(enhanced by VisualBee)

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of (enhanced by VisualBee)

Web Guide to Start a online BusinessBY Jova999

1 Start an online business

Why and how

Goals and plan

Finance & Brand

Partner and suppliers

Market online

Tools and Customer

2 History and present

3 Preparing yourself

4 Is it right for you?

5 A little help from a friend

6 Why starts a business

7 Carving out a niche

8 Defining your usps

9 Good times bad times

10 Knowing your skills

11 Understanding business

12 External help and advice

13 Main summary and review

14 Have a goal in business

15 Business Planning and finance

16 Business planning

17 The why and the how?

18 Competitive analysis

19 Exit strategy

20 Financial documents

21 Registering you business

22 Legal structures

23 Choosing a company name

24 Social enterprise

25 Financing your business

26 Friends & family

27 Banks

28 Grants

29 Projecting income

30 Business angels & vc

31 Projecting expenditures

32 Presenting numbers

33 Fundraising is tough

34 Main summary and review

35 Creating online presence

36 Setting up online

37 Getting online

38 Choosing a partner

39 Secure sockets layer ssl

40 Payments solutions

41 Alternative payments types

42 Managing content

43 Managing images

44 The order pipeline

45 Brand management

46 Online business essentials

47 Main summary and review

48 partners in online world

49 Monetising your site

50 Selling online pricing strategy

51 Membership /subscriptions

52 ad sense /display advertising

53 A balancing act

54 Affiliation a publisher

55 Affiliate networks

56 Product feeds becoming an authority

57 Main summary and review

58 Online Essentials

59 Supply chains

60 Buying local buying from further afield

61 Suppliers

62 Placing your first order

63 Supplier relations

64 Useful tools and gadgets

65 Stock and storage.

66 Picking and packing

67 Delivery

68 Returns

69 Main summary and review

70 Get your word out online

71 Marketing your online business

72 Offline versus online

73 Search engines

74 Keywords and phrases

75 Search engine marketing

76 Buying traffic

77 Affiliation as advertiser

78 Vouchers and coupons

79 Making coupons work

80 Cash back

81 Co- registration

82 Rich media and rss feeds

83 Social media

84 Blogging

85 Forums

86 Targeting print media

87 Freebies & promotion

88 Press releases

89 Market places

90 Main summary and review

91 Customer good practice

92 Delivering good crm

93 Respectability

94 Legal pages

95 Tone of voice

96 Customer services

97 Newsletter

98 Email marketing

99 Data capture

100 Email tone & content

101 Mystery shopper

102 Focus groups

103 Main summary and review

104 Other online tools and information

105 Useful resources

106 Business planning a web design

107 PPC & viral marketing

108 Venture capital & keywords

109 Affiliate networks

110 Email marketing

111 Social media

112 About us

113 Main summary and review

114 Index