Eric Antwi Ofosu (PhD) Smart Sanitation & Washtech - KNUST.

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Transcript of Eric Antwi Ofosu (PhD) Smart Sanitation & Washtech - KNUST.

Technology Assessement Framework (TAF) for Selected WASH Technologies in Ghana

Eric Antwi Ofosu (PhD)

Smart Sanitation & Washtech - KNUST

Summary of presentation

Background Four steps of TAF1. Screening2. Assessment3. Presentation of Results4. Interpretation

A MetaphorTechnology Introduction - a Journey of change:

The destination, the way to follow, the actors needed, attitude of actors....

TAF is a decision making tool on the applicability and sustainability of the use of a specific WASH technology in a specific context

TAF - Key Elements for Technology Introduction

Introduction Process- Investment model- Roles and responsibilities of actors in introduction process- Social Marketing- Resources

Context / Enabling Environment- Physical- Social- Economic- Legal- Institutional- Skills and capacities

Technology/Product- Characteristics/Performance- Requirements- Development process


User, BuyerProducer, Provider, Regulator, Supervisor….

Key Phases of technology introduction

Process design depends on investment model selected The various actors involved have to take on their roles

in all phases of the introduction process

Tipping Point




Trialled Technology

Time, with specific support and resources provided by different actors

Uptake [number ofunits installed]

Uptake + O&MSuccessfulTechnology

Uptake + Operation & Maintenance

 The TAF process starts with a screening. The screening focuses on two key questions:» Is there a need for this technology? » Is the implementation of this technology feasible in this region at all?

 If the screening is positive, the technology is comprehensively assessed in step 2.

 In step 3 the results are collected and presented.

 In step 4 all results are comprehensively interpreted.

Four Steps in TAF Assessment

Assessment of the potential of a WASH

technology in a specific context

WASH technology to be assessed

Screening 1: NeedScreening

Interpretationand conclusion

Presentation of resultsof screening and assessment

Screening 2: Applicability

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Step 1: Screening Purpose is to reject

technologies which are not suitable in the context efficiency of TAF tool

Screening using 2 criteria:

Screening is based on prepared questionnaires

For each type of technology one questionnaire is prepared, called Screening Sheet

Identification Context Need Applicability Result:

“Yes” or, “Yes but” or “No” and “comments”

WASH technology to be assessed

Screening 1: NeedScreening

Screening 2: Applicability

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Step 2: Assessment

Six dimensions of sustainability:

Economic and Financial

Social Environmental Institutional & Legal Skills & Knowhow Technological





Skills andKnowhow


à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Step 2: Assessment

Perspectives of Key actors: User or Buyer

Producer or Provider

Regulator, Investor, Supervisor, Facilitator

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Perspectives of Key Actors

in Introduction Process

Sustainability Dimensions




Organisational, institutional, legal

Skills & Knowhow



r, Bu




, Pr





r, In









18 TAF indicators

Methodology of TAF puts particular emphasis on perspectives and roles of key actors in the introduction process and forces TAF user to consider these perspectives in the assessment of impacts concerning the sustainability dimensions.

Assessment Indicators Roles

DimensionsUser and/or Buyer Producer and/or Provider

Regulator, Investor in Process, Research&Development, Facilitator,


Economics and Financial Affordability Price of product and level of revenue for producer/provider

Supportive financial mechanisms

Social Demand for the technology Need for promotion Need for behavioural change or social marketing

Environmental Potential for negative impact Potential for local production of technology or spares

Dependency on other technical components of system comments on: Robustness

Organisational, Institutional,Legal

Legal or custody structures for management of technology in place

Legislative regulation for producer and products, requirements for registration

Level of alignment with national long term strategiesAvailability of validation process and Technical Standards

Skills & Knowhow Skill set of user to manage complexity of technology inclduing for operation and maintenance

Level of technical and business skills needed

Capacity for information and documentation, market research and follow up for this technology

Requirements and capacity for M+E, Technology-Product Reliability of technology Viable supply chain for product and spares

Support mechanism for test and product development and introduction

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Step 2: Assessment

Assessment using the TAF: Based on 18 indicators : Nr. 1...18 Using questionnaires For each indicator one set of Assessment Indicator

Sheets exist Assessment Indicator Sheets include

◦ - General information◦ - 3-5 Guiding questions◦ - 1 Scoring question

Each application needs specific planning of data collection

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Indicator 1

Step 2: Assessment Scoring method

To support the scoring additional information and links are provided on indicator sheets

Different views and scoring in a group are common

Different views should be made explicit

Reasons and implications for overall result of assessment should be discussed and documented

Transparent procedure supports acceptance of assessment results

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation




High value, positive, supportive characteristics

Neutral value, partly impact

Low value, negative, hindering characteristics

? Unclear impact

Where scoring is questions should

be followed up for further analysis.

?0 -

Step 3: Presentation of Results From Step 1: Screening

results for criteria “need” and “applicability” and comments

From Step 2: Each score will be presented in a table as presented on the leftComments from Step 2 are collected on a separate sheet, in particular if conflicting scoring appeared

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

Step 4: InterpretationComprehensive interpretation

including all these steps:1) Step 1: Straight forward

interpretation of screening results

2) Step 2: Interpretation Per row per dimension Per column per perspective

3) TAF Graphical Profile comprehensive assessment

4) Comments

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation




+ ?




? ?


?+ -

-0 0

(1) (2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

(7) (8) (9)

(10) (11) (12)

(13) (14) (15)

(16) (17) (18)





veTAF Profile

Step 4: Interpretation

à � à � à �Screening Assessment Presentation of Results Interpretation

The TAF provides a comprehensive basis for decision making

The interpretation of results should consider all elements – from step 1 and from step 2

Implications from conflicting scoring should be made explicit

The process of TAF application supports acceptance of the assessment result and the development of specific mitigation measures for supporting the introduction process

All results and interpretation should be comprehensively documented