EPA Delays Global Warming Rules Again

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  • 8/4/2019 EPA Delays Global Warming Rules Again


    Campaign 2012 Washington Examiner.com Share: Search formSearch

    September 15,

    2011 2:56pm


    EPA delays globalwarming rules again

    by Conn CarrollSenior Editorial WriterFollow on Twitter: @conncarroll

    For the second time in four months

    the Environmental Protection

    Agency has confirmed that they will

    again delay the release of theirmuch anticipated global warming


    An EPA spokeswoman told

    National JournalThursday that the

    EPA will not issue caps on

    greenhouse gas emissions

    pursuant to the Clean Air Act by

    their latest September 30th deadline. The EPA had originally promised the

    environmental activist groups suing the federal government that they would issue

    global warming regulations by July 26th.

    The EPA's latest ret reat on climate change regulation comes almost two weeks after

    President Obama ordered EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to rescind her ozone rules .According to the EPA's own esitmates, the ozone rule would have infliced $90 billion in

    costs on the U.S. economy every year. Analysts expect the EPA's global warming

    regulations to cost more than $100 billion annually.


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    Like R epl y7 hours ago 107 Likes

    Don't just delay the regulations, abolish the EPA.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago in reply to Ready_to_fight 71 Likes

    Amen to that. Bunch of idiots drinking the Obozo/Algore kool-aid. Global warming is a SCAM.

    Anyone who points out a problem and then says "if you give me money I'll solve it for you" is a

    snake-oil salesman and used to be tarred and feathered.

    Like R epl y3 hours ago in reply to Nunya 23 Likes

    It's not "if you give me money I'll solve..." It's give me money/more taxes now & I'll lower the

    World Temperature 100 YEARS FROM NOW!!!

    They think we're as nuts as they are!!!

    Like R epl y6 hours ago in reply to Nunya 34 Likes

    Global warming is a scam. The fact that companies will wilingly dump pure chemical sludge

    into our ground water and rivers is not. The EPA has it's place and people saying that it

    doesn't are foolish. They just need to be sticking to real problems not made up crap.

    Like R epl y3 hours ago in reply to don_farqwad 31 Likes

    Every State has a DEQ. We don't need the EPA. Just another layer of compliance,

    and the reason companies are shipping capital overseas.

    Like R epl y19 minutes ago in reply to Jadep 1 Like

    AMEN!!!! Abolish the EPA now!!!

    Like R epl y6 hours ago in reply to Ready_to_fight 27 Likes

    I think they need to be scaled back, and keep their nose out of CO2 regulation. The EPA has done a

    lot of good, but now they're just power grabbing like the unions. Maybe their time is up for now.

    They have enough regulations to take care of, they don't need to be making more.

    Like R epl y47 minutes ago in reply to Ready_to_fight 3 Likes

    Along with the Departments of Energy and Education.

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    Like R epl y7 hours ago 71 Likes

    Abolish the EPA. They are useless.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 59 Likes

    Obama has filled the EPA with fellow Marxists. These misguided lemmings blindly adhere to a DELUSIONAL,

    Communist-style ideal of governance. Urkel-in-the-White House is obviously going to drag the ENTIRE

    Democratic Party down the toilet bowl with him in 2012.......

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 47 Likes

    The Kenyan Klown is a job killer.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago in reply to Mike Wilsin 30 Likes

    Is that the new KKK? Kenyan Klown job KIller?

    Like R epl y49 minutes ago in reply to Mike Wilsin 2 Likes

    Better turn yourself in on AttackWatch for thinking bad thoughts. I hear if you do they only make you

    listen to BO's speaches 4 hours a day

    Like R epl y6 hours ago in reply to Mike Wilsin

    People who think he is Kenyan probably also believe in little green men and watch Zeitgeist at least

    6 hours a day. The internet sure does bring out the crazy theories.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago in reply to don_farqwad 25 Likes

    Actually I don't think he is from Kenya, I just like calling Our Job Killer and Chief that. Oh by

    the way,a the once greatest country in the world "created" zero net jobs in August under our

    tool of a President.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago in reply to don_farqwad 11 Likes

    I'll bet you have a big poster of the down-grader in chief that you kiss good night and pray

    to daily. "Sweet dreams, O my sweet Barack, I love you. When will you leave Michelle for


    Like R epl y4 hours ago in reply to don_farqwad 9 Likes

    For not being a Kenyan, the man-child has sure spent a lot of money fighting a simple

    request... but why would that bother a marxist???

