Emmett till

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Emmett till

EMMETT TILLBy: Alisha Paminsan(;

Karina Maldonado/;Ana Rosas(:

Emmett Till

Emmett Till is a 14 year-old African American from Chicago.

He left his home to go visit his relatives in Money, Mississippi.

He was born on July 25, 1941

Died August 28, 1955

Emmett’s Funeral

His mother insisted on a open casket funeral because she wanted to show the whole world what happened to his son.

How Emmett Died?

He was flirting with a white woman, the white woman’s husband and her brother murdered him.

About Emmett Till?

Known as a prankster.

He was diagnosed with the disease of Polio.

Works Cited

Rosenberg, Jennifer. “Emmett Till Murdered” About.com 3/29/2012

“The Death of Emmett Till” History.com 3/29/2012

“Emmett Till Murder” umkc.edu 3/29/2012

Vox, Lisa. “A Biography of Emmett Till” About.com 3/29/2012