Email marketing best practices + benchmark data - final

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Email marketing best practices + benchmark data - final

Email MarketingBest Practices + Benchmark Data

Jeanne HopkinsDirector of Marketing

Twitter: @jeannehopkins#hubspotemail


Email Is Just One Piece

Takeaway: Resend.

Takeaway: Follow up.

Takeaway: Confirm.

Takeaway: Introduce.

Takeaway: Manage.

Takeaway: Research.

Takeaway: Test.

Takeaway: Segment.

Takeaway: Analyze.

Takeaway: Frequency.

How to Put All the Pieces Together?

d.j.k. on flickr

Complicated & Confusing

Easy & Integrated

Grow Email Lists w/ Offers & Landing Pages

Segment Email Lists Automatically

One Database for Nurturing & Campaigns

1 Profile for Leads: Site Visits & Email History

Track Traffic, Leads, Sales from Email Campaigns

How to Get Help…

What’s HubSpot?

• Inbound marketing software + training• Over 3,700 customers in 3 years• 200+ employees

Learn the Value of the HubSpot Software…

• As a Marketing agency or consultant, you have access to longer trials IF you are interested in becoming a HubSpot Partner/Value Added Reseller

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Learn the Benefits of the Value Added Reseller Program

• Group of 200+ marketing agencies and consultants who leverage HubSpot software to more effectively and efficiently provide value to their clients.

• Support for developing new services, building lead funnel, sales and customer support and assistance, ensuring customer ROI and success.

• Margin share of 20% on all deals for the life of the customer

• Additional benefits for VARs who bring on 3+ customers and maintain high customer success rates.

A Group that Wants to Change How the World Does Marketing!

Ask for Help…

• Request a Consultation with a Senior Member of the HubSpot Team to discuss your skills, goals, etc:

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