    Like R epl y1 hour ago in reply to don_farqwad 1 Like

    The Keynesian Klown is a job Killer

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    Like R epl y43 minutes ago in reply to don_farqwad

    Wait a minute. I know people that have great grandparents that came here from Ireland and

    they say they are Irish. Same with Italians, Dutch, Mexicans, etc. even when they are

    second, third, fourth generation Americans. What exactly is wrong with calling him Kenyan?

    It is as accurate as any of the others.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 45 Likes

    This just proves that EPA is as incompetent as it i s corrupt. They WANT to do irreparable harm to the

    economy, but they just don't have the bureaucratic chops to get the job done.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 43 Likes

    The EPA has to get a ruling on the First Amendment prohibition of making of any law respecting an

    establishment of religion before they act. T hey have to consult Pope Al Gore and the Church of Global

    Warming first. They are having a hard time finding him while he's flying around in his private jet selling


    Like R epl y7 hours ago 42 Likes

    Whoo hoo... This is the first time I am thankful for a Bureaucracy. Keep stalling... we don't have long till 2012


    Like R epl y7 hours ago 40 Likes

    Good idea delay the regulations and abolish the EPA.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 31 Likes

    The EPA is the new SS gestapo. I think we should be good stewards of our planet but the EPA is infested

    with a bunch of over educated tree huggers that think if you fart you are destroying the planet.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 29 Likes

    Everyone with a disparaging remark towards our dear leader or any agency under his rule will face the full

    consequences. I'm reporting all of you to AttackWatch.com!!!! Now kneel before him.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago in reply to Duder 18 Likes

    The only attacking I see is Michelle attacking a bucket of fries at the Olive Garden.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 30 Likes

    The fact is they don't dare try this for fear of Revolution.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 26 Likes

    Present-dent Bumbling Barry Oblamo is struggling to save his FAILED first term, so he can party and golf

    another 4 years on the taxpayers dime.

    Doubtless King Obongo has ordered the EPA to delay, because the unmitigated and irrevocable damage to

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    Like R epl y6 hours ago 25 Likes

    the U.S. economy would endanger the re-coronation of the Sovereign. However, the day after Election Day

    2012 it will be B*lls to the Wall for King Obongo's EPA. Exhaling will be a taxable event, etc., etc., etc., etc.


    Like R epl y5 minutes ago in reply to Liesedl

    But only for two months until we get r id of his a^ forever!!! Hopefully he will not be the recurring

    plague that Jimma Carther has been.

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 28 Likes

    Kill off the EPA with our 10th amendment rights.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 24 Likes

    Abolish the EPA

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 24 Likes

    The Marxists tree huggers in the EPA know if they do that there will be a bunch of electric plants forced to

    shut down and then chaos will ensue.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 24 Likes

    EPA,EPA, how many job did you kill today. EPA, EPA you are not protecting anyone so go away. EPA, EPA,

    your cap & trade will not see the light of day.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 23 Likes

    The EPA and the Department of Energy, and teh Department of Education are all unnessary government

    agencies. Dump them All

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 21 Likes

    First let us understand what the EPA really is. T hey are a bunch of ignoramuses who couldn't land a job as a

    McDonald's trainee.

    The only way they can get ahead is to increase the budget of the EPA so they can steal more money from

    the American taxpayer. If they only stole cash from us it wouldn't be so bad, but the EPA has single-handedly

    destroyed most manufacturing jobs in the USA and our economy has followed it right down our EPA

    approved toilets.

    They are at the heart of the destruction of the US economy; I'm sure they don't mean to be evil but then evil

    never sees itself for what it is. T he fact is that they are stupid people; how do we know this - they are

    government employees and that says it all. T his means they are people who are afraid to enter the real world

    where wages are decided by the value that free people decide what they are worth.

    Whoever called Nixon a right winger is so far off the mark it is a bad joke. This vile agency is yet one... show


    Like R epl y6 hours ago 19 Likes

    I can see the game that Obama and the EPA are playing. They are going to keep postponing the rules until

    after next year's election. Obozo is afraid of what will happen, when the rules are made public.

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    Like R epl y5 hours ago 16 Likes

    Global Warming is a scam. The so called science was based on studies funded for a pre-determined

    outcome. The EPA should be drastically cut and should not be allowed to legislate through regulation.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 14 Likes

    The EPA is out of control; they are the U.S. version of Gestapo for businesses.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 14 Likes

    Under Obama it is the Employment Prevention Administration !

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 13 Likes

    EPA and Department of Energy both created in the mid 1970s should be abolished and the buildings put up

    for auction so they can never be reopened in the future by Pelosi wannabees!

    The 2 above mentioned departments are responsible for jobs lost, businesses moving abroad, more lobbying

    in Washington D.C. and billions of dollars worth of waste in the government.

    shut them down!

