
Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Ella


One year ago today…..Your struggle to survive in the womb ended

when you took your first beautiful breath at 12:36 p.m., on Sunday, Jan. 11th. All the days of wondering if you were going to make it through the scary pregnancy were over! I watched the doctor lift you up. You were gorgeous! Tiny, but gorgeous! I watched as they cleaned you up and got you ready to meet me! They weighed you in at a whopping 4 lbs 8 ozs. You let out a couple of soft cries. You were here. You were healthy. Happy tears began to roll down my face. Finally, my fears of your survival were over!.......

That’s when my struggle for survival began. Within a few short minutes of your miraculous birth, I began quickly slipping away. Little did I know, that was almost the last time I would see your beautiful, little face.

Almost…. but it wasn’t. Nine days later, we were reunited at home .

I will never forget the first time I held you. Thinking you were way too little to be my baby! And the first time I held Aidan, Addi, and Camden when I got home from the hospital. It was like holding them for the first time all over again. And the first time I kissed your Daddy after coming so close to never kissing him again … also like the first time ever, except with more love than I could have ever imagined! It was like I was a new person….I was a new person. I also found a new relationship with our Heavenly Father. One that I never would have known existed without having gone through this experience. So, as difficult as it was to go through, I’m glad we did.

By all medical accounts, we are considered miracles! But, God doesn’t work by medical terms. He works by His own powerful terms. He placed the right people in the right place at the right time that day. He carried through with His plan and knew that it was neither your nor my time to come home to Him yet.

So….that leads us to today. One year from that wonderful day!... Which brings me to this video. This is your birthday gift from me, Ella Faith. It documents just a few of the wonderful memories of our first year together and as a family of six! I am looking forward to many more great memories to be made in the future!

I love you and your brothers and sister more than you can ever know.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLA FAITH BROUWERJanuary 11th, 2009 12:36 p.m.

4 lbs. 8 ozs. 17 ½ inches

Our first meeting after I came back from the hospital in the cities. What a sweet moment it was!!!

January, 19th 2009

Capturing those first few days at home with your brothers and sister! It was so nice to be together as a family again!

You were so itty bitty!!!

Your baptism day-

February 22nd, 2009

It was a beautiful service. I had been planning it for months while I was on bed rest. Some highlights that I will never forget were: my testimony, Addi reciting Psalm 23, your brothers and Addi singing, and all of the family and friends there to celebrate with us!

Your beautiful dress was made by Mommy’s friend Jewell. It was gorgeous!


We had a party at the hospital to thank all the wonderful people who helped us on the day of your birth. It was awesome to see them all again!

This is the awesome Dr. who delivered you and helped save my life!

Addi turned six while Mommy was on bed rest with you. SO another highlight of that year, was finally getting to celebrate her birthday- even though it was three months late! She went bowling and had a princess theme. We had a blast!

My Girls!


They all prayed for us when we needed it the most!


Camden’s 4th Birthday!

Summer Fun!

You, myself, Grandma Mary, and Auntie Penny went to go visit your Auntie Amber in Hamilton, MT when you were six mo. old! It was so much fun! (except for the plane ride-you did great! I, on the other hand… well that’s a different story)

Aidan’s 8th Birthday! August 14, 2009

Our first trip to the zoo as a family of six! We had such a great day and a very quiet ride home from the cities!

-August 2009

Fall Fun!



We spent Thanksgiving together as a family. I made my first Thanksgiving meal ever It was…uhhh…o.k. Then we set up the Christmas tree. Fun times!



Winter Fun!!!

Your 1st Birthday Party!


1-22-09 (11 days)

12-11-09 (11 Months)

So…there you have it Miss Ella Faith. Your first year in pictures. This year has been so incredible for me as your mom. I’ve been able to enjoy so many wonderful things with you and Aidan, Addi, and Camden! I feel so blessed that I was here to experience them, and look forward to making more memories with you as you grow! Be strong my miracle girl and know that God will always be there to protect and guide you as He has proven to us through the journey of your birth! I love you!

“For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations!”

Psalm 100:5