
Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Elm

The mystery object is elm bark

that has been damaged by

disease and the ELM BARK BEETLE .

Dutch Elm disease is a fungus that is spread by elm bark beetles.

Dutch Elm Disease entered North America in 1928. Scientists think

beetles who hitched a ride on logs from the Netherlands brought the disease to this part of the world.

their eggs between the bark and the wood.

The elm bark beetle is responsible for spreading the disease. Female beetles tunnel into the tree and lay

The larvae create tunnels as they feed from the tree. The smaller tunnels are made by the larvae. They often radiate outward from the main tunnel which was created by the adult beetle.

The larva completes its life cycle within the elm tree. The holes you see are created when the adult beetle exits the tree.

Adult beetles move from tree to tree as they feed. If they feed on a tree with Dutch Elm Disease, the sticky spores of the fungusattach to their backs. They carry the fungus to healthy trees, spreading the disease. The first signs of Dutch Elm Disease are wilted leaves that are yellow or brown.

Prevention of Dutch Elm Disease if very difficult. Attempts to control the beetle population are done through trapping and insecticides. Fire wood and logs should never be taken to new areas. This may introduce elm bark beetles to healthy elm trees.