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 13 Likes

    If these phonys get their way with this green global warming regulations in this country then you all had

    better start learning chinese. T he asian manufacturing companies, especialy the chinese do not pratice any

    of this environmental crap while the liberals and their holi one obama hold usto unfair standards, and as a

    result all of you poor slobs in the United States have no jobs and they don't care. obama and his liberal

    cronies care nothing about increasing our manufacturing base; all they want i s to shove this phony green

    crap down the throats of all Americans, they believe that raising taxes and giving away money to their freinds

    (eg. Solyndra and the Southern alliance for clean energy) will save the US; well they are a bunch of lying

    theives they have already lost over 500 million to the phony SOLYNDRA that was in bd with obama.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 11 Likes

    Not only redo the EPA completely, we need to get rid of the Dems Department of NO energy, and

    Department of Education. Both failed wasteful programs.

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 10 Likes


    Like R epl y4 hours ago in reply to borntobePolitical 3 Likes

    I disagree slightly. I think the EPA can be saved, along with all of the other Dept of Something

    federal institutions, if they are reduced to research departments that submit recommendations to

    Congress. Than we the voters can get rid of congressmen that create over-reaching and

    burdensome regulations. I have no issues with the government funding studies of ways to reduce

    pollution, improve education, increase agricultural yields. It's the 'regulation without representation'

    part of the EPA, Dept. of Education, etc., that I have a problem with.

    Make congress do their job instead of getting lackeys to do it so they don't have to share in the


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    Like R epl y7 hours ago 13 Likes

    Saw this bumber sticker on a wagon train from a 1830 picture. Farting mules will kill Kansas. Go back east.

    That was the start of the Earning Piracy Agency. Their motto was 'pay us to lie.'

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 9 Likes

    They are seeing Baracks election evaporate before their eyes, so they are delaying the vote killing measures

    and the jobs it would destroy UNTIL after he wins... doubtful now

    Like R epl y4 hours ago 7 Likes

    EPA is the liberal KGB arm against Amerika... - abolish the EPA!!!

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 7 Likes

    It's past time to look at how much progress has been made in the past 20-30 years in cleaning up our air and

    water. While it would be nice to have fresh mountain air blowing through our skyscrapers and drinkable

    water at the outfall of every sewage treatment plant, the plain truth is that neither are possible. We could

    spend trillions and cripple our economy trying to continually wring out every last pollutant, but good enough

    is good enough. The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act were not meant to be never-ending, ever-tightening

    regulation-generating machines. The EPA needs to be reined in and given a dose of simple economic reality.

    Like a 50% budget cut. For starters.

    Like R epl y4 hours ago 5 Likes

    The EPA and all other institutions with power, but no accoutability need to be eliminated. The EPA should be

    at least temporarily eliminated until 2018. Humans are more important than sand turtles. Their environmental

    regulations do absolutely nothing anyways because China and India open 15 giant new coal plants EVERY

    MONTH. The EPA kills business and does little for the environment.

    Like R epl y2 hours ago 3 Likes

    $100 Bilion EVERY YEAR! What a SCAM! 2012 cannot come soon enough!


    Like R epl y5 hours ago 5 Likes

    The EPA simply wants to pay, pay and pay. This way, we can't afford gas for our cars!

    Like R epl y5 hours ago in reply to Ray 4 Likes

    I think Ray meant to say, "The EPA simply wants us to pay, pay and pay. ..."

    Like R epl y4 hours ago 4 Likes

    obama will allow it only if he is reelected, the % of americans that believe man is causing climate change is

    very small. poor people will hate obama for the high energy prices that cause all costs to skyrocket, which

    obama has stated he intends to cause, on tape, which should be played over and over and over.....

    is this like the Y2K problem where everyone was screaming (and selling) solutions then nothing happened?

    The world has heated up like .8 degrees in a hundred years? That's pretty stable considering we didn't even

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    Like R epl y5 hours ago 4 Likes

    know the world was round until a couple hundred back...

    Like R epl y7 hours ago 5 Likes

    Well well well

    Like R epl y55 minutes ago 1 Like

    Herman Caine said that he would put victims of the EPA's heavy handedness in charge of the EPA. Pure


    Like R epl y4 hours ago 3 Likes

    Do the country a favor get rid of the EPA and the IRS....Be a hero for a change instead of the goat.

    Like R epl y3 hours ago 2 Likes

    190 billion dollars for both T hat's 0.48% GDP per year. Mow tell me they not trying to destroy the economy

    Like R epl y3 hours ago 2 Likes

    the current EPA is what you get when you appoint extremists zealots to political office.

    they actually PAY extremist activist groups to sue them, then use the resulting decision (usually from a

    hand-picked judge) to justify their inane and anti-Western Civ. regulations.

