. •

KIOHTTI ST., JTof-^S frftftished reemi Hr H«,ht housekeeping; hrs*. Ilfht and «•« et fibrin*: r ja^nsMj^^ . .. ., . ;' • [ t

•rai lTH AND PtNE-^Pl»aa*t>l rootni'for hnn»»kcep1ng; light and h**t furniehed- In-dUlr* 804 Pine A i l


NORTH AVBn 1863—«-roora modera Oat Call 47«6-*T. _ ^

6VfAfit6''"'Avle.--Al 13th. tnodern' Broom apartrtwnt with g»», kltehan rang*: rsnt >5». Inquire W. H. McDonald. 1406 M»ln

ONTARIO AVE,. 11SO—6-foOfn nppef flat; all mod»fn eanvenlene**; hardwood fleer*, «lre<l for electfto rshsTw. laqfilre Mr*. Oa»-hl». etO^BaffaloAve, Ph»n« 4?j6\V.

0iNTAR^h~Avfe,, fsSS—'fi-reern lo^er h'aT, latest ii-.f (o.en-.tnt*. Inaelr* apautr*), et

MANAGER WANTED New Tork m»nuf*ctut*r «f women's apparel deelre* r»*renslhle t-rson tn er*r-

«t» rtep l« Nlairara rails. Cempleta slock of merr.handll* and future* mpplt'd: t t 600 00 caah eecorltT rennlted. Shop r.p*r*t*d under menegefi neme. drawing JeoSX?i ^ ShrTSr / t e i l i ' i . r***t, ea'cI-iiTve-no twe alike. QuIHiy an* mod*, price*'' cfeata r*p4»l sales.' Unmuil op port unify for p«reon. TAelnitruct IS i*H«m*h»Mp. Vodet ehop open fof tneperllon. Reference* Tequlred. Address C. A» Hill, Ine , 616 West Ferry gtreet tntrato. , lil'iiri'li I" , ' i '^('1 i.i.m

7 room house, Lockport sticct, near Main, bath, furn­

ace, etc house on McKoon avenue, bath, furnace, «t«.

2 story concrete block building, 30x54, near Main and

Ontario. Good for garage, storehouse, or small factory.

2 stores Main and Willow.

Store ami flat, 20th street, near Niagara.

Mm Mo ©ppeislMim Really Co* fac 1415*17 Main St. 'Phone 575

aass= ,".,"".'--,:

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069