Emergency response plan for a wind farm

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Scandpower's Arve Sandve emphasises the importance of a robust emergency response plan, and the process by which the plan should be created. Arve stresses that a plan itself is useless - the planning process itself is vital to success, as well as the appropriate training of personnel.

Transcript of Emergency response plan for a wind farm

Emergency response plan for a windfarm

Arve Sandve | Senior adviser

RenewableUK Offshore Wind 2011 | Liverpool 30.June 2011

Please do not use any images contained in this presentation without written permission

Plan for the expected, deal with the unexpected


• Scandpower has 30 years experience within risk management and emergency preparedness planning

• Emergency preparedness methodology based on NORSOK requirements and best practice from the offshore and onshore industry

• Risk management service provider to Statoil – the wind contract focuses on offshore and onshore windfarms

The Golden Hour

• The time period of one hour in which the lives of a majority of critically injured trauma patients can be saved if definitive surgical intervention is provided.

• What you do within the golden hour will most probably affect the ability to safe lives

• And from experience; it will most certainly affect your reputation afterwards

NORSOK Z-013Risk and emergency preparedness assessment

• Describes risk and emergency preparedness assessments for offshore and onshore facilities – under the Norwegian PSA rule

• Covers planning and execution of risk and emergency preparedness assessments

• Assessments related to the traditional emergency response phases:

1.Notification 2.Combating 3.Rescue 4.Evacuation Business continuity

Emergency preparedness assessment process

• Identify defined situations of hazards and accident (DSHA’s)– Pre-defined situations in which the plan is scaled upon

• Governing performance requirements– Both regulatory and company specific requirements

• Evaluate the need for specific performance requirements – Means of evacuation (type, location and capacity), equipment

for rescue of personnel, interaction with external resources , standby vessels, equipment for mitigating environmental impact, dimensioning of the emergency preparedness organisation

• Documentation of assessment

Based on usergroup interaction

2. Hazard identification

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1. Establishing the context

EPA 3. Establish DSHA andanalysis course of events

EPA 4. GoverningPerformance Requirements

EPA 5.Identify and evaluate: - specific performance requirements- specific response strategies- measures and solutions

Emergency preparedness assessment process

Risk and emergency preparedness analysis

EPA 6. Establish emergency preparedness

Input from the risk assessment

NORSOK Z-013 The process of performing an emergency preparedness assessment

Emergency response plan - 3 levels of response

Line 1 - Operational

Site of incident

Lifesaving 1st aid

Rescue, combating, evacuation

Line 2 – Tactical

Technical and operational support, next of kin, additional resources required by the first line, contact with regulatory authories and line 3.

Line 3 - Strategic

Strategic decisions and supervision, resource allocation between business areas, stakeholder, authority and media management

Emergency response plan structure

Part A Operative

Notification proceduresCommunication chart

DSHA action plansSpecific procedures

Part B Administrative

Roles and responsibilitiesInstallation specifications

DSHA descriptionsFactsheets and appendixes

Exercise and training programme

Plans are nothing; planning is everything


Closing remarks

• Plans are nothing, planning is everything – the process is important to succeed

• A plan without frequent training at all response levels is of not much value• Training could be theoretical exercises (table-tops) or practical sessions -

both at site and in the office• Lessons learned must be documented!

For more information, please contact:


T +47 9137 2458

E asa@scandpower.com

W www.scandpower.com

w www.lr.org

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Or follow us on Twitter: @lrrenewables