    Like R epl y57 minutes ago in reply to welldoneson

    You are so right. When they want more power a grant to the Sierra Club or some other nut job group

    to file suit. Then when that group wins the EPA has to pay their lawyers. It's a scam all the way


    Like R epl y3 hours ago 2 Likes

    The headline on Drudge was too long. "EPA blows" would've fit better & been more accurate.

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 3 Likes

    EPA needs to be regulating toxic chemicals, and not trying to convert people over to the hocus pocus

    science of "global warming" or "climate change" now; like we all know that the climate has never changed


    """the ozone rule would have infliced $90 billion in costs on the U.S. economy every year. Analysts expect the

    EPA's global warming regulations to cost more than $100 billion annually."""

    $190 Billion a year in regulations? Some Stimulus.

    Remember "Green Jobs" They talk about include government bureaucrats hired to enforce rules on people

    that make jobs. Is the air that bad? Seems fine where I am.

    the government cares about you. That is why they had the Tuskegee experiments where the Feds infected

    people with syphilis, or MKULTRA where the Feds kidnapped and gave people tons of acid and tried to

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    Like R epl y4 hours ago 2 Likes

    brainwash them, They only do it becasue they love you.

    And that only happened 40 years ago think what kind of sick twisted stuff they have done since then. What

    do you think the government is doing now?

    They recently released dengue fever in Florida

    Like R epl y4 hours ago 2 Likes

    So Obama is apparently serious about trying to get re-elected. Too little too late.

    Like R epl y2 hours ago 1 Like

    Obama's Department of Destruction, another alphabet soup agency he is using to bankrupt American

    business. Wonder if they have an EPA in Kenya?

    Like R epl y2 hours ago 1 Like

    Get rid of them ASAP

    Like R epl y5 hours ago 1 Like

    Where do all these projections of cost an savings come from?

    Specifically that poor quality air will result in many hundreds of thousands of deaths?

    Like R epl y6 hours ago 1 Like

    just remember that criminal NIXON started the EPA

    he also tried PRICE CONTROLS

    Like R epl y4 hours ago in reply to Glenp

    The EPA was created with good intent. They no longer function as a group making all states equal

    in the administration and enforcement of reasonable rules. Putting all responsibility on the states

    makes rules ineffective and meaningless. Enforce the rules originially on the books (Clean Air Act

    and Clean Water Act) before making new rules.

    Like R epl y4 hours ago in reply to Mkelley3744

    I work as a private consultant helping applicants from homeowners to big-box stores to

    state and local agencies get permits under the federal Clean Water Act and similar state

    permit programs. These permit programs are started under LAWS passed by federal and

    state legislatures, with RULES or REGULATIONS written by the departments that are

    charged with implementing the LAWS - such as the US EPA, the US Army Corps of

    Engineers, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and similar state agencies. The real problem

    with this system is that the legislatures pass the laws, written as vaguely as possible to get

    enough votes to pass the bills into laws, and THEN the agencies which are charged with

    implementing the laws write the rules/regulations to implement the laws. And they don't stop

    rewriting the rules/regulations, making them tougher over time, to the point that they make

    getting permits needed for anything from building a deck on your house to building an

    airport nearly impossible, and certainly very expensive. When tough economic times come

    along, NOBODY wants to go through that expensive wringer, which can take MONTHS or

    YEARS. That's why there was such an emphasis on... show more

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    Like R epl y11 minutes ago

    I'm stunned.

    Like R epl y24 minutes ago

    Just as soon as China, India, Russia and everybody else get their emissions down to OUR levels... THEN

    we can talk about lowering ours further!!!! There's more than one reason our economy is getting it's butt


    Like R epl y51 minutes ago

    In this letter I would like to respond directly to the E.P.A.'s pestilential circulars. However, considering its

    inability to cope with the truth I feel that doing so would be a great disservice to the E.P.A. at this time. So,

    instead, I'll devote the rest of this letter to explaining as politely as possible how by spreading ruin widely

    through the land, the E.P.A. has forfeited its claim to be morally superior to Attila's Huns or Hulagu's Mongols.

    I guess I should start by saying that it's really not bloody-mindedness that compels me to get the E.P.A. off

    our backs. It's my sense of responsibility to you, the reader.

    The quaesitum of the E.P.A.'s credos is not the betterment of society but rather the establishment of more

    efficient techniques to instill a subconscious feeling of guilt in those of us who disagree with the E.P.A.'s

    causeries. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant

    realities of life. You might say, "It's time for the E.P.A. to stop its systematic assault on religious freedom."

    Fine, I agree. But the E.P.A. once said that we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed

    and... show more

    Like R epl y1 hour ago

    Go ahead you tyrants. ISSUE THEM. Tell us plebes how to live our li ves, you cowards. If I and tens of

    millions of other fed up, disenchanted, disenfranchised, disillusioned and disgusted racists and deniers are

    put in our place by those of you who know what's best for us, we'll see to it that you keep your overpaid,

    overseeing positions after the 2012 electiion - NOT.

    Go ahead, crush more of our productivity and livelihoods in the name of a f$#%&*ing ant or a squirrel. Show

    us who"s boss. I dare you. Give in to Barbara Streisand and Woody Harrelson, after all, their money donated

    to their favorite 501C(3)'s always makes it into your wallets. Do the right thing. Nevermind the fact that we

    have more in poverty now than ever before.

    Like R epl y1 hour ago

    That's no excuse not to trim EPA down to a nubbin of its current self.

    { _^}

    Like R epl y1 hour ago

    Heh heh heh heh... Woo Hoo......

    Like R epl y1 hour ago

    trash'em all

    I think Obama is worried that after all the spotlight on the regulations he's inflicting on businesses that these

    would end up being more proof that conservatives are correct (Too many regulations and uncertainty in the

    business market).

    I will make a prediction though:

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    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    After Barack loses the 2012 election, about 2 weeks from the day he leaves office he'll have the EPA enact

    both of these new sets of regulations as well as hundreds more. He'll do it out of malice for Americans not

    voting to keep him in office but he'll have a news conference and say that "it's the right thing to do for the

    world to help stop climate destruction".

    The climate change freaks will rejoice saying the worst polluters are Americans and it's right that we're being

    held to account for "raping" Mother Earth.

    Well maybe that last line was too much?

    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    He didn't order her to "rescind" the rules; he ordered them to be "suspended," presumably to be ratcheted

    back into place in January 2013, should the Poseur-In-Chief manage to finagle his way via hook and/or

    crook back into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. (Heaven Forbid!)


    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    Anyone who votes for dems is my enemy. I will not be their friend. I will not shop at their stores. I will not

    voluntarily give t hem anything.

    This is war. I will fight it non violently.

    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    What I would like to see happen is halt all the big government programs and all there rules for 6 months and

    see what happens. then I would like to see the Tea Party get the repeal of the Federal Reserve put on the

    ballet in every state and then do away with them they are the true down fall of this country. As 12

    independent privately owned banks you have never heard of them losing a dime, but they have bought up

    allot of failed banks and business using the printing press when ever they need more cash to buy them, and

    they have loaned China the money they are using to buy up our national debt.

    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    EPA should be funded by Charities and not our tax dollars

    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    Lisa Jackson, remember when you threatened to implement "command and control" polices if Carbon Cap

    was not passed by the Senate? Well, stupid bitch, guess who is going to take the hit for a faltering economy

    due to your control and commands policies? Good job retard.

    Like R epl y2 hours ago

    seven billion people passing gas a couple times a day........methane into the atmosphere......I demand the

    EPA address this issue.....now......it's an emergency......pass this gas! er......don't pass this gas?

    Like R epl y3 hours ago

    I guess Rush said EPA is bad, so it must be true. Go drink some more Limbaugh tea, baggers!

    The EPA is bad. And your name is wrong. It should be "Idon'tknowjack."

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    2 hours ago in reply to IKnow 4 Likes Like Reply

    Like R epl y33 minutes ago in reply to IKnow

    I have a burning desire to vent my spleen on I Know. Before I start, however, I should state that to

    understand what I's particularly chthonic form of absolutism has encompassed as a movement and

    as a system of rule, we have to look at its historical context and development as a form of whiney

    politics that first arose in early twentieth-century Europe in response to rapid social upheaval, the

    devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. He spouts a lot of numbers whenever he

    wants to make a point. He then subjectively interprets those numbers to support his bunco games

    while ignoring the fact that I'm not a postmodernist person. I'd like nothing more than to extend my

    hand in friendship to I's admirers and convey my hope that in the days to come we can worktogether to preach a message of community and brotherly love. Unfortunately, knowing them, they'd

    rather create profound emotional distress for people on both sides of the issue because that's what I


    I says that his personal attacks are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of

    chaos. That's his unvarying story, and it's a lie:... show more

    Like R epl y3 hours ago

    EPA go away! EPA go away! Forever.

    Like R epl y4 hours ago

    As long as they can economically justify the regulations.

    Which they can't. And don't give a damn about.

    delays global warming rules again | Campaign 2012 http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-conf